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Friday, February 19, 2010

Flea Market Style Magazine Giveaway!

Like y'all don't already know, the long-awaited
Flea Market Style
magazine is finally here!


It's every bit as good as we had all hoped it would be, and I was greedy lucky enough to snatch up an extra copy at my newsstand today, so.....


I would absolutely love to send a brand, spanking new copy of this fab magazine to one lucky follower, so here's your chance to get this baby in your hot little hands!

All of you have to do is
Be a follower or become a follower
and leave me a comment on this post. 
Be sure to let me know you're a follower, too!

Only comments on this post will be entered in the drawing, which will take place Sunday night, February 21st.

I'm calling this Part One of my big 

I'm planning a bigger, better giveaway in just a little over a week to REALLY celebrate, so be sure to check back.

  Wishing everyone a very happy weekend!


gail@My Repurposed Life said...

uh oh, am I really number 1? funny... I just tweeted about how I looked at it, and put it back. Just wasn't in my budget today.
hope you have a great weekend! Big congrats on the followers!

Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

Oh, I want this magazine! And if I don't win this one, I'll drive 45 miles to get one.

Annie said...

I seriously busted my butt to immediately get over here! I have been wanting this magazine for MONTHS! Plus, in po dunk nowhere IL - it will be hard to find! Sign me up fast - I am too a follower :)

trash talk said...

Aren't you supposed to be studying?

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

I couldn't find it at Barnes and Noble so I would love to win!!!

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

I am a follower & always enjoy your posts!

Theresa said...

Well Anne, I have looked everywhere for it and can't find it. OH I hope I win:) You know I am already a follower! Hugs to you and thanks for this wonderful giveaway!

stefanie said...

I have been looking and looking...sigh...please enter me, thanks!

Diana Ferguson said...

I am thrilled you found my Texas-Blogging Gals! I will get you on the next updated list.

I am also thrilled to get in on your giveaway; I'm following! Did you get in on the "Texas" one?

And also...come see me at my personal blog, too, real soon!

Into Vintage said...

I would love to win this as I can't seem to find a copy anywhere - thanks so much!! -amy

LuLu said...

Oh Oh Oh I can't believe I don't have a copy of this yet!! I'd love to be entered to win... and i'm one of your 500 followers!!
Happy weekend,

Mary K @ Mary K Jewels said...

I'm a follower! I can't wait to read that magazine!

Laurie said...

Oh, good, cause haven't found a copy here yet! You are so nice, Anne, to think of your followers to give a copy away. (I am a follower!)

Unknown said...

I'm a follower! I sure hope I win!
I love your blog(does that help my chances?)hehe!

AuroraSuzette said...

Do you know that I actually checked Barnes & Noble today I am so anxious to see this issue!! Plus, I'm amoung your first 20 comments on this post. That's gotta count for something, right?

Tarnished Rose said...

I can hardly wait to get my hot little hands on this mag. WOO HOO.


red.neck chic said...

oh! oh! pick me, pick me!!! I can't find one!!! I've been to 3, count 'em THREE newstands and...nada/zilch/zip/nothing!!!

You can do it - big prayers and happy thoughts comin' your direction!!! Tests *yuck* - after party? *yeah!*! We'll have a party!!!

;-) xoxo

alice said...

Oh Anne, You are so funny! I have mine in my hot little hand and love it all!! I did not think to buy 2! You are really sweet to do so!!
smiles, alice

Char said...

I just have to have one!! Char

The Elegant Thrifter said...

Hi there,

I have been looking all over for it as well, especially since they interviewed me about THE FIND! Where did you buy your copy? I am looking high and low.....

Have a great day!



Farmgirl Cyn said...

I, too, am a follower and would love a chance to win this!

sjmcdowell said...

Hi Anne,
Oh thank you for picking up two..Your a sweetheart! I have been and will continue to follow you. Yes please enter me in your giveaway...Hugggssss Susan

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Haven't been able to score one of these yet...keeping my fingers crossed!!

Gypsy Fish said...

Hey Anne! You know I am a follower and I absolutely love your blog and your stuff..please enter me for the give away..been waiting so long for this to come out....woo hoo!
{{gypsy hugs}}

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

Great Giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win. I am loyal follower!!!!

Bunnym said...

I'm feelin' lucky! Come on number 26...momma needs a new mag.


the old white house said...

