Another half-arsed post from me,
as I just pulled an all-nighter, photo editing project
for an editor friend.
Today is sort of a big day too,
as I have a visit to the dentist,
I have an article to complete for another publication,
sometime later this afternoon,
I'll be getting my very first tattoo,
a variation on the one you see above!
It will be above my ankle rather than on my foot.
Mid-life crisis?
But it's my ( mid ) life, and by golly,
It's also highly likely that I'll be taking handfuls
of Ibuprofen and / or Xanax, too...
I'll report back on Facebook later!
Edited to add...
And it wasn't really bad at all!
Here are the iPhone pics at the tattoo parlor...
just gettin' started. so far, so good.
got a royal laugh at my bestie Troy Rash of
who posted this comment to my FB wall during the tattoo...
" i can't believe you walked into a place that begins with CHAOS
and threw your leg up to a complete stranger and said
'here, stab me with a needle like a bazilllion times' ..
Oh, how I love my sweet Troy!
I promptly phoned him and let him hear the buzzzzz of the needle!
And voila!
The finished product.
Still a little red, as it's brand new, but it's healing nicely.
Might go back later and get the Nikon logo added.
It was a breeze, I'd tell anyone hesitating out of fear,
go for it! You just sort of zone out to it and then the endorphins
kick in. Trust me, stepping on a sticker hurts a LOT worse.
No more tats for this girl,
I think one is plenty. :-)

linking with
You've been busy!
Wow, that tattoo will look great- and different. Go for it! It's much better to take a tattoo when you're a bit more "mature". I had mine done absolutely too early, would choose a different place and picture... but too late now.
I'd like to take Tib's comment and post it outside the tatoo parlors!
Have fun with yours, Anne!
Ugh, the dentist. Hopefully it will be a not-so-painful visit.
That tattoo is so sweet!
Good for you- if you want it- go for it! Now...I don't do FB so please, please, please pop by here with a pictures! Love to you, sweet Anne- xo Diana
Can't wait to see it. I'm sure it'll look great!
I'm a gal with several tattoos and word of advice - don't take any type of blood thinners prior to going under the needle! :)
Good for you! I got my first tat at age 36, 2 years after my breast cancer diagnosis....Im now almost 12 years out and have another tattoo! Can't wait to see it!
Oh my goodness! YOU GO GIRL! I can't WAIT to see it! Will be watching for it. I would love to have one but I'm a little...scared of pain. Such a big chicken. ;) So, let us know how bad it hurt. lol
you go for it girl!! Yay for you!!!
Hi Anne,
How fun to be getting a're going to ROCK IT!!! I want one but I am waaaay to Husband has a sleeve and more and wants more :) Enjoy your day!!!
Breathe.... now, doesn't that feel better? BIG HUGS and wishes for a painless tattoo:)
I'm so happy for you to be busy and successful with your photography Anne, you are so good at it.
have a beautiful day.
Anne Marie
Sorry Anne....I'm just not a fan of tattoos....keepin' it real. Luv, luv, luv your blog and posts! Have a Happy 4th!!!
Anne, have you endured childbirth? Much easier than a tattoo so prepare BEFOREHAND with that aspirin!
I think in the not too distant future there will be many nursing homes full of old folks sporting tats...join the club!
Really in the grand scheme of thing who really cares if it is a mid-life crisis or not? Go for it and make sure you show us. I for one can't wait to see it.
You are a busy lady! And tired, I bet, after late hours. I just can't do a tatto myself, but I think your choice is a good one for you. Was nice to meet you at Vintage-Market last Saturday. Maybe I'll get to see your new tattoo sometime at F'burg. Revis
Congratulations! I am sooo wanting a tattoo but don't have the courage! I hope you will show us the real thing.
Brave girl!
Love it!!!
Go for it!
While I'm not a fan of tattoos, all I can say is - there are a LOT worse things to do for a 'mid-life' crisis, lol! I hope you love it :-)
Better you than me on the tattoo! I have a low threshold for pain!
congrats on all the magazine jobs it sounds like you have!
Fun times!
A tattoo?! I'll be interested to see how that goes. I had a pretty exciting day too...went to Costco to get some new tires. LOL.
