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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Sweetest of Sisters

I was born an only child, I think most of you know that.
I have often wondered through the years what form a sister might take...
Would she be wise and giving and loving?
Would she be faith-filled, inspiring and encouraging?
Would she be beautiful and talented and tireless?

If so, she would be my most beloved blogging sister
Debra of Common Ground.


Sweet Debra sent me a care package last week filled with love and work 
from her own hands, including the gorgeous handmade vintage ornament shown above. 
Just because. It wasn't my birthday, it was just what a sweet sister does when she is led of the Lord. 
And this particularly lady is most definitely led.

She has begun a bible study on her second blog, A Day in the Life
which is reaching hurting souls, those in need of healing, 
those whose faith might have grown cold, and those searching for answers. 
 Debra welcomes all, regardless of denominational affiliation.

Going back to the package she sent, Debra didn't just send an ornament, she also sent this...


She made me a simply stunning bejeweled necklace 
from a skeleton key and I am absolutely in love with it!
Yes, because  it is beautiful, 
but moreso because of the beautiful soul who thought to give it to me.

If you don't know Debra already, you need to. 
She will welcome you with open arms on either of her blogs, 
and best of all, she's someone who will say they'll pray for you and actually mean it!

Debra, I thank you so much, 
and I am proud to call you my sweetest of sisters!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fairy Blog Mothers

We all have one (or two).
That extra special blogger, be they male or female,
who took an extra special interest in us and our lowly little blogs when we were just starting out.
They gave us support, they provided encouragement, t
hey bestowed on us much free publicity and blog traffic.
I think all of us have one, but have we thanked them lately?
That's what this post is all about.

I have a couple that I'd like to give recognition to, and my very first Fairy Blog Mother was
Theresa Cano of Garden Antqs Vintage.

(Photo: Garden Antqs Vintage)

Theresa was one of my very first followers, 
and almost immediately gave me a place of honor on her blogroll. 
She could always be counted on to provide an "attagirl" in my comments, 
and I know that she's done the same for so many of you.

If you ever want to get super analytical about your blog 
and where your traffic comes from, download Google Analytics
I knew all along that Theresa had been a huge supporter, 
but it wasn't until I delved into the science behind it all 
that I realized just how many visitors Theresa had sent my way 
over these past few months. 
I was speechless, her unwavering support has contributed largely 
to the growth of my blog, and her inspiration continues to spur me on 
to be a better blogger and vintage dealer each and every day.
Theresa, thank you!!!

My second Fairy Blog Mother is
Dawn Edmonson of The Feathered Nest.


I was just minding my own business, having my first unassuming little giveaway, 
when all of a sudden, BAM!
I had an explosive influx of new visitors and followers, 
and the sneaky Ms. Edmonson was the culprit!
Through her selfless promotion and support of my giveaways (and me), 
she has caused my blog, and my confidence, to grow by leaps and bounds. 
She is always there to offer a sweet word of encouragement, and again, 
I've seen firsthand that she's done this for many of you, too.

So who is yours? Fairy Blog Mother, that is?
Who is that one person who has been your biggest cheerleader, 
or who has taken an unselfish interest in the promotion of you and your blog? 
Tell us here, give thanks in this, the season for doing just that!

Giveaway Goodness still going on all this week!

I'm offering a $25 Gift Card to Anthropologie 
an extra special surprise from my

Just leave me a comment for one entry, be or become a follower for two, 
and promote my giveaway on your blog for three entries.

Also, be sure to head on over to Fairy Footprints in the Sand 
for Heidi's fabulous Christmas Giveaway of a Domino Necklace!


Have a great week ahead, and be safe!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fiona and Twig 100th Post Giveaway!

I knew I talked a lot, but this is RIDICULOUS!
Since August 17, 2009, I've logged (counting this one) 99 POSTS!
And I've got the carpal tunnel to prove it!

Since my 100th is only one away, I wanted to do something 
to once again, give thanks ('tis the season, right?) to all of YOU
my faithful friends and followers!

Now I ask you, what would a Fiona and Twig Giveaway be without an 
One lucky person will receive a $25 Gift Card 
from the best store ever to spend however they like!

And to show my appreciation to everyone 
who has supported and encouraged me in the creation of my Etsy Shop
I'll also be tossing in an extra special surprise gift straight from my shop! 
It might be something already listed, it could be something not yet listed. 
Whatever I choose, it'll be fabulous!

So you guys know the drill, right?