WooHoo Please count me in... thanks for the chance! Is your studying as fun as my painting is? :) Still so much to do, and I am so impatient!!! I wish the paint fairies would just show up already... Theresa

Ticking and Toile said...

Hi Anne,

I am so excited to see that! Yay 500 followers!


Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Love to win this magazine. Please enter me in your great giveaway

Dragonlady said...

I am a follower and love reading your posts..
I would love to win this magazine..

Jamie said...

Oooo!! Pick me, pick me! Please? With a cherry on top?

I have been watching for this magazine every time I've been out for the last week. Hoping to find it soon.

I already follow you:)

Simple Rachel said...

I'm a new follower. I have been waiting for the new edition and I will have to drive over 50 miles to get one when it finally reaches way out here. Please, please enter me in your giveaway. My fingers are crossed. I would love to win:)

Sarah said...

Well, now I know where I'm headed tomorrow. But just in case I don't find a copy, please do enter my name. I've long been a follower!
Thanks for alerting us!

Sandi said...

Oh please put my name in the hat! Would love to win a copy!!

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

Got mine this morning! Lovin it!

Anonymous said...

500 wow.. ok, look at your man.. now look at Pickles.. look at your man.. look at Pickles.. (heeeheee) love that commerical.

with love,

One Cheap B*tch said...

I picked up my copy this week and it's AWESOME! I'm not entering the giveaway but everyone should - this is a great prize!

Winchester Manor said...

Oh girl...I've been trying to get my greedy little hands on a copy and can't find one anywhere! Please enter me and I'll keep my fingers, eyes and toes crossed! Thanks for the chance!!

Have a fabulous weekend Sweet Friend!

Love and hugs,

Nelly said...

I'm a follower. I'd love to win. The magazine looks great. Thanks for your generosity!!!

Traci said...

Woohoo...I'm following and would love to win!!

Kelly said...

I am a follower, and I reaaaally want a copy of this new magazine! It looks fabulous! :-)

My Grama's Soul said...

I have been a follower for sometime. I LOVE "Flea Market Style". I have not bought the most recent issue, perhaps I will win this one. I hope, I hope!!



Renee said...

*smile* I am a follower, and have enjoyed your blog very much! What a great giveaway giftie! Thanks for the opportunity to receive this wonderful magazine.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Anne,

I am happy to be a follower of your gorgeous blog.
Looks like a lovely magazine and what a great giveaway for some lucky person.

Have a very happy weekend

Alisa D said...

Ooh, ooh! I definitely want to check it out! Thanks for picking up an extra for some lucky winner!

north pal said...

yes,yes,i am a follower. i also have known about this mag.for some time and have even contacted them with questions. i would dearly love to see a copy,even i could just view it. when you live in the boonies, it is a trip of 70 miles plus to hopefully get one. but,anne i think it is so sweet that you are so thoughtful and does my heart good to think you would be so nice. good luck girls, whatever which way it goes, i am confident that i will see a copy. Bestest,Denise

elisabeth (bovagoods) said...

oooo....that looks fun! i am a follower and would love this mag!!! ;)

Jane said...

I would love to be entered in your giveaway...thanks! I'm already a follower.

Diane Mars said...

I am a follower and I would love to win! What Fun! Hugs, Diane

Cynthia K. said...

Anne ~ Bless your heart for thinking of us when you found the magazine!! Yes, I want to win this - I need it, I crave it.

Of course, I've been following you for months and so very glad that I do.

Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

June said...

Hi Anne,
I tried to find one of these the other day when I went shopping, but I couldn't find one yet. I know I will love it.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Please send one over to Kuwait. Great magazines are few and far between around here. When I come to the States over the summer, I always grab up the latest and greatest. Get back to studying! Best wishes, Tamy

Prior said...

me, me, me, me , me.... Lezlee

Hearts Turned said...

Ooooh! How fun! I haven't seen this yet....but I really want to! So sweet of you to give one away! Hope you're having a great day!

Joni @ Banks Springs Cottage said...

Iwantit iwantit iwantit....Did I tell you that I wanted it? Really nice blog.

Cathy said...

I would love to win this. I have been looking for it and so far no luck. I am a follower!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower, and I would love to win this Flea Market Style Mag. I have been asking my local book store if they are getting it in and no luck so far. So please add me in your giveaway.

