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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cupboard Love

I have a couple of kitchen hutches, or cupboards...
one white, and one which was orange but not too long ago
became a lovely shade of blanc.

First up is the beauty that I just recently moved to the new house...

I originally purchased it for my booth, but honestly,
could you have said goodbye to her?

And then there's Betty...
Previously known as Big Orange Betty.

After one coat of paint...
Now known as Large White Wilma {grin}

{excuse my mess...I'm using shipping boxes as a drop cloth}

And now today, after a second coat...

never mind the apprentice painter on the right.

Again, pardon the mess.
I couldn't find a dropcloth and had tons of these boxes, so hey? Why not?

Oh, and another aside:
Goodbye and good riddance popcorn ceilings, I shant be missing you!

This baby will be taking its rightful spot on this wall...

In conclusion, I'd be remiss if I didn't bow
to my hutch inspiration photo...
I snapped this at the Spring show in Warrenton last year,
it belongs to the inimitable
Theresa of Garden Antqs Vintage...

Ain't she somethin'?

Be sure to head on over to visit Shelia at Note Songs
to see who else is showing off their fabulous cupboards.



linking with Shelia at  

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dining Room Bench Update


When I asked for help with my dining room bench,
close to 140 of you came to the rescue!
Thank you, thank you, thank  you !
Y'all are officially amazing, and I've read each and every great suggestion.

Right now, I'm leaning towards either painting it black or gray,
or even leaving it as is.
I no longer have the desire to paint it white, and I think I have you guys to thank for that.

So, after digging through my stash at home
and even raiding my booth,
I headed back to the house with textiles in hand
and incorporated some of your ideas
into the room.
Here's what I came up with...

I figured ya just can't go wrong
with Grandma's blue and white ticking, right?

And the lovely white linen above the pillows?
A pillowcase.
Shhhh, don't tell. I'm pretending like it was made for that spot.

So I decided to go with the blue and white color scheme, largely because
there's already a lot of blue and white
going on just across the way in the kitchen...

And I listened to all of you who suggested I bring in some darker pieces to balance the bench...

I fetched one of my beloved bentwood chairs from my booth
and it looks right at home.

And so concludes Monday's update.
As I've said before, be sure to check back often
as I mix it up at the new homestead!

Off to watch the season premiere of Dancing With the Stars  now!

Have a wonderful week!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Farmhouse Input Wanted

That means you.
Your  input.

I need all the great designing minds of blogdom
to converge and help me solve a decor conundrum.

You see this dark church pew/bench thingy?

We carted it over to the new house today,
and placed it in the exact spot
I knew it absolutely had to go.

Perfect, I love it there!
And that spot to the right where the chalkboard is
will soon will filled by this work-in-progress...

So yeah, there's an abundance of white in this room, with more to come.

Which begs the question...

Paint it white, or leave as is?
I'm actually sort of loving the contrast of the dark chocolate brown 
against all the white in there right now.

My darling friend Anji was thoughtful enough
to Photoshop my pic to show me what it might look like white:

Now I'm really torn!

What to do, what to do?

Moving on to the rest of the house,
we lugged quite a bit more over.

No plans to paint this beauty, white lovers!

And in the Master, we have this grand old wardrobe,
made in England, well over 6 feet tall and 4 feet wide,
with gorgeous details and patina not adequately captured by the lens.

See the yummy corner details?

We also brought over a few pieces for the living room...

One of my vintage mirrors

Our coffee table

And this...

My art deco French tub chair.
One of a pair.
Exquisite chenille, ridiculously expensive,
although I've never regretted buying them for one second,
because they are the absolute perfect complement to my gorgeous
Carol Hicks Bolton couch. Just wait, you'll see.

So that was it for today.

Tomorrow means back to work for me,
but I'll be carrying more crap treasures over Monday and Tuesday,
so be sure to check back for more photos.

Until then, have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Designing Woman...Vintage Inspiration Friday

Happy Friday!

And welcome to the third week of 
Vintage Inspiration Friday
hosted by the darling Debra

Debra is hosting a weekly party
where everyone is encouraged to share whatever is inspiring us
in our creative endeavors...

Is it a design or decor book?
A fabulous store or shop?
Another blog or blogger?

If it's vintage and inspiring, this is your place to share!

This week, I wanted to feature Debra herself
and her simply stunning vintage jewelry creations,
all available in her Etsy Shop.

All created with love...

from found objects

unearthed treasures

lost lovelies

dainty and timeless

each piece one of a kind

and most definitely inspiring!

If you love what you see here

Be sure to visit Debra's gorgeous shop,

And to share your own sources of vintage inspiration, 
head on over to
Common Ground.

And now for a tease...

Check back soon to see how 

ain't orange no more...

{first of several coats just applied. She's still in her ugly stage right now}

Off to
Fredericksburg Trade Days ( a mini- Canton ) now.
Happy Weekend!

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