Anne Lorys Photography on Facebook

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Romantic Country Magazine Feature

The magazine is out, and to say I'm thrilled
would be a bit of an understatement!

I am fortunate enough to have 11 of my photos featured
in the Summer 2011 issue of
Romantic Country Magazine,
on newsstands now!

Back in January, I headed to Burton, Texas to do a top-secret photo shoot
for none other than RC Editor, the Fabulous Fifi O'Neill.

I was lucky enough to be invited to photograph
the beautiful properties belonging to
Linda and Ludmil Marcov of Willow Nest,
and I spent two days snapping away at
both their glorious B&B and their main house.

And now I am SO pleased
to be sharing it with all of you!

The story is titled "The Feminine Mystique"
and it's a six-page spread!

Seeing your name in a byline like this and in the editorial credits
is a bit surreal, to put it mildly.
And to have my name immediately after Fifi's Number One photog Mark Lohman is
REALLY surreal!!!

And from my own files,
here are a few of the original images...

In the days ahead, I'll be slipping in and sharing some pics from this shoot with you
which didn't make the magazine....after all, I shot around 700!!!

This is a bit of a bittersweet occasion, as this issue marks Fifi's
last issue as Editor of Romantic Country.

But I am so incredibly proud and humbled to share this issue with her,
and I know that new Editor Mary Forsell will do a wonderful job.
I've mailed back and forth with her a bit lately, and she is just a lovely gal.

Thank you to Fifi O'Neill, the Marcov's, and my buddy Carol Spinski 
for helping make a dream come true!

Taking a few days off now,
have a beautiful weekend!


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Gracefully Vintage said...

Love it, Congrats to you. SO SO happy for you. Your pics are amazng..Such a Dream of mine..
Love living through your excitement...

Suzanne said...

How wonderful that you were able to be a part of that issue. Good for you.

I'd love to have a chance to win your giveaway. It would be two chances in fact, since I am now a follower. I found you after your name came up many times at the northern Illinois Bloggy Get Together. It became apparent that I needed to get home and search out this "Fiona and Twig" that everyone was talking about. I'm glad to have found you.


Bravo, Anne! Beautiful photography. And a giveaway to boot. Thank you...count me in! ~ Angela


And I follow already. ~ Angela

Beach House Living said...

Congratulations! How wonderful for you.


Oh, and there goes a button on my blog. ~ Angela

Unknown said...

you must have fallen off your chair! how cool is that? soo happy for you mon amei! Soo happy! i can't wait to get a copy in my own hands. wow..congrats! i would love an opportunity to win that gorgeous fifi o'neil book!!

Unknown said...

oh...i'm a happy follower! :)

COTTAG3 said...

Congratulations! I can't imagine how amazing it must be to have your beautiful photos and your name in a wonderful magazine. How nice of you to offer this giveaway to one lucky winner! I'll keep my fingers crossed it's me:)

COTTAG3 said...

I'm a follower (and have been for awhile!)

Martha Carolyn said...

Oh my goodness, how exciting! Your photos are gorgeous, lady! I couldn't be more excited for you or for the chance I have at winning this giveaway. Fingers are crossed really hard!!! :-)

Martha Carolyn said...

I follow your blog!

White Ironstone Cottage said...

I am already a follower
Congrats on the pic's

Martha Carolyn said...

Your giveaway button is right at the top right of my blog.

White Ironstone Cottage said...

Just posted it on my sidebar

Anonymous said...

Oh Anne,
I am completely thrilled for you!! You are such an inspiration, you had a dream and you went out and made it come true! Congratulations!!
Enjoy this huge accomplishment, you truly deserve it!!

Anonymous said...

I forgot about the giveaway, which is so fabulous, but I have been a faithful follower and would love to be entered!

Trisha said...

It looks so dreamy! Congratulations to you!


Trisha said...

I love being a follower of your beautiful blog!


Anonymous said...

Just added your yummy button to my sidebar!

The Vintage Farmhouse said...

It all just looks soooo gorgeous!

Vintage Gal said...

Oh my gosh what a wonderful giveaway ~ your pictures are just fabulous. Please put my name in the hat for this giveaway ;-)

The Vintage Farmhouse said...

