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Friday, August 13, 2010

So Close....

And yet so far.
We won't be walking through this gorgeous front door this weekend after all.

Because the bank couldn't get their ish together this week,
our closing on our new house isn't until next week.


Color me not surprised.

a view such from my living room window such as this...

{our new twice to enlarge, it's gorgeous!}

is sooooooo worth waiting for!

for a tour of the whole house!

Happy Weekend!

Be sure to enter my BIG 
for a
$125 CSN Shopping Spree!!!

Giveaway ends Tuesday, August 17th


Anonymous said...

Oh, that's a shame. I'll be praying that everything goes well this week so you can close on yoru house. God will be with you on this journey. I am sure of it! :)

The Green Pea said...

So sorry Anne, I live in CA and just about everyone that is buying a house around here has the same story. I think bands are being careful and maybe not always being straight up front about the time it takes to get things ready and closed. You have a Happy Weekend! Good hopes from, sandi

Lisa said...

:( I am sorry! I know this stinks! Hope you get in soon!
Hugs, Lisa

Sue said...

Everything happens when it is supposed to! I LOVE your yard. Out here in CA, even though we have awesome weather, our lots are like the size of a postage stamp! You must be thrilled, I wish you the best!

Take care, Sue

Prior said...

Stunning view! I know you are dissappointed. Hey, maybe we will have a cool spell next week. (I can always hope) Can't wait to see you making it your own! Lezlee

Linda @ A La Carte said...

It is worth waiting for. I know when we bought this house they kept changing things and I was sure we would never close...we did and spent the night in sleeping bags on the floor! Just had too! Moved the bed the next day and have been here ever since. Next week you will be so happy!

Anonymous said...

I'm sad for you Anne! But it is going to happen! Maybe there's a reason that you're not aware of. But you'll be in there soon! :) Keep smiling and just go over and take more pictures!!
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)

Beth Leintz said...

I'm sure you're disappointed by the delay, but you'll be in a making a new home before you know it.

That is some great tree- it looks like it was made for climbing.

Jill said...

It will be here before you know it! I'm happy for you two!

Wanda @ Just Vintage said...

Can't wait to see the whole house! If the tree and the door are any indication, it's gonna be a treat and I know you'll have a ball decorating it.

the old white house said...

Don't let it get you down Anne, that backyard is definitely worth the wait! A couple of trees or a daybed under that tree looks like the perfect place to relax! Have a great weekend! Theresa

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

The banks are taking longer and longer now to put a loan together. I hate to see what happens if the real estate market gets busy again. keep in mind that all good things are worth waiting for! hugs, Sherry

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Good things come to those who wait! You'd think the banking folks would want to make it work out sooner than later. It'll all be worth it. The possibilities are endless with change. How exciting and wonderful! Best wishes, Tammy

trash talk said...

Just look at it as more time to purge and pack. All in God's perfect timing...patience my friend.

Farmgirl Paints said...

It is worth waiting for. Went back for the tour again. Such great those transom windows. So excited for you!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Anne,

Sorry it wasn't to be this weekend, but will be even more exciting when you do move in.
Such a beautiful big tree, and will be lovely sitting under that reading a book.

Have a happy weekend

Kendra@Creative Ambitions said...

Anne... it will be here before you know it... but I know how excited you are!! Love the view!

Jaime Haney said...

oh you know it is so worth waiting for! that door is pretty amazing! Is that tree a live oak?

Jan Thomason said...

Ah, man, i can feel your disappointment mingled with your excitement for next week:( :)
you will be spending your first night in your house before you know it!
need the barn?
painting party?
pickup truck?

thinkin' about ya, jan

gretchen said...

We have the very same thing going on.
A letter of approval back on June 6th...then the bank suddenly needs something more.
Then oh, wait! we need this and this and that signed and could you also get us those? Even though we have already sent it weeks ago?
We're hoping for only two more weeks...or we are going to rent the house from the seller who's also stuck in this bank-merry-go-wrong.
I know it will be so worth it when it's over, it's just taking so damn long!
good luck with yours!

Jaime Haney said...

oh Anne, I just read another older post of yours called White Wednesday... Where my heart lies posted November 2009 and you talk about dreaming of a white farm house of your own someday. That dream has come true! and look how long you've already waited... this one week will be a snap compared to the time you've already put in :) Just wait! (that's what I'm always telling my 4 year old son, ha ha)

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Sorry it didn't happen this weekend but at least it's happening. I know, easy for me to say. You are blessed to have a new (old) home ;) Don't get me started on banks. Perhaps spend the weekend making of lists of all the projects you're going to do!!!

Jamie said...

