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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Whole New World

Faithful friend, you have served me well....

You opened up a whole new world to me

You've taken me places I've never been

And shown me things I've never seen

You've helped me see old things in a new light

And you've opened up a world of possibilities to me.

Thank you, my trusty Canon Power Shot A1100 IS!
All the shots you've seen in this post were taken
with my Canon point and shoot,
aided and abetted by photo editing courtesy of yours truly.

Since my POST from two days ago asking for camera advice,
I've narrowed it down to two choices...

The previously mentioned Nikon D5000 and now the Canon Rebel XSi.

I never knew when I started blogging almost 9 months ago
that I would fall in love with photography to the extent that I have.
I knew that I loved writing more than life itself,
but this whole new, beautiful world as viewed through the lens
has been a huge, unexpected, glorious surprise to me.

I love what I see through the viewfinder,
and can't wait to take it to the next level.

Thanks for looking!
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Fabulous Flying Bee Giveaway!

Happy Monday, Everyone!
Are you ready for some fabulous giveaway goodness?
Well, look no further, because I've got the 411
on one of the best giveaways right here!

But before I spill it on the free loot, I'd like to call attention
to my beautiful friend Adrienne of The Flying Bee.
After taking a little break to re-group and re-stock, s
he has just re-launched her wonderful Etsy Shop!

Aren't those just utterly fun and fab?
And that's not all, no ma'am! Adrienne has lots more to offer you,
the discriminating vintage shopper...let's have a look, shall we?

And this....just look...

Don't you LOVE it?
You want it, don't ya?
Well neener-neener, I just ordered it
from Adrienne's rockin' SHOP!
Before you miss out on any more of Adrienne's one-of-a-kind vintage treasures,
bee smart and head on over and grab some of your own!

But on to the giveaway!

To celebrate her 100th Post, Adrienne's is offering one lucky winner some wonderful treasures...

The first part of the giveaway will feature some winsome Spring items just to beautify your nest...

And that's not all.

a sweet little cream pitcher

a white milk glass ruffle-top vase

And this gorgeous vintage linen tea towel with embroidered trim.

But if you thought Adrienne was finished, well, you'd bee wrong!

Nope, she has one more trick up her sleeve, and it's a beauty!

Do y'all know Tara from Blondie 'n' SC?
Of course you do.

Sweet Tara was such a big help when Adrienne was getting her shop set up,
that's she's giving the lucky winner a $20 gift certificate 
to either of Tara's incredible Etsy Shops!

And Tara, wanting to spread the love just a little bit more,
has thrown in one of her darling vintage aprons to add to the giveaway.

So cute!
So......bee a smart cookie and head on over
to Adrienne's hive to enter, and tell her I sent ya!

Wishing you all a marvelous Monday!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I've Got You In My Sights, Buddy...

Oh yes, Mr. Nikon D5000, you will be mine.

All you shutterbugs out there...

Will a DSLR be that much better 
than my Canon Digital Point & Shoot?

What camera do you use?


Friday, April 30, 2010

Booth Love ...And A Little Giveaway love, Too!

Just felt like showing my booth a little love today,
so I dropped off a few recent finds.
Let's have a look!

Super amazing antique leaded window.
One of a pair, one's in the booth, the other's at home...for now.
It can be in your home if you pop on in and do a little shoppin'
at Sunrise Antique Mall in Kerrville, Texas!

You more in the market for tarnished silver?
Gotcha covered!

You say you're more of an ironstone gal (or guy)?
Oh yeah, we've got that, too!

Feeling a little frou-frou?
Right this way!

And if you can't find exactly whatcha need in my booth,
I'm sure you'll be able to locate just the perfect piece in someone else's space.

Heck, you might even walk out with this fella...

Mall owner Bobby says he's not for sale,
but if I had just the right side table AND unlimited funds,
I'd make an offer on The King! And I'm not even an Elvis fan!
That's how rad this piece is!

So, for all you folks in the Austin area, San Antonio, or anywhere in the vicinity,
I sincerely hope you'll pop in and pay me a visit.
And let me know you're coming, too....I love to meet blog buddies!

