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Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Beautiful Thing!

It might not be a beautiful sight to anyone but me, 
but the fence is finished!!!

 My husband replaced all the rotted and missing pickets...

 put up fencing where none had existed before...

 My poor, sweet, chippy, peely-paint cottage!
Cannot wait until we start painting sometime next year (paint party at our place!).

And yeah, I also feel a fence painting party coming on, too.
Tom Sawyer, anyone?

The Mister, being a teacher and on Christmas break, 
has spent the better part of the weekend at the new casa
getting one of the barns cleaned out and ready for the two pups.
It's gonna be the Husky Hilton by the time he gets finished!!

Speaking of Christmas break....
Mr. Twig will be headed up to Portland, Oregon early Tuesday morning
and will be spending a week there with his parents and a few of his six siblings.

No, it's not ideal being apart this time of year, but it's really, really important
for him to be there for his folks, this year more than ever.
Some things have happened in recent months, which have made us both
realize just how precious these people we call parents really are in our lives...
we need to treasure them while we are still lucky enough to have them.

And besides, I'll be working lots and lots (and LOTS) at the hospital, so I'll be keeping busy.
My sweet mom will be spending the week with me,
as will my goofball cat, so don't feel too sorry for me!
It's all good.  :-)

Off to fix some dinner now.
I'll be back tomorrow to announce the winner of my giveaway,
have a wonderful evening!


Lisa said...

Hey lure,
Talk about stalkers, look at me! You just posted this! Love the fence, I'll be your Becky Thatcher any 'ol time. Love the look of that barn too. You & mama can come eat with soon. Lisa

Sherri B. said...

Portland is my hometown and where all of our kids and grandkids are and my mother, sister and brother..we have a home in Vancouver WA but we are mostly up in Anacortes WA where my husband has a long term job..It is so sweet that your husband is honoring his parents and that you are so giving to bless his trip. Have a wonderful time with your mother..Merry Christmas to you and all of your family, furry ones included!

gail said...

does this mean you can move in soon because the pups will be safely enclosed? I hope so!

Riki Schumacher said...

Fabulous fence! Well, have a wonderful holiday, what a shame to be separated for the holiday, but it sure happens, I understand. Riki

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

I'm so excited, now you will get to move in soon?????
Enjoy your time with your mom and your hubby with his parents.
You will never regret spending too much time with them, enjoy!

Farmgirl Paints said...

Oh girlie that's bad timing, but I get it. So glad your momma can be there with you. That will be some nice one on one time. I would love that time with my mom.

The Green Pea said...

Anne, I still remember painting our picked fence. It was our first home. I thought that I would never finish. It is a hard fence to paint. I will be thinking of you. You will think of me too! Have a good time and post about it after you finish. sandi

Polly said...

So glad your fence and pup hotel are coming along!! You are so right about spending time with the sucks when they are gone. The holidays are hard for me because I miss my Dad so much and he was the glue in our family.

Hope you have a happy holiday despite being apart from your husband. I'm sure you and your mom will make some memories yourselves!!

Merry Merry!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

So happy the fence is done! One step closer to moving in. Hope you have a good week even with all that work!!

Sue said...

I am in total LOVE with all of your old little buildings on our property. Yes you have a project, but wow, what a labor of love. What is exciting is that we all get to watch as it progresses. Don't work too hard! I keep telling myself that too!

Take care, Sue

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

SO nice to get the fence done! Soon you can move in! I totally understand about your husband visiting his parents, you really begin to value those times...I hope you and your mother have a very special time together, too!

Theresa said...

Well, I see you used your own fence guy:) He is doing an awesome job and I bet he can paint too! Sorry you will be apart for the Holidays but I totally understand where he needs to be!

Enjoy your week and don't work too hard! I know how to paint when the party gets started:) HUGS!

Unknown said...

I don't know how you juggle everything going on in your life. Have a great week with your mom and I pray Mr. Twig has a safe and happy trip up north. The fence is lookin' good! I'll stop by with paint brush in hand sometime. ;-)


traci said...

it's so nice that your mom is staying with you. you will have some special moments. will you be moving soon?

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

~**~Yay the fence is up!! It looks great already! We painted our house this used to be chippy yellow and now is is a light sage green with white trim..much better!! ;) HUGS, Rachel~*~*

*French Farmhouse 425*

countrycharisma said...

Your hubby did a great job on the fence repair. Doesn't feel good to get that done? We always have so many projects to do around here, and rejoice whenever we get one more completed. Your pups are beautiful.

Sue (Vintage Rescue) said...

If the fences are up, then that means MOVE IN with the puppies, right? And if I lived nearby, I'd go all Tom Sawyer on you guys. My parents taught me to paint when I was about 8.... Slave labor.

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Dear Anne:
Wished we lived close enough so that I could pop over with a mobile feast and goodies for you. I love your new fence. It's going to be just perfect for the huskies! Hope you have a good week planned (besides work, I mean!)
Hugs and love from Florida, my friend.

Heaven's Walk said...

Oh how I wished I lived closer to you, sweet Anne. I'd be over in a second to help you paint that awesome fence for your furbabies. I know what you're saying about parents and family being so very important in our lives. Hubby and I went to a family party at his sister's house on Saturday night. I left feeling so extremely blessed to be a part of his loving, happy family. xoxo

Laurie said...

I love your picket fence, Anne - we also have one that my hubby made, and so painting it is a regular need, but he likes it better than the shiny vinyl ones (I love it as long as we can keep up with the painting! I also don't mind the vinyl ones for convenience!) A cottage must have a picket fence! I am glad your mom will be with you for Christmas and that your hubby will be with his parents. Family is so important. I am sure you are most appreciated at the hospital, Anne; I know if I had to be in the hospital at Christmas time I'd want someone like you around!!
Merry Christmas, Anne!

