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Friday, May 14, 2010

Cubby Holes

This is the desk where I blog.

I moved my laptop to give you a better view of this
fabulous cubby that I gaze upon while sitting here
hour after hour
telling my tales and visiting all of you and your wonderful blogs.

Now, I must preface this post by assuring you
that any dust you might think you see here is merely your eyes playing tricks on you.
So there.
I'm so glad we got that settled.


As I am wont to do, my mind wandered
and I began to see the blogging world as a giant cubby of sorts.

Each little hole 
each niche, 
nook or cranny, 
represented a different flavor in the blogging world.

In our particular genre, the lifestyle blogs, there are many sub-genres.
Or for the purposes of this post, many different cubbies.

There are the crafters

The junkers

The photographers

The renovation folks

The SAHM's (stay-at-home-mom's)

The beachy-coastal crowd

The humorists

The shop-owners

The mixed-media artists

The DIY crowd

The designers

and so many more who simply defy pigeonholing.

It's funny...

Because I thought I knew exactly which cubbies I fit into.

On any given day, I feel like I fit into all or none of the above.

But the more of the blogging world I explore,

the more of you I get to know and the more my horizons are broadened,

I begin to question

exactly where I belong.

Which niche is mine.

I thought I knew...

Less than a year ago when I began my blogging adventure,
I was the writer who dreamed of one day owning her own shop.
That much hasn't changed, but I've discovered so much more than I ever anticipated,
both about the blogging world in general, and about myself in particular.

I have grown.

I have learned.

I have changed.

And all three can be messy and uncomfortable, but so worth it in the end.

But still I wonder...

As I begin to peer inquisitively into different cubbies...into your cubbies

I ask myself

will I be accepted?

Or will I be suddenly transported back to high school...
ah, the days of cliques...(regrettably, do we ever really outgrow them?)
looked at quizzically, perhaps given the once over and sent packing

back to





And then

a moment of clarity

Just as my charming cubby houses so many disparate objects,

so many different sides of me,

then so it follows that my blog can serve the same function.

My blog is a journey and an exploration of who I am,
much like I'm sure yours is as well.

So if you see me peering around the corner...

exploring your particular niche...

Please, welcome me as I will you!

Because we both might just discover

something new


altogether wonderful!

 I hope you all have a happy weekend!
I'll be trying to catch up on household chores,
and as I'm woefully behind on visiting all of you,
I hope to pay many of your lovely blogs a visit this weekend.

As always, thank you for your friendship
and for deeming me worthy of a read now and again.
I love y'all.  :-)


Lou said...

On Ann what a beautiful post!! And yes I am also wondering what cubby hole I fit into... if any...??
Your desk and cubby holes are just gorgeous!! I love the whole effect... Oh and dont worry about being late to visit as I am sure most of us go through that and especially me!
Have a lovely weekend,
Lou xx

The Smith Hotel said...

Oh Anne,
I love your "office". I totally feel that way too. I get asked how to describe my job-um yeah, well........It's so nice to get to met so many wonderful people that without the blogging world I would have never met. So many creative and honest people. Sometimes I feel that the only time anyone wants to hear from me I need to be bubbly and honey-my life aint' all bubbles! Thanks for stopping by my blog and giving me some encouragement!

Love ya,

Myrna said...

Beautiful and poignant post, Anne...I relate on so many levels...wondering,too which cubby I fit into..
well said, and beautiful photos of your blogging space!

tara said...

hmmm, not sure either, although I have been told I never fit into any mold for reason I find it fun to be different...although different might be a cubby, non...I love what ever cubby you fit yourself into one day to the next, so you just keep being you and the world will spin right on its axis!! love your cubby and your collections and my goodness you are so neat!! happy weekend!

It's me said...

O Anne.........Your desk is so gorgeous!!....i really like it !

Your blog is amazing !! just like yourself that's the importent thing to do in blogworld !!

And you can't visit your 944 folowers in one weekend !!!!!! my dear!! it is't possible....hahahahhahh!!

Have a happy weekend enjoy ! hugs from me.......

Lululiz said...

Is it really really bad coveting something? I LOVE your cubby holes, totally utterly adore the whole thing, including everything in the cubbies. Must be so inspiring, seeing all those wonderful little bits and pieces in front of you all the time.
As to fitting into a particular cubby hole, why worry? I can only be myself, and one should never try to be something or someone else just to fit in.

Blondie's Journal said...

This is such a great post. I kepy looking for my niche and I was in all and none of them. I like to play along in some of the events on my blog and then other times I just blather on about life...I guess that's the joy of it all, it's mine!


Tonia Lee Smith said...

Thanks so much. Since I've been blogging, I have come across a few blogging cliques...sad and a shame.. However, I appreciate this post more than you know

Tina said...

Anne - I love your desk. And your cubby. It´s so beautiful - I wish I had something like that in my room.
Love your post too. It´s always such a joy to visit over here.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
xo Tina

Unknown said...

Great post Anne! That looks like the top of a post office desk. I used to have one in my studio and used the cubbies for lots of things over the years. But it was just a bit big for the space so finally it went to a friend's house. Beautiful pictures!

Doni said...