Fiona and Twig has just the right accent for your home or garden, and at prices you'll love.
We're located inside

Sunrise Antique Mall
820 Water Street
Kerrville, Texas

 Shifting gears, a couple of my blogging buddies
from Warrenton/Round Top are having wonderful giveaways!

First up, Shelley from Sweet Pea Home is having a 200th Post Giveback..

Here's what's included...per Shelley's description:

"My all~time favorite candle in the entire world from where else... Anthropologie! If you've never walked into Anthro and caught a whif of their Volcano candle, well you're in for a sensory treat.

My favorite CD in the universe, Bird On A Wire by Toby Lightman. I can hit replay all day on this one.

Three different shower gels by Philosophy. I adore Philosophy. These smell so good you will want to literally eat them.

A brown and white transferware butter pat. Yummy.

An assortment of teeny watch faces. I am addicted to these.

A fab flower frog from my personal collection. I hope you treasure it.

French script stamped seam binding. Say that three times fast... I love me some seam binding...

Three fabulous gift tags in the French theme of course...

Some surprises are bound to find their way into the mix as well..."

Pretty great, huh? I sure think so!
Enter HERE.

Next up, my pal Rebecca Ersfeld is celebrating the opening
of her WONDERFUL Blog Shoppe with an over-the-top wonderful giveaway!

 Rebecca says:

"I am giving away a fabric collage...
 made to order, in other words it will be like this one only with your pictures and colors of your choosing. The winner can send me pictures of their kids or grandparents or parents or just photos they like and I will make it  personal for the winner."

Pretty fabulous, right?

But that's not all!
Rebecca continues...

"Because it is also the same week that my feature in Where Women Create is coming out, I am throwing in a copy of the May issue of Where Women Create signed by yours truly... woohoo!

Enter HERE.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Where The Wild Things Are

Okay, enough about little blue farmhouses!

I paid my best friend Tom a visit yesterday,
and he provided me with some wonderful photo op's!
He has several hummingbird feeders on his deck,
so I thought I'd attempt to take a pic of some of the zippy little fellas.
I didn't hold out hopes that my pics would be any good,
as I don't have a fancy SLR camera,
but I was pleasantly surprised with what I captured!

His little bird feet just crack me up in this one!

Moving over towards the fence,
Tom has a neighbor with a llama named Jacob.
We like to feed Jacob carrots, and Jacob humors us by eating them.
Here's Tom and Mr. J...

Heading inside the house, Tom recently adopted
a furry little gal named Wednesday.
She's next to impossible to photograph, as she is a perpetual motion machine.
I need to have Winnie give her lessons in posing, as the Winster has it down.
This was the best I could do of Wednesday the cat...

Speaking of Winnie, she is never one to miss a chance of a photo-op,
especially if it means she'll be all over da interwebs again!

Hi Winnie!

Finally, I went looking for Mr. Twig this evening,
as I hadn't seen him for a bit.
I went outside and saw this some 20 + yds from the casa...

"What are you doing?", I asked.
"Just being a pack." Mr. Twig replied.

Wishing you and your pack a Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I don't.
And I'll tell you why.

If you'll recall, I posted about the dreamy, little blue farmhouse
that I've been stalking for the past few months right HERE.
Go back and read that post, I'll wait for you.

So anyway, almost 70 of you weighed in on what you thought.
Most of you agreed that it is indeed a gem,
and certainly worthy of further consideration.

Fast forward a week.
I'd spent the day at my booth and a couple of estate sales, just keeping busy.

I come home and see that I have a couple of new posts on my old blue farmhouse post.


 Kay said...I'd say go for it!! The little house out back is a small studio with sink and window AC. One of the upper rooms is a studio. That's my art work on the walls. I'm an artist and do watercolors and oil..and a few mosaics... and some of this and some of that. I should know, it is my house you're in love with!!!;-) I was in Sunrise Antiques today just after you left and casually mentioned my house being for sale. The listing has run out so you may talk directly to us. Jim and Kay (phone # edited out)

Kay said... I will say the wiring has been updated before we bought it but still needs some more. Plumbing is good, we have worked on that. Bunkhouse has its own bathroom that's why there are two septics. Main septic was pumped 18 months ago. Nearly all realestate is overpriced around here and these old houses are hard to come by. The ceilings are 7 1/2 ft. Looks like they started out 8ft when they first built. The paneling up now covers original beaded board just like the upstairs.  


