Welcome to White Wednesday, hosted by Kathleen at Faded Charm.
And please say hello to "Buster", too.
Buster has been on lay-away at the posh antique shop downtown for a couple of weeks, and was anxious to get settled in his new home. He made the trek back with me to Casa de Twig just this afternoon.
I had admired him for several months, and each time I'd pop in the shop, would be relieved to find him happily perched in his regular spot...until one day a few weeks ago, when I was dismayed to find that my darling little boy was nowhere to be found! There was a new lady working the desk, and she had no idea where he was, nor had she even seen him prior. Saddened, I left and vowed to be a better follower of my own advice in the future....
This little pearl of wisdom that I designed is displayed on my side-bar. So why the hey didn't I listen to myself??? I'm tellin' ya, there's no regret quite as bittersweet as the one you feel when you pass up that one special something that just speaks to you. You try to rationalize that you don't need it, that the price is bound to come down, that it'll still be there next week.
T'ain't always so. Sometimes, you miss the boat altogether.
But other times.....
You get a second chance!
Turns out Buster had been relocated by the owner, and after inquiring as to who purchased him, I was happily made aware that he was still available and was simply hiding, as capricious young lads are wont to do.
He had actually belonged to the owner himself. He had purchased him in England many years prior, and had carried him in his lap all the way back home to the US on the plane! I asked what he had named him, and was shocked to hear that he didn't have a name.
And that was when I knew.
Buster had never really, truly belonged to the kindly owner of the antique shop.
True, he had discovered his young charge and had transported him safely overseas those many years ago.
But to have never named him? How could that be?
I am a firm proponent of anthropomorphizing those "objects" which speak to your heart...of giving a name to that which calls out to your senses and provides you with delight, with enchantment, with wonder.
That was when I knew that Buster had always been intended for me.
He has a proper name, but he has yet to reveal that to me.
He has shared that Buster is his nickname, and that's how he prefers to be addressed until he gets a bit more settled. I told him to take as long as he likes, and to make himself comfortable. He has a forever home now, no more living on a shop shelf or in an overcrowded mall booth. Buster is here to stay.
He looks happy to be home, doesn't he?
Please visit Kathleen at Faded Charm for links to all the other White Wednesday participants.
Please pay a visit to Cindy at My Romantic Home, she graciously allows us to play Show and Tell each and every Friday on her lovely blog!