I just LOVE your desk!! What an inspiring place to sit and visit with people near and far! The different niches that we inhabit (or visit from time to time) just makes us into the people we are today. I know I change all the time, and when I visit a niche or cubby and learn from someone else, maybe my niche or cubby takes on a new form. It's fun, and I know you enjoy it too. Thanks for the eye-candy of your spot, and thanks too for the word picture of our blogworld!

Joanna said...

Oh wow! This is such a beautiful blog. Your thoughts on fitting in cubby or pigeon holes is so true - it really got me thinking. I've put your wonderful give-away button on my sidebar. I'll be back! x

DustyLu said...

Great post! Love the photos! They look great! Happy day! ~lulu

Lara said...

OMGawsh Anne!! I just loooved this post!! I myself, very much an amateur to blogging have been wondering the same thing. I like your cubby hole rendition of it. I've been blogging for almost a year.. though my blog only archives back to last March. When I first started.. my blog really wasn't under any catagory or typecast you could call it. My bloggings were a hodgepodge of this and that.. mommy posts.. quotes.. our own personal family outtings, recipes, you name it.. I had no niche, but I needed some niche.. some cubby to feel safe and comfortable. Since finding you lovely ladies who not only do I admire for your decorating skills, painting talents, vintage eye candy, etc.. but I admire you because you, to me are kindred spirits. Going back to why my blog only archives back to March.. I deleted a bunch of my earlier posts.. I was just not comfortable with them & they weren't in any particular "cubby". I had other things going through my mind too, namely what do I WANT MY BLOG TO BE ABOUT? I knew I wanted to make some changes in my life, on my blog and I knew I needed some motivation and uniformity to my blog to aspire to where I want to go. I knew I loved decorating with old vintage flea market finds. I knew I loved beachy white paint, chippy patina, flower photography.. so there I found you all.. and I am really happy with where I am at with blogging and where I want my blog to go. I'm at peace with the fact that I no longer show pictures of my children and like to keep them a bit more private.. my husb appreciates that as well. And since I'm new at this.. there are times I feel a twinge of inferiority.. my home is no where near where I want it to be at.. I have green sofas and I'm working with a characterless 5 year old new construction home. But I quickly remind myself that this is a journey.. a long journey where I will not be at my destination 6 months from now or who knows.. 3 years from now? I feel the same way you do and I've learned so much since I first started to blog.. the best thing I've learned is just be yourself, be human, write from your heart, post what instantly inspires you or what you've been cooking up for weeks.. and of course be nice. All this to say.. it's nice to have all these cubbies to visit and from each I like to take a little lesson, inspiration, and of course hopefully make a friend along the way. :) Thank you for such a beautiful post.. I love these kind of posts.. I love human emotion put out there in a classy way. :) Oh, and your desktop cubby hole is ever so charming. Have a great weekend!

trash talk said...

Anne, you're more than welcome to come join me in the "We don't have a clue" clique. I'm easy to spot...I'll be the round peg trying to fit into a square hole.

My Grama's Soul said...

Oh Anne.......what a pretty spot you have made for yourself at your blogging desk. When I get back from Texas.......I'm going to make my spot prettier too.

Thanks for the inspiration.


the old white house said...

I loved that Anne! So poetic and I felt as if you were writing what I want to say, at times I can tell you which cubby I belong in and others I belong in too many at once! I think blogging for me has shown me I am more faceted than I ever thought and there are many others out there like me! That was beautifully said, and now I must tell you... I have cubby envy!!! Theresa

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Love your Beautiful Desk & Cubby ~ Fabulous Post Too..... it's True, somedays I would fit into several of those categories ~ other days, none ~ Our Thoughts & Actions do seem to change on a Daily Basis, at least Mine Do..... I see from all the comments, that lots of people think this same way....

Nothing like Making Us all Think this Weekend ~ Have a Great One

Unknown said...

I loved this post, Anne. I'm blessed to have gotten to know you and your blog!


Polly said...

Hi Anne! First off, I love your cubby! Now I want to go and totally restyle my office cubby! Thanks for the inspiration. And you're analogy is so dead on! I often think of my brain as a cubby as well. Every little thing has to tuck into it's own little spot up in that swirling mess! That is literally the only way I can function!!

Take care!



Sarah said...

Anne, your cubby holes are fab! I've always enjoyed having cubby holes or small shelves about my desk space to fill just as you have. Something about these little boxes satisfy something deep within me. Great post, dear friend!

Annie said...

Oh I feel the exact same! I am just like my Mom & sisters in my real life (so there are others like me!), but in blogland - I struggle to find my decorating niche. There aren't many of me around. I think it's a good thing, but some days I wonder!

However, you are always welcome to visit me and I love it when you do! I absolutely adore your style even though it's different from mine. However, our collections - are quite the same - just different back drops since I'm a color-aholic :) I was DYING over your cubby - literally want it and all the treasures! I have a cubby at my desk with old clocks, but now I realize it's way too small!

We could be great junking friends - I am just sure of it! Thankfully, God found a way for us to be friends even though we haven't met in the flesh :)


Anonymous said...

