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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Beautiful Girl

I've spent a good bit of time photographing
the beauty created by other people in recent days...
and happily so!

But I looked around my abode this morning, 
and realized that I have been neglecting the beauty
found right under my nose.

Hello, beautiful girl!
Time to re-introduce you to my readers,
as they have not seen you decked out in all
your splendorous finery.

A little bit of this,
a little bit of that...

 All blended together seamlessly
on her womanly form.

 Did you know just how much
you enchant and inspire each time
I walk past you in the hallway?

Well, you do, my lovely.

{ necklace with metal number tag, cross and bling purchased here }

'Tis a curse being quite so lovely,
some might say...

 But you, my beauty,
wear it well.

Have a beautiful week
in your own abodes!

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Monday, February 20, 2012

All Decked Out

It's just a handful of grainy iPhone pics,
but I thought you'd like to see my ensemble for the
magnificent Magnolia Pearl fashion show
at Carol Hicks Bolton's amazing new shop...

{ just showin' off my Magnolia Pearl bloomers! }

{ me and Shannon from  Rusty and Redone }

{ photo of me and sweet Rose Hicks,
courtesy of Shannon at Rusty and Redone }

Those are all the photos I have to share,
as I left the camera at home....yes, on purpose. ;-)

It was a magical night for everyone,
and I felt so honored to be there to witness
dreams being made reality for some really special people.

Here's hoping all your dreams come true, too.

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Best Way to Spend a Thursday

I spent yesterday on a ladder.
On a ladder.
You have no idea what a big deal that is for me.
I don't like ladders, for the same reason I don't
like the idea of riding a horse.
It's not the ladder or the horse I don't like,
it's the idea of falling off of either
that I'm not crazy about.

I'm ridiculously clumsy and accident prone,
but I did it anyway.
I conquered a fear, and I did it because
I love the people who asked me to do so,
and they were so, so worth it.

I've been fortunate enough to be asked to help
in my own small way get my friend
all gussied up and glorious for this Saturday's
spectacular Magnolia Pearl fashion show
at Carol's divine new shop.

So why was I on the ladder?
I was filling hanging mason jars 
with dried beans and then placing candles
inside....lots and lots and lots of candles!

It's going to look beyond stunning once it all comes together....
heck, it already looks mind-blowingly gorgeous, 
and there is still much to be done.
I'll be headed back today to see what help I can offer,
and I can't wait to see what new talent I learn today!

To those who have asked, I will not be shooting photos
at this event...I'm strictly going as a guest.
But if you are extra patient, you will see this event 
in print sometime soon, as a most wonderful group of
photographers, chiefly Amy Scarborough,
will be shooting this for a wonderful publication
to be released in the future.
I can't spill more now, 'tis not my story to tell.
But, oh how happy I am to be a part of it all!

And it's because of the likes of
and everyone else associated with this store,
this show, and this wonderful, joyous collection
of artists and muses.
Your passion for what you do makes my heart sing!

The aforementioned group are not only the most talented folks
I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, they are
also the most genuinely kind and giving as well.
They not only make me want to be
a better artist via my photography,
but a better person as well.
Thank you my friends!

It's good to be me these days...
good friends, good times, endless inspiration.
I have no complaints,
only thanks for God's abundant blessings.

I hope to see you this Saturday....TOMORROW!

Magnolia Pearl's Fashion Imaginarium
Saturday, February 18th, 6pm
Carol Hicks Bolton Antiquites
Laboratoire de Design
301 S Lincoln
Fredericksburg, TX

Happy Weekend!

all photos taken at
Carol Hicks Bolton Antiquites
Laboratoire de Design

Thursday, February 16, 2012

What Really Matters

 { From one year ago...
This home we almost lost last January, 
our old house,
is now under contract,
as we have finally sold it 
and should close on it soon. This post serves as a
potent reminder of all that is precious and important
in my life. }

It had been done a hundred times before.
This time it turned out different.

My husband took some trash out to burn in our fire pit.
Just some cardboard and some magazines.

I even had him check this morning
to make sure the burn ban was not in effect.

And a short time later I heard him yell from outside for help...

The flames had jumped the pit and were out of control.

The medical person in me reacted in a triage fashion:

Call 911...

 Make sure the animals are okay....

Move the cars so the fire trucks could get inside the gate...

Rush back outside to help him put out the flames.

 We are still in our "old" house way out in the country.
It took the volunteer fire trucks almost 20 minutes to arrive.
Twenty long minutes, and I thought for sure
our home would be engulfed in flames before they got there.

But arrive they did.
All four of them.

 Our siding on the back side of our home was burned,
and the flames came right up to the house.
We both inhaled a fair amount of smoke,
and I have some burns on my feet.


 we are safe.

 Winnie is safe inside.

Havok and Belle are safe
around to the side of the house.

And we still have a home.
And our lives.

I am shaken beyond belief, but so grateful, 
as I know that we came very. very close to losing everything today.
Everything materially, that is.

I'll be away for a bit as I process what happened today.
{ this was last year, remember...time off was taken }

Giving thanks to God above....

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

You Rock

Indeedy y'all do!

Happy Valentine's Day!


Monday, February 13, 2012

This Saturday.....

This coming Saturday,
February 18th, 6pm...

I was lucky enough to spend several hours yesterday afternoon
helping Binky and Ron  and Robin and John 
get the new Carol Hicks Bolton shop
all decked out for the creative event of the year,
Mr. Twig even showed up to lend a helping hand!

The shop is looking gorgeous,
the clothing is transcendentally divine,
and the creative minds behind this endeavor
are not only the best and brightest,
but the most generous and kind-hearted in the business.

I hope you will be able to attend this
one-of-a-kind, not to be missed event.
I feel so blessed to be able to
participate in { a very small way }
and see some of the behind the scenes goings-on
involved in a project like this...just being around creative
geniuses like these folks is reward enough,
especially if only a smidge of their genius rubs off!

See you there? I hope so!

Magnolia Pearl's Fashion Imaginarium
Saturday, February 18th, 6pm
Carol Hicks Bolton Antiquites
Laboratoire de Design
301 S Lincoln
Fredericksburg, TX

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Please join me in wishing my
beautiful, talented, loving,
inspirational friend
Rosa Mae Hicks 
a very Happy Birthday.
She is 91 years old TODAY!

Please add your birthday wishes
in the comments below, and I will
pass them on to sweet Rose.

You are very dear to me, my friend...

Friday, February 10, 2012


Wishing you the happiest of Friday's!

I thought it was about time 
that I shared a few more photos 
from my Romantic Living Magazine feature
on Rose Hicks and her beautiful home.

And most especially since this weekend
we will be celebrating sweet Rose's
91st Birthday!!!

Please enjoy these photos,
and join me in wishing Rose a very blessed
and Happy Birthday...and many more!

 a lovely and lived-in
bedside vignette

a charmingly cozy 
sitting area

Rose's unshakeable faith 
is evident everywhere.

sumptuous linens designed
by daughter Cathy of Me and My House.

aaaahhhhhh......ironstone heaven.

'Tis lovely!

I have many more photos
from this shoot to share in the days ahead,
so please be sure to check back.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,
and don't forget to also follow me using my new
Linky Follower Widget on my sidebar!


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