Anne Lorys Photography on Facebook

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Paris Flea Market Giveaway!

 I'm in the process of filling up this BIG (15" x 10" x 7.5"), beautiful  
Paris Flea Market hatbox  
full of big, beautiful flea market treasures! 

It's all part of my

Paris Flea Market Giveaway

 Celebrating all my wonderful friends and followers! (one and the same, really!)

At this writing, I know for sure that the two lovely hat boxes you see pictured will be included in the giveaway (and filled to their brims with flea market treasures!)
As will a copy of Flea Market Style Magazine, too!

I had planned to have the giveaway before heading off to Warrenton, but then I had a lightbulb moment.... 

I realized how much MORE wonderful this giveaway could be if I held off and included lots and lots more AWESOME treasures from my shopping excursions during Antique Week!

Who knows what I'll bring back? 
Would you like...

Vintage Linens?
Vintage Bling?
Ya like crusty and rusty? 
Or dainty and delicate?
Here's your chance to help 


Tell me what you'd like to see in this giveaway, and I'll do my darndest to bring it back from the fields of Warrenton!

 ***Just be sure to sign up as a follower between NOW and the big drawing, which will be***
- March 31st -
after I return from Warrenton.
You're automatically entered if you're already a follower.
Grab my giveaway button, too! It's free!
And don't forget to let me know what YOU would like to see in this giveaway!

Toodles for now!


1 – 200 of 282   Newer›   Newest»
Sylvia said...

Yes, yes, all your questions..hahaha...since I am in the middle of creating my secret garden how about vintage garden junk? Just a thought...

Have a great week and have fun in Warrentown.


Unknown said...

Oh, gosh...anything you'd pick out I'd love! What a wonderful giveaway!


Tarnished Rose said...

How about YES to ALL! LOL. I'm going to go put the button for the giveaway on my site!


Barbara Jean said...

But, if i have to chosse, I'll narrow it down to:
rusty treasures, milinary, linenes, and lbing. Oh emphemers is fine too.

OH, guess I jsut said it all/.
Well, I tried

love Lisa's tag!


barbara jean

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

What a wonderful giveaway!!! I'm already a follower, and I love so many different things, whatever you pick out will be wonderful. Blessings...Daphne

Jan Thomason said...

hi, bff.
i'm so excited that i made it a point that if i did nothing else today that i would catch up on my blog reading!
consider myself entered.
you know what i like so i'll leave it up to you how to fill my hat box.

boy howdy, you KNOW how much i would like to win this!

i imagine i'll be checking into the hospital tomorrow. i'll have my cell and computer with me. i'll miss you!!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

It all sounds wonderful! I am into some vintage bling right now, just sounds good for spring. Love linens and rusty and well...all of it. Love your new header! Have fun!

savvycityfarmer said...

... hey where you been girl ...

ANYTHING you wanna pack up, will work for me!

~Mlle de Sombreuil~ said...

Ann, I love it all but I love sea shell boxes and old buttons and of course little pieces of old lace. Have a great time on your shopping adventure. Oh,anything old is beautiful. Have fun. Audrey

One Cheap B*tch said...

I'm a follower and I vote for vintage bling!!!!! Please enter me in this lovely giveaway!

Kim from The Sheep's Nest said...

Oh me, me !!! I am already a follower and fan! I will add your giveaway button to my blog right away. I love all of your suggestions. How about some things with numbers or letters? yes and anything "frenchy" will do just fine! hugs,Kim

savvycityfarmer said...

... I always use the no flash setting for glass ...
question for YOU ... what if we're already stalking, er following ya?

Chickens in the Basement said...

How about something with birds? I love em! Indoors, outdoors, in my car, on my desk. However, I like anything vintage...even if I don't know what it's called! Go figure. Have fun! I'm jealous!

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Your so sweet to do that!! O.k do you not love that magazine!?!?! Just got mine and cannot put it down,that last house is my fav. Talk to you soon,x0x0x0

Rose Garden Romantic said...

Oh, how exiting! Vintage millinery and bling are my personal favorites!!!

Sylvia (at) Lily's Pad and Petals said...

You have the BEST taste, I would be thrilled to receive anything you picked out.
Have fun hunting for treasures.

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

What an Exciting Give~Away.....Anything would be wonderful but If You would Find some tattered vintage material or trims, that would be Perfection! Of course, a Follower
Have Fun

Romeo said...

Ohhhhh dear!!!! You are offering a give away AND suggestions of what to add to the stash?!?! Oh dear!!! And from Warrenton?!?! I'm going to faint -- I so love and miss that show!!! Please enter "her" on your list of possible victims - I mean if "she" won it, she'd probably have a heart attack, so that makes "her" a victim right?!? I know she would love bling, lace, crusty and rusty , vintage heavy linen, ummm what's left?? Okay, so just about anything you could get your paws on I know "she" would love! Maybe if "she" did win you could throw in a stuffed toy mouse? And oh yeah, I continue to be a fellow stalker, I mean follower.