Melissa @ The Vintage Attic

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Hi Anne! Just became a follower! So glad to find you through Donna and thanks so much for visiting with me and the bunnies!
hugs and friends,

Six in One Hand said... are toooo much!!!
Sign me up...I can say I knew you when....sigh.

annie said...

I've driven to town twice and gone to both bookstores twice, and still don't have a copy...
but I am consoling myself by signing on as a've bee on my favorites list, I ALWAYS check in, didn't realize I hadn't signed, THANKS!

Chickens in the Basement said...

Pick me! Pick me! I looked through my friends copy yesterday. It was fabulous. Didn't have my reading glasse, so can't wait to get a copy and read the details!

I'm a follower!

deb christensen said...

i'll admit it - i have been one of those "lurkers" for a time, but became a bona fide "follower" and love your blog. and would love that mag as well, i have never seen it before........

Karla C. said...

I am a follower or lurker...whatever you call it. I don't have my own blog but am fabulously addicted to vintage decor blogs! I would love a copy of the mag. Karla C!!!

Sylvia said...

Ohhh I glanced briefly at the magazine and it is sweet!!! Then hubby came along and had to put it back...sigh...


Gretchen said...

What a lovely gift to be giving away. I'm off to see more of your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to maybe win. Cross my fingers.

Anonymous said...

Im a new follower I found you on another blog and loved the title of yours.Glad Im a follower.Loved to have the magazine, looks fun.~~Becky

Sylvia (at) Lily's Pad and Petals said...

I've been trying to get my hands on this magazine for over a week now and now it officially doesn't come out until next but so many people already have it - I'm jealous.

Visit the bookstore daily - nothing yet.

Would love to win this magazine.

Sylvia (at) Lily's Pad and Petals said...

Oh - I've been a follower for some time now.

julie miller said...

Hi Anne, I hope I'm not too late to sign up for your generous giveaway!! I've been a follower for awhile now~~Hope I win! Thanks!!Junkinjulie

Claudia said...

I am a follower and I would LOVE to win the magazine. Thanks for the chance.

Romeo said...

Oh how I would love to win a copy of this magazine!!! I just love the feel of magazine paper for my afternoon naps!!! And "she" loves all magazines that follow the flea market/junk decorating thread.

BTW - I'm a follower now too!! Yipee!

misselaineous said...

Have looked in a couple of stores and have been unable to find please put my name in for this!! I'm already following! *elaine*

Artsy Fartsy Junkin Finds said...

I can not believe that I have not made time to get this sucker yet!!!! I need it. I only eat, sleep and work these days. The new job is a killer, seriously... I may be doubting my decision to work this Antique Mall thingy. This morning I want to cry. Have not seen Hubby all week, he is home and I have to drive 48 miles to work... until 6 tonight... what was I thinking when I did this... Hugs, Janna

Anonymous said...

I haven't found one yet. Being 50 miles from the nearest Walmart or bookstore is a problem - sometimes! I hope you choose me. Susan

paintwife said...

I too am amongst those who live far and away from the nearest Walmart and most times enjoy it. But when trying to get the latest magazine it can be frustrating. Winning this would alleviate a little frustration in my otherwise hectis life. Linda

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Can't remember if I already left a comment here but I am already a follower :)

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Of course I follow you!!!
I've been looking all over for that mag.
We never get anything that's current up in the North woods!
Enter me sweetie!
xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

2sisters said...

I am of course a follower & I do love me a good magazine.

Faded Charm said...

I just realized I hadn't signed up for your wonderful giveaway yet. I've looked a couple times and haven't seen this magazine out yet, so it would be a great way to beat the crowd.



Brenda said...

Hope I'm not to late! I have had my eyes open and watching for this but have not found it anywhere locally yet. Thanks for the chance to win it!

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

I can't buy this magazine in Germany, so it would be cool to win. It's just amazing that it seems to be so difficult to get the hands on it in the US, too. I had been following your blog anyway but now it's on the record ;-).
Good night and sleep well!

BellaRosa said...

Anne amor, look what happens I stay away from my favorite blogs for just a couple of days...I miss their wonderful giveaways...darn it :) But that is ok, I know I still get to read some great posts on my visit. Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Besos, Rose

Marlene said...

Well I am putting my name in...I have been looking for this magazine here and its nowhere to be found! I am a faithful follower! Marlene

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