So disappointing Sweetie!!! It won't be long, Girl. Hang in there and dream about your beautiful view:) Love, Jamie

north pal said...

anne, i can feel how disappointed you must be, but it is going to happen. i know these things require patience ,but hang in there and it will happen and you won't believe how excited you are. Soon,dear. Bestest,Denise

Debra@CommonGround said...

It will happen, love ya, girl!

Sherry said...

I hope your weekend is blessed. Your yard is so beautiful.

Patina said... dissapointing! I hope this next week goes quickly for you. The yard is beautiful Anne!

Rozmeen said...

Aah what a shame...I hope from the bottom of my heart everything works out this week with the bank!!


FairfieldHouse said...

You have all this positive energy and prayers from your 1283 + readers -- I think your dream will soon be your reality!

Your Friend,

Glenda said...

I took the tour, and I love the house. It's almost here, it's almost here, so excited for you!

Privet and Holly said...

Hi Anne ~
Just remember, it
will ALL be that much
sweeter, for the waiting.
And, you are going
to be that much more
ready by the time you
move in.....
Wanted to tell you
that the beautiful
Husky that you noticed
on my post belong's to
my parent's neighbors.
She is a four year-old
named Mischka and she
and Kate had a ball
running around together!
Love ya, Husky mama!
xx Suzanne

Megan Chamberlain said...

I am sorry that you can't move this weekend. I hope everything gets sorted out for you.

Theresa said...

Well, as you said, it will be worth the wait:) Enjoy your weekend! HUGS!

Unknown said...

I know you're disappointed but hey, what's one more week in the scheme of things, right? You'll get there!!

Polly said...

The whole real estate process can be so annoying, can't it! It's probably worse these days with all the economic issues. Always a glitch, and always a hold-up. Hang in there, girl! It will all come together and soon you'll be in your sweet farmhouse filling it with love! Thinking of you!!

Raised In Cotton~Carol said...

Oh Anne~I wish sometimes we could go back to the days of a simple hand shake when a deal needed to get done. But alas THAT VIEW~breathtaking and soon it will be yours to behold everyday~ Sending all my blessings,

Alice said...

Oh no, what a HUGE let down! But like you said, it is so worth the wait. What a view!!!

Lisa said...

Oh girl,

I remember the horror of the real estate business so well. The banks NEVER have their s together. If they do, the title company doesn't. Then you get to closing & there is a surprise on the papers, or the owners forgot to bring the keys. Yes that did happen once. The buyer broke out in tears! But it's like childbirth, once it's over you forget the pain. Just be happy you didn't try to sell yours at the same time & coordinate the closes so that both parties could take possession at the same time. We always had to do that cuz we're poor. Cannot wait for you to move in. You'll be working your magic 5 minutes in. Love that yard. The whole damn cottage, it's so Twig! Remember, I've got my scraper & 3 little slaves who can't wait to play with Auntie Anne. Can't wait to come visit for the first time. Don't work too hard. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Lisa

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Oh Anne...been there...hope the bank gets their ish together SOON! XO

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh Hon, so sorry. But glad you aren't surprised. Seems things like this, just dangle out in front of us... For too long... Teasing us, with their closeness... Then slipping farther into the future.

But soon... Soooooooooooon... You will be there! Joy!!!!!!

Anne Marie said...

the suspense!! more time to shop for the inside of the house Anne!

Anne Marie

It's me said...

Anne... it will be here before you know it... but I know how excited you are!! ...........i hope you can wait a week longer ...go fot it can do it !!'s the house from your waiting worth.....bigg hugs from me.....

My Grama's Soul said...

Good morning Anne.....I know you know this......but anything good is worth waiting for.

Glentle hugs,


Itchin' Stitchin' said...

Keep your head up - I know how hard it is (especially since we are going through a situation very close to yours)! Hopefully it won't be a long wait - and it is a gorgeous house.

Olive said...

Oh goodness, I can see a bench or a nice swing near that massive tree. Hang in there Darling one as closing is never fun but always worth the wait. hugs♥olive

p.s. I will definitely not pray for patience for you, I learned not to do that years ago for me!

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

You must be going crazy! That is the hardest part of all...trying to have patience when you are so excited. I guess you just have to keep yourself as busy as possible and your mind occupied. Can't wait to hear the news of the day when it is all yours!~Hugs, Patti

*The Beautiful Life* said...

That IS some backyard!! :)

Maybe this "extra" week will give you time to just b-r-e-a-t-h-e more than you might have if you were moving in this weekend?

You'll have a lifetime to enjoy the new place... this additional week will soon be just a faded memory. ;)


Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh the banks are about to drive everyone crazy right now! First they can't give you money fast enough and now they don't want you to have any. Ding dongs! Hope all goes well for next week. Indeed the view and the house are truly worth the wait.
xx, shell

Lynda @ Happenstance Home said...

