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Thursday, January 20, 2011

What If?


Such a big question.

I saw this quote somewhere,
not so very long ago,
and I began to ponder...

What would I do?

I would travel.
Anywhere and everywhere,
with no fear and no boundaries.

I would sing out, loud and proud.
Little known fact, I am a singer.
Albeit, one who has a
of singing in front of others.

I would learn how to fly an airplane.

I would love
fearlessly and without limits.

I would go back to school
to finish up a degree in journalism.

I would speak out more...
about those things I feel most passionately about,
without fear of judgment or reprisals.

I would dance with carefree abandon,
and worry not whether I was in step with the music
{ little known fact number two: i can't dance. not a step. }

I would....and this is for right now....slow down.
Enjoy this moment in time, and the journey.

And you?
What would you do....
if you knew you couldn't fail?

Happy Thursday


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Impromptu Giveaway!


Happy Tuesday!

For all you budding photographers out there,
I've decided to throw a spontaneous, impromptu giveaway!

Because I've learned sooooooo much from this wonderful book,
I want you to have it, too!

If you find yourselves struggling ( like I did ) with the concepts of
Shutter Speed
White Balance
and ISO

and you really, really want to take better pictures,
then this book is for you!

The beauty of this book is that you can take what you learn
and apply it to ANY camera!

I went from shooting exclusively on
Auto Mode to Manual Mode
in a very short amount of time,
thanks to this marvelous, easy-to-understand book.
Trust me, if I did it, you can too!

To enter, just leave a comment, I'll pick a weiner this Friday, the 21st.

Good Luck!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Photo Shoot Extras

Happy Sunday Evening!

I've been feeling so guilty that I'm not really at liberty to share 
all the pics I shot this past weekend...
have to wait and see if they're published, after all....

So I took a second look and came up with two
really special shots that I snapped at the
Willow Nest photo shoot that aren't being submitted...hope you enjoy!


Gorgeous lavabo, found on Linda and Ludmil's front deck.

And then there's these two characters just over the fence....


Little miniature donkeys. What a hoot!
They stand there and schmooze until you feed them oatmeal cookies!
Now I simply MUST go out and buy me a 
pair of Sicilian donkeys! Thanks, Ludmil! ;-)

Have a great week, my friends!

Approaching the Dream

I am sooooooo not at liberty to divulge anything yet....

But the publication I did the photo shoot for this weekend....

I sent them some early edited images....

and they LOVED them!!!!!


it's looking like you'll be seeing me in print again!!!


I never dreamed that I'd actually be able to make a go of it
as an actual published photographer.

Which means....

holy cr@# !

{ okay, so they spelled my name wrong...I'm a stickler for the "e", just like Anne of Green Gables }

I can't share the over 700 images with you....yet...but I will  let you know when and where
they will be published, just as soon as I get the go-ahead from the publisher.

And oh yeah....did I mention over 700 images???

If you don't see or hear from me in, oh, say a month or know where I'll be.

Sitting right here.
And editing some more.

Just slip some food under the door, I'll be fine.


Dreams come true.
Believe in yourself.
Hang in there.
Stick with it.
Never give up.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Good News Squared

A new week = a new start.
Sounds good to me, how about you?


I have some really fun and exciting news to share!
I have a wonderful photo shoot planned for this coming weekend...

I will be fortunate enough to photograph the incredible
home and property of the amazingly talented
Linda and Ludmil Marcov of Willow Nest!

I met these two at the Accumulations show that I photographed
this past October, and we became fast friends.

Of course I was bowled over by the sheer beauty of their artistry,
but what impressed me even more was discovering
what genuinely kind and lovely folks these two people are.

And generous too, they have been gracious enough to allow me
to stay with them at their divine property while shooting.
What a couple!

They're showing at the fabulous Red Barn Winter Antiques Show
in Round Top, Texas this weekend,
and I'll be photographing that, too.

I'm not at liberty to say a lot more about this project right now,
but you might just be seeing these pics in print...fingers crossed!

The possibility of being published again is of course super exciting, but ya know what?
Just the opportunity and the experience itself is going to be thrilling !

And the rest of my news?

Well, a most generous benefactor has helped me to fulfill
another dream this past week...

I was able to upgrade to the
jaw-droppingly amazing,
professional grade
Nikon D700 Camera!

This is one serious, bad boy of a camera, but I've been playing it with it all night...
and on Manual mode, no less!...and I am  loving  it.

I just hope I can do it justice!

All in all, it should be an amazing weekend,
and a huge bonus will be getting to see
many old and new blog friends alike. That's always a blast!

I just want to extend another round of thanks to all you sweet folks
who have sent me kind comments and e-mails this past week,
you truly make my heart smile.  :-)

Have a beautiful Tuesday!

Jan. 15 & 16, 2011
9 to 5 on Saturday and 10 to 4 on Sunday
Big Red Barn
Admission $5 is good for both days

Friday, January 7, 2011

Into Each Life...

"Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall"

"The Rainy Day"
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Sometimes it comes down in drops
other times, buckets.

My last post was a bucket day.

I had something happen which rocked my world, and not in a good way.
I didn't feel comfortable divulging too much, still don't.

But so many of you were there,
with umbrellas
and smiles
and prayers
and a kind word.

Just like you always are.


I'm better now, but I couldn't let another day pass
without offering my deepest,
most heartfelt thanks and gratitude for your
love and concern.

Thank you for being my
when the rains come down.

Happy Weekend,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Game Changer

It is a term defined as
something that happens
within the course of events
 that has the possibility
of turning
all around.

a change of plans

a re-direction

something surprising
even unexpected

sometimes necessitating 
taking to the
of previously existing
or goals...

chipping  away

giving up on what we thought we needed,
and starting over, if need be.

This isn't your standard New Year's reflection post...

I've had an honest-to-goodness
game changer
occur today.

Something that has prompted me to value 
a little bit more

value those I  
a little bit more

and to re-evaluate my hopes, dreams and ambitions
and to hold them up in the light of  
God's will 
for my life.

I am at a crossroads...
as are we all, in one way or another...
whether we realize it or not.

And so I wait.
I sit and listen, as the game plan remains a mystery.

But this I know...

I have a wonderful  *Coach.

"For I know the plans I have for you,"
declares the  *Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future..."

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