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Monday, July 26, 2010

One Year

Almost 300 posts.

A year of blogging.

Chances taken

Changes galore

Friendships made

Adventures shared

I absolutely love what this last year of blogging first....has brought into my life.

The people

The experiences

The thrill of discovering new things

about life

and about myself.

I can't say for certain how long I'll keep blogging...

But I can say with absolute certainty

that it's been a thrill ride beyond compare these past 12 months

and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Love you ALL!


Sunday, July 25, 2010


Like so many of you, I am in love with the majestic,
weathered image of an old barn.

Not too long ago, I was fortunate enough
to photograph one locally.

The image above is from that shoot,
and it speaks to me in a way I simply cannot describe.

That's the thing about utterly bewitches and perplexes me,
and unlike most anything else, manages to leave me speechless at times.

Which, if you knew me, you'd know that's no small task!
I most always have something to say!

And as much as I fancy myself a writer (and have pretty much my entire life),
I find that at times I can communicate more with a wordless image t
han with all the flowery prose in my arsenal.

I just have to trust the image to speak for itself.

To let it say to each of you whatever it will.

Allow it to evoke memories, joy, sadness, allow it subjectivity,
and in so doing, relinquishing it. 
Giving it to the world, and saying "Here it is, world. Here I art, us both!"

All these emotions are behind a decision I've made.

When I finally re-open my Etsy Shop this Fall,
I want to begin selling my own original photography.

This might not seem like a big deal to you, but to me, it's a huge risk.
Selling antiques is one thing, but daring to sell my own art?
It's being laid bare, feeling insecure, vulnerable, afraid of rejection, ridicule...

Afraid of hearing

"Who do you think you are??? 

But it's a risk I have to take.

And even if I don't sell a single print,
at least I'll feel as though I'm being true to myself.
Following the muse where it leads, if you will.

If any of you choose to follow, that will be the icing!


Happy Sunday!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

State of the Union

Just muddling through the dog days of Summer
here on this end.

Oh, and that, too.
Getting ready!

Still planning on making the big move
to our new home next month.
Our closing date is roughly a month away,
and I'm well aware that the big day will be here before we know it!

The home inspection went well, with only a few minor repairs to be addressed.
We're dealing with a sane and rational homeowner ( a nice change, LOL! ),
so the back-and-forth over who pays for what and how much is going smoothly.

Just a few concerns, though....

Every move is a trade-off in one way or another.
At least it's always been that way for me.

And the trade off here is space.
Internal space, anyways.

In moving to my darling little Victorian cottage,
I will be losing roughly 500 sq ft of living space.

Old homes are notorious for lacking in closet space and storage,
but this little gem comes with something our current home doesn't have....
tons and tons of outdoor storage in the shape of two barn-like structures.

Yep, there's one of 'em right there.

So I actually look at this move as an opportunity to do some things
I've needed to do for years.

Rid myself, and ourselves, of useless things simply taking up space.


If we don't use it every day, out to the barn it goes!
Better yet, it will either be sold or donated.

Get Creative

Re-learn how to organize and store those essentials we use every day.
When closet space isn't an option, look around!
Put the junker's motto...."re-use, re-purpose, re-cycle" into action.

So now we do this...

Ain't that always the way?  ;-)

Thanks so much to the many of you who wished
me and The Mister a Happy Anniversary yesterday!
He wanted to go out, I wanted to stay in, so stay in we did.
I'll feel better about celebrating once the big move is over, I'm sure.

Have a wonderful evening, and I'll be by to pay y'all a visit in the days ahead!

I would LOVE to hear from those of you who live in wee little farmhouses,
quaint cottages and teensy Victorian' do you manage space?
Tips, advice, words of wisdom?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Three Years Ago....

July 21, 2007

Happy Anniversary to Us!

( & Happy White Wednesday, too! )

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The "In -Between" Time

between uncertainty and certainty

between unrest and contentment

between doubt and faith

between what is 

and what might be.

it's a time
not found on the dials of the clock

but very real nonetheless.

it is measured in tears

and laughter

and in the balance between hopes



it's a fine line and a delicate dance

between hanging on
or giving up.

~ it's the in-between time ~

and if you've ever found yourself 

in this alien land, feeling lost and alone

this post is for you.

you are not alone

and better days are ahead!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Winner, Winner!

Time to announce the winner of my wonderful



YOU are the lucky winner of a $90 Shopping Spree courtesy of CSN Stores!

I'll be sure to e-mail you your gift certificate code this weekend. Enjoy!

Thank you to all who entered, and thank you
for being my friends and followers of this blog.
I'm sure another giveaway is just around the bend, so stick around!

Oh, and be sure to visit Sandi at A Cottage Muse
and Susan at Hometown Girl ...
they're both having CSN Giveaways for a $60 Shopping Spree!
Click HERE and HERE to enter.

Here's hoping all of you enjoy your weekend!


*winner chosen via random number generator*

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Helping Hands

So here's the thing...

We're likely going to be moving soon

and we could really use


a helping hand

or two.

You know what they say...

don't you?

All hands on deck!

Or somethin' like that.

But you know what?

I think we'll be just fine

with the help of all our.....get ready....wait for it.....wait....

handy  friends.



All I want from any of you dear people
is your good thoughts and prayers this next month.
No heavy lifting ( or helping hands ) required.

Money will be a bit tight and nerves will be frayed
as we begin the process of getting our house ready to sell.
I'm going to be working at the hospital LOTS more this next month,
so you might not see my happy, shiny face on your blog roll quite as often.

But never fear!

Once the property changes hands from them to us, I'll be back!

Happy and rested and all settled into our lovely new home!

'Til next time...


You still have time to enter my

Win a wonderful $90 Shopping Spree from CSN Stores!

Drawing will be tomorrow night, Friday, July 16th.

Click HERE to enter.

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My Romantic Home

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