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Friday, January 1, 2010

Extolling the Virtues of Etsy...and a Wonderful Giveaway!

So how's the New Year treating you thus far?
I've been working 12 hour shifts at the hospital the past two days, and thankfully, there's been a minimum of holiday hospital drama. Those of you in health care will know exactly what I'm talking ER full of hunters shooting themselves or each other, drunken driving mishaps, people who ate too much at the holiday meal mistaking heartburn for The Big One, and just generally all manner of holiday induced weirdness. An hour left to go in my shift, so I'm starting to perk up a bit.

You may have noticed how I've subtly (hehehe) inserted pics of my Etsy listings here.
You haven't? Well, by all means, let me call them to your attention!
I've been an Etsy seller now for a couple of months, and truth be told, I'm enjoying that far more than having a booth. Which was actually a huge surprise to me, but on further reflection, not so much.
Things you may not know about me, but have long suspected...

I am a ginormous control freak.
I am a worry-wart.
I have an OCD streak a mile wide.

An Etsy Shop allows me to maintain greater control over my product and my brand, in how I market and choose to present myself and my wares, and actually provides me with a greater sense of creative expression via my photography and photo editing and my listing descriptions.

Don't get me wrong, I love having a booth, but let's get real....I live 25 miles away from the shop, so I don't just pop in several times a week just to foof ( © VRS ) my booth or to straighten up the mess created by those seemingly incapable of putting something back where they found it.
Ya see??? My control freak and OCD tendencies in full bloom!
But with Etsy? My pretties sit right there in my house until I lovingly package them up and ship 'em out. If I decide I don't like the listing photos, all I've gotta do is set up my photo station and shoot some more. I can tweak the wording on my listings to possibly appeal to a different demographic, or add more tags so that I can be discovered by a whole new audience.
But in my booth?
An item can sit and sit and then sit some more until I pop back into town to dust it off.

So bottom line, I heart Etsy big-time, and if you're one of those folks who've always wanted a booth but just haven't gotten one for whatever reason, I would encourage you wholeheartedly to give Etsy a try. It's nothing like eBay, so I wouldn't let a sour experience there hold me back. And there are lots and lots of us bloggers here who are also Etsy sellers, and would be more than happy to help you out! I know I would!

Speaking of Etsy, take a look at three of my most recent purchases...

Is that not the sweetest thing? I haven't received it yet, but I already have a primo spot already picked out!
I purchased it from fellow blogger and Etsy-ian Cathy at Treasured Heirlooms. Be sure to visit her wonderful Etsy Shop, New England Vintage.

I'm also waiting on this ridiculously cute little change purse to arrive...

Made from a beef flavor ramen noodle package covered in vinyl and lined with felt. Zipper closure to hold everything inside.
100% Made of Win as far as I'm concerned!

And then this...

I've been looking for a stamp set forever, and this one fit the bill perfectly!
So I'm not only an Esty seller, I'm also a customer, too!

Wanna know who else is an Etsy seller?
Why, that would Michelle of Vintage Junky, you can visit her awesome shop right HERE.

She is celebrating her 100th Post, and is having an incredible giveaway to celebrate!

One of these two fabulously lovely Grain Sack Pillows can be yours just for dropping by Michelle's blog and following her easy breezy steps to win! Click HERE to enter, and be sure to tell her Anne sent ya!

One more from the Etsy Files, then I'm outta here...

All you Texas Longhorn fans, be sure to visit my friend Stephanie's brand new Etsy shop,
She creates gorgeous hand crafted bows and beanies for the wee lil' girly girl in your life!

Those are her two daughters, aren't they precious?
She has sold TONS of bows and beanies locally, and even though she only has the UT bow listed as of now, she will be adding many more of her wonderfully crafted creations in the days to come.

In conclusion, let me take this opportunity to once again wish each and every one of you the Happiest of New Year's!
Stay safe and warm, and have a great weekend!


alice said...

OK Miss Anne,
I am an Etsy seller BUT I do not know how to get the Etsy to show up on my blog! Yikes I need help!! I am glad your shift is coming close to an end. Again I value your friendship.
smiles, alice

Theresa said...

I am that person you are talking to:) I want to have a booth to sell my goodies but the monthly charge eats up the profit... uugghhhh! I do buy things on ebay and it has been so far, so good! Glad your 12 hour shifts are almost over and that they have been fairly calm! Happy New Year to you my friend and God bless you in 2010!

Unknown said...

Hi Anne,
I've been thinking about having an etsy shop for awhile now. I just may give it a try. I love that stamp set you got! Too neat!


Unknown said...

Happy 1st day of the brand new year 2010 Anne. It's going to be a good one. I'm counting on it.

I too have been saying I'm going to start an etsy shop. Ebay has just about broke me. Between the economy and there outrageous fees ~ they're killing me.