Romeo (keeper of "her" and the junkyard)

{northern cottage} said...

oooh la la - this looks incredible & I NEED the magazine - can't find it here ANYWHERE!! hmmm my addition idea would be something made with tin or some yummy nestyness (that's a new word!!) :)

Sandi said...

Oh my...Vintage Linens, vintage Millinery, bling,crusty and rusty, dainty and delicate?? YES I LOVE IT ALL!
Would love to enter your lovely drawing!!

The Smith Hotel said...

Wow-sounds like a fun shopping trip. Hmm if I was out looking I would look for galvanized things, clocks (faces or pocket watches), buttons, floral frogs, old books, old papers and old game pieces! Have a great time shopping!

Can't wait to see what you find!

sjmcdowell said...

Oh Dear Anne!!
Your giveaway sounds so stunning I am speechless!! Everything that you mentioned I love...if you find a cute Rabbit though it would be wonderful...not real of course! Please count me in and I will post your giveaway by tomorrow. Be well and Happy as ever! XXOO Susan

Lisa said...

I just became a follower! What an amazing giveaway!! I love everything listed but my favs would be clock faces, buttons, ephemera, numbers & letters - just about anything vintage I guess! And I've never been able to find a flower frog, so that would be special!Thanks!

Marlene said...

I have been a follower for along time now!! Please include me...Sound wonderful..opening up that hatbox full of goodies... anything you pick would be lovely I sure.I will alslet people know about it!! thanks Marlene

Debra@CommonGround said...

All of the above, please! Can't wait to see what you fillerup with!
Love ya,
p.s. those little birds are cute enough to eat!

Anonymous said...

YAYAYAYAYAY!!! Can you tell I am excited?? I just designed my new studio - "ALL IN PARIS" I want it, I want it...I got the gimme' is a shame that I am not lucky - haha - what a beautiful thing to do! I will add your "FREE FABULOUS" button to my sidebar!

XOXO jess

Frugal Canner said...

Oh OH oh you are sending one of us to gay parie? oh oh oh I just reread it and you are giving us a box of items with a Paris theme! Just as well since my passport has not been updated and I don't have a thing to wear. But I can sit at home beside my wood stove and play with things that remind me of Paris. I did spend a few days there once and thought I was dreaming.
I have already been a follower for a while now so hopefully I am entered in your contest. Viva Paris!

deb christensen said...

holy cow it's good to be a follower! there are so many wonderful generous folks in blogland. you can fill those boxes with anything you like, anything at all, because where i live there are no flea markets, no estate sales (which i'd never heard until i started reading blogs) nada. the salvation army shop is as vintage as it gets on this island. so, if i'm the lucky winner, you could really get off easy, because anything would thrill me!!!

Dixie said...

buttons...buttons... I want buttons...
and maybe some vintage Rosarys... now that would be lovely too! Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh my just winning would be so fun- vintage millenary, some sweet birdies, linens and old silver-$100 bill wouldn't hurt either!!


Anonymous said...

Oops forgot to say that I put the sweet button on my sidebar too and will try to blog about it soon-

The Little Red Shop said...

Wow! You are so thoughtful, Anne! I have the round version of the Paris Flea Market hatbox. What fun!

: )

Julie M.

DustyLu said...

What a great giveaway! You are so kind and generous! Have a great trip! ~lulu

Hearts Turned said...

What a fabulous giveaway, Anne! How exciting! I could never pick...I just know you've got such great taste anything you chose would be perfect! Have a great trip!

P.S. I'm already a happy follower!

Unknown said...

Fabulous idea and giveaway!!!! I love dainty and delicate as well as vintage bling. A girl can never have too much of either of those!!! Good luck hunting at antique week!!!

Yaya' s Home said...

I would just love to win the hat boxes. Anything in them would thrill me beyond words. We don't even have garage sales, here, so the idea of some of your treasures is almost too much to wish for... but I am... wishing.

Just thought you might like to know that I have a visitor on my blog, today, who will be sharing her grampa's true-life adventures as a Rider on one of the Orphan Trains! There's room for everyone to gather in close and get to know Donna, while enjoying her wonderful story-telling talents. I look forward to seeing you there.

Yaya's Changing World

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I would just be thrilled to death with whatever I would receive if I was so lucky enough to win this wonderful giveaway of your!

Theresa said...

First of all, love the little birds in your header:) I love everything and if I won... anything is good with me. I sure wish I lived close enough to visit Warrenton. Sounds like something I would really enjoy! Hugs to you dear Anne!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

I love your new blog banner! What a great have a great eye so anything you pick will be wonderful!!! Enjoy your day!

Coco said...

Vintage Bling. That is my fav. But I would be happy with whatever you chose.

Julie Ann said...

What a fun giveaway!! I would love vintage trims, millinery, bling and anything shabby chic! Have a wonderful time during Antique Week!! It sounds like such a great trip!

Carol Mae said...

Love it all, what a great and awesome giveaway, I'm a follower and love your blog. Smiles, Carol Mae

Lisa said...