I'm grabbing the button now!!

Vintage Gal said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am a follower and a friend. ;-)

Amanda Thornton said...

What a dream come true! I am so happy for you! the pictures and styling is beautiful- i just adore all the little vintage baby outfits hanging from the wall; i'll have to do that in my nursery. also, is that an old drawer nailed on the wall with vintage lining??? if so, amazing! what a neat 'shadow box' are always a source of inspiration!


Amanda Thornton said...

I am already a follower :)

Amanda Thornton said...

your giveaway button is featured on my blog!

Vintage Gal said...

Your giveaway button is featured on my blog~! CONGRATULATIONS ;-)

jninecostumes said...

Congratulations! It is very exciting to see your name in print that way.

jninecostumes said...

I am happy to say I have been a follower for a while. Love your photography. I need to take a class!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! That is wonderful!
I can't wait to see more of the photos.
Everything do far has been fabulous.
What a generous giveaway!
I am a follower of your awesome blog and would love to be entered.
I am not home right now, I'm posting from my iPhone.
But I will add your button to my sidebar soon.
Thanks so much and once again, Congratulations!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Beautiful photos and the magazine is amazing. I would love to get a copy of this and that book looks amazing. Thanks so much Anne for the chance!

hugs, Linda

Terri Gordon said...

Oh your photographs are just yummy, you are so talented. What a wonderful giveaway, I would be so thrilled to win. Congratulations. I love to visit your beautiful blog. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Terri

Itchin' Stitchin' said...

You take the most beautiful photos - Maybe someday I will be honored enough for you to photograph my home.

Terri Gordon said...

I am also a follower to your beautiful blog. Congratulations, your work is just stunning. Have a great week. Hugs, Terri

Itchin' Stitchin' said...

I am a follower

Terri Gordon said...

I am going and putting your button on my blog right now, thank you for the opportunity to win, this is such a wonderful giveaway, I would be so thrilled. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Terri

Unknown said...

CONGrATS!!! How exciting to see your name and pics in print! I of course am a follower and would love to win this!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I am a happy follower of your blog and You Miss Anne! Love ya girl!

hugs, Linda

Jem said...

I can't wait to see the more of your shots, Anne! :-) Congratulations!

Would love to be entered into the giveaway

Jem xXx

Unknown said...

I love all of the above! Those pictures are awsome. I would love to have them on my coffee table. Thank you for the chance to win both.8>)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I put your giveaway button on my sidebar! Have a great weekend Anne!

hugs, Linda

Stitchfork said...

Go Anne!! Congrats and kudos! Fun following you and seeing this all come about.
xo Cathy

Unknown said...

I am a your blog and you are so talented! Tiff (#1)

Unknown said...

I have been a follower for quite some time. 8>)

Unknown said...

#2 I really love what I have seen from Romantic Prairie Style...and the mag is fab...Your wedding pictures are wonderful...and you my dear are an awesome and God talented photographer. Thanx for sharing and offering this giveaway! Tiff

Unknown said...

#3...I am grabbing your linky to take over to my blog !!!!!


Congrat's on following your DREAM!!! How very exciting! Hooray!!!
Please throw my name into the hat!
Thank you!


I'm also a follower!
Enjoy your weekend and have some FUN!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you!!!! Your pics are amazing!


Anonymous said...

Already a follower!

Preppy Mama said...

Anne congrats!! Gorgeous photos!! I just received my copy of Fifi's book and I love it!! Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

Giveaway button has been added to the sidebar of my blog.
Thanks again,

Suburban prep said...

What a great looking book.
Would so love to see what it all encompasses.

msgb245 at gmail dot com

Karen said...

I would LOVE to receive Fif's book! What a giveaway! And congrats on the photo shoot in Romantic Country!

WhiteWhispers2u said...

Congrats! I just got mine in the mail today and have been enjoying it today.Great Photos! ~Cheers Kim

Karen said...

I am a follower and LOVEEEEEEEE your blog!!

ang diehl said... a fan of Fifi's and your's!! Thank you for including me in your special draw. xo

Blue Creek Home said...

Your photos are incredible and the rooms are incredible too!
Crazy good giveaway!

