Anne Lorys Photography on Facebook

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Romantic Country, The Fredericksburg Edition!

Hello and Happy Week!

I am delighted to share with all of you
that the wonderful new edition of
Romantic Country Magazine
is currently on newsstands now,
and I am fortunate enough to have
three different features in the Autumn 2012 Issue!

 And I'm calling this issue  
"The Fredericksburg, Texas Edition"
because 'da Burg ( and surrounding areas )
is so well represented in this issue.

These three separate features have been in the works
for a very long time, so it's been really, really hard
for me not to blab about it before the issue was released.
But now that it's out, I hope that y'all will grab a copy
and see what our beautiful corner
of the Texas Hill Country has to offer!

RC did a fabulous write up on my dear friend Carol Bolton's
shop  Laboratoire de Design, using 10 of my photos.
In fact, I'm working right now on
doing the photography for their website,
so this is priority number one these days.
Working with Carol is like a dream!

But there's even more Fredericksburg love to share...
in the very same issue, our very own local monthly flea market,
Fredericksburg Trade Days, has a two page spread
featuring my photos as well.

More and more people are discovering
our little gem of a flea market, a monthly Canton or Warrenton
on a smaller scale. It's a great place to pick up super vintage finds
at great prices. Plus, we have some of the nicest dealers anywhere!

  And finally, just down the road apiece in Llano, Texas,
a photo I shot in Patricia Hamm's home was featured
in the "Looks We Love" section in a piece on tarnished trophies.

Patricia is owner and proprietor of one of my favorite
shops in Llano, Whimsey's.

But that's not all...I did an entire photo shoot in Patricia's
colorful little gem of a home, which is set for publication
in another magazine soon! I also wrote the article for this piece,
so I can't wait to share more details with you about this.

I just want to give an extra special thanks to
the now-former Editor of Romantic Country, Mary Forsell.
Mary, you are a lovely woman and a class act all the way.
It has been my honor to work with you this past year, my friend!

Wishing you all a happy week!



Anne, you are the rock star of photography. You have a wonderful eye.


Mystica said...

Congratulations and lots more like this to follow said...

I saw that!!!!!!Congratulations!!!!Your talent and hard work is really paying off. That is soooo awesome. You are such a talented lady and I am s happy for you:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Thank you Anne. I'd love to be the lucky winner:-)

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

I'm already a happy follower of Fiona and Twig.

Rebecca said...

Congratulations - you're surrounded by admiration & full of talent. Your generous spirit is evident to all :)

Can't wait to hold a copy for myself!

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Posted about your fabulous giveaway on my facebook page.

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Congratulations Anne!!! :)

Anonymous said...

so much beauty, so much talent , wow!!

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say congratulations! Well deserved!

countrycharisma said...

Congratulations!!! Your photography is awesome!!! I've read the entire issue and loved it!

Simply Lokal said...

How exciting! Looks like a wonderful edition and I can't wait to see it. I am a Ham/Hamm descendant thru my mother so common surnames catch my eye, too, and it's fun to learn about others even though they may not be closely related (or have the same genetic genealogy).

Mary said...

Please, please add me to the draw, I'm already a Follower - would love to share your articles in this always great publication - thank you Anne.

My dream is to come to the Fredericksburg area again - it's been years since I was there, before 'treasure hunting' was all the go! I've always loved Carol's style and designs since reading a mag. article on her a long time ago. Your images are going to be fabulous for her new website.

Happy week.

ALGawlik said...

Love this and amazing gorgeous work!

Simply Me said...

Beautiful work!!! Congrats!!!

stefanie said...

wow, your dreams sure did come true!!!! congrats, of course I would love a copy, thanks!

Trisha said...

How fantastic to see your pictures in print...very much deserved!


Tricia said...

Congratulations, Anne! I'm so happy for you. It looks like a beautiful issue :)

flowerlady464 said...

Looks like a lovely issue! Love the tarnished silver!

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Anne, thanks for the mention. Really looking forward to setting up in Fredericksburg at Trade Days. I've seen this magazine and all the articles are great. See you Friday.