Oh Pick me, Pick me (from Nemo) I think I'm alredy a follower, I will double check, I will for sure put your button on my sidebar & give a shout out next post, & I'll do ya one better. I'm going put your cute F&T button on my sidebar to stay! (gotta figure out how to do that for myself). Ok, here's my wish list in no particular order.
tatting, trims & lace (I'm running low)
watch faces & cases (for my bottles)
Journal pages (cuz I luv them)
millinery flowers (they make me smile)
& the rest, you surprise me Anne!

Alicia ~ time worn style said...

oooh wow well you are already giving away a copy of that wonderful magazine which is what I would really love, but... I do love a bit of crusty and rusty I have to say!
Alicia :0)

Sandi said...

A hatbox full of goodies. How Cool. I definitely want a chance to win this. Don't forget, I'm a follower too.

Cathy said...

It all sounds good but I love ephemera. I'm also a follower. I love the birds in your header.

The Feathered Nest said...

Hi sweet Anne!!! What a wonderful giveaway girl! I'm so excited for you going to Warrenton and selling too! You know, I would take just about anything from any of the catagories you listed...busted junk is ALWAYS a fav!!! Have a great week dear friend, hugs and love, Dawn

Jennifer Pearson Vanier said...

Oooh, how delightful. Imagine, choosing your own giveaway treasures. Well, old paper, glittery items, tiny treasures old buttons, lace and trim, pretty pictures and charms. Birds, leaves and nests, or whatever you find that fits would be great! I've been following you for a while and love your blog and Etsy site.

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

Hello again Anne. I just saw your comment on the Paper Cowgirls blog & had to come over & tell you that when I attended the Fall event, like you I was a rusty crafter. Hadn't created anything in many years. As you can see from the projects on my blog, it unleashed something in me & I've been getting my "art on" ever since. LOL

Do yourself a favor & GO to the Paper Cowgirl event. It was one of the best things I ever did for myself. You can read more about it here in this post.

she dreams big! said...

ANYTHING from Warrington would be like I was there myself! I would pretend that I was a lucky girl who attended the greatest show on earth and dream that I shopped and found wonderful treasures! Thanks for thinking of us while you shop!

Jamie said...

Oh I love it! I am already following you...trying to convince myself to "follow" you to Warrenton but just not looking good.
I think I'd love just about anything you picked. I am kind of on a vintage bling kick here lately though.

Six divided by two..... said...

How darling!! I love all things vintage and french..ooh la la!! I just now could leave comments again!! YEAH !! I have to check with Angelique to see when we are going. If I am not working..I will be there!!

julie miller said...

Hi Anne, What a wonderful and generous giveaway!! I'm sure I would feel like it was my birthday or something if I won--so whatever little treasures you could fit in those hatboxes would be divine!! thank you so much, Junkinjulie P.S. I am a follower and will grab your button!

Zita said...

Millinery and ephemera, Anne. I am SO disappointed I won't be able to come back out to Warrenton/Round Top again so that I can meet you - I was really hoping to be there but it just doesn't work out for me. You are going to have a blast selling there, and of course, just being there is amazing, isn't it?!!

Unknown said...

Hey sweet thing...fabulous giveaway!!! I would adore anything you put together I am quite sure of that!!! I'll mention your giveaway on my Thurs post!

Hugs to you Anne ~

:) T

BellaRosa said...

Anne, I am just overwhelmed just thinking of a wish list from yes...EVERYTHING that you listed faces...those lil ones, I think that is what they are called that everyone uses in their art work and for displaying, all I know is I can't find them here :) that and antiqe photo albums...ohhh and some vintage bloomers and corrset thingys like Jill of Gypsy Brocante had posted about, infact I think she took pictures wearing her bloomers :) I thought she looked lovely :) Plus add everything that you mentioned and that should about fill that dream box for me :) Besos, Rose

Have a beautiful week :)

Rosemary said...

Have a fun time!
I'm sure whatever you bring back will be great!!

Raylene said...

I'm new to your post. Loving it all! I would love to be entered into your drawing. I look forward to following your blog.

red.neck chic said...

All of the above?!!? I'll walk around and help you fill the hat boxes. LOLOL Then I'll walk around going, "pick me! pick me!"! Think that'll work? LOLOL

Have a Happy Monday!!!!!!!!
;-) robelyn

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

I would love a little of EVERYTHING please!!

Lou Cinda :)

Winchester Manor said...

Paris Flea Market Giveway? Woo Hoo! Honey, this has my name written all over it!! I saw the list...

Vintage Linens?....Yep
Millinery?.....Of Course
Vintage Bling?....Heck Yeah
Ya like crusty and rusty?...Yes Please
Or dainty and delicate?...No doubt!

Now I'm not being see, anything you come back with will suit my fancy just fine!

Have fun!!


Anonymous said...

All this is so neat. i can just look for hours.
I'm sure you will find wonderful things.
from: Loves Art!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

With your talent and creativeness, I would be happy to win anything that you include in your giveaway.


VintageCrafter said...