I just discovered you blog recently and am so glad I did! I absolutely adore this post and feel just as you do...trying to figure out which cubby I fit into. I started my blog to share my creations of handmade cards yet I feel myself drawn to other areas of crafting and sharing other facets of me instead. I wonder if those who started following me then will still want to join me as I venture into other interests. I am so glad I'm not alone in this adventure!

Cassie said...

Hello Anne....I really enjoyed this post...I feel exactly the same way. I have so many parts & extremeties fitting into different cubbies that I'm stuck in a rut! So much so that it prevents me from moving in any direction.

I love the new look of your blog...your photography is incredible! As well as your desk area and those CUBBIES!!

I think perhaps we should label these as "growing pains." We are ever-changing and growing as individuals and should welcome these changes to see what avenues they lead us down.
I do enjoy your style and will continue to follow you, no matter where you go!

red.neck chic said...

Okay gorgeous..

A. I bow to your organizational skills... i have cubbies somewhere underneath somethings and it's all in some room under more somethings.

B. Is that all taken with your new camera? Girl - you've got some MAD photography skills!!!

C. Dust? If the cat/dog/hamster doesn't walk thru it, it doesn't show. I'm just sayin'.

D. I love you just the way you are - always changing, always growing - always interesting. That translates over to your blog. I like that. Besides, you don't wanna be slid into a cubby - just a roll of duct tape. Oh... and duct tape comes in like millions of colors and patterns and textures.

:-D What I really like is that you keep it real!!! Great post! Now - I'll help you clean your house if you will help me clean mine..... bwoooo hahahahaha

nah - i couldn't do that to you.
:-D robelyn

Mindy said...

I have always LOVED your cubby! Such a wonderful piece. I am grounded again this weekend, doing those chore things. Enjoy your weekend! ~Mindy

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

You lucky girl! What an amazing place to do your work! Wishing you a wonderful day and weekend!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Anne, you put into words what I feel and think but can't always say! Thanks for this post It is one of my favorites because it is true for so many of us. What I started out to do with blogging has changed in just the few months I've been doing it. I hope I continue to grow and change and that we can all do it together. Love your cubby, such a cute eye catching way to display all the different aspects of who you are!

Beatnheart said...

You know what? I've got tears in my eyes right now thats what...You've so pinpointed my feelings exactly, my worries and uncertainties. I too fear being outside the clique as was in high school. But here in the blogging world my quirks are embraced. All of my good qualities are coming out, my strengths. And they are being challenged and encouraged to much much growth as you said...and the bonding together. Who Knew.. said...

Beautiful post:) LOVE it!!!You deserve your own 'very special' cubby, Anne.
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

COTTAG3 said...

This is one of my favorite posts, the message and the pictures. (That is the most awesome "F" leaning against the cubbies!)

raggygirlvintage said...

Love your heartfelt post, you put into words what many of us feel and think at times. I really love your cubby, how it is orderly yet artistic at the same time:-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne! What a wonderful post - so thoughtfully written and so true! I struggle with the same things myself but have decided that I don't need to fit in - I have no particular cubby and that's okay. I've decided that my blog is random bits and pieces of my life and and the changes and growth I make along my way in my life. I've learned so many great things from other bloggers-from recipes, parenting and decorating ideas, different perspectives on relationships ... and if I can give something of value to just one other person out there, I will be happy.
I thoroughly enjoy visiting you so, niche or not, you're touching a lot of people. :) have an awesome desk!
Have a wonderful weekend ~

Debby said...

Hi Anne, oh how I love this post and I love your desk full of cubbies..I see your sweet crown sitting up top, and all your goodies. Isn't that funny how we are not sure where we belong? I think we belong wherever we have decided to play on any given day. I love visiting your blog and I think you are the sweetest.

Nita Jo said...

Anne, I love your cubby! And the desk is wonderful! Reading your thoughts on each different section... where do we fit... I loved it!

I've often felt like my blog is a mishmash of unrelated thoughts, but that is me. I don't fit the "normal" (is there a normal?). But, over the years I've become comfortable with me... for the most part.

And, I delight in the different people and blogs I've found. Such a unique blend of folks! I love your blog and look forward to each new post!

Nita Jo

Rose Garden Romantic said...

I love your cool cubby with all the great goodies tucked in! Love your blog, too! Whatever you show us, whatever you choose to talk about, it's always interesting and fun! How could anyone not enjoy you and your charming blog?

Charlene said...

Oh Anne... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I thought I was the only one that felt that way. I kept thinking that by the time I reached this age I would KNOW who I was. But, it eludes me. I blame it on being a gemini but, alas maybe it's just "The Way" of it for some of us. I have read you, commented, visited, & liked your blog before today but, now you're going on my sidebar because we are "one" of the soul. And thank you for mentioning the cliques. MAN, I'm so over High School & sooooooooooo tired of the cliques. I have met some amazingly talented folks that are so humble & then some ... let's not go there but, I am glad you put that mention up there. Bloggy land is full of wonderful, kind, awesome, giving women & I am so glad I found it. A BLESSING FOR SURE! Again, THANK YOU KINDRED SOUL for easing my mind. HUGS!

summersundays-jw said...

Haven't decided where I fit. Seems I keep changeing directions but isn't that what a blog is suppose to do --- go where you want it to. I definitely know I want my very own cubbyhole -- love that. Have a great weekend. Jan

Pamela said...