Ruffles and Relics said...

Congratulations! How exciting for you!

Ruffles and Relics said...

I'm already a happy follower of Fiona and Twig.

Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

I would love to win a copy of the 'Fredrickburgs edition"!

pballard said...

Thanks for sharing Anne.. Would love to win a copy! Love all the pictures they are so inspiring.

Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

I thought that I was a follower, but found out I wasn't!! Wow...How did I miss following you!!!!!! So, I am a new follower !!!!

pballard said...

Following you Anne! Not sure but for some reason some of my blogs I was following I go to double check and I am not so I followed again.. You have been on my sidebar for a long time though... Congrats..

Louise@ElsieMayandBertha said...

A lovely giveaway especially for me as getting American magazines is difficult. I follow your blog, Facebook and pinterest.

Patty said...

I would love a copy of the magazine! and I would love to visit Texas! I've never been there and I've told my husband that I would love to visit San Antonio---I think I need to visit a few flea markets too!

Patty said...

I'm a follower of Fiona & Twig.

pballard said...

Tweeted this great giveaway!!/

pballard said...

Blogged as well! Thanks again!

alice said...

I ran out and bought the mag. I love it and your pictures as well as Carol!
Keep on clicking!
Smiles, alice

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

This issue looks fantastic! Thank you for the contest!!

inthehammockblog at gmail dot com

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

i'm a gfc follower!

inthehammockblog at gmail dot com

cynlee said...

that is wonderful Anne!!!!! huge congrats!!! I do want to see this magazine very much! maybe you will autograph it for me! =)
YAAAA Fredericksburg!!

sydney85 said...

I would love a copy! I am a huge fan of shopping in Fredericksburg.

Laurie said...

I love seeing your pics in the magazines, Anne, and I am sure I will love this one!

sydney85 said...

I am a follower of Fiona and Twig.

Laurie said...

I am a follower of your blog!

elizabeth said...

I'd love to win!

Carol said...

Already a follower. Love your photos and style.

Leslie said...

I am already a follower of your lovely blog. Thanks for a chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Congratulation's Anne!!~
I would love to win this beautiful magazine with your amazing photos in it!!~
I am a long time follower!!
Hope you have a beautiful week and thank you so much for the opportunity!

bobbie said...

Congratulations!! I'd love to win a copy ~

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne,
I just added your giveaway to my blog sidebar.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne,
I just posted your giveaway on my Facebook page.
Have a great day.

Blessed Serendipity said...

Congrats on your photos making this issue. You are a talented photographer and how fun to see your photos in print. I would love to enter to win this beautiful magazine.


Blessed Serendipity said...

I am already a follower of your blog.


Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Very Cool! Congrats happy for you being able to follow your dreams! :)

Anonymous said...

Sign me up for the fab giveaway! Thanks, Patty

Anonymous said...

I'm a loyal follower so add my name to the pile again! Thanks, Patty

Recycled Rita said...

I would love to win this, I am hoping to come visit your part of the country and this would give me some wonderful ideas of where to go! karen....

Recycled Rita said...

I am a follower of your lovely blog! karen....

Carla63 said...

I already follow your blog and really enjoy it. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Carla63 said...

Great photos ! I'd love to have a copy of my own.

BumbleBeeLane said...

Congrats Sweetie! I'd love to take a peek.Warm Blessings!~Amy

BumbleBeeLane said...

Of course I follow along.Warm Blessings!~Amy

Holly Moore said...

Thanks for the chance to win and congrats!

Holly Moore said...

Also a follower.

shannon i olson said...

oh please enter me!!

shannon i olson said...

I am a follower of Fiona and Twig!!

Faded Charm said...

Congratulations Anne!! You have really made something of your love for photography and I'm so proud of you:-)

Can't weait to see this edition and all your lovely work.

Take care,

It's me said...

Congratulations darling !! i love to win this beautiful magazine.....please count me love love

Unknown said...

Oh Anne! I am so happy for you!

smd46 said...

You don't know how badly I want to be there! I live in IL and dream of visiting and rummaging through all the places you mention. Keep up the good work, I'm "silently" with you!