You have such an amazing talent and sense of style that I'm sure whatever you put together will be absolutely WONDERFUL! I am already a follower and can't wait to see what you will find:)

north pal said...

ahhhhhhhhhh!holy c---! i almost swallowed my tongue when i read you are to have a give away full of goodies,plus a copy of flea mkt. style, which i have yet to see. i would imagine any goodies that you bring back,but rusty and crusty would be my choice at this moment. i am a follower already. thanx for the excitement. Bestest,Denise

Pattyjo said...

Oh my goodness! This is a dream come true for one lucky person! I am a follower and would love to have my name in the drawing. If I am lucky enough to win this, you can put anything vintage in the box. I love all the same things you do, that is what brought me to your blog.
Thank you for the chance!

Anne Marie said...

your comment was SO nice Anne! nothing close to magazine like, but certainly better than it was!

too bad you can't come to my sale in May!! BIG barn sale......

Unknown said...

Oh Mercy Me Anne! I can not even imagine being anymore blessed with winning than I have already but a girl can dream, hope wish and dare I say pray. I don't know if I can keep my eyes crossed that long but I'm gonna try. LOL. Any and all of the above sound like wonderful things to win. If you see a cute vintage beach pail I'll take that to. ha-ha. I don't know how one person can love so much. I love all the soft feminine pastel colors and laces but then again I love all the vintagey reds and aquas. You just have to love vintage. Wish I was heading to Warrenton with you.

I'm grabbing your button.

Hugs Dear Friend...Tracy :)

Brandy said...

How nice of you! That would be hard to choose, but I really love vintage linens and anything rusty! And I have been wanting that Flea Market Style Magazine!

Hope you're having a great week!:)

Melissa/Piney Rose said...

I would love to see any or all of the above! But my suggestion is, anything that "speaks" to you, since we love your style! Thanks for a fabulous giveaway.

Melissa/Piney Rose said...

I also LOVE vintage bling!

Crystal said...

Oh I absolutely love your blog and your taste, so anything you include would be great. I am so looking forward to seeing what you bring back from your trip and of course the winner of this giveaway. Could it be me :) I hope so.

Thanks again for your sharing your creativity and your giveaway. Have a blest week.

jacklynn4 said...

I've spent all morning trying to get your giveaway button on my blog...I'm not very computer savvy. FINALLY, I did it!!! Yippee! Yahoo!
bliss farm antiques

Anonymous said...

I thought Id better come over here to enter.I posted on todays blog March 8th.Oh well Im a follower and I took your button and posted on my blog.cant wait!~~Becky

Anonymous said...

I think also whatever you pick I wouldnt complain,LOL.

mrsatch said...

I'm certain that I would love love love what you put together.

Nelly said...

What a an awesome giveaway! I'd love to be included. I'm a follower and thoroughly enjoy your posts. Love your new header very much! Thanks for your generosity.

Linda K. said...

Vintage bling, rusty indoor outdoor, whatever you gather and bring back would be super. Thanks so much for offering a wonderful giveaway. I already follow and have a button on my sidebar.


Judy said...

Awesome giveaway! I love rustic as well as soft and feminine! You'd be amazed at my antique booth and then come to my home and see that it is cowgirl/western/Arizona! I will become a follower.


Sue said...

What a great giveaway. I love your new header although I must admit I'm a sucker for anything with birds. Thank you.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Just stop by to say and your huge giveaway...if you want to save on postage I can pick it up at
I am counting the days..and if only the weather is like it is today here it will be a prefect show..I live only 10 miles from it..

Kelly said...

I'm a follower, and I'm so excited about this giveaway!

Kelly said...

And I'm certain I'll love whatever you pick! You have wonderful taste.

Six in One Hand said...

I love ANYTHING you pick out!!!!!
Especially old,... and cream... and rusty... and patina... and watch parts... and....
I don't care cuz I know it's gonna be gooooood!!

Mary Ann said...

oooooooooouuuuu glassware, cloches, jars, etc.

Beth said...

It all sounds good! I am always looking for vintage tablecloths, Bakelite bangles, and antique quilts.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How wonderful! I'm a new follower and I would love to see vintage linens..I love tea towels and a little bird! I hope you have a fun time! ♥

Maxine said...

Wow. What a giveaway! So exciting. I am sure whatever you get will be wonderful. I came from Laurie's at Nana's House...My first time to your blog. It's beautiful.

Vintage Gran said...

Wow. Wonderful giveaway. I am a new follower and would love to be included. I am also a new blogger and I am going to try to post your button. Not quite sure how to manage it but sure am going to try. Thanks.

stefanie said...

this sounds like a fun giveaway...If I won I would love anything you picked out, you always have wonderful posts and taste, have fun!

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

Oh! What a fun give away. I gladly am a new follower. (So glad I found you!) Any of your, or the other ladies suggestions, sound wonderful to me. I'd be thrilled to be the lucky winner!
Patricia :o)

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

Ps: I just added your button/link to my sidebar.

CHERI said...

Just discovered your blog and I'm lovin' it! I'm now a Follower and have my fingers crossed for the giveaway. Just winning the hatbox would thrill, love, love hatboxes!