Anne...simply beautiful! You took the words right out of my mouth. I'm a SAHM!! Love that!
This is what i love about shows me that there are so many kindred spirits out there. I'm not a fanatci (as my mom calls me) about decorating or rearranging!
This post just rang so true for me!

Have a great weekend!
Pamela xox

Pamela said...

oops my fingers got caught i made a spelling mistake...mean't to spell fanatic!!

Privet and Holly said...

Lovely and heartfelt, just like YOU!!! I was just thinking about blogging as I was driving around trying to accomplish what I needed to here in the "real world," how through blogging we are able to connect with people without the framework of their role, age or station: student, grandmother, daughter, nurse, late 20's, mid 70's, etc. etc. Instead, we are connecting with our hearts, our values, our tastes and style ~ our ESSENCE. I never was the cliquey type and have always been fascinated by people and their stories, so blogging has just been fantastic, for me. There are bloggers that you just KNOW you would like IN PERSON as much as you do in Blog Land. You just do.... and you are one of those, to me. xx P&H
PS: Your writing space puts!!!! It is SO reflective of YOU, while mine is a hurly-burly mess that I need to get out from under. Tomorrow! Yes, you've inspired me {AGAIN}!

Kristin said...

i *love* that cubby...if it ever comes up missing you know'll where to find it ;0) five years ago i'm not sure i would have fit into any of those i want to be a part of them all!! i want to live with no regrets and know that i at least tried everything once...isn't amazing how different all of us can be we fit in those little cubbies each with our own unique quality and talent...but look at how beautiful we are as a whole :0)
it amazes me this blogging land...unbelievable beauty and talent...

have a wonderful weekend girl...


The Feathered Nest said...

Dear sweet Anne...after blogging now for three and a half years, I STILL have these same feelings! What cubby do I fit in?? Is everyone sick of me? Have I become redundant having blogged so long? Now there are so, so many wonderful blogs, how can one find their niche in the blur of blogging??? Stay true to all you love, if you have readers...what a blessing!!! If you don't have so many...oh well, it feels good to put your thoughts and loves out there and to enjoy the sharing process. If you find one or even two PRECIOUS friends along this blogging journey then it has all been worth it!!!!! You are an amazing writer do know that don't you??? Have a wonderful weekend honey, hugs and love, Dawn

Unknown said...

i can so relate to this, i'm not sure i know which niche is mine so we'll enjoy the ride together, sound good? have a beautiful weekend! hugs, susan

Sue said...

Anne, I often jump from one cubby hole to the next, and I take from each one a little bit of friendship and inspiration from those I meet in each... And that makes me happy. Isn't this world of blogging such a wonder?
~ Sue

Preppy Mama said...

This post made me smile. I love the way you think. It makes me feel so connected to a place that sometimes feels surreal. We leave comments to each other that might otherwise feel like we have actually spoken to each other. We check in on each other's blogs to see who is up to what and I swear it feels like I just sat and had a conversation with you. Its so funny how this whole blog world connects us. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend!

Amy Kinser said...

I am a master at nothing and really don't "belong" in any particular group. I kind of do a little of this and a little of that and have no expertise and in many cases, very little talent. I just enjoy doing what I am doing. I am exploring and seeing what I might be a little good at. I am just having fun. I have to make sure I keep myself in check and don't get caught up in trying to be "as good" as so many of you gifted ladies.

Girl, I think your "cubby and cubbies" are just great. I love being one of your friends and followers.

Lisa said...

Ok you could have stopped at just your great desk! The cubbys ROCK! But you made it a really awesome post! I like to have different parts of me and to know those parts of others! Thanks for sharing!! Have a great weekend!
Hugs, Lisa

The Cinnamon Stick said...

I think you fill up everyone of your "cubbies" with all the different parts of who you are...I am glad I am meeting you even if it is thru blogging...I "heart" those cubbies !!! Judy

Tami said...


What an adorable cubby!! You are truly an inspiration!!

Have a beautiful weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne,
I absolutely LOVE your cubby and all your collectibles within it!! I have a desk so similar to yours in my mudroom nook. You've got to come visit to check it out!! Hope you have a spectacular weekend! :) ~ Jo

Anonymous said...

P.S. Oops...meant to tell you that I love the old typewriter as well! :) ~ Jo

Brenda said...

What a great post. I had a purpose in mind for my blog when I started and I have to admit it did not last a week. I fell in love with so many kinds of bloggers that I love to visit including you! So I just blog about what is happening in my life. Sometimes only once a week sometimes a few times. I do not think I will ever blog daily I just rather hop around checking out everyone elses posts after I have spent my time at my job. It has helped to have joined the alphabet game at Jenny Matlocks because it makes me think and come up with things I might not have thought of sharing before. And a little food blogging with the Big Black Dog does not hurt because hubs likes it when I try something new for dinner. Crafts, antiqueing, junking and sewing I love it all and have to say I probably have too many projects on the back burner often. So I guess you could not put me in one of your cubbies but I think I fit right in where God put me for this time and moment.

Beth A. @ Songbird Hill said...

