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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sittin' it Out

This week and next, the greatest show on Earth is taking place
on some farm pastures right here in Texas...

Yep, the bi-annual event known as
Antique Week in Warrenton and Round Top
draws tens of thousands of visitors each Spring and Fall.
And rightfully so. It's incredible!

And it all starts this week.

I had planned to go, as I haven't missed a one since 2009,
but this year...this's looking as though I'll be absent from all the fun.

It's certainly not a lack of interest which will keep me away.
No, rather, it's this sticky little thing called life.

In the midst of all the craziness, the chaos,
and the disorganization on this end,
AND in light of the fact that we are STILL trying to get moved ( ! )
there is just no way to justify a trip right now.

But....don't that let that stop YOU from heading on out
and having the time of your life
with some of the best people I know!

{ Me (second from left) and my girls last September }

I'll be back in the junkin' saddle again come Fall,
so look for me then. I'll be there with bells and cowboy boots on, no question!
And don't miss Theresa's Blog Party this Sunday night. It's amazeballs!

Before I sign off, I just want to say thank you to my darlin' buddy
Mary from Urban Farmgirl...

She gave me a super sweet shout out
on her blog, so be sure to pop on over and have a look HERE.

Have a great night!


traci said...

what a bummer that you aren't going to be able to go. someday i am going to make it there. looks amazing. have a great evening.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Anne,
I know you will miss your buddies but there is always next year. I know what you mean about "life" needing to come first.


Parisienne Farmgirl said...

Oh my - such goodies to behold but sometimes you just gotta say "can't!"

Hope you get that move wrapped up soon dearie!

Anji Johnston said...

I'm so disapointed for you that you can't go but you'll enjoy it all the more in the fall - boots and all!
Good luck with the continuous move (will it ever end?!) and have a great week Anne!

Polly said...

I am dying over all those chandeliers!!!! Gorgeous!!

Sue said...

That thing called "life" tends to always be in my way lately. Wishing you the best, and I'm sure you will be missed this year!

Take care, Sue

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Oh Anne I can't stand it! Can't stand it at all. I've never seen anything so wonderful. This looks amazing. I would need a Uhaul for all the stuff I would need...have to have...couldn't afford...but would sell hubby's tractor for it! Buwahahaha....
so much fun!

Kate said...

Life does get in the way of our hearts desires. Looking forward to the fall and a change of season. Sending you my love and best always my friend.


Peridots Garden Blog said...

Dearest Anne,

I know what you mean about "Life" just when I think it's passing me by...I can't get it together...I'm chasing my own tail in circles....

Then right before I fall into a puddle of my own tears...I say that one prayer...and it comes to me...

Life is not leaving me behind, I've done nothing's God's way of allowing me to savour some precious moments that I might otherwise have missed if I'd been in my "normal" whirlwind of activity...

So we who care so much for your words that help us stop for a we relate all too well...and continue our love affair with you gentle spirit and your beautiful blog!



Alice said...

I know it must have been a tough decision, but just think how razzed you'll be come fall!

Love the 'Dead People's Stuff' sign. What a hoot!

Theresa said...

I would love to go, perhaps NEXT time:) Enjoy your evening, get plenty of rest! HUGS!

Miranda @ Pressing On said...

Oh man, what an amazing collection of fun and friends. Those chandeliers!!!! ♥ ♥ I'm sorry you won't be able to make it there this time, and I hope your move goes smoothly.

leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

love those photos! i would get in my car and head south if i could! this looks like a great time.

Stitchfork said...

Amazeballs is right! Wish I could go! And absolutely love the humor of the sign in the first picture!
xo Cathy

Sue (Vintage Rescue) said...

Anne, I'm pretty bummed that you won't be hitting the dirt, since spring is the only time I can come. But, I completely understand about life getting in the way. Hopefully, I'll see you NEXT spring! Take care of yourself in the meantime... XOX

Beth Leintz said...

I'm bummed that I won't be there either, but I loved looking at your pictures again- brought back great memories- maybe we'll meet up again in the fall.

Itchin' Stitchin' said...