Leanne said...

vintage millinery definitely. There isn't enough of it in the world. Or lace, or velvet ribbon, or beautiful sheet music. I shall go follow you on my Google Reader feed, but I don't know if you can actually tell whether I'd be following you or not as its not, obviously, Blogger

Auntie Cake said...

Wow Anne, sounds divine! And of course, I am a follower!

Bonnie Holeman said...

Gotta love those great give-aways! Your blog is great fun!

clustres said...

Love your blog; therefore, would love whatever you would choose for a giveaway!

Peridots Garden Blog said...

Dear Anne,

First of all a special Thank You for all your wonderful visits and kind comments...your sweet words mean so much to me.

Your Paris Flea Market Giveaway is spectacular!

I'd love anything to use in my gardens...that way when I gaze upon it...I would think of your sweet kind spirit!

By the way...your's is my first "GRAB a button" for your giveaway and it worked perfectly! It'll be on my post right after midnight!

So excited just to have accomplished that procedure!



Megan Chamberlain said...

Yes to everything, my mind is full of images of lace and flowers and bling and keys, oh what a lovely idea, I think everyone wishes they could go with you. I love your blog and have putthe button on my blog.

Wendy & Megan Chamberlain said...

What an amazing idea. I so miss the French markets where I always found wonderful old stuff for my creations. Would love anything vintage, linens and bling (great for my jewelry creations). Another inspiring blog thank you for sharing.

Lululiz said...

Oh please come back with lots of millinery and ephemera. I find it really difficult to find vintage millinery flowers in the UK. Gosh, you are putting together such a fabulous giveaway, whoever wins this is going to be the luckiest girl.

~Tonja~ said...

Oh my what a sweet giveaway...I would love any and all of the wonderful thing you pick out...
Going to add your giveaway button to my sidebar...Have a Blessed day...
Sweet Blessings...

faithinfrogs said...

I have a love for tattered and torn,linen,lace and flowers galore...not to forget sparklies and more. I am only just begining my creative quest in the blog world and am still brain storming as to how I want to set up with my blog. You have an amazing site and hope your trip will bring you many creative inspirations. I have started a flickr pic but dont have all my pics of my art creations all there yet. Thanks for the chance to be the lucky winner!

Unknown said...

I'm new to your blog, love the look of it.
Whatever you pick up would be treasured by the look of your blog and whats on Esty. Good stuff!

Bunty said...

I'm now a follower! What a great giveaway - you are very generous. I also love anything tattered and torn - especially old lace - plus buttons, old documents etc., etc., but I'm sure everything you pick will be wonderful!

Thanks for the chance to win!


Sweet Old Vintage said...

Oh my... I am very sure that just what you would pick would be to perfection... What a lovely idea...

Jann said...

What a lovely giveaway! Thanks for including your followers--I am always anxious to see what you post on your lovely blog--if you find any antique buttons, grab them if you can! I am finding them harder and harder to come by when I'm out looking! Have fun!

redesigned said...

Wow awesome idea! I love old, worn, crusty, rusty, touches of bling, all things white, old clocks, old photos and garden things. I am a follower and am anxious to see what you giveaway!


Unknown said...

I like dainty, vintage bling, and ephemera. Magazines are always a plus too! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!

Dorthe said...

I`m a new follower,
came here from Dawn...
I love what you are doing here, and would be happy to be entered in your wonderfull giveaway, with all the fantastic things you suggest giving away.

nancarts said...

Hello, again!

I added your giveaway to my blog. I am still learning computers, so it took me a minute!lol

Smiles and Blessings,
Nancy C

Anonymous said...

Oh golly gee willikers ... what wouldn't I like? How 'bout a little of each?
SuZeQ ~

Thespoena McLaughlin said...

I'm so getting into millinery flowers and leaves. They are just wonderful. Although old ledger pages, old lace, old sewing, old pictures, old vintage aged anything. Hope you will share what you find, (even if I don't win) LOL. Thanks for sharing such a great blog. Have a very happy day!

Brenda said...

Love it all. Anything vintage, anything red, pretty papers, books, kitchy you name it. I think you have wonderful taste if I would win I would love it all. Its my blogaversary (spelling?) this month I am trying to put something together also. Going on a girl trip weekend after this hoping to finds something special to add.

Cheryl said...

This is a Wonderful giveaway I know anything you put together will be just great. Ribbons, lace, tea cups, buttons, bling, toil. Enjoy your trip
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!

Erica@ZunkyChic said...

ohhhh... Shopping in Warrenton is so much fun!!! (althouth not as thrifty as it used to be). I love vintage linens, ephemera, buttons, and blingy jewelry. I can't wait to see what you bring back. I'll shop vicariously through you!

Maple Ridge Vintage said...

How exciting! How about a little bit of everything?...I love it all!!!! especially linens, old ephemera, and my newest love is anything "bird or nest" related, white and shabby!!! I will be holding my breath...thanks for the generous giveaway...hugs, Chris

*Ulrike* said...

Just found your blog so I'll enter the giveaway and then come back to look. I have to say I'm not picky, if I have a chance to win I'll be happy!