To Enter:
Leave a comment for one chance.
Become or be a follower for TWO chances.
Post about my giveaway on your blog for THREE chances!

I'll pick the winner Sunday, December 6th.

Many, many thanks to all my wonderful bloggy friends, 
you have truly changed my life for the better, 
and I give BIG thanks for each and every one of you this season and always!


Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday, Etsy Style

Just a bit of shameless self-promotion
on this most hallowed of all shopping days!

Check out my Etsy Shop to see what's cookin'
on this day after Turkey Day...


I call her Vintage Tiny Dancer, after the Elton John song. 
She's a gorgeous little figurine and bud vase all-n-one!


My Vintage Shoe Form. If you don't already have one of these, t
hey make the niftiest display pieces, 
especially when they can be hung from the wall like this one.



This is too cute! I call it Tiny Shabby Tea Service.

"For your own little junker, start her off right!
This well-loved, tarnished little silverplate tea service
is just the right size for the littlest gals on your Christmas list.
Handle is missing on one of the cups and there's a good bit of tarnish inside,
but otherwise completely and perfectly charming!

Tiny tea pot and creamer approx 4 1/2"
Sugar holder 4" tall
Tray is 12" by 13 3/4"
Marked International Decorator Stainless 18-8."


Learn French in RECORD TIME  with my uber-cool and kitschy
1958 Vintage French Language Course.
Perfect for the Francophile on your shopping list!

I'm off on the hunt again tomorrow for more treasures, 
so please check my Etsy Shop often as new merchandise will be added frequently.

Hope all y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Shout out to my girls at Winnie & Tulula's tonight, knock 'em dead!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Stuff of Legend...

 ONE Amazing Estate Sale.
THREE Incredible Finds.




I forced recruited my husband to accompany me
on one of my Saturday adventures, with a forewarning
that when it comes to the big Saturday sales, I hit the ground running.
After a few cursory garage sale stops, we arrived at Estate Sale #1.
I am frankly amazed that this survived day #1 of the sale with no takers.
And since this was day #2, everything was could I not?????
Headed to my booth this week and/or Warrenton in the Spring!


The steps leading up to the sale were steep, 
and we had to park down the hill a bit, but I spied her from at least thirty yards away. 
I ran as fast as I could up the steep steps (temporarily leaving my husband in the dust!) 
to make sure that no one else claimed my prize. 
Heck, I even got Mr. Twig to stand sentry duty next to her 
while I found someone to slap a "sold" sign on her!

And thirdly...

Chippy green medicine cabinet...complete with glass knob!

I had to talk them down a bit before claiming this as mine, 
but I'm getting less shy about negotiating a good price. 
I'm also getting friendly with the estate sale staff, so that never hurts, too.

Elsewhere on the garage sale trail....

Found at a garage sale at a garage sale price!!!

I give total credit to my amazing husband for the epic day I had Saturday. 
He didn't realize it, but he was clearly my good luck charm when it came to the sales.

Off now to the post office to get some Etsy packages in the mail.
Have a terrific Tuesday!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Vintage Christmas Monday, Fiona and Twig Style...

What fun!
Joan at Anything Goes Here has come up with brilliant idea of throwing a blog party about all things Vintage Christmas, so I wanted to join up and show y'all the latest addition to my Etsy Shop

I just love these adorable Winking Santa Mugs!



Aren't they just too kitschy cute?

And of course, there's the Mr. and Mrs. Claus Figurines I sold a couple of weeks ago...

Be sure to head back this way next Monday for more Vintage Christmas, and head on over to the
to see all the other participants!

An Imposed Exile

As opposed to self-imposed. That's an awful lot of posing going on!
Anyway, my arch-nemesis Windstream gave me fits all weekend long with an internet service outage, which would serve to explain my absence the past couple of days. Ahhh well, the break did me good, I got some much needed R n' R, and got to spend the day Saturday junking with my buddy Effie. That's always a blast! I also hit up three estate sales, with one being the stuff of legend, it was JUST THAT GOOD (more later!).

To everyone who left comments on my Inquiring Minds post and voted in my poll, thank you so much! I read each and every comment and found it fascinating to get to know y'all a little better. You guys amaze me, crazy busy and still manage to churn out quality stuff day after day here on your blogs.

I also managed to update my Etsy Shop with some really fun new listings.
Here's one of my faves...

It's a Word War Two era hair removal system!


 C'mon.....ya know you want it.
Better still, you need it.
Don't believe me? Just whip out that 10X Magnifying Mirror.  ;-)

Missed Y'all!!!

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