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Thursday, March 22, 2012

I've Been Published Internationally!

Hello Friends!

I am positively giddy to announce that I have had
28 of my photos published in the March issue
of the gorgeous Italian design and decor magazine,
Casa Romantica.

 These photos were all taken for my Romantic Country
magazine shoot of the beautiful homes of
Linda and Ludmil Marcov of Willow Nest
back in January of last year.

Romantic Country only published 11 or so
of my photos,
but Casa Romantica used 28. 

I am so happy for my sweet friends Linda and Ludmil.
Love them to pieces!!!

I also owe a huge debt of gratitude to
the amazing Fifi O'Neill, who not only wrote
the text to this story, but took a chance on hiring me for
this job way back when. Thank you, dear Fifi!

And to my precious friend Carol Spinski,
who recommended me to Fifi for this job in the first place.
You know how much I adore you, Carol!

Just sharing a bit of happy news from my end!
I have no idea how to locate this magazine in the States,
but as soon as I found out, y'all will be the first to know.

Have a beautiful, dream-filled day!


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This is a Pinterest Friendly Blog

There's been a lot of talk of late about
Pinterest, and how it's terms of service
leave a lot to be desired.

Quite frankly, many people are quitting the site
and deleting their accounts, as the TOS clearly say
that if perchance you pin something copyrighted
and the original source so chooses to do so,
they can prosecute you.
And not only will you end up paying your legal fees,
but you'll pay Pinterest's, too.

It's all right there, in black and white,
under the Terms of Service.

For this reason, I have chosen to delete every pin
that is not mine from my boards.
In other words, I am now only pinning my own stuff.

But just so you know,
I give you full permission and welcome all of you
to pin anything you wish from my blog to your
pin boards, without fear of reprisals,
or me dragging you into court.
Because that's not how I roll.

This is a pin-friendly blog.

To read more about this, follow these links...

To those of you who choose to keep your pin boards
and keep pinning, I am not judging you, nor am I
telling you what to do. I just believe that everyone should
have access to this information, and be able to make
a fully informed choice.

So, having said away anything of mine you
see and like!

You can also follow me on Pinterest
by clicking the big red P logo below...

Follow Me on Pinterest

Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ain't She Sweet?

 Ain't she sweet? 
See her walking down that street.

 Yes I ask you very confidentially, 
ain't she sweet?

 Ain't she nice? Look her over once or twice.
Yes I ask you very confidentially, ain't she nice?

Just cast an eye in her direction, 
oh me oh my, ain't that perfection?

 Yes I ask you very confidentially, 
ain't she sweet?

"She" is Rose Hicks,
and these are some of my unpublished photos
from my Rose Hicks article in  

Have a beautiful, inspiring week!
I certainly plan to!

song lyrics by
Milton Ager and Jack Yellen

feel free to pin any photos in this post

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Six Months Ago

September 13, 2011.

Six months ago today, I lost my dear and precious mom.

The days seem to get easier as time goes on,
but days, like today, are the hard ones.

Birthdays, Christmas, Mother's Day...
and the monthly turning of the page to the 13th...
those are the difficult ones.

It's also the smaller, quieter moments which hit
particularly hard.
Like wanting to just pick up the phone and share
some happy news, some recent success.
She was always my biggest fan.

Treasure those you love.
Let them know and more importantly,
show them while they are still here.

Me: "i love you"
My Mom: "i love you more"

Friday, March 9, 2012

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

....but I'm ready....

My subtle new rain boots.

Think they'll see me coming
when I wear these to the antique shows
at Marburger in a few weeks?  ;-)

Happy Weekend!

I'm back on Pinterest now,
but only pinning my own photos.

Feel free to pin anything of mine,
and to follow me on Pinterest,
click  the big P below...

Follow Me on Pinterest

or by clicking the link on my sidebar.
I'm adding new photos all the time,
so check back often!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I can't help but share this
silly, happy photo I found
via google images,
it just sums up my life right now...

I am so happy.

I love my life, I love my friends.
I love the sweet little town where I live,
and I love all the amazing new friends I've made there.

I love being a photographer ( albeit part-time ).
I love all the blessings and professional opportunities
coming my way of much exciting news to share!

I love my faith, I love my family, 
I love all my blog buddies and readers.
I am blissfully, sickeningly happy.... 
deal with it, people. Ha!

It's just too darn bad that I'm not
a glow-worm, 'cause right about now,
I'd be lighting up the sky. { via my bum }


Monday, March 5, 2012


I love textures.
But this time I'm not talking about 
the kind you add via Photoshop,
although those are certainly lovely
in their own right.

No, I'm talking about the delightful, dizzying array
of textures to be found
during a stroll through

rusty old film reels

a well -used butcher's block

industrial gears

vintage signs both domestic...

and international

and a much loved, peely chest...

These  are the textures
that make my knees weak.

I have found myself falling more and more
in love with being a photographer in recent

It's a joy that makes me giddy and content,
as I feel a fulfillment and inspiration
which comes from doing something
one truly loves.

Thank you for letting me share a little
of my love with you.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just My Type

You are elegant and refined...
a throwback to a more genteel era...

 You are worldly and well spoken,
a scintillating conversationalist, you are...

 Your wisdom has given you, undoubtedly,
the key to what is really important...

You are, in a word,
just my type!

Happy Wednesday!

all photos taken

Monday, February 27, 2012

A New Centerpiece

Not really new.
But new to you.

I've had this on our dining table for quite some time now,
but I've been so busy with other projects
that I'm finally getting back to sharing photos
of my own home.

I picked up this fabulous old tool box awhile back,
and knew immediately that it belonged center-stage 
on our dining table.

And I promptly proceeded to fill it up
with all the elements and textures that
make me all giddy and happy inside...

 Of course, a few pieces of my expansive collection
of white enamelware made its way there.
And a couple of small-ish wasp nests are right at home,
having been rescued from one of our barns.

Delicate linen napkins,
and some sprigs of lavender wrapped in twine.

 a French grain sack pillow filled with lavender,
graced with a delicate starfish accent.

 and the lace....

 my, oh my, the vintage lace runner....
my favorite piece on the table.
I just can't get enough of vintage linens these days!

 Iron and wood...
a match made in Heaven!

This piece has patina
and character to spare!

 My dining table...

Now open for business
and serving friends, family and guests!

If you're in the area,
for goodness sake, give me a holla.
Let me give you the tour firsthand, 
first of my charming little town,
then ( provided the house is clean! )
our quaint little farmhouse.

Have a blessed week!

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