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Friday, November 20, 2009

Inquiring Minds Want to Know....

I've been thinking.
(that's always a dangerous thing)
Because I'm still sort of new to the blogging world, I wanted to take an informal poll of sorts.
Take a peek over to your right ------->>>

Apart from this wonderful, bloggy world, when you're not being utterly fabulous with your bad selves, what occupies your day?
Do you work at home, away from home, or both? Oh, I know  that we all work at home, believe me!!!

Are you a stay-at-home mom? How many kiddos?
Do you have a "side" business, like a booth, or an Ebay or Etsy Shop (or something else)?
Or just tired?
What are your hopes, dreams and aspirations?
Are you fulfilled?
Feel like you could use a clone or three?

As for me, I know I've shared my story with y'all, but I work full-time as a Respiratory Therapist in a hospital setting. I also have an antique mall booth, and just set up an Etsy Shop.

Now it's your turn.
Tell me your tale.

Go vote in my poll! Have a great weekend!


Kim said...

I'm a SAHM with a blog, an Etsy shop, 2 kids, 1 dog, and a partridge in a pear tree ;)

red.neck chic said...

I'm a full-time workin' girl - have a sign shop, 2 purse businesses, a booth in an antique mall, etsy store(s), consigner in a variety of places, a teenager (ouch), the FATTEST cat, 3 dogs, various wildlife (skunks, armadillo's, cows come to visit sometimes...horses too) i'm a blogger AND a caffeine addict! Oh, and most importantly - a junk fiend!

Thank You for telling about YOU!!! ;-)

Carol Mae said...

Cool, Those are such ornaments, I never would have thought of that. By the way very nice blog. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Blessing,Carol

Anne Lorys said...

Hey Robelyn, you're also a hoot, don't forget that!


Michelle Hughes said...

well, I work full time, but I dream to be a SAHM with some booths and my etsy. I just have one (15months) and a husband who works from home as a graphic designer and keeps the baby. I am insanely jealous of those who can afford to stay at home. We lost our beloved doggie last year and have no plans in the immediate future to get another. Oh, and I blog (one of my favorite jobs *wink*)

And, I don't think I have ever noticed your button **snatch**

Smiles~ Michelle

Blue Creek Home said...

I hope you were serious because I'm talking!

I am fortunate enough to stay at home, unless I have a decorative paint job. My cyberspace shop, Blue Creek Boutique, has been open for 6 days! (
I love G-Man, my husband of 26 years a lot!! We have fun together. He is semi retired from his government job, but still working way too much!
We have 2 beautiful daughters, 25 and 20. Empy nesting has it's advantages, but I miss them terribly!
Most importantly, I credit my Lord and Savior for all that I am and all that I have.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Oh, I love those. I bought the angels and the dogs last week! Aren't they the best!?

I have a home office...with a dog bed in the corner!

blushing rose said...

Retired, un-retired, ex-boutique owner, now a feedsack fabric dealer, do genealogy research.
Nothing dull, nothing exciting.

Pop over to Nov. 16th post to enter FOUR GIVEAWAYS

Have a lovely weekend. TTFN ~Marydo

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

What a post! I work full-time, antique full-time, mom/wife full-time, plus I'm in two shops, and have a Blog Shop that I sell from. Life is good and of course I blog full-time! That's a lot of fulltiming going on. I know we all live busy lives. Hope you have an awesome weekend and don't work too much!

The Flying Bee said...

I'm a stay at home mommy, help my hubby with his business, have an Etsy and will have a booth in January! Wow! I like your little poll.

Theresa said...

I worked for 30 years and retired 7 years ago. I mostly do whatever I want to these days:) I do stuff with the grandchildren, love to shop and do crafts. I would love to have a booth but just haven't taken that on just yet. I could actually use a secretary to do just the paperwork and handle the junk mail. Have a blessed day and love all the comments.

trash talk said...