Anne, I really enjoyed this post! Not just the pictures of the cubbies, but how you explained everything. I think it's great that sometimes we don't fit nicely into just one cubby! That's what keeps life interesting! (It also keeps me from ever finishing anything though!) LOL. Love your new header by the way! You've put that new camera to good use.

Sandra said...

Hi Anne. I am a fairly new follower of your wonderful blog. This post really touched my heart. I have been thinking today about my blog....wondering how it presents itself to other blogger, kwim? Wondering if my blog is boring and what I can do about that? I guess you could say that i'm feeling a little frustrated. I'm hoping I can find solutions. :) Thank you for such an inspiring post. Have a good weekend.

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Anne:
Quite a philosophical post today. I enjoyed it immensely! Thanks so much. Have a great weekend, my friend.

Lisa said...

What an awesome post girl! Yes, I hope I fall into that category of not being put in a single box. If there is a cu by for stressed out Mothers, with torn up houses, that long to have a french Nordic decor that includes NO Dora or spiderman props, mothers who know they should work out, but honestly they are too darn pooped by the end of the day & just wear MooMoos anyway, Mother's who long to sit down & do an entire art project in one sitting, not just 10 minutes here & there. Is there a cuby like that for me? Or three or four? Yes, it's much more interesting to have many faces, & Anne, all of yours are always smiling & optimistic, Lisa

Melanie said...

Oh Anne~
I think we all have those insecurities from time to time... I know I do!!! I have come to the realization that my blog is "my " blog. It is about me. Some days I am feeling creative. Other days I am feeling frazzled. Every day I am feeling a bit overwhelmed!:-)))

You are lovely. You are staying true to who you are. That is all that matters. I absolutely adore matter which cubby you are in!:-)

Be Blessed!

Tina said...

Aww sweet Anne! This was a lovely post. I love visiting your cubby and please know you are so very welcome at my cubby anytime - I always love it when you stop by:) I love your gorgeous desk too, but I love the way you have written this post more! Happiest of weekends to you and thank you for being 'you'. Big hugs ~ Tina XX

clustres said...

The photo caught my your cubby!
But your post has just blown me's as simple as that.

laura said...

What a cool post! Love all the cubbies you filled with objects and the cubbies you described with bloggers. Great, great post. Enjoyed it very much. Just started following your blog and look forward to reading the past and future posts.

Riki Schumacher said...

Hi Anne, thank you for visiting me. So sweet of you to post about me losing my little Chester, I truly appreciate it. Love this post, very sweet. I feel the same way. Take care, Riki

Megan Chamberlain said...

I love your cubby and desk. I also like your comments about trying to fit into a certain cubby, it is the really interesting people who don't fit any one cubby and seem to have exciting things happen all the time.

Little Emma English Home said...

Absolutely Anne!!! I think it's always a bit dangerous to fit just one cubby, we have so much to give and we may discover we could fit better somewhere else, why not??? wonderful post!!

Now I can a vision of you writing from your desk, lovely xxxx

LaurieAnna's Vintage Home said...

What a lovely post Anne, very thoughtful and intuitive. Your blog is far more than worthy of a's enchanting. Thanks for the inspiration tonight.

Missy @ Chateau Chic Boutique said...

Hi there Anne! I've enjoyed following your blog and this post especially. What a blessing to read. Thank you for your refreshing is both inspiring and validating (and apparently to so many of us!)

I also want to thank your followers that have left so many lovely comments (loved Fresh + Simple). It seems as though there is a new sisterhood of bloggers without cubbies (or bloggers with lots of them??)

One Blessed Mommie
Chateau Chic Boutique

Unknown said...

Wow! Lots of comments about this one. You said what I think alot of us feel. Yes high school was hard for me and I think it still lingers after almost 40 years(that's hard to say).
Hope you enjoy your weekend! You have lots of reading to do.

Unknown said...

Lovely post, Anne, so eloquently put. Yesterday, I was a frazzled girl. Puppy training, 2 year old granddaughter and Papa's birthday! So, today I am working on my herb garden, reading some posts, and oh yes, more puppy training. It is supposed to be a great weekend in upstate NY>

Kendra@Creative Ambitions said...

Hi Anne... so enjoyed reading your post!! Love your desk and all the cubbies. Such a great metaphor and so eloquently written. Great Inspiration!

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my husky boy! LOVE meeting other husky moms! We only have one and a sweet mutt. We just love him... he has such a funny personality! He is 90% better right now... Yay!


Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

Hi Anne,
what a beautiful post.Came over to wish you a wonderful weekend. Love your desk and all the cubby holes - your pictures are gorgeous, is that your new Camera? I wish I could write posts like you do.
Take care

krys kirkpatrick said...

Really lovely post. I have stumbled into your blog and I think it is so great. Where do we fit in? Where we happen to be at the moment...and in the next moment we fit there too...Just being and listening and observing tells us more of who we are...connecting with others helps us connect to ourselves.

she dreams big! said...

Such a heartfelt and timeless post! And yes, I too have been ignored by cliques I thought I wanted to belong to. I guess we all just want some validation to our lives, creative or otherwise. I'm going to save this post, read and re-read it and the comments to remember that I am not alone in this sometimes crazy bloggy world!

I really don't know what cubby I would put myself in but whatever it is, I hope it is next to yours!

