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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

things i've learned this week

that life is precious

that time is short

that it's okay to cry for a good reason

that it's even more okay to cry for no reason whatsoever

that mindless tv serves a huge purpose

that people are basically good

that sometimes a glass of strawberry lemonade 
takes the pain away

that puppy kisses are better than the best medicine

that everyone has been dealt a crappy hand now and then

that taking a spontaneous road trip to visit a precious friend
is often just what the doctor ordered

that a sink full of dirty dishes can wait

that blessings still abound

that God is good all the time,
all the time, God is good.

 { photo taken during my Waco road trip last week,
and included here just because it made me smile }


Goldie said...

Very inspiring words, and that picture made me smile as well today!

Kate said...

Dear Anne
Sending you my constant love and prayers through this part of the journey. I am hoping that in time your broken heart will feel better. Love you sweet girl


Debra@CommonGround said...

Glad you're smiling! xoxo said...

You know it:) How can one not smile when looking at that beautiful woman?
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens

Anonymous said...

Anne, your posts always touch my heart. I believe your mother is watching over you with pride and unending love. You are truly a daughter of whom she must have been very proud in this life.

Hugs, DIane

It's me said...

I'm sure we both will behave !!! ....God is great !!!!

Between Me and You said...

You`re doing good - keep going - you`ll make it. Hugs from across the water. xxx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your beautiful words, I needed to learn them too. Just as the smiling lady in the picture made you smile, you made me smile. It's contagious!!


Connie in Hartwood said...

Here you are, dealing with your own pain and you are imparting your wisdom to benefit the rest of us. Thank you. This helps me today.

Jensamom23 said...

Such beautiful things to learn. I am certain your Mom is smiling down on you with pride and joy.

Theresa said...

I pray that your heart feels what it needs to feel to heal:) May sunshine and smiles show up in your day! Love you my friend! BIG HUGS and continued prayers!

Alice said...

So true, Anne. But I'll take a chocolate shake please.

Thinking of you and your family.

Blessed Serendipity said...

God IS good all the time.
Thinking of you and praying for you and your family.


Paula Parrish said...

Hello Anne,
Thanks for posting these so precious words that mean so much to me.
Smiles, Paula

Mary said...

I just read that you lost your sweet Mom. I am just SO very sorry. Yeah crying is good, really good. You and she are in my prayers.

From Virginia

mollydianeh said...

I think of you often through out the day. You're right...God is good and
puppy kisses and strawberry lemonade is best medicine on earth!
hugs and love!

paige said...

so beautiful
& all so true

you've continually been in my prayers xo

The Cottage Market {Andrea} ♥ said...

so very true...very true you and your mom are in my prayers. hugs

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Thank you for sharing how to keep on keeping on. I am saving your words. Prayers. Love
- Joy

Privet and Holly said...

So happy your
eyes are taking
in the view, despite
the tears. I've
been praying hard
for you. Love you,
xx Suzanne

My Grama's Soul said...

Oh dear Anne..... Sounds like the healing process is slowing seeping in...I'm so very glad.

You are getting the biggest hug I can give.

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Beautiful post Anne, your in my thoughts and prayers!
Big hugs~~~ Daphne

VS said...

I LOVE being reminded of ALL those things my friend. Your words will continue to ring in my ears long after I leave your blog...thank you.

Mosaic Magpie said...

words of wisdom.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hello Anne,
Thanks for the beautiful words of inspiration.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hello Anne,
Thanks for the beautiful words of inspiration.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Amen, Anne...Amen! You learned some wise things this week, thank you for sharing with us...XOXO


Anne, been thinking about you. Sweet words of wisdom here...mindless TV has come in handly here occasionally too. Thanks for sharing the glittery drawn cat's eye glasses photo...good for a grin. hugs,angela

Nora said...

Those are some really good conclusions, GF...haven't been by in a while, thought I'd pop over & say HOWDY!
Hope you're well.

Farmgirl Paints said...

amen to all that girlie. especially the puppy kisses. amazing how they just know what we need! praying for you.

**Anne** said...

Thinking of you.
Anne xx

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Thinking of you Anne...keep smiling!

Mona Kay Gorman said...

Oh honey, I am so glad you are getting puppy kisses and a chance to watch mindless tv!! I hope they help you heal...

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Hi Anne,

Keep're on your way to healing. More puppy kisses, and then some more, and then even more. : )

Shirley said...

Hi Anne, I really loved your post tonight. The words you wrote are so very true. Crying helps a lot regardless of the situation. It has been rough, but just remember that you have a lot of friends praying and sending hugs even though we can't do it in person. It all means a lot and God is looking after us. Take care. Hugs from Your Missouri Friend

Amy Kinser said...

Smiling...crying...laughing. Whatever you need to do, you do it!

God is good all the time, isn't He!!

Chatty Crone said...

I think you found the answer to life.

andrea@townandprairie said...

