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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Vintage Valentine Card Party!

Welcome to the
hosted by Joan at 

Let's get started!

I just adore these two "space-age" themed cards. So quaintly retro!

 Gotta have a medical themed one, since I work in health care...

 I think this butcher one is just so quirky and unique. Just look at the eyes on the chickens...I love it!

 More from my stash...




And my personal favorite...

Take a closer look at the invitation on the right...

"Special Invitation for Nellie Brown's Valentine Party"
Poor little feller had to get all scrubbed up and spic and span for the big shindig.
His expression is priceless.
I love how one of my blog friends said it, "Darn that Nellie Brown and her clean parties!"

Now for the fun part...head on over to  
for a list of all the other blogs participating in this event.


Wishing you and your Special Someone a very
Happy Valentine's Day!


Faded Charm said...

Great collection of vintage Valentine's Cards and I liked your gift to your husband. Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day.

xoxo, Kathleen

Draffin Bears said...

Love all your Valentine cards, Anne, especially sweet Nellie Brown!
Have a very happy Valentines Day.


★Carol★ said...

Awwww, you've got some really great ones! The space age ones are so sweet, but I have to agree, that poor little dirty boy is my favorite too! Darn that Nellie Brown and her clean parties!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Anne sweetie...
You have some really sweet Valentines. I love the ICU one and the bath for Nellie's party. He only scrubs once a year. How sweet those are. I love them. Thank you so much for sharing with me today. You have a beautiful collection.

Happy Valentine's Day sweetie. Have a beautiful day. Country hugs and much love, Sherry

Sylvia said...

Heheheh...your valentines made me smile and giggle...brought back memories...Happy Valentines Day,

Tara said...

These are so cute! I love the boy in the tub, he does not look too thrilled! Happy Valentine's Day!

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Adorable ~ I especially Love the Boy in the Tub, I don't think he want to go to that Party.....
stop by if you get a chance, I am hosting alittle Valentine's Give~Away

Carole said...

Those are all very cool cards!

Nice to meet you. :-)

Theresa said...

They are all just precious! I love getting to see all of the vintage cards. Takes me back to my childhood:) ahhhhh sweet memories. Have a sweet day Dear Anne!

Artsy Fartsy Junkin Finds said...

Adorable cards!! I havent even had time to get my honey aq Valentines present!! Hope all is well, I have been buried working in the antique mill, getting ready to head there now, Happy Valentines Day!! Janna

Postcardy said...

You have some cute Valentines. The little boy in the bathtub is my favorite.

Crystal said...

Oh I just love all of these old valentines. I have not been able to find one, at any of our shops. Oh I lied, the other day, there were 3 at a shop and s gentleman beat me to them. He was not willing to share :(
How lucky are you to have found all of these.
Thanks for sharing
Happy Valentine's Day

Unknown said...

Aww, they are cute! I love vintage valentines.

Happy Valentine's Day to you!


littlethings1 said...

Adorable vintage Valentines !
Hope you have a fabulous Valentines Day !
The Little Things

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

These are all so cute and that last one is a hoot! They sure don't make valentine's cards like they used to. Thanks for sharing! I have a folder of elementary school valentine's around here somwhere -- just don't know where they are !!??? Wishing you a day filled with lots of love and friendship. Blessings, Tammy

Judi said...

The little guy scrubbing up is hysterical! I like the space theme too, never saw any like them before ~ Happy Valentine's Day! Judi

Linda @ A La Carte said...

All so cute and yes the last one is priceless! Happy Valentine's Day.

sweetpea said...

Happy Valentine's Day Anne!



Monica said...

Fabulous collection, I especially love the space- themed Valentines!
Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Party!

Sherrie said...

Oh my goodness. I love your knight valentine day card. I am showing Knights and Valentines on my post today, so I hope that you don't mind that I copied it and am adding it to my post. It is perfect. Thank you for sharing.

Denise Marie said...

you got me!! fav spot so far today!! My Hubby works for go figure my favs!

Anonymous said...

First time at your blog, I loved it so much I'm now following! Thanks for stopping by my blog to sign up for my 100 post giveaway.


Unknown said...

They are ALL just wonderful ... love the Nelliw party best.

Just popping in to wish you a loving & beautiful Valentine's Day

Hugs of love,

Kim G. said...

Happy Valentines Day! I like the clothes line valentine the best!

Chickens in the Basement said...

We spent the day burning the pine tree that fell earlier this week. I'd rather be at Nellie Brown's Valentine Party! Love that card!

Happy V. Day!

anythinggoeshere said...

A great collection of cards. Gotta feel sorry for the little guy who must bathe his once for this year. Good news for his friends!

Thank you so much for participating in the Vintage Valentine Card Party! xo Joan, your hostess

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