Hope your weekend is a sunny one! ~~Connie

Olive said...

Hi Anne,
What an insightful post. Makes me dizzy. But in a good way! You are so very accepting of others. I say do not worry about where you "fit". It is a natural concern but you are talented and more important I sense a fine person. BTW you desk is inspiring.
Sweet Weekend For You-Olive

Alicia ~ time worn style said...

Great blog post Anne! I really love that set of pigeon holes, perfect! Hey we all have our moments of finding our niche, I think bloggings just as hard as any thing that one tries to fit into, theres always going to be cliques etc. But hey I just love all the inspiration that comes via the blog world, it certainly keeps me motivated even if no one actually reads all my posts that much (who knows?!) You are definitley one of my favs, yours is a fabulous blog and this post one of your best I reckon :0)
ps. sorry about the essay ha!

Farm Girl said...

I wanted to say thank you for visiting my little blog. You are so kind. I also wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your cubby hole descriptions of life. I have often wondered where I fit in, not just in blogging but in life. You gave me pause to think and I love that.I like that when you write you have so many nice things to look at. For me, blogging has been like a magic carpet, it carries me away to places I have never visited and makes me dream
of dreams I forgot. It connects me to such
lovely people and I love how our lives like the
tiny feet of a butterfly, brushes a flower-petal,we make things better just by visiting.
Thanks for such beautiful thoughts and pictures.

*The Beautiful Life* said...

Wow. What a post!! You are such a writer!!!!

And did ya see how many comments you have so far (and counting...)?

Yep -- you are "accepted" and for good reason, girlie! You rock! ;)


Lynn-Teacupstitches said...

Oh gosh I am a cubbyAholic and this post makes my heart pitter patter!!
Each little space is a still life in itself - you've inspired me!!!


Hi Anne! First visit to your blog...adore it...and this post is especially grand! Looking forward to following your adventures. ~ Angela

Anne Lorys said...

Wow, I really don't know what to say to the response this post has received. Thank you!

I knew that this subject resonated with me, but I had no idea so many of you would feel the same.

Just know that I've read ALL your wonderful comments, and I'll be by to pay you a visit soon!

Have a beautiful Saturday!


Karena said...

Anne, I love cubbies and all of the treasures they hold. Wonderful.

Giveaway by Beth Cosner Design is up on my site....come visit!

Art by Karena

Junk Exchange said...

anne, such as it is, you are always welcome in my little cubbie - you, your hubbie and the pups .. you both have my heart and wishes for a successful life .. love you both..


Libbie said...

Oh my are way too cool. Hey if this were high School...You'd be prom queen. And I am serious about that :)

VS said...

Hi Sweet Friend,
I adore your blog & I adore you!!! I feel like I know who your're a simple girl who likes a little blue house & loves her hubby & her furry friends & junk of all kinds & that's enough for me to know I ADORE you!!! And any girl who is lucky enough to have such an awesome cubby is just super coooool in my book, no really! I'm that easily! I can't wait to meet you in Round Top this fall.
Smiles Friend...

Lara Harris said...

I am SO jealous...LoVe this!

Dorthe said...

Oh Anne you have loads of long comment,here
but I too have to tell you, that this post of yours ,with the beautifull photoes,of your desk, and what is on it, together with your thoughts, was wonderfull to visit.
(I`m behind,too-looking after my grandchild, in Copenhagen.)
Hugs and blessings to you.

Natasha in Oz said...

Beautiful post! Not much more I can say really...this was just a very beautiful post!

Best wishes for a fabulous weekend,

Anonymous said...

What a perfect post, which completely encompasses exactly the way I've been feeling lately. I feel like I'm on a journey of discovery myself - changing, growing, remembering who I am and who I always wanted to be. And finding my way there.

Shhh - don't tell anyone yet, as I'm not ready to announce it - but I'm going to be jumping out of an airplane on the 29th this month. I've always wanted to do it and I figure it'll never happen unless I just get out there and do it.

I love your beautiful personality, your photos amaze me. As a writer myself (professional and yes, I'm published, too) you do have a wonderful talent for writing.

I say be true to yourself. Rediscover who you are and dream big.

As luck would have it, I was given a blog award and tasked with picking 10 blogs to pass it on to. I picked you. I hope you stop by and pick up your award and see why *I* think you deserve it.

Many blessings my friend. I'm sorry I haven't been by lately. Like you, my life has taken on wings and is taking me to places I've never been before.

Attic Rat said...

Just bring your tray over and come sit at my table. LOL. Aren't you so glad that high school is over?!!

I LOVE your blog. It reflects you nicely.

Happy hunting,

Lauren B said...

Wonderful post. I just got asked what I blog about by my new sister in law. I was dumb-founded, having no idea what I blog about! :) I quite enjoy following this darling blog of yours, and OH MY! You have a gorgeous desk! Come decorate for me... I LOVE decorating, but I'm thinking you do a better job of it!

savvycityfarmer said...

... I feel truly honored to be at home in ONE OF THOSE CUBBIES ... on your desk ... but I do miss it when you're not around... sniff sniff

Tarnished Rose said...

Girlfriend, that was awesome! You are so right.