That faded photograph is a priceless treasure. Look at it often and smile. andrea @ townandprairie

Wildflowerhouse said...

Thoughtful words and the picture made me smile too!

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Beautiful words....we all need to remember.

Karen said...

Hi Anne, I have been thinking about you. So glad to see this post. Continue to heal.
Bless you~

Kim Klassen said...

dear Anne..... so very very sorry for our loss....

I had no idea you were going thru such a difficult time....
take good care.....

lots of love and prayers.... xxo

Tricia said...

These sound like some wonderfully wise words. I've been thinking about you :)

Janie Fox said...

Praying for you. You beautiful Mom is in the arms of Jesus. How great is that?!

Six in One Hand said...

Anne, my dear friend, I am so sorry for your loss. May the Holy Spirit comfort and keep you. I do believe you will have joy in your heart.

Kristen said...

I'm always touched when someone reaches out to others when they are in the midst of their darkest time. Inspiring.


Anonymous said...

Time will be a blessing. While my father's passing ended his suffering, those left behind had to heal. My prayers are with you.

LissyLou said...

Great words.

Take care xxxx

Anonymous said...

How true the words of your post are..

Lululiz said...

Big hugs to you, Anne xx

Urban Farmgirl said...

Oh, how I needed this today, too!

I am so sorry to hear of your mamas passing. You know I am thinking of you...


Anonymous said...

Inspiring and correct words and to that I'll just AMEN :-) Blessings to you.

Tilda said...

nice Anne. nice.

Unknown said...

We love you Anne, just so you know.

Free Art Printables said...

Anne, I am so sorry for the loss of you mother. My Dad passed away 13 years ago so I know how you are feeling. If you need anything, don't hesitate. It's a good time to cry now.

vintagegirl said...

I'm sure this has been a tough week and I continue to keep you in my prayers...god is good :)

~ now's the time for some good old fashioned comfort food!


Kim from The Sheep's Nest said...

I'm thinking of you sweet Anne, time will heal. Hugs to you from me.

Carol D said...

God is not able to be anything but the definition of all things good! Anything bad said about him is the ultimate lie!

God made puppy dogs (and fuzzy kittens) to heal our hearts and remind us of his loving kindness.

You will never stop missing your dear mom, but it will become just a quiet ache, a gentle tug at your heart.

take care

Lili said...

Thinking of you sweet Anne. Your heart is surely on the mend even though your life has been forever changed. Sending love and and saying prayers. ~Lili

Susan said...

so very true. I am trying to stop playing cards. i have had MORE than my share of crappy hands. In fact we were just dealt a full hand of jokers. Our home is on the line, as well as our health. I am not ready to share all the info with the world but...we could be in some serious trouble here.
Still uplifting you my friend! you are being very brave, and I am proud of you! You are an inspiration to us all.

lisaroy said...

Thinking of you - and your smile made me smile today. Big hugs xoxo

VintageHome said...

Wishing you well Anne, be kind to yourself and take all the time you need.

I know it is autumn there, but does it help to know that across the sea here in Australia, Spring is beginning & everywhere life is renewing itself.
After good winter rains the gardens are glorious with breathtaking camellia blooms the size of dinner plates. Roses & foxgloves are budding & the air is heavy with the fragrance of blossoms, wisteria & jasmine.
Gorgeous red & green parrots are singing their hearts out as they soar through the sky with abandon, or settle in our old english oak which they light up with their colours. The oak too has awakened & just this week has become a chandelier of new lime green leaves & tassels.
It is such a beautiful world, I hope somehow you can still see it through your tears.

You have generously shared so much beauty with us & you continue to inspire with every post.
Love, Michelle x

Lara said...

Oh girlie I have been thinking about you. I loved reading about the things you learned this week and I whole-heartedly agree with em all. Oh yeah, mindless tv is the best. Do you know how much I hate February? I get so down in the dumps every Feb. because it is so grey & frozen here - I will rent like a whole series of The Love Boat or some other comfort soup vintage sitcom from my childhood & couch camp. Sending you some hugs!

Katherines Corner said...

I've been thinking about you a lot. I was happy to see this beautiful post straight from your heart into ours.Hugs and wishes for a joy filled weekend.

Vicki said...

That picture certainly made me smile. Your words are all so true. Thinking of you. xoxo

Sherry said...

Thanks for sharing your gift with words and pictures. Thinking of you in your time of loss.

Jilly said...

Anne, your posts always great. I believe your mother is watching over you with pride. You are truly a daughter of whom she must have been very proud in this life.
r4 card

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

...peace to you.....

Matthew 11:28-29 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.


{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Anne.... I'm so very sorry about the loss of your precious mom... and you're right, God is good all the time.... and all the time, God is good.... as my sweet friend always said "and God is still in control"...

I lost my sweet Mum nearly three years ago... I promise, the pain does get better. I think of my Mum every day and miss her constantly, but it's not the stabbing pain it was in the beginning.

Big, comforting hugs to you....


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