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Sunday, May 2, 2010

I've Got You In My Sights, Buddy...

Oh yes, Mr. Nikon D5000, you will be mine.

All you shutterbugs out there...

Will a DSLR be that much better 
than my Canon Digital Point & Shoot?

What camera do you use?



Hearts Turned said...

Go and get him, Anne!

Beatnheart said...

go for it! Just go for it all...!!

AuroraSuzette said...

You can certainly justify this camera...after all you've got an adoring public eagerly awaiting your photos!! xx

trash talk said...

She said with a maniacal laugh!

Chickens in the Basement said...

Oh the places you could go and photos you could take with such a fabulous camera!

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

He is yours for the taking!

Anonymous said...

Many of us can only dream of owning such a camera! Blog posts with great shots - sigh.

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love my Nikon D40. Not that I'm any better at taking pictures than before - but it makes me feel good. :)

Anonymous said...

I hear you, Anne. My birthday is next month and I want a new camera!

Unknown said...


Prior said...

your pics are already incredible, but if you can make them even better with that camera, I say for it! Lezlee

WinnibriggsHouse said...

My daughter would die for that camers..not literally of course, or what a waste...She is like you and loves photography and seems to have the knack. As a one eyed (again not literally) OAP I'll stick with my new Sony Cybershot, at least you can actually tell what I'm taking a picture of now! Go for it girl, you deserve it.

Shell said...

You are too funny!


Elizabeth Maxson said...

Funny you should be writing about this! I have been using a Canon Rebel for 5 years now and hope to be upgrading this weekend (yeah!) to a Canon EOS 7D and getting 2.8 24-70 lens and maybe another lens. It is not a huge upgrade, but when I was at the camera store, they guy couldn't believe I was taking all the photos I had been taking all these years with just a small standard 18 -55 lens. I am really excited. You should go for it!


June said...

Hi Anne,
I don't have an SLR but I used to shoot with one professionally for several years before the digital ones came out. Now I shoot a Canon Power Shot S5IS. I'm sure my pics would be better with an SLR, but I just can't lay down the money for my blog.hehe

Karen said...

Funny, this is the camera of my dreams and was in all the Sunday ads this AM!!! I have a panasonic which does pretty good, would do better is the person using it knew what she was doing. LOL YOu will love it, go for it.

paperbird said...

Go for it girl- you should have the camera you love.

I have a Cannon EOS 7D- I love it. But I need (want) a better lens :)

Michelle Hughes said...

I don't know anything about cameras :) any decent photo I get is pure luck... or the work of my husband! Hope you get your newest lust!

Jennifer said...

Oh yes yes yes! It will be amazingly different. I use a Canon Rebel and I love it!! I can't take enough photos! You get that DSLR! :)

Tami said...

I just got a Canon Rebel XSi a couple months ago and I am head over heals in with the wonderful pictures I get from it!!

Libbie said...

You NEED him!!! He wil be your little buddy for sure! I love my cannon rebel! Hubby gave it to me for Christmas & I couldn't love him more! (the husband that is...okay...the camera too :)

Laurie said...

Duh, goes to show you what I know - I am camera illiterate! But hey, this one looks amazing and I think you should go for it, Anne!! Your pictures are always fantastic and if you get this big guy who knows what you'll be able to do! Sigh...I just have a little Panasonic digital and bad, are such a good influence!
Hugs & blessings,

Theresa said...

Hi there my friend! I have been itching to buy a new camera but the one I have works good and I feel kinda bad buying a new one. I use a fuji s5100. Love the camera but the screen is about the size of a postage stamp, hey I need a bigger screen:) Let me know if you find a great deal! Have a blessed Monday dear Anne!

Alicia ~ time worn style said...

I've been thinking exactly the same thing as I make a living selling antiques and I'm not sure that my photos are up to scratch with the point and shoots. Will be interested to see what you think regarding this particular camera.
alicia :0)

Attic Rat said...

That camera sounds wonderful. Mine is a well-used Kodak Easy Share C643 with a missing side door.

Happy hunting,

Rebecca said...

Hi Anne
This one sounds like it has your name on it... I will trade in my Sony cybershot one day but not this week...
Be sure and tell us all about it when you get it!

Unknown said...

Oh, he is seductive! I have a Nikon D80 that I adore, it does everything I need. Love Nikon.

Creations By Cindy said...

Congrats. I love my camera (s) Ha! Yep, couldn't have just one. I shoot primarily with a Canon EOS 5 D. Also shoot at times with Canon EOS 20D and I have a Canon Rebel that I never shoot but can't part with. I know, I have problems! Be blessed. Cindy

Unknown said...

YES!!!! I just got that same camera about 3 months ago and love it!!!!!! GO FOR IT!

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