Look at my blog, DollsEtc. When I started it almost two years ago (think that's correct), it was to lament the dirth of mini dollmakers in my area and the lack of miniatures in general here. Well, that one little blog opened up a new world for me, a new way of seeing things, and has introduced me to people who are just like me.

People who don't just have one like, but many. People who don't just do one thing, but do many. I love to costume miniature dolls and make miniature flowers, but I also love bigger dolls and making bigger flowers.

I discovered ATCs & actively participate in an ATC swap group. I discovered and love stamping/altered art. I reembraced my artistic side, the side that loves to paint. I rediscovered the vintage me & was able to say YES I LOVE JUNK & I HAVE JUNK IN MY TRUNK (well pickup bed LOL). I found the REAL me. The me that in one day can dress a 5-1/2" doll, spray paint shelves black to display some art, & go garage-saling, junkin', & antique/thrift store crawling. And enjoy it all fully. I'm a whole woman now. Oh yeah, blogs can do that, believe you me (can you tell I'm southern???) :)

And better yet, announce it to the WORLD without embarrassement because my followers GET ME. They are like me!

How wonderful is that!?!?

And THANK YOU Fiona for being a part of my wonderful world. You have the most awesome blog and luckily for me, it was one of the first ones I found.


Theresa said...

Oh Anne, I wanna blog at your desk with all of those sweet cubbies:) Love your creativeness! You are ONE precious friend and I am thankful for you! HUGS!

Free Art Printables said...

I love cubby holes like that!!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh Anne!

It was a LONG scroll down to leave a comment tonight!

That is because your post was absolutely BEUTIFUL. It made us made us made us realize what blogging has brought to our individual lives. So perfectly "PUT".

Now we are all wondering what "cubby" we might be placed in???? Hopefully I would fall into multiple cubbies in my own UNIQUE eclectic way (like most of us).

Thaks for your thoughts and your beautiful way of putting a thought to a laptop.

Definitely a page for W Here Women Create.

your blog sister,

Starview Sonnet

Elizabeth said...

Hi Anne,
Wow what a beautiful post! I totally relate to everything you said and everyday I wonder what
is my niche,where do I fit, or do I even fit.
But I know in the short time that I have been blogging it has helped me in so many areas and the friends that I have met through blogging is amazing! One sweet comment can make your day!
Blog from your heart.
Blog about what you love....
Blog about what you want to share......
Why not have a different cubby on a different day.
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

LOVE this post, Anne ~ and all the thought that went into it! AND I love the actual cubby hole, too, just filled with all your little pretties.

Please stop by and enter my Cottage Charm giveaway when you get a chance! BTW, when you stop by, notice that I'm using the Time to Buy Antiques sign on my sidebar that you so graciously offered ~ with a courtesy credit to you!!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

bj said...

Hi, Sweet lady, this is a delightful post.
You have come so far in your blogging. I can so remember when you first started. I can see you are finding your niche...and this is what we all strive to do. :)
love, bj

Artsy Fartsy Junkin Finds said...

Girl, wonderful post, you have now left me thinking! Have a wonderful Sunday, Janna

terra @ said...

Loved this post. You are so graceful with your words. I feel sooo.... afraid of not fitting in even with strangers in blogland sometimes. I am new to this so I always feel like I am not cool enough to hang with the people with so many followers. Sounds very goofy when you are 37 and should not be worried about trivial stuff like fitting in. I am always searching for the cubby that I fit into also. There are so many, I don't think it is possible to choose. I just hope I am welcomed as a friend when I reach out to others in real life and in blogland. Your blog is just so sweet and dreamy. Hope you have a great day!
terra at

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Wow...Anne this post has given me so much and I feel I have lots to give now myself! Love the way you express yourself! Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

It looks like you've really touched people's hearts with this post as I am commenter 101. We all long to fit in and find our spot in this crazy world. And yet most of us rarely feel like we know exactly where that spot is. Where you blog from is so beautiful and inspiring. Just be you and you'll find your place. I'd say you have nothing to worry about. :)

Raspberries and Rose Petals said...

So eloquently put, Anne! I think we are all searching for where we fit in. But when it comes right down to it, God made us all beautifully unique! And that is something to cherish about each of us! It is obvious that you have touched many a cubby out there! Whatever you're doing must be right! So glad I found you ~ you always brighten my day!

I hope your weekend was productive, and that you will have time to catch up with your blogging friends soon!


judi said...

hi anne,
wow...were you peering into my brain as i have been thinking about this whole blogging thing and how it has changed/altered my design choices and where my likes and dislikes lie. i am now the junker, remodeler, crafter and DIYer that i didn't know i was! what a revelation ;)
love your cubbies and your blog.
judi ;)

paperbird said...

Great post- I have always had that question in my mind too- I love so many things- your blog is a favorite and I LOVE your desk where you blog- the cubby is so wonderful chucked with sweet treasures. I saw one not too long ago at a shop- I wonder if it's still there!

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Hey Anne! Looks like there MAY be room for one more comment here. Jeez I don't have time to read them all, but they are all saying how FAB these pictures are! What a fun post this is!!!!!

D. Jean Quarles said...

Oh I love the cubbys! You are right, there is so much here in blog-land to appreciate. Hope you had a great weekend.

littlethings1 said...