Oh my - I wish I lived closer - that tent full of lovely chandeliers has my name on it!!!

savvycityfarmer said...

amaze ... whaaat???

no you didn't say balls ... or did you

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

Hope you have a wonderful weekend despite not going Anne~ HUGS,Rachel ;)

French Farmhouse 425

Dear Lillie said...

I always get so jealous seeing all of these wonderful events that are sooooo far away from me. I am sorry you won't get to go, Anne. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, though!

Blondie's Journal said...

I'm sure you will be first in line next fall. Life has a way of throwing us surprises, some good, some not so. Just roll.


Jem said...

The more I read about the Texas antique fairs the more I want to just get on a plane and fly out there - it sounds like heaven to me! Shame I'm so far away in the UK!

Sorry you're missing it Anne! Still - your next time out will feel even better for the wait! :-)

Jem xXx

Vintage Gal said...

I know you're disappointed in missing that event, but, you are moving ~ life goes on. Have a great day! ;-)

Alison Agnew said...

i'm so sorry you have to miss that incredible's too far for me but it looks irresistible...thankfully, there's always another year to wishes on getting your house sorted out.


stuff and nonsense

Attic Rat said...

It's absolutely killing me, but I'm going to have to miss out on all of the fun this time, too. I have a really good reason that I can't share yet. I am really looking forward to attending in the Fall. Hope to see you there!

So glad that you are finally moving!!!!


Privet and Holly said...

I'm so bummed
that I'll be a
little too late
to Texas in April
for taking this
in. Hopefully I
will find other
places to hunt for
Texas treasures : )
Glad you are taking
care of yourself.
Treasures will always
be there, but the
important things might
not always wait.
xx Suzanne

Tricia said...

I haven't been in a couple of years but we are heading to Warrenton on Sunday. I can't wait!!
Hope things settle down in your world soon. ;)

lisaroy said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe all the fantastic goodies there! But it sounds like finding great things happens at every one of these so take care of yourself and there will be other great shows xo

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Dear Anne, I'm sitting this one out too :) One day we'll meet up here and have a great time at Theresa's blog party. p.s. I recognize sweat gal Chrissy's booth there with all her romantic pretties!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Of course I meant "sweet" Chrissy (typo!)


Oh my gosh...I though Scott's Antique market was good...that place make Scott's look like a few things tossed out by the curb on garbage day!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

So close yet so far!! We'll miss your amazing photos!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I've missed several good shows myself this spring, just tending to real life! Thinking of you and hope things are better soon!

Journal Swag said...

Hi Anne, sorry you can't go! :( It looks like an awesome show, I've always heard great things about it. I've been thinking of you a lot lately because as of tomorrow I'll be in kind of the same boat... between 2 houses. Yikes! I'm praying to sell the one we are in ASAP (it's been on the market since October)...ugh. We found a cottage that we really liked at an amazing price. I'm thinking of you in general too, and hoping things are going well and hoping things area wonderful for you soon.

Warm Hugs,

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Hi Anne....Sometimes that happens, we all have to deal with what is going on in our lives but you will be there next time! I would love to visit that chandelier booth!~Hugs,Patti

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Good thing you have so many great past photos! I'll miss seeing new ones. Best of luck with that move!

Sarah said...

Bummer that you can't work it in this spring. I spent yesterday in the fields at Warrington. Amazing that these dealers get set up and start earlier and earlier each season. Some said they had been there for over a week already. Didn't get many photos, but I did bring a few things home. LOL
Hope to get back over for another day next week, but that ole thing called LIFE may get in my way too. ~ Sarah

Anonymous said...

Next year will be all the sweeter... My BFF wantee to go to Farm Chicks again this year, but I have no $$. But I'm thinking maybe we should plan for Texas- and meet you there... xo

Judy said...

I know a couple of gals who are headed to Texas for this event. I would love to go but $$ keeps me in check. A good friend and I would go together, but we both decided we needed a rich sugar daddy and a rented semi truck and trailer to haul it all back here to Arizona. So, I will remain here and junk around in greater Phoenix! Sorry you won't be able to go this year, but next year will be even better! If wishes were horses . . . . .

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