Let's see...where to begin. I worked full time for the USPS as a rural carrier for 23 years and part-timed antiques. Left the "real" job in 1997 to pursue a dream. I now look back and wonder how I found time for it all, 'cause I sure don't have enough now. I work at the junk full time and a half. With Warrenton, 2 malls, Cat Daddy, Jakie, the kids, grandchildren, friends, and me (I'm high maintenance) there just isn't enough time in a day. Plus I write when time allows, but I always make time for blogging. It keeps me stimulated and the mind alert...except for those short naps every now and then.

*The Beautiful Life* said...

Stay-at-home mama w/an online store/blog/facebook, etc. Started the online store 10 years ago and have kept to my rule that I would never let it "interfere" with being a mom/wife, etc. Now that my daughter is in college, I've been able to "spread my wings" a bit more now with the biz, but even now I keep to my promise to not let it ever come before my fam. :)

Dreams? Yep. Got 'em. Stay tuned. :)

Great post, Anne!

alissa said...

i am a sahm..but help my hubby once in awhile...he farms. i have a craft business. a local store sells my wares. i also have an etsy shop, but can't seem to find time to upload. whould love to have an antique booth. but my big dream...have a store of my own that sells antiques and handcrafted items.

Anne Marie said...

i voted!

i'm a married stay at home, home-school the kids - all five of them, while taking care of my farm...

and kimmcl's partridge in a pear tree cracked me up.

starnes family said...

The cat ornaments are so cute. Might have to get them for my sis.

Stay at home mom......3 little is good. I used to work as a buyer for Pier 1 and then Michaels. And, I'll work again. But, for now, I'm Mom.

Beth Gales said...

I have an esty shop ( four kids and do home shows for my jewelry,which ends up being a full time job! How fun is it that most days I can work in sweats and keep the laundry and dishes going? And still claim to be a fashion guru?

LuLu said...

I'm stay home mom to 4 children, married for 16 years this year and just now starting to build and follow my dream of my own vintage cottage shop from home. I did it to me at home so I can still be here for my kiddos! Mom to a goldendoodle dog :)

Unknown said...

Hi Anne,
I have been all of the above at one point in my life. When the kids were born, I was a SAHM. Once they were in school, I worked part time outside of the home, around their schedules. Now that we are nearly empty-nesters (still have one in college) I have two part time jobs which pretty much equal full time employment. I like being at home when not working, fluffing the nest.


Miss Gracie's House said...

SAHM first and foremost...but then it's antique peddling all the way...that makes 2 full-time jobs, oh ya then I paint everything white, too!
You asked!

Mammabellarte Rita Reade said...

Do you have time? stay home mamma of 2, work in the workshop, do shows and teach soldering classes. Have 4 dogs, 9 chickens,a couple of fish. Etsy shop like you, just started and takes forever....FB it's fun and NOT! I need to exercise, why don't you join me next time you have a free moment and you are in the area. Love my life. Thank you for letting vet. Have a wonderful weekend. Ciao Rita Mammabellarte

the old white house said...

I'm a stay at home mom with 3 of my 5 kids still in the nest and another one flying solo next year to college ( just got one of his acceptance letters today as a matter of fact!) I miss them all when they're gone and it takes me months to get out of my slump. I have an etsy store that I'm trying to fill up all of the time and rading everything I can to get it noticed. I recently started a blog and have to say I am loving it! My hubby and I have been married 23 years and we have our faith to thank for it. That and a good laugh at ourselves once in awhile! I love the ornies too and made some for halloween this year!

Love the Decor! said...

I have a design and decorating business which allows me to be home a great deal of time. I also have a web store called
I love pretty things and I think surrounding yourself with the things you love helps to create that homey feeling. I am going to be a first time Grandma in April and am so looking forward to it.
Been married fro almost 28yrs and have 4 daughters and I son-in-law

Destination Seaborn said...

Wow...great idea for a post;) I've been reading your blog for about a week now. Married for 13 yrs, I'm a SAHM mom to two preschool boys. I am a trained Clinical Counselor and worked in mental health for 10 years before having children. I'm new to blogging and I'm really enjoying it. I love to decorate and enjoy flower gardening. Would love to make a career change to something more creative. Thanks for listening!

Laurel said...

