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Friday, October 1, 2010

Needful Things, Indeed

I was inspired to title this post after a comment I received from
Debbie on one of my recent posts...

I was showing and telling about my recent finds, and  
a fellow blogger wisely pointed out that these were
not wants, but rather needful things.

Not sure if Mr. Twig would agree,
but here I am, back with more to share!

My first find...
A vintage siphon / seltzer bottle!
I know I say this about everything  {grin} but I really HAVE
been looking for one of these forever.
Scored at a local resale shop for waaaaay less
than what they're asking anywhere else.

And nabbed from a church rummage sale...

My third (and I think best) vintage typewriter.
Love it!

This darling little pitcher set me back a buck at a local resale shop.

And this one?

Fifty cents!

Wanna see what another dollar will get ya?

A mini Ironstone type pitcher, and this one even has crazing!

Loving this sweet little wire basket I scored for fifty cents at a garage sale.

And finally, I just had to share this find with you...

I discovered these seat cushions at Tuesday Morning last week, and I'm thinking
that the ticking side will look just marvy here...

The beauty part of all of this is that NOTHING was found in Warrenton during Antique Week,
but rather all at local thrift shops, resale stores or rummage sales!
And all at rock bottom prices, too.

So ya see? If you can't make it to any of the big mega antique shows,
there are still ample treasures to be found locally, you just have to be persistent.

Thanks for looking, and before I sign off and wish you a happy weekend,
I just want to thank you all for your prayers for my friends earlier today.
They read my blog fairly regularly, so I know they will be touched
by the outpouring of love.

Have a great weekend!

Linking with My Romantic Home


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Anne Sweetie...
Oh my gosh, Needful Things indeed. I adore the seltzer bottle, what a wonderful find that was. Love it. And that typewriter, it is on my want list, or at least some keys would make me happy.

Love those cushions and yes that ticking side would be SO marvy in so many places. I love it.

Thank you for sharing your Needful Items. I love it. Have a gorgeous weekend sweetie.

Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Alyssa said...

I love your finds! Especially those pillows! What a deal, you lucky gal! ;) Ticking and toile are fav's of mine. Love your blog and I made sure to grab your button. Would love for ya to come follow Boston Bee if you'd like, or grab my button 2! It's so much fun to share great deals and projects;)Alyssa of Boston

Blondie's Journal said...

I am loving everything, especially the white pitchers {I posted a pic of one of mine this last post} and the pillows! !

Have a good weekend, Anne!


Tales From My Empty Nest said...

What great treasures you found!!! I did a little thrifting today and yesterday too and I scored some great finds. Found a beautiful 3 sectioned milk glass dish for cheap! And last week I found some wonderful books that were brand new! Don't you just love the thrill of the hunt. In the morning my friend's neighborhood is having a sale. I love to go to those yard sales, since so many are in one area. I got some great stuff there last year. Hope you have a wonderful weekend getting settled in your house. Oh, I almost forgot... my Mom used to type on an old Royal typewriter like yours when I was a little girl. Wish we still had it!!! Love & blessings from NC!

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

~*~* Great bargains Anne!! Wishing you a wonderful weekend too!! Hugs,Rachel~*~*

LuLu Kellogg said...

That's my kind of shopping!

Cassie said...

Ya done good! I just may have attempted a cartwheel had I come across that smorgeous selzer bottle!

Beach House Living said...

I write with envy over the seltzer bottle. I've yet find that color in a decent price range.

Polly said...

Great finds! I love bargain hunting! Love the seltzer bottle! I think the ticking is going to look great!



Annie Louise said...

Oh my goodness--what great finds! Love the seltzer bottle, the typewriter is to die for, all those wonderful pitches and the seat cushions--what a great hall!! Congratulations.
Have a great weekend,

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Anne!
I agree!! All of these things are very necessary and useful!!! I have rooms full of useful things and a garage full, and a booth full....and on and on....I know you understand.

Love that seltzer bottle and those cushions are so sweet. Perfect for you home.


Elaine said...

Yes,great finds....that old typewriter is a treasure. keep shopping.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Local thrifting, yard sales and rummage sales rock!!

Itchin' Stitchin' said...

Awesome items! I think I might go to some flea markets myself this weekend :)

Beth Leintz said...

I love it! Last week at this time, we were thinking that the whole world had tipped and all the antiques had poured into Warrenton, and you managed to find just what you wanted close to home for pocket change.

...of course, I'm sure that even though the haul was good, the company at Warrenton was better ;)

traci said...

i love the siphon. i found one last year for cheap. have been looking for another one ever luck. great needs!!!

becki said...