Hugs...Tracy :)

Brenda Pruitt said...

I adore Etsy! I'll stop and shop. You sound a lot like me actually. I ADORE that stamp set. Never seen one quite like it. I'm a stamp collector too. I'm so glad to have found you!

Faded Charm said...

I'm really liking your new header, Anne and am also so glad your etsy shop is going wonderful. I might need to look into it. i'm trying to figure out what to do with all my junk sitting around and have considered a booth, but live far way also. I used to sell on Ebay a couple years ago and liked it, but then the shipping got out of control and I lost interest, so not sure what to do. I need to look into some things.

Best wishes to you in 2010!


Sarah said...

Never thought of opening an Etsy shop of my own. I've recommended it to my nieces though. Perhaps I should give this some thought. I've always wanted a little shop of my own. This just may be the way!
12 hour shift on New Year's. That has to be a tough one. Glad you are headed home.....Sarah

Michelle Hughes said...

Thanks for the shout out! I just need to figure out how to sell more than I spend on etsy, The only great thing about having a booth is to have those big items. I like to redo furniture and it is a little hard to sell furniture on etsy ;o

Get some rest!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Great pictures love the oil.....You know your more than welcome to put some of these on my Temptation Mondays post. I am trying to do one this Monday again. So if interested just email me what you want on there at
Happy New Year

Laura said...

Hey Anne-

I am inspired as usual.

I may follow your advice.

I had a booth, but found myself selling and only making the rent (my prices were too low...).

This sounds like a great outlet.

Happy New Year Anne-


Texas Junque Slinger said...

Hey you better hide those stamps... or I might just sneak them in my truck.... Glad you are on finished w/your shifts and it wasn't toooo eventful....

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I have been giving serious thought to selling on Etsy and I would take any and all advice. I have no idea how to start. I lost my job last Aug and I think this might be a good way to start living my passion for Junkin! Thanks!


alice said...


Cynthia K. said...

Hi Anne ~ Love the stamper set - it does have all the best images - how cool. Also congratulations on 1 year of blogging - amazing accomplishment!

Have a Beautifully Blessed New Year...

Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

Malisa said...

I have set up my ETSY shop but I answers to a couple of questions so I feel confident to start! If I email you, would you give me the boost I need? Thanks!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

You are one busy gal! Love the colors in that oil painting. And that stamp set looks wonderful! Glad to hear you have had an uneventful shift and can begin to focus on other things. Wishing you much success and happiness always. Tammy

Lauri said...

Wow...I just found your blog through your shop on Etsy and had to check it out seeing that you were in TX. Now I know that you have a little place in Kerrville...I am in San Antonio (far North Central/Stone Oak area, just a couple miles off of I-10), so between your Etsy shop and your place in Kerrville, you could either be a great friend and resource or a very dangerous person! LOL! We have a great little antique mall that is literally just around the corner from me on Blanco Rd., and I've really wanted to get a spot there but...don't know if I could do it all by myself. Plus, I know I would spend more money than I could ever make! lol!

I've enjoyed reading your blog so far and I'm so sorry about your friend Mark! And OMG-that bag that you got for Christmas is about the coolest one I've seen in a long time!

Happy New Year to you, and I'll be checking back!

red.neck chic said...

Oh... I love your Etsy shop!!! And the tea strainer... I'm all over that too. Like a tea bag. HA!

I go "foof" once a week... argh. I love my Etsy shop too - I just gotta step it up a wee LOTTA bit! LOL

Cuteness - all of it!!!

;-) Happy New Year!!!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

I second that!
Etsy is awesome!
I am OCD too!!!!
I have always wanted a shop or space to rent but never jumped at the opportunity and not having anything close makes it less desirable!

I am an Etsy boutique owner, shopper and promoter!
Buy handmade in the USA people! :-)
Lets help each other!!!

Loved your post and all your treasures!
Hugz, Dolly

Draffin Bears said...

Happy New Year Anne, to you and your family.
May you have a wonderful year ahead with much love, good health and happiness and many blessings.

I love the things you are selling in your Etsy shop, good luck with that, dear friend.
The stamp set and the lollipop holder are wonderful.
I hope that work at the Hospital will go well and not too many dramas. BTW ~ your new header is lovely.


PaisleyGrove said...

Happy New Year ANNIE! As usual, I love your blog. You are truely a talented "blogger". I have been sewing aprons when not working at our lovely Hospital. I am counting down my 30 days til apron*ology magazine hits the newstand. Call ya soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne...this is my first comment to you...though I have been peeking in for a couple of weeks now...I too - am an Etsy lover - I love it for the same reasons that you do! I am glad to have found your blog - your words are inspiring and your work is AMAZING -

xoxo Jess

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