I am a stay at home mom -with four kids ranging from kindergarten to an junior in college! 3 girls and one boy- or two girls a man and a woman :) 5,8,19 and 21. Crazy happy life and I love my blog pals. The creative process feeds my soul and I love all the inspiration blogs provide. Pop over! xxoo

Diann said...

LOVE the ornaments. You left out my category SAHFTWM. Stay at home full time working mom.I've worked full time from home for the past 25 years raising my four kids.

Junk Exchange said...

junkin is my job - so what's my choice ? -

hey, i am puttin together a post on 'guys who blog' - it's NOT a womens world out here - ladies quit being so gender specific - SAHM indeed!

just funnin' ya' -

seriously, i work full time at this - so guess that is my choice - but sounded like that choice meant you worked a full time job where someone handed you a check at the end of the week/month and said good job - i don't have one of those - but i work full time - all the time - every day - all day - even been known to price things in my sleep -

love ya' and what you bring to the table out here -


Anne Lorys said...

Thank you SO much for helping open my eyes to the demographics of just who my readers might be. There were some surprises to me, and then also some things which suddenly made more sense.

I am always thankful to learn more about the friends that visit and read my blog, thank you ALL!

Bunnym said...


I am a retired Optician of 20 years and decided to quit and become a part time aid at a local Jr High. I work 2 hours a day and the rest of the time I shuttle my daughter and sometimes her friends to and fro. In my spare time I blog and faux paint people's walls and help them with interior designing...that's all folks! your ornaments are TDF!


Lisa said...

Love pipe cleaner orniments! Thanks for teh pics! I just came over from another friends blog. I saw you orni pic! I work full time at a an animal hospital. I'm mom to 3 dogs and my mother has lived with me for the past 3 years. She is self sufficant but cannot afford to live on her own. So I don't really take care of her. Besides blogging and shopping that's me! I can't wait to visit more of your blog!
Hugs, Lisa

maryboys said...

anne - i keep thinking you should write a post about your RT job and entitle it: "secretions and such"!!! i am just amazed at your passion and energy...i enjoy your blog so much although i don't comment every time i visit:)
i am a physician assistant for the past 15 years, working part-time up until a week i have chosen to be home for a while:) we have 2 children - ages 8 and 11; and i have many interests and hobbies and am close to my extended family - that takes time, too! it's fun to read about others' lives, too - thanks for this post...


Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Hey you,well I am one of the lucky ones,I only work part time 3 days a week,I sell high end skincare and cosmetics,I am called a "DERM COSMETICIAN...I like it but I would rather be a decorater thats for sure!!Hope you had a good weekend,talk soon!

Dreams and Decor said...

I work full-time & then some at a top-notch, fast-paced, friendly dental office. I'm chaeuffer to my husband, the love of my life, who currently can't drive due to a stroke. I'm an antique-loving shopaholic, blogaholic & bakeaholic, who loves to decorate, redecorate, have fun, and create! I love my life! There's never a dull moment! (I'm checking out those ornaments on your etsy shop---they're precious!) Patti

Anonymous said...

Usually working part-time RN, sometimes full-time, sometimes casual. Right now, unemployed mom of two boys, 3 and 6, trying to close on our house and get to Maine. I have an etsy (twigsandfeathers) and Lolli shop, would love to be the next farm Chick. Will have a huge barn in Maine to help on that end.

Coco said...

I wasn't going to spend money this week, but I have to have those ornaments. How fun and original.

Stay at home mom, 2yr old and 4yr old. Lots of fun, I am very lucky. I plan on teaching when the dudes start school.

ann at greenoak said...

those are so dang cute!!!!...i love your blog..
.and your likes in your profile are like a mirror for me....
good luck on your great adventure in to the junk world....ann

ann at greenoak said...

p.s. im a full time junker and store owner with my dh and son up in rochester indiana....30 yrs same location...but weve grown.... we are very broad, from old rusty hair curlers to ice tongs to concert grand pianos... to crafts and all kinds of in house rehabbing of furniture.......i love the antique world and its been good to me...we have website , blog,etsy and facebook....
i knowi would love cruising around doewn there in texas....with a big truck!!!

jason said...


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