June said...

This magazine looks like a great one Anne! I will have to try to get to town to get a copy. I am excited for you and for the feature you have coming up too.
hugs from here...

Anne said...

Congratulations! I would love to win :-)

Anne said...

I am already a follower.

LindaSonia said...

Congrats to you - all your hard work is paying off big time!! You go, girl!

LindaSonia said...

I am already a follower and happy to be!

Susan said...

CONGRATS! that is fabulous!
I would be thrilled to receive a copy, and you know I am and have been a follower for a long time!

Sarah said...

Congratulations, Anne. You've taken off in this new profession. Way to go! I'll look for the magazine. ~ Sarah

Sarah said...

Here I am back to say, I am indeed a follower of your lovely blog. ;-)

Ms Bingles Vintage Christmas said...

Thank you for having this great giveaway! Count me in!

Shabby chic Sandy said...

Pick me Pick me:)

Patricia said...

Congratulations! This is one of the best magazines in publication!

Would love to win!

Patricia said...

Hi again!

I'm already a follower!

Thanks for this great giveaway!

Linda at French Hollow said...

I love Fiona and Twig, I love surprises and I would love to see your work in Romantic Country!

Linda at French Hollow said...

And I'm already a follower!

Patty said... many blessings coming your way recently. Congratulations on everything ! After all the heartache of the past year, you are so deserving of all these thrills ! Please put me in the pot for this exciting giveaway ! I wish Smitten had been open when I was there last time. We did get to see Carol's store, though.


Patty said...

For another entry, I've been a follower for a good while and lovin' every moment of it !

Sisters Treasures said...

As always, you're wonderful in promoting Fredericksburg and who wouldn't want you to photograph their home or space?
I love the magazine. The timing of its release last month coinciding with Fredericksburg Trade Days made it especially sweet. Thanks for promoting our Trade Days.
Loved your space at Smitten!
See you this weekend!

Jamie said...

Great photos! Love Romantic Country! Jamie V in MT

peggy aplSEEDS said...

congratulations Anne, and thank you for the chance to win your giveaway!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

and yes i am a follower of your wonderful blog!

Bohemian said...

I Love this Publication... count me in and Congratulations on your Beautiful Photographs being Featured! Carol is a Style Icon and I've Loved her Work for many years... she is my all time Fav and a Creative Genius!

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

**Anne** said...

Congratulations Anne! I'm so happy for you and are successful doing the thing you love.
Anne xx

imsteelefullofscrap said...

Congratulations you deserve a magazine highlight love your blog

Daisygirl said...

Great your blog...

Theresa said...

Yeah for you girlie! I am so proud of you:) Beautiful magazine! Have a blessed day dear Anne, HUGS!

HRH Sarah said...

Oh my goodness, I sure do wish I lived in Texas... of course I wish that about every other day anyway! Some of the best music, the best people, and the best food comes from down yonder, and I hate missing out! Crossing fingers to win the prize!

HRH Sarah said...

One more comment- I'm a follower...

Jocelyn said...

I have never seen this magazine before. It looks so awesome! Congratulations on being featured.

mkirsch said...

Congrats Anne! I've been following your blog for a couple of years now and it's been wonderful watching you grow!

Maggie Ann said...

Congratulations! Its all like a beautiful dream.....glad for your talent!

Debb McR said...

Congratulations Anne. Your photography is beautiful. I cannot wait to see a copy.

Your give-away is so generous. All the best.


Jeannie S said...

Congratulations, what an honor for you! I live in Magnolia TX and wish I was closer. Blessings on your work!

Jeannie S said...

I am a follower by email.

andrea@townandprairie said...

This is great news! I am an avid magazine reader, am ADDICTED to magazines and reread my treasures for glad to have you featured in the latest issue. I love your taste!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

A BIG congrats, Anne! Good for you! I'd love to win this!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I am a follower, too...

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Congrats exciting!!! I would love to come out to the trade days in your neck of the woods.


Linda@Coastal Charm said...