Blue Creek Home said...

I am a loyal F & T follower!

Love the Decor! said...

Congrats to you!! Yippeee!!
You must feel so honored and you so deserve it Anne!!
Have a great weekend

Blue Creek Home said...

Button is now on my side bar!

Love the Decor! said...

Oh yeah I am a follower too! : )

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Congratulations.. your shots are wonderful.. as is the location.. all so soft and pretty!!... I don't think we get that mag her in aus.. so that would be a lovely win for me.. as would Fifi' book.. so thanks for the chance... and have a great day.. ciao xxxx Julie

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Cool! Congratulations!!
xx, shell

ChRiS said...

congrats on being featured!!

ChRiS said...

i have been a follower long time, thxs for a chance of a enjoyable gift

Miranda @ Pressing On said...

Here's my first Entry! What a great giveaway Anne. Your photos are stunning, and make me just want to crawl into the picture and rest. Love them all. How exciting!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

A follower??? Ahhhhhhh yes indeedy! Roger that! :) :) :)
xx, shell

Miranda @ Pressing On said...

I'm a follower of Fiona and Twig...of course!

foreverdecorating said...

This would be a dream come true to win this book. These pictures are just amazing and romantic.

RobinBirdsNest said...

congratulations! these pictures are absolutely gorgeous!!

RobinBirdsNest said...

I am a follower!! thanks for the chance to win such an awesome giveaway!

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

Gosh Anne...I don't know what would be more thrilling...being published or meeting Rose. But congrats on both! I have that ME magazine article of Rose's house & fall in love every time I see it. *crossing my fingers you are able to talk her into letting you photograph her new home*

Are you coming to PC this year or will you be to busy?

DisturbedAngel said...

Congratulations to you! Your pictures are, as always, amazing.

I have been longing for a copy of the book "Romantic Prairie Style" since seeing it in blog land. Having a copy of the magazine (autographed to boot!) would make winning it all the sweeter!


DisturbedAngel said...

Have been a follower of your amazing blog for some time now! (Entry #2)


Nancy H. said...

What an exciting giveaway! I sure hope I win!

Jennifer Pearson Vanier said...

Congratulations!! I hope that this is just the beginning of a beautiful relationship with your camera. I would love to win a copy of the book! Thanks you for such a lovely giveaway.

Jennifer Pearson Vanier said...

I'm back again! I've been following for some time now. Thanks for a second chance at winning.

shabbyloft said...

I would love to win. Thanks, Stanna

shabbyloft said...

I am a follower. Thanks, Stanna

Rae said...

I'm new to your lovely blog...surprise, surprise!
and you're having a give away!!!
I would very much like to be in your give away.
I am now following.
and I am putting your give away up on my blog!
gotta say too...I'm not far from your neck of the woods.

savvycityfarmer said...

your talents come oozing right thru these pictures!
I loved the Marcovs for years and years now ...precious people.
...and I've been following you since the beginning of time.

notice I said I was taking a few days off too ... just couldn't do it!!!

Blessed Serendipity said...

Congratulations on being published. How exciting for you! I would love to be entered in your drawing for the Romantic Prairie Style book. This is the kind of decorating book I would absolutely love.


Blessed Serendipity said...

I follow you.


Sandy A said...

Simply Beautiful photos!! Please enter me to win this give away...

Sandy A said...

I am a follower...

Lorri said...

Please enter me in your giveaway I love your blog. What a great gift!
LorriAnd I am a follower

Lorri said...

Also grabbed the button!

Rho's place said...

congrats! I love these photos and so beautifully decorated!

Rho's place said...

I am now a follower! Thank you!

Karen said...

Loved your pictures congrats!! This was a fav mag of late!! So sorry to hear Fifi is leaving, she will be missed. I think her books looks wonderful!!

Karen said...

I am a follower!!

Rho's place said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle Hughes said...

congrats anne! And I would love to win :) I like to win things heehee!

Rho's place said...

oops~ I added your button to my blog...thanks!


Congratulations on a wonderful achievement and a great giveaway.



I am already a happy follower.


Alice said...