Tricia said...

Yay! Aren't you glad that's done? Now your sweet dogs will be nice and safe. I sure don't envy that big painting project ahead of you though. It seems like we could paint ours every year. Right now, it looks pretty crappy. I've decided it is better to just grow climbing roses up it ;)

Are you almost all moved in to your cozy house or is that still a work in progress? Hope you have a wonderful week and a Merry Christmas ♥ Tricia

P.S. Your pups are beautiful...their eyes are mesmerizing.

trash talk said...

I know it will be tough for y'all to be apart at Christmas, but treasure the time with your mother. What I would give for just five.more.minutes.

HRH Sarah said...

Super big congrats on the fence! I wish I lived close enough to come help you paint this summer. So glad Mr Twig will be with his family, though it's too bad y'all won't be together. Anyway, God bless you both, and a Merry and Blessed Advent and Christmas... Maybe y'all could do something special for Epiphany together!!!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Anne, I love the fence. One step closer to moving in. Your dogs are beautiful!!!! I hope your husband has a wonderful trip to visit his family and that you have a great time with your Mom. I too, cherish the time I have left with my parents. It is precious!!! Merry Christmas! Love & blessings from NC!

Joanna said...

Oh I love a nice bit of picket fence! And those huskies are adorable! Shame that you and your man will be apart at Christmas, but you'll be making some wonderful memories with your Mom, and you'll treasure those.

You got a move-in date yet, now the fence is done?


Megan Chamberlain said...

Fantastic news about the fence, it won't be long before you can move in. I would come and help with house and fence painting if I wasn't so far away. Your dogs look beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that your husband has a safe journey.

It's me said...

Nice that your mom is with you while your hubby is gone.......especially with christmas darling.......and when do you move in now?? looks great !! have a nice day you Ria...

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

It's a wonderful thing when a picket fence can bring you such joy. Mr. Twig did good! Happy painting! Your furbabies are pampered pooches for sure. Enjoy time with your mom. Best wishes, Tammy

Unknown said...

It is funny how our boundary with the outside world is an important thing, isn't it? Marks our little patch of the world, the perimeters of our home, so well worth celebrating.

Have a wonderful Christmas, best festive wishes from the snowy UK!x

Unknown said...

i love your new pickety fence! so charming...

Merry Christmas,


Anonymous said...

hey girl, i know the feeling about the fence. We have wire fence, and it took us two hours of fixing to get it ready for the goats, who promptly got out by the gate. Since then, Chris has strung more fence in the back, so they can go in and out of the barn. We have a lot more to do...

I'm working the tues, thurs, and sun this week. Christmas isn't my holiday, but it's my weekend. Then, have to work the following sat. because New Year's IS my holiday. grrr.

Hope your husband enjoys the holidays with his fam, and you too. Chris too the boys back to PA over Thanksgiving week, and I stayed here, and it really wasn't too bad. Sometimes quiet is good.

Enjoy your day. I have last minute things to do. xo said...

That fence is a thing of beauty! Wishing a fabulous Christmas to you and your family and a happy, healthy New Year full of fun and adventures and lots of success:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens

The French Bear said...

Looking good, nice to have that out of the way! Yes we have to spend time with the ones we love.....capture each moment and love it!
Have a wonderful time with your Mom, Merry Christmas and if I can get time off, I will join your painting party!!!! Oh, I am too far away, well I will send good wishes for a speedy job!!!!!
Margaret B

red.neck chic said...

You tell Mr. Twig that he did a GREAT job on the fence (I have a 16 year old man-child that can handle a paint brush like it's nobody's business... tell me when to have him there!) and to be careful heading North!!! If you get toooooooo tired of working and working and working some more - come to Waco!!! Pack up the Mama, the cat, the dogs and c'mon!!!

;-D LOVE the fence!!!

Rozmeen said...

LOVE your fence!

Wishing you a lovely and blessed week.

Peridots Garden Blog said...

I love your photos!

Whenever I see a "picket fence" I don't think of it as keeping things "out"...but rather as protectively holding everything it's owners love in...for all of us to enjoy as a piece of peaceful!

Peace, blessings and hearts to you and your family this Christmas and all the year through!


blossoms vintage chic said...

Hi Anne, Just love that picket fence...Mr Twig did a fantastic job. Hope the two of you have a beautiful Holiday with your families...Time spent with our loved ones is very precious and something we will carry in our hearts forever.
I sure do miss spending time talking to my Dad!
Hope you and your Mom have a Merry Christmas!
P.S. Love those beautiful puppies!!

Lululiz said...

You know, a picket fence is so quintessentially American to us, we imagine that every home has one. I love picket fences! And I would love to paint it with you, if only I wasn't a few thousand miles away. Your doggies are beautiful creatures, they deserve a Husky Hilton! Including gourmet food, of course, right?

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Goodness...I would help you paint in a heartbeat! Glad everything is starting to come together!

Safe travels to Mr. Twig and enjoy your visit with your Mom! said...

I would love to come by and help paint your fence with you. That would be such fun. I totally get what you mean, the excitement over the little things. You're on your way. Can't wait to see how this all comes out. Christmas blessings to you Anne.

Privet and Holly said...

Hooray! Husky Hilton
is almost ready. So
glad that you are doing
it right so that no harm
comes to those precious
pups. Wishing Mr. Twig
a safe and peaceful journey
to my favorite part of
the country.....and the
warmth and love of your
Mom as you create a very
Merry Christmas!
xx Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Just loving that fence, its going to be amazing!!

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