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Saturday, March 26, 2011

choose happiness

a busy saturday....

wishing i were about 
180 miles away
at the antique shows
in warrenton

feeling sorry for myself.


when i decided to pick up my camera
and do a little photo shoot with the hydrangeas
my husband got me last week.

opened up photoshop
and began to create
{ a sure balm for the artistic soul }

i may not be at the big show this weekend,
but i am nonetheless
surrounded by beauty.

i choose happiness!

hope your weekend is filled with
unparalleled beauty.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sittin' it Out

This week and next, the greatest show on Earth is taking place
on some farm pastures right here in Texas...

Yep, the bi-annual event known as
Antique Week in Warrenton and Round Top
draws tens of thousands of visitors each Spring and Fall.
And rightfully so. It's incredible!

And it all starts this week.

I had planned to go, as I haven't missed a one since 2009,
but this year...this's looking as though I'll be absent from all the fun.

It's certainly not a lack of interest which will keep me away.
No, rather, it's this sticky little thing called life.

In the midst of all the craziness, the chaos,
and the disorganization on this end,
AND in light of the fact that we are STILL trying to get moved ( ! )
there is just no way to justify a trip right now.

But....don't that let that stop YOU from heading on out
and having the time of your life
with some of the best people I know!

{ Me (second from left) and my girls last September }

I'll be back in the junkin' saddle again come Fall,
so look for me then. I'll be there with bells and cowboy boots on, no question!
And don't miss Theresa's Blog Party this Sunday night. It's amazeballs!

Before I sign off, I just want to say thank you to my darlin' buddy
Mary from Urban Farmgirl...

She gave me a super sweet shout out
on her blog, so be sure to pop on over and have a look HERE.

Have a great night!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I'm Having a Sale!!!

Well...not right away, anyway.
But I thought you'd like a peek at some of what you can expect
when I have the Mutha of All Garage Sales
this Summer...

This is one of our barns, currently being used as
The Mutha of All Storage Units.

You remember what it looked like before we did
a massive cleaning of it, right?

 Lots of potential underneath all the yuck and grime.

Well, we came, we saw, we got it all cleaned up!

And now it's filled to the rafters with 
a plethora of my vintage goodies
acquired at some of the most fabulous
spots in the state of Texas and beyond!

And most of what you see here will be sold!
Not sure about the dress forms...struggling with the idea of letting those go.

 Oh yeah, lots more room to fill.
And believe me, I've got TONS more crap treasures!

So the message to be gleaned from this post would be....

Sale to be announced sometime this Summer.

And if you are semi-local and would be 
interested in participating in an 
occasional sale / MOAGS (Mutha of All Garage Sales)
let me know!
Everything is still in the planning stages,
but once I get this barn cleaned up and decked out,
it's going to be AMAZING.

You'll see.  :-)

I'm patterning it after my beautiful friend Theresa's space at Zapp Hall...

I can only DREAM of having my sale look this good!
But it's nice to have an incredible fairy blogmama like Sweet T
to model myself after.

Off for now, I hope you have a beautiful week ahead!

{ disclaimer: absolutely no pre-sales of any items seen here before sale is announced }

Linking with Debra for
Vintage Inspiration Friday

Saturday, March 19, 2011


In every life, there are

places of joy and of happiness and peace

places where one can go to escape, to rest, to dream

places of plenty
and places of 

mine is found in a lovely old 
Gothic church in my new hometown.

It's a place where I feel a peace and a stillness,
where my heart and spirit can escape this world and contemplate the next.

Where is your  place?

Have a blessed second Sunday of Lent!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Lighter Heart

It's felt like
for quite some time here
in the Texas Hill Country

but in my heart...
not so much.

The heaviness and bitter cold of
paralleled much of what was going on in my
heart and spirit.

and then this week,
a series of events
changed everything...

in a GOOD way.

God was faithful.

Just as He always is.

Right on time.

This week,

in my heart

in my spirit

through my eyes

and through my lens

Spring arrived!

And with it,
so did





Our beautiful backyard peach tree,
adorned with the lovely peach blossoms you see here.

Happy Thursday,
Happy Spring!

Linking with Tricia at
A Rosy Note for Photo Feature Friday

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thank you, Fifi!

{from my recent photo shoot}

Hello sweet friends!

I just wanted to pop in, as I am finally  able to share with you
a bit of news about my big photo shoot this past January.

It was a project for the fabulous Fifi O'Neill 
and Romantic Country Magazine!

I just received word from sweet Fifi that the story on 
Linda and Ludmil Marcov of
will be in the next issue, so please, pick up a copy once it hits the stands...soon!

Fifi tells me they will be using 11 of my photos,
and I will be getting a credit in the story which reads...

Photography and Styling by Anne Lorys

Thank you so much Fifi, for your support and belief in me,
and thank you Linda and Ludmil Marcov for your hospitality.

Lastly, thank you to my sweet friend Carol Spinski
for your friendship and tireless mentoring.

I'll be able to post more about this once the issue hits the stands.
Be sure to pay Fifi a visit, too...her latest post features info on the next issue
of Romantic Country.

And don't forget to grab a copy of her fabulous new book,

Finally, thanks to all of YOU from the bottom of my heart for the outpouring
of support and love you've shown me following my last post.
I love y'all, you know.


Have a wonderful Sunday and week ahead!

Friday, March 11, 2011

What's Been Going On

I am....

all or nothing

no in-between

0 or 60

my speedometer doesn't do 30

Mount Everest or the ocean depths

level ground? what is that?

a blinding light or pitch darkness

no shadows here

So when I

burn out

I tend to go down in flames.

As far as I know, I'm not manic depressive or bipolar,
but I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest
if I found out that I was.

I am a woman of extremes.
Maddening, frustrating, oft-times debilitating

And lately?
The extremes have taken a hard toll.

I've tried to blame it on blogging,
but blogging is hardly to blame...
the fault lies with the woman composing this post.

I flamed out, pure and simple.
Hit the proverbial wall.

The past year, I have dropped the ball on many things of great importance.

My family.
My faith.

And all because I couldn't find

I felt as though I had to do it all,
and that I had to do it perfectly.

I have failed myself,
my family,
my God,
and in some ways,
many of you.

I've contemplated deleting this blog...
just going
and disappearing from your blog rolls
without warning..

But isn't that just like me?
Little Miss All-or-Nothing?

Instead of scaling back,
taking a breather
and actually learning how to bring
order and balance
to my life,
I opt for the dramatic choice.

And in some ways, the easy choice.

It's always easier to curl up in a ball in the corner
rather than
facing and conquering your demons head-on.
Easier, but ultimately it's a choice which leads to a sort of death....
maybe not a literal death, but one where your spirit
withers and dies.

Not  a choice I want to make.
Not now.
Not ever.

The problems and demons I've been dealing with
are not ones I wish to share.
They are deeply personal,
and some are pretty big...
but they are not too big for God to handle,
if I will just let Him in again.

It's a time of re-building...
my relationships with my family,
my God,
and even with myself.

Re-learning how to love myself,
when I haven't really felt very lovable at all.

I'm tippy-toe-ing back into the blogging world.
With a humble and grateful heart,
and with a healthy dose of fear, too...

Fear that I won't find that balance,
and will flame out once again.

But I love the relationships I've formed in this blogging world
so very, very much...

y'all are my heart, and I miss you.

And you are worth the effort.


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