You got some great deals!
Warrenton prices have gone craaaazzzeee!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne!! I agree - these are things you can use and you can make pretty with them too! :) Love those pitchers!
Have a great weekend.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anji Johnston said...

Love every scrummy bit! Tuesday morning eh? Must go find me one right now! Have a lovely weekend

Unknown said...

You did very well Anne! I love the typewriter.
It just amazes me what you can find a yard sales and thrift stores. I'm going out tomorrow to see what treasures I can find.
Enjoy your weekend and that new home!

Sue said...

I always say, "it's not about the NEED but it's about the WANT". Sometimes you just gotta have some of those old things with no need to explain why!

Take care, Sue

Jaime Haney said...

Hoooo-eey! those are some great bargains and finds you've got there! You shoulda bought a lottery ticket too! ha ha

This weekend is the Hwy 60 200 mile yard sale through Kentucky (near where I live) I am hoping to snag some great deals too!

Urban Farmgirl said...

Oh my dear, dear Anne. What the heck are you doing to me over here! I am drooling on my keayboard, and that can't be good for it! ;o)

Love all the finds, but remember how I saud someday I was gonna come knocking on your door?? Well, check my purse when I leave, because that beauty may just find its way in there.

Happy Weekend, my friend!


Glenda said...

Anne, a girl after my own heart. I'm always rummaging through the thrift shops for my needful things!

Unknown said...

Oh, my golly, my friend! You have some lovely finds there ... love that ironstone.

Sorry I have not been with you more lately. We finally finished both house constructions & took off for 2 weeks. I apologize, but will be better now.

TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Amy Kinser said...

Girl, I am all about those wonderful treasures you found. HOW do you find such neat stuff? You know I am loving all you are buying and doing. I have one of those silver baskets like you got. I want to know what you do with yours.

trash talk said...

Gotta love Stephen King, right...right!
I hate to date myself, but I remember when seltzer bottles were plentiful and cheap...wish I had held onto the ones I sold for little or nothing back in the day! I loved them then and I still love 'em! Love the enamelware pitcher. Those can get pretty pricey if French and old...time to do a little homework!
Speaking of're having a ball aren't you?

Alice said...

That seltzer bottle is a thing of beauty! And I love the old typerwriter and the ironstone pitcher. What beautiful finds--and yes, needful!

Wendy said...

Beautiful finds and add the awesome prices makes it all the better!! Church sales are the best, we usually always leave happy :)
Personally I always felt it is a fine line between wants and needs! I would have to say that typewriter is a need!!

Lara said...

Cha-ching! :) I am drooling over your 2 white pitchers! Great finds & yeah, I love when I find them crazy deals, too! Happy weekend to you!
Hugs-- Lara

Alicia ~ time worn style said...

Hi Anne, sorry I havent visited for a while! Love the blue soda syphon, I have the exact same one. They are made in czechoslovakia. I found another "needful thing" the other day to add to my syphone collection, this one has silver metal webbing on it. Love love!

Tonia Lee Smith said...

I LOVE those pitchers.

June said...

Hi Anne,
You have scored some really great things lately. I only got to go to yards sales three time this Summer, but you can't believe the awesome stuff I found. I'm still in awe over a couple of them. I just love it when I am able to find the very things I have been hunting for.
I saw your cute faace over at Lisa's blog...or was it Jodies? I don't remember, but it was great to see you made it to the shows.

Lili said...

Heehee I had to chuckle because we actually have a store here called Needful Things. But then again, we also have Stephen King here. Anyway, I ADORE all of your thrift sale finds and loving that ticking on your church pew. ~Lili

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Anne,
Great finds for great prices too. Love the cushions and that bench/pew is perfectly adorable ~ LOVE it! I agree w/Debbie, quite needful indeed.

Happy weekend to you too!

Olde Tyme Marketplace said...

OMG~ the chair pads!! I am in love!

re:Inspire said...

Thanks for the encouragement to keep hunting the local shops and sales! We never have any cool antique shows around here in Salem, Ohio!

Tammy said...

Great finds Anne! You rock at the thrifting thing...I never get that lucky!!
I had missed your last I went back and read...your friends are in my prayers...
Life is very precious...none of us are promised give the best of who you are everyday !!!
Have a blessed weekend!
Tammy :-)

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

I love all your "need" stuff!! I need lots, too. Or so my hubby says ~ just don't let him hear you saying how cheaply you were able to purchase your goodies!!!!

That seltzer bottle alone is just awesome!!!

Happy PS!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

bullie_mama said...