Francine said...

Just came to your Blog this evening & so glad I did. I am a follower of your blog now too. How about Irish Vintage pictures or Material that has an Irish Celtic Flair to it. I love anything French. How about French Vintage Writing Paper along with Vintage Beads & Buttons. I am sure anything you put in the hat box will be wonderful! :)

Zandra said...

I am new to your blog, I would love to be entered in your giveaway, how exciting. Everything you mentioned would be so fun get in a giveaway. Just having my name in the hat is exciting!.

Karen said...

Anything would be lovely, the hatbox alone is a wonderful prize! Love your blog, Dawn always sends us to the best!

Michelle Hughes said...

Okay, you know I am a follower and if you want to shop for moi, I adore ironstone, numbers and mercury glass... and I am going to blog about it tomorrow!

Jennifer said...

Oh goodness girl, you are generous and you have so many of us, dare I say, lusting for goodies! :) Everything you mentioned is awesome. I am really digging vintage rhinestone buttons and jewelry and millinery at the moment. Someone might need to slow me down. Just kidding. I hope you have a blast on your trip.

janil said...

Vintage Linens, vintage Millinery, bling,crusty and rusty, dainty,delicate... it doesn't matter. I love all of them!!!!!!!!!! My favourites are the antiqe an small metal boxes.

thanks!I'm your new follower!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

Unknown said...

Oh, my goodness, of course I'm going to say all of the above ...but since we have to pick I will choose...Vintage! This is going to be fun..can't wait to see what you choose to send the lucky winner!
Thank you,

Unknown said...

oooopps!!!Forgot to give you my address!!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning...just found you from dear Dawn at The Feathered Nest so I knew I was in for a delightful journey..and to find you are offering a give away...hmmmm, dreaming now, imagine this senior lady receiving a box of goodies from you (and from what I see on your blog) I know I would be more than pleased...let's see, vintage buttons, laces, wooden spools, bling, vintage clothespins, Victorian high top shoe; ephemera, old flowers, vintage photographs, ribbons, heart would be singing, for sure. Dearheart, have a wonderful journey and shopping trip; wish I could become a fairy and fit into your pocket. The magazine, I have been waiting and waiting to find it in the bookstores, let's see a cuppa tea, library nook and the pleasure of a good read. By the way, where is Warrenton... Heartfarm, Dottie

Unknown said...

one of everything! i love everything that you listed! what a great and fun giveaway! have fun at the show! where is Warrenton? I'm wondering if it's PA? Have a great day! Susan

ByLightOfMoon said...

Oh, I envy your working at Warrenton and tel the Junk Gypises I said Hi! Don't miss their Prom night!

I miss going back this year! But, I know you can find anything there! I love all you mentioned and maybe the ephemera or laces, just whatever you find,as I know you have a good eye!
I am a follower and will post you site on both on of my blogs, I found you through Dawn at The Feathered Nest!
Smiles, Cyndi

Anonymous said...

Your blog has been in my blogroll for quite some time now, but I just joined as a follower so I could be included in your faaaaabulous giveaway!!! Yay!!! Lets see, do I like...

Vintage Linens? Definitely!
Millinery? Especially!
Ephemera? Most decidedly!
Vintage Bling? Would love some!
Ya like crusty and rusty? If it's shabby chic!
Or dainty and delicate? Yes, thank you!!!

Honestly, Anne, your style is devine! Anything you choose would be heavenly. :)

Alicia said...

Oh my word! This is heaven in a box! I'm in love with each and everything you mentioned! If I win, my next child will be named for you I promise! I can't imagine a better giveaway!! Pure Bliss!

Jaybird said...

What do we do if we can't sign on as a follower???? I use a public computer, and am not allowed to sign on to any sites. I love your blog and visit regularly. I even visited your booth in Kerrville...does that count? ;^)

DragonflyzDreams said...

I am following with RSS reader till I get Goole friend connet fixed. IT is drivingme nuts, I also posted your giveaway link on my sidebar and this is a second blog. It is also on ByLightOfMoon.

Anything you find at Warrenton is awesome. I envy your being there and not me. Have fun working there. I will go to her site also.

Smiles, Cyndi

Preppy Mama said...

Oh this is heaven in a box!! I would love to see some french seam binding. I am obsessed with it!!
I just became a follower too!!

Shannon said...

I'm sure anything that you pick out would be great but some beautiful vintage linens are always a win!

sweetpea said...

Hi Anne! Anything you pick will be awesome I'm sure! Can't wait to meet you in person!



Anonymous said...

I am positive anything in this box would be like finding a hidden treasure box! Thank you so much for doing this!

Theory said...

Put me in the giveaway please, and I love either ephemera or crusty and rusty. I am now a follower, just found you at Dawn's. Theory a country gal in Iowa

Wildflowerhouse said...

Hi Anne, I am a follower ofcourse! Have fun on your outing. Find lots of vintage lace, linens and bling. Just anything you choose would do. What a fun giveaway!!! Sharon

Anna said...

i just found you and this is such a fun giveaway! i'm more of the vintage bling! and i'm a follower now! have fun treasure hunting.

