Anne Lorys Photography on Facebook

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Holy Week

photo taken at St. Mary's Catholic Church, 
Fredericksburg, Texas

Happy Holy Week!

I'll be taking a few days off 
to properly give the season its due.

Wishing each and every one of you 
a very blessed Easter!

If you pray, please pray for rain here in Texas.
We are literally going up in flames down here.


WinnibriggsHouse said...

And to you too!
Jenny x

Joanna said...


Beautiful photograph, Anne.


Wendy & Megan Chamberlain said...

Enjoy your break, have a very blessed Easter

blossoms vintage chic said...

Anne, wishing you a blessed Easter! Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful photo!

Sherry Hicks said...

What a beautiful photo! Have a wonderful blessed Easter.

Vintage Gal said...

Beautiful Photo - Blessings to you and your family this Easter season ;-)

Unknown said...

Blessing to you!

Em from Faded White Linen said...

Happy Estaer to you too- stunning photo
Em x

leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

Isn't Mary just beautiful?! Love this photo.

Blessed Holy week to you!

Allie said...

Have a wonderful holiday.

Unknown said...

Have a blessed Easter. We belong to St. Mary's here. hugs, Susan

Unknown said...

Anne,Happy Easter to you and your family...Enjoy.


Alice said...

Holy Week is as much a favorite time to me as Advent. Enjoy your week and have a wonderful Easter with friends and family.

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Happy Easter Anne!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Me too, Anne. Wishing you a blessed Easter.

Vicki said...

Have a blessed Easter my friend! Our new Catholic church will celebrate its first mass in our new building Holy Thursday. We've been meeting in a middle school for over five years. We did a two mile pilgrimage last Friday to the new property. It was so beautiful. We can't wait to celebrate this Easter in our new home. It will make it a special one. Hugs!

Anne Marie said...

Have a blessed Easter Anne...

and what a gorgeous Mary altar! if only we had that at our Church!! it's way to modern...

xo+many blessings,
Anne Marie

lorene said...

Isn't that a magnificent church! We go to Fredericksburg three to four times a year and always attend Mass at that church. You are so talented and take such wonderful pictures---I just love your blog! Have a Blessed Easter.

d e l i g h t said...

A wonderful Easter season to you and your family.

Raised In Cotton said...

Peace be with you Sweet Friend during this Easter Season.

Blessings and Hugs


Theresa said...

Have a blessed week Dear Anne! HUGS!

Unknown said...

a blessed easter to you as well.

Julie Marie said...

Wishing you a blessed Easter too dear Anne... and what a breathtaking photo from within your church... xoxo Julie Marie

Mandy said...

St, Mary's in Fbg is my childhood church - Ive spent many hours in those old wooden pews...

Debra@CommonGround said...

What a glorious photo. Have a wonderful Easter,
xoxo D

Laurie said...

May the joy of Christ's resurrection and the gift of salvation bring you peace and contentment, dear friend!
Blessings and love,

The Smith Hotel said...

Have a wonderful Easter! He is Risen!


It's me said...

Happy easter

The French Hutch said...

Wishing you and yours Easter Blessings.........

The French Hutch

Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

What a beautiful church! Happy Holy Week to you too.

Take care,

Blessed Serendipity said...

May you have a blessed and God filled easter.


Privet and Holly said...

This came out so
beautifully, Anne!
What a special place
and how lucky for me
to have such a wonderful
tour guide to show it
to me! YES, burning
up is an apt description
for your neck of the woods
right now. But, I'm missing
it, already! Thanks again
for a very memorable day : )
xx Suzanne

Lara said...

What a beautiful Mary photo, Anne!!
We have had rain, rain for the past days..
I hope you get some April showers real soon!!

Wonderful Easter wishes to you & your fam!
♥ Lara

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Wishing you a Happy Easter Anne. I am praying for rain for Texas. hugs, Linda

HRH Sarah said...

Hoping you enjoy a blessed Eastertide!
Patron Saints of Rain:

* Agricola of Avignon
* Heribert of Cologne
* Honoratus of Arles
* Isidore the Farmer
* Julian of Cuenca
* Medard
* Odo of Cluny
* Solange
* Theodore of Sykeon

Will keep Texas in my prayers, and your family in particular...

Anonymous said...

Many, many blessing to you and your's. Have a lovely Easter. Patty/BC

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Wishing you a blessed Easter, too, Anne! Praying for an end to the fires...XO

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Beautiful pic...hope you have a wonderful Easter too:)


Jensamom23 said...

Praying that you have the rain that you need soon. We had some last night in California, so hopefully it will head your way. Blessings for a glorious Easter.

Rene Foust said...

Happy Easter to you as well. I love the picture!

Tricia said...

I hope you have a blessed Easter ♥

Cindi @ Rustique Art said...

Abundant Easter Blessings to you and your family.
We finally got some rain North of Dallas, not much but it was soggy today. Praying for all who have been affected by these fires and for state wide rain fall.

Cindi @ Rustique Art

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

I've been doing the happy dance for you lately but I'll glad do the rain dance!

That photo is just so peaceful ~ thanks!

trash talk said...

Wishing you a most blessed Easter.
Beautiful photo.

Charo said...

Feliz Pascua!

Anonymous said...

Hi Little Anne! OH, what a glorious snap! Oh, yes, ma'am, I pray! And I will be praying for rain. My sister law lives outside of San Angelo and those were some horrible fires. Be safe and have a Blessed Easter.
Be a sweetie too,
Shelia ;)

Rae said...

You too have a wonderful Easter.
I'm praying for rain!

Bohemian said...

What a magnificent photo, such a vision of Peace and Serenity at Easter... may you have a most Blessed Easter... Dawn... The Bohemian

Stitchfork said...

Would gladly send you some of the non-stop rain we have here. Beautiful photos!
Happy Easter Anne!
xo Cathy

Sharon Lovejoy said...

Dear Anne,

The blessings of Easter showers? That is what I am praying for for you and your beloved Texas.

Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

Free Art Printables said...

Blessed easter to you too!

1 Funky Woman said...

Beautiful statue of the Virgin Mary! It makes me miss the church I grew up at.

Have a Blessed Easter with your family!


Dorthe said...

Dear Anne,
and a beautiful easter sunday to you,too--I Love your fantastic photo-it must be a very beautiful church.

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Happy Easter to you and yours!
hugs~~~ Daphne

Lili said...

Reading your posts backwards I see that the power of prayer does work, for I already read that you had rain! xo ~Lili

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