Anne, you must be on cloud nine!!!! Congratulations on such a wonderful accomplishment. Soon your name will be on the lips of many as one of the best.

I'd love to win both of these. Thanks so much for the chance.

Alice said...

Oh yeah baby, I'm already a follower!

Anonymous said...

Summer 2001? :)

Congrats on your beautiful photos being published! I wish I could jump into them.

Thank you for entering me in your Spring Romance Giveaway. What a wonderful prize!

Your Friend,

Alice said...

I posted about this on the sidebar of the blog, but secretly hope I win this awesome giveaway!

Tammy said...

Tammy : )

Tammy said...

I am definitely a follower!!

Mary said...

Please enter me!

Allison said...

Congratulations to you! The photos look lovely! How exciting for you.

Allison said...

I'm a follower!

Mary said...

GFC (mearnold115)

Sue said...

Girl, you've got a lot of people that must want that book! Wow!! My copy just came in the mail, and I love it. I like to sit and study the pictures. And all the photos are awesome. Congrat's on your success! I'm happy for you and you should also be patting yourself on the back for doing such a good job!

Take care, Sue

Brenda said...

Looked for the magazine on Wend. when I went into the city and the Spring issue was on the stands. I looked through it looking for your name. Not the right one so would love to win a copy to see your work!

Tammy said...

I've looked for two days fora copy of this magazine...haven't found one yet...all sold out I guess!! :-) Would love to win a copy from the one and only...YOU!! And I do have a copy of FiFi's book totally wonderful!!
Love ya girl!
Tammy :-)

Tammy said...

and you KNOW I'm a true blue follower!!
Tammy :-)

Prior said...

I am so proud for you, You deserve it all, the pics and styling are awesome, can't wait to see the rest! I made it to the Zapp blog party, sure wish you could have gone, but hope you got some moving done!


Prior said...

I followed you before you were FAMOUS, so happy for you!

Sarah said...

Anne, picked up my copy this afternoon and headed out to the rocker on the porch to relax and read it. How exciting! Congratulations to you! ~ Sarah

Sarah said...

I'm a faithful follower and would LOVE an autographed copy of Fifi's book. I don't own it, YET. Already have the magazine, so If I should be the lucky number pick another name for the magazine. ;-)
Thanks ~ Sarah

Doni said...

I saw it last night and was so proud of you! Oh your photography is lovely!!! How wonderful, and I just know you are so excited about it. Of course I would love to win yoyr giveaway!! Blessings, Doni

Doni said...

I am a follower already. Sorry about the typo's...on my new phone and still learning this goofy keyboard!!I.

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

As I told you in my last comment to you, I was thrilled to see your name and your photos in the magazine! I would love to own a copy of that book! ~Hugs, Patti

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

I am a follower too!~Patti

Martha at Authentica said...

Yay for you Anne!!!! What a wonderful professional resume you are creating! Now, on to the cover shot of the next magazine! :)

Hope you have a wonderful, joyful, weekend..maybe with margaritas and a long bubble something maaaahvelous for yourself!

Count me in on the giveaway....and if I win...can you autograph the book too? And on the pages where your photos appear?

I'm a already a follower....and haven't figured out the button thing yet...but I will!

Blessings Anne!
Martha at Authentica

leah mari said...

oh what a awesome spread!!!!!

gretchen said...

I looked for the magazine today, but with no luck! maybe next week it will make it out to Oregon?

gretchen said...

am a follower, too ~

April said...

sweet give away, thanks for the chance to win this book!!!!!! congrats on your accomplishment:) Recently discovered your blog-LOVE:)

Theresa said...

Nothing gets a ton of comments like an AWESOME giveaway:) Love the magazine and I am so proud of you, great job!

Love you dear Anne, BIG HUGS!

Theresa said...

I am a follower:) HUGS!

vintage tickled pink said...

jealoussss... love the room with the pink armoir. i swear i wouldn't change a single thing! i love to look at it. please enter me x2 here and bec i am a follower. thanks diane

My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

I'm proud as your Mama with you!

A New England Life said...

Heck yea I want a copy! Throw my name in the hat girl!

The photography is just gorgeous. You are so incredibly talented Anne. My gosh talk about exciting!