Coincidence? Or as I've heard it called, God-incidence?
As Kay (the homeowner) said, she had popped in to my antique mall
and casually struck up a conversation with mall-owner Vickie.
Kay mentioned that she was selling her farmhouse about 20 miles away.
Vickie asked her where the house was located,
and when Kay told her, a funny look came over Vickie's face.

"Is it a little blue farmhouse?"
When Kay said yes, Vickie immediately told her that she knew 
EXACTLY which house it was, and proceeded to give Kay 
one of my cards with my contact info and blog address.
That's how Kay ended up here on my blog 
to leave those comments on my little blue farmhouse post.
Incredible, right?

So I called Kay, and me and Mr. Twig headed over last night
and spent almost TWO HOURS touring the house and property
and just visiting with this wonderful couple! it as amazing as I had hoped it would be?

Let's just say it's pretty darn amazing!

I didn't take any new pics,
as I thought that might be considered crass with the owners right there.
But I can fill in the dots a bit.

The kitchen?
Has incredible built-in pie-safe type cabinets. LOVE these!

There's a dreamy sun-room that's just off the kitchen...
The original hardware on many of the doors and cabinets
is the sort of stuff we all just eat up.

The upstairs?
Better than I had imagined.

I can't begin to describe how perfect these painted gray wood floors are!

And the outside is just rich with possibilities, too!
All sorts of fruit trees, a grape arbor, pecan trees,
and these 200 year old majesties framing the back of the house...

Remember the unfinished bunkhouse?

It's thissssss close to being finished!
It has a full kitchen, two LARGE rooms,
one of which could be used a living room/game room,
and another that could serve as a bedroom.
And there's a finished bathroom just off the back room, too.
Could easily serve as rental property or even a B&B.

So....what are ya waiting for, you're asking yourself?!?!

This is where real life kicks in and the dream gives way to reality.

Yes, we're still interested.
And yes, we're checking with the bank to see about loan approval.
But we can't carry two mortgages for an extended period
until our current home would sell. This isn't even an option.

And as dreamy as my little blue farmhouse is,
it would still need some updating. Not having a home inspection yet,
it's tough to say just how pricey this might actually turn out to be.

But we're talking. And praying.
And researching just how feasible this whole thing might actually be.
And our lovely hosts told come back and look again anytime.
And so we will.
So that was my big adventure last night!

Please keep us in your prayers, that everything happens just as it's supposed to.
That we don't rush or force anything,
just that we remain open and level-headed to whatever may come to pass.

Thanks for reading this far!
And thanks for being a part of this journey!

Monday, April 26, 2010


The thoughtfulness and generosity
of bloggers continues to amaze me!

About a week ago, the lovely Sandi of
A Cottage Muse asked for my address.
Little did I know she was planning something amazing,
and this past Friday, I discovered an unexpected treasure in my mailbox...

This darling gal had sent me the two skeleton keys,
the door knocker, and the doorknob you see in this photo, along with this note...

Is that not the sweetest?
I certainly never expected this...when I feature a fellow blogger,
I figure they're doing me a favor, too!
They're providing with me inspiration,
not to mention gorgeous images to place on my own  blog!

Thank you,'d better believe that each time
I see these thoughtful treasures,
I'll be keeping my eyes on the prize...Fiona and Twig, the Shop!

And I had one more incredible image I just had to share with all of you-
another scan for you to get all crafty with. Click to enlarge, then right click to save.

How amazing is that cover, I ask you???

I grabbed this 1912 book at a garage sale
a few weeks back for...get this...50 cents!
I simply had to have it for the killer cover alone,
and I knew instantly that it would be a fab gift
for all your crafty guys and gals out there. Enjoy!

I'm off for the day, I have a pretty exciting adventure
I'm headed out on this evening. I can't wait to share with all of you later this week!

Have a beautiful Monday!

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