I can not wait to see your tattoo Anne!!~
I love the camera!
I have one on my ankle too, flowers in the shape of a cross and a heart in the center. I still love it!!~ I have always wanted to get another one to symbolize my kids, but I have yet to do it.
Hope you have a lovely day.
Happy 4th!!~******
You'll be fine! They only hurt when you're getting them and then they aren't even sore. But then I got a teeny butterfly on my lower arm so.....LOL Can't wait to see a pic of your new body treasure LOL
welcome to the club girl !! i have's cherries...big surprise....
Yikes! Dentist and tattoo all on the same day? Well might as well get the pain over with all at once. Good luck with both-at least you'll have something to show for it.
tatoo is cool...same day as dentist??? are you kinkier than I thought? LOL!
Make sure someone is with you, and have some pain meds on board before the tatooing starts! I am supposed to be getting a matching penguin above my ankle like my youngest daughter's but it hasn't happened yet.
I have gone to FB and tried to request your friendship, but there is no button.
Good Luck!
Love n light,
Congrats! (not about the dentist!) I did the very same thing...first one at a "mid" life age. I've never regretted the decision and have since added a few more. :) Each has special meaning to me...whether those around me like them or not!
You will LOVE your new skin!
I bet you can't stop at just one:) Love it!
what a beautiful job the tattoo artist did, its really good! My daughter has a few beautiful tattoos, I have non, chicken, I am,
It turned out great! you're one brave girl, glad you shaved today!
That is amazing! you go girl!
Had to laugh at what Debra said! I say do things in life that you want. We have one chance and I can think of a wholelatta things worse than a tat. My boys - and hubs - have them. I want one but just haven't decided on what or where to have it.
LOVE the camera!!!!!!!!! Perfect for you!!
PS: if you check out my LIKES on my Pinterest (via my blog link) you will see a "faith" tattoo on a girls foot and then, of course, the hunkayummyliciousness Adam Levine...all tats....delish!
You go for it gal!!! I'm having the midlife crisis and dream of traveling the world. Your's sounds more affordable and lots safer! Can't wait to see it.
I sure hope ya'll have a blast for the 4th!
Hugs…Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute
Congrats on your tat, it is a cute one!! And congrats on completing all that you do. Have a wonderful Fourth of July!!
Love it! Perfect choice
Great choice. I want one but I am too scared. I too would need to pain meds and xanax! A friend at work got exactly what I want and everyday she tells me to just do it. Maybe someday...
my first reaction wss the same as your Troy, and then seeing the picture of the place thought, well at least it looks clean. the places in our vicinity look very unsavory and are in the really seedy parts of town.
the cameera was a great choice! very personal. congrats!
My name is John and I have a quick question about your blog! Could you please email me?
Perfect for you...I love it!
Love it!!!It is perfect for you. Are you going to put a strap on it? I have about 3 more I want to get. Have a great weekend:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
You're one brave girl, Anne. That tattoo fits you perfectly! Although, I don't know if you should get the Nikon logo...what if you want to come over to the other side? The Canon side? Heehee.
Okay- One sweet tat for you is enough! It is really cute and fits your personality perfectly. At least it is not a snake running from your ankle up your leg to your inner thigh....yess...I really saw one just like that not too long ago. I was afraid to take her picture for fear she would beat me- she looked pretty tough~!;>) xo Diana
Cross your heart hope to die it didn't hurt? Naw, it would hurt and I'd scream really loud.... looks good!
Hi Anne, Mid Life crisis where have I heard that before. Your tatoo looks good, but I would be a chicken even if I was younger. I do get your fb post but have yet to leave you a comment. Some of your pictures are beautiful and congrats on your magazines accomplishment. I enjoy reading them when I get a chance. Have a great weekend. Hugs Your Missouri Friend.
well look at you bad are awesome. I have wanted an angel tattoo on my shoulder for about 15 years. My sweet hubby frowns every time I mention it. Hugs!!
looks great on you- so fits! never would have the guts- you go girl- and stay looking so young!!!
love it! congrats!
Oh my word! How did I miss this? I'm having a mid-life crisis myself. Hmmmmm....maybe that's what I need;) You're brave!
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