OMG, I was at Value Village (a local thrift store) and found one of those vintage spritzer bottles for like $5 and didn't buy it cos I was trying to be a good girl. Got home and saw that they were like $50+ some places. So I went back to grab it a couple hours later - GONE! So sad. But I love your blue one.
I REALLY love your white hanging washing basin - I've NEVER seen one of those and LOVE the idea of housing your fruit/veggies in it.
So cute!
Such fun finds!!!!

Tina said...

So So beautiful Anne. Love those seat cushions. They will be perfect on your new bench.
xo Tina

Ordinary Hiker said...

So pretty! That seltzer bottle is to die for. Since most of the Flea Market and Antique shows in my local area (+15 miles) aren't that great (or I haven't found them yet), most of my fabulous finds have come from church swap meets and Thrift Shops. It's so amazing what a dollar or some haggling can get you!

helle said...

Both needfull and usefull, I agree!! Love the little ironstone pitcher and the cushions are so cute, stribes and flowers go so well together.

Hope your weekend will be nice, Anne!! - maybe with some more fleamarkets to go visit?

Hugs Helle

Lululiz said...

What can I say, Anne, I would have snapped up every single one of those treasures as well, they are all fabulous! I love the vintage seltzer bottle, the colour is just fantastic. And those ticking cushions? Perfect!

paige said...

i would love a huge collection of seltzer bottles!!
& fantastic typewriter!

Unknown said...

What brilliant finds! I am always needing pitchers like those for the flowers I sell from my garden, am now inspired to go hunting in the local charity shops! Delighted to have discovered your lovely blog, and look forward to visiting again soon. Belinda x

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

I love local!!! It's the BEST.... and always less $$$$$. Great stuff. Happy weekend!

Joanna said...

The gorgeous soda syphon, the fantastic typewriter, the beautiful pitchers, the perfect seat cushions.....what wonderful needful things, indeed. It would have been a crime to leave them behind. Well done for rescuing them - they will be loved. xx

Anonymous said...

I think I am lving in the wrong state- I have yet to see anything like this anywhere... SIGH. Maybe I have to come visit you- no?? hugs

ps- we just launched out second zine, go check it out on my blog. xoxo

gail said...

Hmm I might have to hit Tuesday morning. I absolutely love ticking. And, yes, they will look fantastic on your bench. Love all of it-especially the ironstone pitcher.

Unknown said...

LOVE your finds Anne....I was excited to find seltzer siphons but I did not find a blue one! Lucky you!



Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Hi Anne!! Love the old seltzer bottle and the typewrite...two of the many many things on my most wanted list!!

Have a great weekend!!

Musings From A French Cottage said...

Wow!! Great finds ~ I love, love,love the seltzer bottle, typewriter and those cushions. Gorgeous...those pitchers too...oh who am I kidding...I LOVE it all!

God Bless,

It's me said...

Beautiful stuff!!......happy weekend you.....Ria.... said...

As much as I love shopping for old junk, I do have to pop in to Tuesday Morning and TJMax every once in a while. They are just the BEST for cushions and pillows, aren't they? Those will be great for softening the bench.

paperbird said...

I am loving your ticking pillows Anne and I think they would be so pretty in your home. The vintage typewriter is pretty awesome too.

Have a lovely weekend.

Privet and Holly said...

Now THIS is
what I'm talking
it all....Off to
read about your
friends ~ hope
all is well!
xx Suzanne

{oc cottage} said...

Oh my gosh, what treasures you found!

m ^..^

Prior said...

great finds...I'm thinking those cushions will look dreamy and what a great type writer! Lezlee

savvycityfarmer said...

now you've gone and done it ... proved my point, that is ...
this had to be written in conjunction with the post I just published ...
I swear our hearts beat at the same time ...
love love love your scores!

Heaven's Walk said...

Ok......seriously.....I need to go shopping with you from now on..... :)

xoxo laurie

Anne Marie said...

all great finds Anne...but i especially like the little white pitcher - there is just something about those things...i think i need to start a collection of them

hope you are enjoying the weekend, and that you are feeling at peace about your friends' tragedy...
Anne Marie

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Anne, What great finds and at fantastic prices! The pitchers, vintage typewriter and cushions are all wonderful. The cushions are perfect for your bench.
Hugs, Sherry

Lacey said...

Oooo... those white pitchers are beautiful!.. great finds!..

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Anne,

So glad you got all that wonderful treasures and for a good price,{ is even better}

Hope that you are having a lovely weekend, dear friend.

Farmgirl Paints said...

Wow...great buys. Love that blue glass jar thingy:)


Love all these finds!!! Great prices too! Love that!
~ Julie

D. Jean Quarles said...

I agree, those were all needful things. Love them. Congratulations on the great finds.

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