As a follower of your blog...I would LOVE to WIn a copy of this issue:)


Terri said...

okay... I am leaving a comment ... would so love to have that sweet gift!!! But mostly... I am a follower now.... Love your blog .... this is my first visit!!! But it will not be my last!!! :)

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

So excited for you and thanks for the chance to win ~ keeping my fingers crossed!

laura said...

hi, i'm a new follower. thanks, for the chance to win!

Jody.Kippels said...

Congratulations! Thanks for sharing. Since I don't have a trip planned to Texas, or anywhere else for that matter, I would love to live vicariously through the magazine.

Anonymous said...

what a lovely home you have created.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad there are wonderful publications like this who show off beautiful homes like yours for all of us to see! It really is a work of art!

Anonymous said...

I have been a happy follower of your blog for ages!

Julie said...

Hi Anne - I love your blog. I got here from Debra at Common Ground. J

Julie said...

I just became a member....

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your feature - how exciting is that!!! Why oh why was Fredericksburg Trade Days not happening when I was traveling through last March??? It sounds like such fun!

The Feathered Nest said...

I almost missed this one girl!!! I would LOVE to win a copy of this issue, it looks WONDERFUL!!! CONGRATULATIONS ANNE!!! It's always so wonderful to see your work in print...and the farmhouse is looking just gorgeous, but I knew it would!! Please throw my name in the hat :) and I'll keep my fingers crossed ~ hugs and love, Dawn

Simply Shelley said...

I would love a try at winning...looks like a great issue. I plan to visit Fredericksburg someday..blessings

Simply Shelley said...

Oh yes, I am following you I will be coming back to visit more :)

Linens Lace and Lattes said...

I follow you and admire you and your talents!

Tara said...

I'm a happy follower,please count me in.xx

Tara said...

Love to win this magazine..So lovely and inspiring..
Thanks for the chance..xx

susan hemann said...

I would love to win this addition of the mag. I have been a follower for quite some time. My son lives in Austin and I've always wanted to visit Fredricksburg since I first saw an issue of Country Living Mag years ago. Have a great day.

Jessica said...

Amazing!!! Love your style and look!

marilyn said...

someday I'm going to get myself to Fredricksburg. Love your blog

marilyn said...

I am a follower

The Victorian Girl said...

Can't wait to see the magazine. Fredricksburg is one of my all-time favorite places to visit!

Lululiz said...

Woohoo, more published photography, thats just wonderful, congratulations!

Lululiz said...

Oh, and of course I have been a follower for quite some time now ;-)

Keeping It Cozy said...

Congratulations on having your beautiful work featured!

Keeping It Cozy said...

I am already a follower of your lovely blog!

Robinanne said...

Would love a copy of the's fabulous. So awesome that you are featured numerous times! Congrats!! RA

Robinanne said...

I am a follower of your blog in my Yahoo inbox! It's easy to live vicariously through your photos and shopping trips! Say Hey to Betsy and Elaine at Sister's Treasures for me at FTD!

Marilyn Miller said...

Oh how I would love winning this magazine and a treat too.

blossoms vintage chic said...

Hi Annie and Congratulations!!!
I would be sooo happy to win a copy of this amazing's fabulous!!

blossoms vintage chic said...

It's me again Annie...I am definately a follower of your beautiful blog! Thank you for all the places and wonderful fleas you've taken us to with your photography...especially those of us (me) who can't seem to make it to Texas!!

MJ said...

Congrats that is awesome to have so much of your work in one issue! Rockstar status. I have been MIA for awhile due to the shop but so glad to come over and see that I can get a view of some of your work in this issue!

Hope you are having a wonderful summer!

Lucky 7 Design

MJ said...

Im already a proud follower!

Lucky 7 Design

Unknown said...

I have been a follower for quite awhile and through my email too. I love your blog! Your photos are always such eye candy. Thank you for this opportunity for your giveaway!

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

Love your pictures. Will have to take a trip soon and viist Fredricksburg soon.

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

I am a follower. Love your blog.

Unknown said...

I really enjoy your blog. Congratulations on the lovely photos. We love to shop Fredricksburg but don't get to Texas often enough. Looks like it's time to make the trip again!


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