This is the desk where I blog.
I moved my laptop to give you a better view of this
fabulous cubby that I gaze upon while sitting here
hour after hour
telling my tales and visiting all of you and your wonderful blogs.
Now, I must preface this post by assuring you
that any dust you might think you see here is merely your eyes playing tricks on you.
So there.
I'm so glad we got that settled.
As I am wont to do, my mind wandered
and I began to see the blogging world as a giant cubby of sorts.
Each little hole
each niche,
nook or cranny,
represented a different flavor in the blogging world.
In our particular genre, the lifestyle blogs, there are many sub-genres.
Or for the purposes of this post, many different cubbies.
There are the crafters
The junkers
The photographers
The renovation folks
The SAHM's (stay-at-home-mom's)
The beachy-coastal crowd
The humorists
The shop-owners
The mixed-media artists
The DIY crowd
The designers
and so many more who simply defy pigeonholing.
It's funny...
Because I thought I knew exactly which cubbies I fit into.
On any given day, I feel like I fit into all or none of the above.
But the more of the blogging world I explore,
the more of you I get to know and the more my horizons are broadened,
I begin to question
exactly where I belong.
Which niche is mine.
I thought I knew...
Less than a year ago when I began my blogging adventure,
I was the writer who dreamed of one day owning her own shop.
That much hasn't changed, but I've discovered so much more than I ever anticipated,
both about the blogging world in general, and about myself in particular.
I have grown.
I have learned.
I have changed.
And all three can be messy and uncomfortable, but so worth it in the end.
But still I wonder...
As I begin to peer inquisitively into different cubbies...into your cubbies
I ask myself
will I be accepted?
Or will I be suddenly transported back to high school...
ah, the days of cliques...(regrettably, do we ever really outgrow them?)
looked at quizzically, perhaps given the once over and sent packing
back to
And then
a moment of clarity
Just as my charming cubby houses so many disparate objects,
so many different sides of me,
then so it follows that my blog can serve the same function.
My blog is a journey and an exploration of who I am,
much like I'm sure yours is as well.
So if you see me peering around the corner...
exploring your particular niche...
Please, welcome me as I will you!
Because we both might just discover
something new
altogether wonderful!
I hope you all have a happy weekend!
I'll be trying to catch up on household chores,
and as I'm woefully behind on visiting all of you,
I hope to pay many of your lovely blogs a visit this weekend.
As always, thank you for your friendship
and for deeming me worthy of a read now and again.
I love y'all. :-)