What a perfect house to be waiting for. It's full of so much charm and character. Just looked through the pictures and it is beautiful! The yard - amazing! Hope your in soon!

Unknown said...

wow, lucky you for finding such a beautiful home! i can perfectly understand your excitement!
xox alison

Heaven's Walk said...

Bummer, Anne! But I'll be praying that the week just flies by for you and you'll be signing those papers before you know it. THEN you'll walk through that beautiful front door and breath a sigh of'll be home.... :)

xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

The Smith Hotel said...

Camped out on the floor for a week waiting for the bank to close the loan.....All our stuff was sitting in the moving van! We had to keep going to the laundry mat to wash the 2 changes of clothes we had....eating on the floor....sleeping on the my folks were there too to help us move. No toys for the kids to play with....I feel your pain!


Nancy's Notes said...

Oh my, what a let down, but what a wonderful and gorgeous place to know you are moving into soon! Hoping and praying for you!


Wendy & Megan Chamberlain said...

That must be so frustrating but well what is a week in life, time flies you will soon be in your beautiful new home. All the best for the move, so exciting.

Seawashed said...

Yes, worth the wait!

clustres said...

It seems there are always glitches to the process! Hoping the time flies by for you while you are waiting on others!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Darned those slow banks anyway! They'd better get it together, because I want to see your stuff in that house!

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

I feel for you... been there... and it is not fun... BUT... the house is amazing! You will have a grand time making it your own!

Mosaic Magpie said...

Anticipation makes the heart grow fonder.

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Sorry things did not work out for your closing this week, but hopefully all will be in order to close next week. I know you are so excited! As the old saying goes... good things come to those who wait!! Love & blessings from NC!

Donna Reyne' said...

Hi sweetie!
I am so sorry you didn't close this week!
I am thinking about you...and I also know you are so excited about this whole thing...which probably makes it worse! Sorry!
Tell ya what...pop over and check out the contest your fav (elizabeth) is having.
It just might be the ticket to getting your mind off of things!
Love ya bunches

Unknown said...

what an incredible disappointment it must be. Sorry it did not happen for you. It sure seems worth the wait-
best of luck in your new home...


Tammy said...

Hi Anne! Sorry you didn't get into the house as planned...I remember when I sold my house 7 years ago. we went through 5 different closing dates before it finally can be very frustating... but it all worked out for the best...I was moving to a rental that I lost out on because of the first date change but then I got a better/cheaper place in the it does all happen for a reason and the good Lord is watching out for you! :-)
Hang in there!
BYW...Love that backyard!
Tammy :-)

WhiteWhispers2u said...

What a beautiful home, how exciting as well as frustrating best of luck to you.~Cheers Kim

Preppy Mama said...

oh bummer! it will be worth the wait though. hugs.

The Rustic Victorian said...

God has perfect timing...there is always a reson, I hope you relax in it and enjoy the journey. The house is so dang darling I can hardly stand it. You are going to make it magical with your decorating talent and wonderful the support you have here in cyberspace, what blessings you have.
Just breath...

Artsy Fartsy Junkin Finds said...

Ok.... I took the tour... you lucky dog, you will have your paws all over that beautiful sucker soon. What charm..... I am so excited for you, looks like the Junking may take a back seat to house fun!!!! Hugs, Janna

ImagiMeri said...

Dear Anne,

I'm so sorry. It will happen though......soon!


Anonymous said...

Ahh - that's sad. I'm so sorry. Unfortunately things like that happen. But, you do have some wonderful things to look forward to. I'm so excited for you guys!!

Lili said...

I adore your white picket and hope you can enjoy your unexpected time waiting as just a little more time to dream about the big move. Pretty soon you'll be happily stepping right over the threshold of that gorgeous front door! ~Lili

savvycityfarmer said...

I know we both breathe the mantra "everything happens for a reason"

sometimes we find out why ... and then again ... not

I know you better than to think you'd be knocked down by this one ...
not my little fiona!!

Anne said...

Everything in its own time. Have patience and remember to breathe. When you get a chance, please drop by and see me. I have a little something for you:)

Blooming Rose Musings said...

I have been reading your blog for quite sometime now but this is the first time I have left a comment. I just want to wish you the best with your new house and the final WILL happen this week. I love your blog and became a follower today. My little icon has disappeared so it only shows in one of those generic silhouettes. I'm looking forward to following along with your blog and watching you work your magic on your new WILL happen this week! If you get a chance please stop over and say hello. All the best to you.

Dorthe said...

Dear Anne,
I guess it is the same all over the world, right now--banks are very carefull, and everyone is waiting for them , here,too.
Sweet I misset some of your postings,because of having been looking after my grands for a little week, but I will be back ,to see what you have had to tell :)
Love to you-Dorthe

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