Love your desk & all of your treasures in the cubby , the letter F is wonderful too ! I too am many different "cubbies" , but it also makes life interesting ! Your blog is always a great place to visit !
The Little Things

CosmoGirl Carla said...

Wow Anne! Great, great post. I almost never comment on posts when the comment numbers reach as high as on this post. Don't know why. Guess I figure how could my comment be any different then the previous 100+ comments before me. But I was certainly compelled to comment on this post. At 46 years of age, I still struggle trying to pinpoint my "cubby" or niche - in all things. Not just my blog . . . but my life, my personal style, my decor, etc. Maybe that's a good thing. Keeps me ever-changing, right?

Thanks for sharing your insights, thoughts and feelings. Not to mention your beautiful photographs!

Have a fantastic Monday!

Unknown said...


Dee@FrenchBleuVintage said...

Hi Anne~ What a great post. So profound and honest (especially the dust) love it. I wonder which cubbie I would be hmmmm.....

Elizabeth Maxson said...

Hi Anne,

I love this post! Thank you for putting it so perfectly! It's funny, I never really thought about what "category" I belonged to in the blog world - I am so "out of it" I don't even think I really realized there were categories per se!

The beauty of the blog world is that you can be whatever you feel like being whenever you feel like it. I once had a well-meaning friend tell me (after my car accident) that I need to get back to blogging soon or I will lose my "fans" and they will stop reading me. That struck me as odd. First, I was doing good to go one day without a headache, but mainly, I never once thought about "losing fans."

Blogging was (and is) a source of creativity and release for me. If there are those who join in with me - that is wonderful - but them joining in is not my reason for being - it is just a by product of what I like to do. Sort of like icing on the cake. I would eat the cake even if it didn't have the icing - but since it does - all the better! So, in other words, if we just really do what we really enjoy doing without any alternative motive, then our creativity takes a life of its own category.

Make sense?

Thanks for sharing such beautiful photos of your "own category" space!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne- this post is just wonderful. It hits on all of the insecurities we all have. It also touches on the best point of blogs/blogging- we get to see so many people and places. We get to explore the many sides of us- in ways the previous generation did not. I love the cubbies!! You can join me in my cubby any time!!

Dandy said...

I love your desk!

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

A clique? What's that? ;)
Oh Anne, finding your blog was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Having you visit my blog was cause for faintness. Meeting you in person at Round Top blew my mind. Looking forward to seeing you again at Paper Cowgirl...priceless! I can't wait!!!!

I love this are so sweet...genuinely know...a kind of sweet that is not found in a "clique"

JunqueMagnet said...

What a thoughtful AND thought provoking post!Thanks for sharing and getting me pondering...

Lori said...

Anne, i see this post really struck a chord with a lot of did me also...for so many reasons...sometimes i don't know where i fit in...but i do know that i have made a lot of wonderful friends via blogging, and i am so thankful for that...your post is truly wonderful, and beautifully written...i love your cubby, you have lots of beauty tucked in there, thanks for sharing it with us:)

Gypsy Fish said...

That was for sure a must read! Oh how I get what you're saying....see my mind is just like your cubbies, filled with thoughts but I never know which one to hang out love love this post! You're just so awesome!

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

Wow!! SUch a moving post Anne, your words speak volumes to me. These are all things I think about but can never quite put into words.

Well I for one am loving your little cubby! lol!!


Anonymous said...

Lovely post Anne.Just saw it on your sidebar and thought I would check it out.As always so charming and something thats all you!

Glad I joined your blog.I enjoy alot of laughs here too, thats utmost importance to me.You keep It "real" and thats always great!

Recycled Rita said...

I love that post! I saw it on your sidebar and was drawn to reading it!
I don't fit in any one cubby all the time but on any given day....who knows! But it has taken me years to figure that out and be okay with it (actually happy about it)
Hugs! karen....

Julie Marie said...

Hello again Anne... oooh, I love this post even more than your other one I read on my first visit to your beautiful blog... First off, I really do love your little cubbyhole full of precious treasures... like you, I think I fit into a number of different "cubbies" and don't fit at all in others... I never was in a "clique" in high school (or anywhere for that matter)... my mama and daddy raised my sisters and I to always "be yourself and just do the very best you can"... so, I am me... and finding out in this blogging world there are so many other "me's" as well, and it is exciting to meet everyone... just like my collections of vintage items, I would much rather own one unique "find" than an entire collection of the same same... xoxo Julie Marie

Musings From A French Cottage said...

What a wonderful post. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it from beginning to end and the photos are spectacular too! Love your cubby and all that is in it!

God Bless,

Thistle Cove Farm said...

You've got an ear for putting words together so the soul is nourished and the spirit is calmed; a balm in Gilead.
I figure more of the world's ills could be remedied if more of us knew our cubbie and, more importantly, were happy there. My niche is knowing God loved me so much He sent Jesus to claim me as His own; the rest of life fell into place once I realized and accepted. It seems life at Thistle Cove Farm doesn't have a niche, per se, but I want folks to feel rested and cared for after they visit. People need to know Someone loves them, Someone cares and somewhere there's peace to be had.

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Your cubbie is wonderful and your words are even better! :)

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