Anonymous said...

always love looking at your blog.what a beautiful giveaway. please enter me! have not signed up to be a follower but am doing so after I post this comment.

Journal Swag said...

I love it all! Your taste is wonderful, so I would love whatever you choose. Have a fun time, nothing better than a great sale!


Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Oops...this is where I sign up.
Will put your button on my sidebar tonight after work!
Take care, Laura

Anonymous said...

With your taste, ANYTHING would be wonderful. I especially love old vintage jewelry pieces to take apart and refurbish. Love your blog.

chris said...

I'm such a follwer.. tee hee.
Looks like such a fun giveaway... thanks for the chance. I don' have a blog myself... I'm not that interesting. But love what you got here.

Patricia said...

I am a brand new follower!!
How did I ever miss your wonderful blog???
Anyway have a blast on your trip!
I am a vintage linen lover... especially Irish linen!!


Pamela said...

Hi I just discovered your beautiful blog!
I love everything vintage!
I'll be back to visit!

Hana said...

Squeeeeeeling with delight at such a FABULOUS giveaway! I would flip over backwards to win such treasures! I know it will be great and can't wait to see what you bring back! I am a new follower after finding you over at Dreamy White's blog! Keeping my fingers crossed!!

MomTog Diaries

Sadie said...

I added your button! I'm excited to follow your blog. So fun....

faith said...

what a fun giveaway and what fun to get a box full of fun surprises in the mail. and my suggestions on what to pick? well, right now, i personally am looking for home accent type stuff.

Martha Carolyn said...

Whoever wins this giveaway will be so lucky! Best one ever!!! :-)

Amy's Adventures said...

I am a follower!

Ellen said...

now following....

Tumbleweed Trails said...

What a delightful giveaway. How fun. Please sing me up. Thanks for the chance to be a lucky recipient. I am a new follower.

Gina@3ringcottage said...

Thanks for this amazing opportunity. Anything from Warrenton is worth it! Saw you're in the Texas Hill Country...I visit there all the time from Ft. Worth.

Recycled Rita said...

I just signed up to be a follower, I love your little blog! karen...

Love It Naturals said...

Who would'nt want a touch of Paris! AMazing giveway! I'm following!

Annesphamily said...

What a beautiful giveaway! I am so amazed! I already follow you but I will check out Jackie's blog too! I appreciate the fun and lovely fare you have over here. Thanks you. I am not good with buttons but I will definently post about the giveaway!

Outofmymind said...

I LOVE visiting your site every day, you inspire me always. I've been a follower of yours but was thrilled to find a new friend to visit now. And the giveaway.....WOW!!!! Thanx for sharing with us.Kelli Hansen

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Anne:
I've added your button to my left sidebar, sending my readers back to this post. I love the update post, too! Everything is fabulous! I'm glad I'm a follower for so many reasons...but mostly, because I love you!

Love the Decor! said...

A vintage Apron would be a great gift idea!!
I am taking your button now
Have a great evening!

Candy said...

Millinery...but really any of the things on your list. I trust you as my personal shopper.

Terri Gordon said...

Wow, what a wonderful giveaway, your giveaway would make anyone so happy. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I love your blog.

Mari said...

What a wonderful giveaway!

Deux Maison said...

We found you from following dreamy whites.... can't wait to catch up on what fiona and twig is all about... we can tell already - we likey!!!!

Tobi Britton* said...

Holy molee!!! What a great giveaway! Please Count me and the pixies in, we like anything sparkly or rusty or crackle painted, or roses or well, i bet anything you put in will just be charming!
Sparkly new friend hugs,
Tobi :)

Charlene said...

Anne, I would LOVE to win your Give Away!!!! I hope to go to Warrington too! When are you going? And who is going with you? I am looking for someone who wants to go for the Spring Show. Lisa (Tarnished & Tattered) went with me for the Fall Show but, she can't go this year. And Carolyn is going with her hubby. Lori doesn't know & DARN I WANNA GO! Anyway, I am doing a post on Saturday that will have you button & a plug for your giveaway. Soooooooooooo please enter me & if I win I would love lace, millinery, or buttons. HUGS! Charlene

Kim L. said...

all of the above!! hahaha They are all such lovely options! The next best thing would be to go with you and antique!! fun !!! xoxoxox

Sharyn said...

How wonderful!! I dream of one day going to a show like that. Perhaps this prize would give me a little taste! Such a beautiful list of things to choose from too - may I say any of the above please. I have put the button in the side bar and will have a post up soon for you!! Have a fab time - and if I win I am happy to pay the overseas portion of the freight too.

lulu redstar said...

MEEEEE-OOOOWW! c'est bon! c'moi! c'est magnifique! et tu aussi. oxoxox

Angie said...

I love vintage jewelry, old pearl things, vintage Mother of Pearl buttons, laces, love it all!!!

rennieangie at gmail dot com

Martina said...