Flat Creek Farm said...

Love it! Congrats on such a wonderful job.. absolute perfection! -Tammy

A New England Life said...

And you know I'm a follower!

Flat Creek Farm said...

And I am a follower :) Thanks! -Tammy

My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

The photos are soft yet so rich, the styling is elegant.

I've been following...

My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

Appending to a post and putting in the sidebar.

Tammy said...

OK Girl I put your button on my sidebar and did a post on the giveaway...enter me again!!! LOL!
Have a great Friday!
Tammy :-)

Brenda said...

Oh my! Congratulations on your photos being published. What a dream come true! I'd love to win your wonderful giveaway; I've been yearning to own Fifi's latest book.


Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you I have told you Congrats, and I follow you faithfully so count me in for this wonderful magazine... Have a great weekend


The Joyful Thrifter said...

Here is hoping I get picked for this lovely!

The Joyful Thrifter

Lara said...

Anne, your photos & the mag spread are gorgeous! I'm such a fan of pinks & I love all the pink! What a charming font they chose the accompany the article. You must be pinching yourself~ congrats! I have some exciting news myself I'm holding in. ;) Enjoy your weekend!

Lara said...

Oh & I am a follower of course for another crack at it. ;) Thank you for the shot at this wonderful giveaway!!

Very Violet Boutique said...

Would love to win! Beautiful photos by the way and I must have a lovely pink chest like that for my daughters room.

Very Violet Boutique said...

I'm a follower of your blogs!

marilyn said...

Yes I would like to win.

marilyn said...

Yes I follow

vintagesue said... first...OMG...lucky you for your talents and contributions to that fabu magazine!!!! way to go. you are awesome!!!!! that is thrilling and magical and you should be soooo PROUD of yourself! you work hard to have that photographer's magic!
second....i am so happy that linda still keeps it so feminine with the pinks and blues!!!! i know you texas gals LOVE whitewash, neutrals and rust, but this ole girl here still loves pink and blue and the first time i saw linda's booth at roundtop, i just about screamed...ALL those pretty pinks!!!!! mmmmmm sweetness. to see that in person is almost like a fairy tale.
your photos are super wonderful and i can't wait to get my romantic country asap!!!!! you outdid yourself anne!!!! way to rock and roll....
keep texas awesome!!!!!!

Lisalulu said...

wow the photos (and news) are all amazing, and beautiful and so very wonderful.

Lisalulu said...

and OF COURSE I follow!!I love all your posts and the photos are just icing on the cake.

Lisalulu said...

I blogged about it too! now if I can find a store near here that sells the summer magazine!

Anonymous said...

Wow, little Anne, 151 comments! :) Oh, I'm so proud for you and your snaps are more than gorgeous! I would love for you to enter my tiny name in your giveaway!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower too!
Continue being a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Tricia said...

Congratulations Anne! Your photos are absolutely beautiful. I love the pretty dreamy look of all the pictures.


Tricia said...

Of course I have to add that I'm a follower :)

DustyLu said...

Anne! You are one of the blogs I missed most! I am soooo happy for you! Your are a natural at this! Amazing images! I am so happy for you, you deserve it, your so talented. The composition, styling and color's of the images came out perfect! Your on your way my friend. I will also post your giveaway on my sidebar! So happy to be back! Hugs lulu

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Honey how absolutely wonderful for you to have your dreams come true. I am so very happy for you and what a beautiful photo shoot you did for RC.
I can not believe you were in Burton and I did not get to meet you....that is where I live. small world.
Great giveaway too

Angela said...

I can't wait to see your photos "in person" and I'd love a copy of the book!

Angela said...

I'm a devoted follower.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

I am of course one of your many followers
Love ya

julieann said...

Congrats to you. Job well done. Cant wait to see the magazine first hand.
I would LOVE lOVE love to win.

Mandy said...

I love the room with the twin beds - perfect for my twins...thanks for the chance...

Mandy said...

Im a new follower...thanks for the chance...

Mona @ la la by mona said...

Congratulations! Your photos are just beautiful. Thanks for this great opportunity and giveaway. Looking forward to more great photos.

Mona @ la la by mona said...

