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Thursday, December 23, 2010

An Ineffable Light

{originally posted Christmas 2009}

Nativity at Night
by Geertgen tot Sint Jans, c. 1490

"...the virgin knelt down with great
in an attitude of prayer,
and her back was turned to the manger....

And while she was standing thus in prayer,
I saw the child in her womb move
and suddenly in a moment she gave birth to her son,

from whom radiated such an
ineffable light
and splendour, that the sun was not comparable to it,

nor did the candle that St. Joseph had put there,
give any light at all, the divine light totally
annihilating the material light of the candle....

I saw the glorious infant lying on the ground naked and shining.
His body was pure from any kind of soil and impurity.
Then I heard also the singing of the angels,
which was of miraculous sweetness and great beauty..."

 From a vision of
Catholic mystic
Saint Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373),
which served as the inspiration for this painting.

May His ineffable light illuminate your path this Christmas season, and always.

Signing off for a few days, my friends...
With my love and very best wishes for you and yours,

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Through the Eyes of Faith

In the course of any given day, 
I pass by this picture in my living room many, many times.

Seeing it, but not really  seeing it.

 Sort of like the Christmas season, in a way.

Seeing the lights
and the tinsel
and the presents
and all the busy-ness...

and forgetting to 
slow down
take time
look closer.

much, much closer.

 to focus...
on what truly matters

on family
and faith

and to meditate

on the beautiful, glorious reason for the season.

Happy Christmas Week!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Beautiful Thing!

It might not be a beautiful sight to anyone but me, 
but the fence is finished!!!

 My husband replaced all the rotted and missing pickets...

 put up fencing where none had existed before...

 My poor, sweet, chippy, peely-paint cottage!
Cannot wait until we start painting sometime next year (paint party at our place!).

And yeah, I also feel a fence painting party coming on, too.
Tom Sawyer, anyone?

The Mister, being a teacher and on Christmas break, 
has spent the better part of the weekend at the new casa
getting one of the barns cleaned out and ready for the two pups.
It's gonna be the Husky Hilton by the time he gets finished!!

Speaking of Christmas break....
Mr. Twig will be headed up to Portland, Oregon early Tuesday morning
and will be spending a week there with his parents and a few of his six siblings.

No, it's not ideal being apart this time of year, but it's really, really important
for him to be there for his folks, this year more than ever.
Some things have happened in recent months, which have made us both
realize just how precious these people we call parents really are in our lives...
we need to treasure them while we are still lucky enough to have them.

And besides, I'll be working lots and lots (and LOTS) at the hospital, so I'll be keeping busy.
My sweet mom will be spending the week with me,
as will my goofball cat, so don't feel too sorry for me!
It's all good.  :-)

Off to fix some dinner now.
I'll be back tomorrow to announce the winner of my giveaway,
have a wonderful evening!

Friday, December 17, 2010

This Weekend

On the agenda for this weekend...

a little shopping

a little dining out

a little reading

a little catching up on correspondence

maybe  a little ice skating!

a little sleeping late

a little playing with the camera

a little chillin'

and a whole lot of celebrating
the real reason for the season!

What are your last-weekend-before-Christmas plans?

Enjoy them, whatever they may be!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Have you ever had something

You've thought and believed that everyone but
YOU understood something, or
"got it" ?

That's how I've felt about 


shutter speed


and a whole host of other Greek terms which taunted me
every single time I turned 
on the camera.

Things like this come easy to some, but not to me.

And so I played it safe.
Oh so safe.

Afraid to take the training wheels off, I kept it turned to

Entirely too busy to either sign up for a course or really delve into my photography books,
I muddled through.

And dumb luck has permitted me to create some decent images,
but the opportunities are increasing....

Really fabulous, OMG type opportunities...

And with new opportunities, come expectations.
Both those I place on myself, and those of the people hiring me out, so to speak. 
Expectations that I (shock!) will actually know what I'm doing, and will be able
to produce professional results.
And if not quite professional, then certainly better than what I'm producing now.

and so...
with bated breath, last night I did something
so fearless, so brave, so completely heroic that
I simply can't contain myself anymore....

I took the training wheels off!!!

Armed with the incredible, every-photographer-must-have book
I experimented and played
and the funniest thing began to happen...

I saw these...

lots and LOTS of these!!!

Call it a eureka or light bulb moment, but I call it

Shooting in manual and aperture priority modes isn't quite as scary
as I anticipated after all!  :-)

And now some thank you's.

To the talented photographer and blogger who way back when 
recommended that I get this book,
I say "thank you".

To the absolute sweetest friend and mentor in the whole wide word,
I say "thank you".

And to each of you, for traveling with me on all my adventures,
I say a hearty "thank you"!

Shifting gears...

There's still time to enter my
Happy New Year Giveaway!

Click HERE to enter!

Happy Wednesday!

I've thanked people in this post
who genuinely and selflessly lent a hand...
never expecting credit or thanks, 
and certainly not the sorts of people
to hold a grudge if thanks were never offered.
I have sadly encountered the latter type of person
in my travels, and I'd like to thank them too....
for helping me to grow a thicker skin,
and to learn who you can and cannot trust.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My "Happy New Year" Giveaway!


It's the start of a new week,
and almost  the start of a new year...
so what better time for a giveaway, right?

I thought you'd agree.  :-)

But first, I have more exciting news to share about my photography...

My buddy Sue of the completely amazing  
is featuring FIVE, count 'em  five  of my photos in her

This is quite the honor, and I can't thank Sue enough
for helping me pad my growing portfolio.
Here's a couple of my snaps chosen by Sue...

Per Sue's Etsy Shop...

"Start planning your 2011 junking with the new VRS calendar! 
Luscious eye-candy photos! Listings of all major US flea markets
and antique shows nationwide—from Warrenton/Round Top and Brimfield,
to smaller local and regional shows! 
Remember: even a bad year has 52 weekends. 
And if you see me at a flea market, I saw that vintage typewriter first."

Even if I were not featured here, I would surely snap
one of these babies up, and so should you.
But because I just looooove  y'all so much,
I'm offering one of these fabulous calendars to YOU!

And not only that, but I'm even throwing in a copy of the new January 2011
Romantic Homes, which includes my blog feature!

But I'm not done yet!!!

Just in case Santa doesn't get ya your heart's desire for Christmas,
Fiona and Twig has got ya covered!

I'm also tucking in a $25 Gift Card to Anthropologie!

How do you win this bounteous booty?
You have three chances to win!

1. Leave a comment on this post.
If you're a follower, let me know!
2. Go visit Sue's Etsy Shop and head back here telling me what you love most.
3. Grab my giveaway button and/or blog about this, tweet, get the idea!

Be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry (max of three).

I'll be choosing the lucky winner
Monday, December 20th.

Good Luck!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lens Love

Oh yes I am, lovin' my new camera lens, that is!

My altogether spiffy, maddeningly complex,
worth every penny ( lots and lots of pennies! )
Nikon AF-S 50mm  f/1.4G lens.
Say that fast three times!

Just took a little tour around the farmhouse a couple of days ago,
and snapped a few quick ones... 

Crisp, clear, bright and beautiful!

Wanna know what else I'm loving?

See my lovely collection of enamelware pitchers?
Love 'em, can't get enough of 'em.

Which is why I was beyond THRILLED to win the pitcher on the far right
in the amazing giveaway over at Buckets of Burlap.

Thank you SO much Becky, I'm crazy about it!!!

I'll be back next week with more pics of the cottage,
and an upcoming giveaway, too!

Here's hoping you enjoy your weekend, my friends!

Thank you all SO much for the kind words on my Romantic Homes feature!!!

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