Just found your site - it's beautiful! In the future I'd like to see vintage linens in your giveaway. But first I'd LOVE to win this prize!!!

Amanda said...

Perfect giveaway! I love it! I'll request vintage gloves, hats!!!, or any little thing at all! Thanks!

Christine said...

Just became a follower when I found your blog. You have so many wonderful ideas - thanks for the inspiration!
Happy Hunting!!

sandyandcosmo said...

Just discovered your blog and became a follower, I love all things vintage! How about something a little off-beat that might fit in at a Mad Hatter's tea party?

Renee said...

Oh My! Anything romantic . . .or maybe a reminder of spring time!! Can't wait to see what goodies you bring back with you!

K. said...

Wow! how nice of you! I love Dainty and delicate things. Millinary/ gloves, vintage brooches. Also, paper ephemera:( postcards of young women). I collect those!
But if I win I will be happy to recieve anything you offer with pleasure.
Thankyou so much!
Whoever wins is sooo lucky!

Anonymous said...

Please put me on the list to win this fabulous package. I can dream! :)

Patricia Chapman said...

I can not tell you how much I would love to win a Paris flea assortment. The Port De Vanves street market is my fav. I adore bits and pieces of old metal and carved wood.

Beathag said...

Oh my God!
This giveaway is for me!
I would love to see the pink box full of dainty and delicate stuff!
I love Paris and I love flea markets!
What more can I ask?

Have a nice week!

sophia.komninou at

Jolee said...

Love a little bling and linens. Nice.

DeeDee said...

I would lovew it al..but I am working on jewelry now so vintage bling sounds interesting to me...what a fun giveaway.

Legacy of Love said...

Please sign me up! I am a follower.
God Bless, love your site,

Shay said...

I just found your blog and I'm easy. I love vintage, I love Paris, surprise me. And I am now a loyal follower.

Jane Carlstrom said...

OH Yes! and how fun to find the comment box clipped with a hat pin. :D Am thrilled to have found your blog and for sure signed up to follow, give away or no. Of course, the give away is sheer awesomeness being hat boxes are the containers. Be still my heart..... Paris is way out of my visiting reach, so will be delighted to go along vicariously and excited to hear about what you do and what you find there. My heart' desire for items to fill the hat boxes would be dainty and delicate, sewing/millinery ephemera, beads and buttons, lacy bits, all sorts of things that can be sewn onto hats. A real French Beret...... Oooooooo la la have a great time.

Clare Tea said...

Mn... it'd be cool to find vintage buttons, lace, maybe some old stamps, a letter opener, swatches of beautiful fabric... or maybe even a hat :O

Michele's Treasures, Teacups, and Tumbling Rose Cottage said...

What a fun giveaway...thank you for offering! Anything you put in will be great. Of course, anything with bling and glitz and glitter is always a treat. ; )

Anonymous said...

Everything that you pick is lovely so I would be thrilled with it all. I have been looking for the magazine everywhere I go in town with no luck. Maybe you will be my lucky charm. Thank you!

isabelzito at verizon dot net

The Prickly Pinecone said...

Wow what a wonderful giveaway, I love embroidered linens at the minute so if you found any of those it would be great!


Anonymous said...

I just found your blog the first time now and it looks very interesting for someone who loves vintages, adores Paris and french style. I lived in Paris for almost three years and happy to visit there once/twice per year. Next visit in May...
Maarit B said...

Wow! I'm so glad I found your blog.

I'd like anything that can be used to hold flowers. vases, buckets, julep cups.

Stephanie said...

I'm a follower ... found via French Larkspur! after checking things out for awhile I've decided I love your site! (And not because of the fun giveaway, btw!).

I like little bits of this and that - bling, white, pearly, paper ... it's all lovely. :) The latest Jeanne d' Arc Living is my current obsession ... I love almost every single page!

Pam Munro said...

J'adore vintage bling!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

Oh! I would like linens, bling and rusty. What a wonderful giveaway, Anne! Glad I stopped by.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Goodness, there's so much to see already, my eyes are crossed!
But...more textiles are always in demand, eh?

Lisa said...

Vintage anything!! Kitchen and sewing are the best!!! I could so live in the '50s!! How great of you to offer! I am so glad I am a follower!
Hugs, Lisa

Mugsy said...

I am seeing your blog for the first time. A blogger friend of mine suggested I visit here. I sure wish I would have found you a long time ago. Anything that reminds us of spring would be a great find. I sure am ready for spring to be here. Good luck with everything and I will be sure to come back and visit often. Can't wait till you post new stuff in your Etsy store!

French Charmed ~ Chelle said...

Wow! Count me in for Dainty & Delicate. I am on my way to become a follower. Happy hunting to you ~ Merci Beaucoup!

Tricia said...

I love all things French and I love surprises so I would be a very lucky girl to win the give away. Just found you blog and am trying to soak it all in. I am coveting several things from the sale you are missing. Can hardly wait to go on a search of my own.

Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic said...

Oh, heck. I enter GIVEAWAYS but NEVER win...maybe this time!! A Francophile like me deserves these beautiful gifts ;-)

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