I'm already a follower!

Claudia said...

Would love a chance to win. How exciting for you to be featured. Love it!

Claudia said...

I've been a follower for a long time!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Anne, how exciting!
You got to meet and work with FiFi and to enjoy that beautiful home first hand! Lucky ducky!

I would be thrilled to win your wonderful give away! Both the book and magazine are gems.


Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

I am a faithful follower!


Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

entry number 3.....

I put your badge on my blog :-)

I hope I win!


Jemsmom said...

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!! I am so happy for you! What an accomplishment and it couldn't have happened to a nicer person!

Bohemian said...

CONGRATULATIONS... I get this Magazine all the time and I just love it, your photos are fabulous!!! I'm so happy for you and what a generous giveaway this is!

Blessings... Dawn... The Bohemian

Amanda said...

your photos are amaaaaazing!

and yes, yes, please yes for the giveaway! :)

Amanda said...

follower. :D

Alima said...

Can I ask where you found the basket that the magazine is sitting in in the first and last picture? I have been looking for one of those everywhere! Thanks!

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

I got my book two days ago too, and I just have to agree with you. Best in forever. Love your pictures, Anne. Just wanted to congratulate you!

Mandy said...

congrats to you, well deserved.

and for pete's sake it's about darn time i win one of these things! please ?

Mandy said...

i follow too;)

Gayle said...

What a thrill this must be for you - and what a huge accomplishemnt - CONGRATS!

Gayle said...

I've just signed on to be a follower of your great blog!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

how exciting for you! congratulations! your pictures are soooo lovely. thank you for the chance to win your giveaway.

peggy aplSEEDS said...

i am already a follower

peggy aplSEEDS said...

i've just added your giveaway button to my sidebar

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

What a fun giveaway, Anne~ I would love to win!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

It's on my sidebar, too!

Maison Douce said...

Congrats, Anne, it looks absolutely dreamy....!!! Can't wait to get my hands on it!

All That Jazz said...

Anne this is so huge, what a dream come true for you!! I can't imagine!! I bet you are on cloud nine right now. I LOVE that photo (the one that is your header now.....)
What a fabulous giveaway!!

All That Jazz said...

I am also already a follower, of course! ;-)

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Anne, I bet you are over the moon with excitement!!! I am so thrilled for you!!!!! And the pictures are amazing. I can't wait to see the magazine article in person. I am so proud of all your hard work. Love & blessings from NC!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Anne, I have been a follower of yours for quite a while. Thanks for hosting such a wonderful giveaway. That is an awesome book and the magazine article looks wonderful too. I am so excited for you!!! Love & blessings from NC!

Robin in Umbria said...

fantastic pictures- would love to win this book. robin in italy

Angela said...

OK put me in for tow entries - I have put your pretty giveaway link (gladly!) on my blog today as well as leaving a kudos comment on such great work in this mag! :)

Julia said...

Your photographs are absolutely stunning! What an amazing accomplishment. I would love to win!! Thanks for the opportunity:).


Julia said...

I am also one of your many followers:).


Angela said...

OOps that is... TWO entries - here's my 2nd one! Thanks

Faded Charm said...

How exciting Anne! These photos look amazing. You know the Marcovs used to live in my home state and even though I didn't know them personally, I do know people who did.

How sweet of you to have such a wonderful giveaway. I think you've found your knack with photography. I only wish we lived closer because I'd love to see my own home through your lenses.

Take care,


Rose Garden Romantic said...

SO exiting, Anne!!! Congratulations!!! The photos are beyond gorgeous!!!

Rose Garden Romantic said...

P.S. I'm a follower!!! :D

Barbara Jean said...

woo hooo!! sign me up girl!
And congratulations on your wonderful article!!

barbara jean

Barbara Jean said...

Yep. I'm a follower too!

barbara jean

Barbara Jean said...

OK. I told all my friends about it too. =)

Have a super Friday

barbara jean

Between Me and You said...

Me!Me!Me! - I`ll even pay the postage!- that`s if you can see my comment at the bottom of this v-e-r-y long list! Wishing myself Good Luck anyhoo! Those pics are beyond beautiful, Talented Lady! x

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