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Monday, May 2, 2011


Just a rainy Monday here in the
Texas Hill Country.

wait just a sec...

what did I just say?

That's right.

For the first time in WEEKS,
we have RAIN!!!

I know that many of you in other areas are suffering through
non-stop rain and flooding,
but here in our part of the world, we've been battling the most severe
drought in over 40 years.

Not to mention devastating wildfires that have destroyed
over one million acres.

It's raining, it's pouring.

And I'm smiling.

all pics taken by my wonderful husband last year
with a simple point & shoot...
and NO photoshopping! Aren't they great?


Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Hi Anne, so glad your getting rain, we finally got some rain several days ago, but also had some terrible storms with it. It has also got very cold her, which is so strange for this time of year. Anne your pictures are just beautiful. Hope you have a lovely week!
hugs~~~ Daphne

Theresa said...

I am thankful it is raining and perhaps will give your area some relief from the long drought! Have a blessed day, run outside and splash in the puddles... go ahead, do it:)


Joanna said...

Beautiful photos - I LOVE rainbows!

Great news that you finally have rain.


Debra@CommonGround said...

yay!!!!! Gorgeous rainbow!! xoxo D

Olive said...

That is an answered prayer!!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Praising God for the rain!

Angela said...

I'm smiling in the rain, too!

pbrenner said...

Halleluja! Over our way (Blanco-Wimberley), not so much yet - a little drizzle last night, but hopes for more today. Glad the peach trees and farms are getting some much needed moisture, I need me some Fredsbg Peach cobbler this summer!

Samantha said...

That's wonderful news!
Northern WV is a boggy mess, but I'm happy to celebrate rain for those who need it so badly.

sweetpea said...

we need some of that down here! glad you are getting some much needed rain! have a great week!



leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

beautiful photos! love catching rainbows in the sky.

Anonymous said...

Hi Little Anne! Oh, glad you've gotten some rain!! The rainbow is so pretty!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

I was praying for it here but it never made it this far. The pond on the North forty is so low the fix are committing suicide.
Glad you got some honey

Unknown said...

Great pictures Anne, I wish I could send some more rain your way.. it's been raining here for days...


Dear Lillie said...

Yay for rain!!!!! Am about to get caught up on your blog - can't wait!

summersundays-jw said...

We've about had it with rain here. Already had to dry the basement out once. No more, please! Wish we could send it your way. Good luck! Jan

Glenda said...

I only wish we could send some rain to the areas in need. When it is dark like this, no rainbows are in sight. Your husband captured this one beautifully.

savvycityfarmer said...

you always make my day ... now I'm smiling

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

BEAUTIFUL photographs, that rainbow is amazing! So glad you are getting rain! :)

Privet and Holly said...

They are!! Time to recruit
him for F &T nature assign-
ments : ). Hallelujah, you
really DID need that rain!!!
xx Suzanne

Simply Me said...

WOW !! What a beautiful Rainbow....thats all i

Prior said...

great pics, for sure...and here in East Texas it feels like a dreary winter day. We even have a fire going, but I'm loving it, too!


Rae said...

that is wonderful news!!!

Katherines Corner said...

I love the rain. We couldn't have rainbows without it. hugs!

Kate said...

Splish splash so happy for you Anne!!

Love ya girly


Sarah said...

Only misty rain here, but it's wet! So happy to hear you are getting pouring rain. Yipee! ~ sarah

time worn interiors said...

I wish we could send some of our rain your way! It won't stop raining here! And we desperately need to load the truck for Brimfield!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Lovely photos Anne. I'm glad that you got some much needed rain. Wonder if there's a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow!!!


Anonymous said...

what a beautiful shot of the rainbow!! I soooooo much miss the hill country! we used to live in Boerne.

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

I am so tired of rain but happy for you that you have it...finally!~Hugs, Patti

Stephanie said...

Rain north of Dallas too!

lisaroy said...

great pics! rainbows always make me smile. We've been getting a ton of rain so I'm wishing for a bit of sunshine right about now. What a mixed up world!

French Curiosites said...

So nice to see sunshine for a minute or two!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Cute, thoughtful and he takes great photos!
You are one lucky girl!!

Susan Hemann said...

I am so glad you have rain! My son lives in Austin and they haven't had rain for the longest time. The wild fires are just awful! I would be so happy to send you some rain from Ohio. We are flooding in my area. Thank you God, I am fine.

Alice said...

I'm so happy you are receiving much needed rain!

Mr. Twig's photos are just beautiful!

Tilda said...

...sheeesh. i should have checked with you and could have sent BUCKETS and BUCKETS of rain water. A great area of Michigan is flooded with the spring waters. it never fails to amaze me that some have drought while others have 'build the Ark' rain. we haven't had snow for 2 weeks, but rain took it's place. thankfully it WAS rain, or we would be up to our armpits in snow again. spring is elusive this year. i fear it will not come.
seriously, however, i am pleased you got your rain.
in fond regard, Tilda

Chrissy said...

I am so glad you are getting some of the rain today. We have some sunshine and in the 60's today, Yeah for both of us. It has rained here just about everyday and I think we are to get more this afternoon and temp to drop back down.
I just loved your husband's photos of the rainbow.
Have a blessed day.

Susan said...

Yep, that is all I have and sometimees it amazes me :)

I am happy for you to have some rain!


Sherry Hicks said...

The rain was wonderful! We got some in the DFW area as well! Love the pictures your hubby took with point and shoot they are beautiful. Today was a very beautiful day!

Cindy said...

The rain was truly a gift from God! I live outside of Fort Worth on the west side. We have been missing all the soaking rains, so I was very happy with the 2" we got over the weekend. My cows and garden are very happy too!
Great post!

Lili said...

Oh my gosh, that rainbox is FABULOUS! And so glad for your rain that you needed. We've actually had 2 solid weeks of it here and everything is so green (but kind of soggy too). xo ~Lili

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