Anne Lorys Photography on Facebook

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas Whispers

Around the brand new Twig homestead,
a few soft little whispers of  
are starting to make themselves known...

Nothing grand, or dramatic

Just little peeks

of the blessed season to come.

Back to packing boxes, have a beautiful Wednesday!

Linking with Kathleen at Faded Charm

Monday, November 15, 2010

Glorious Garden Antqs Vintage

So here's the deal...

A more organized blogger, like say, Tracey,
would have gotten all her show photos posted
boom, boom, boom....on to the next subject.

But not me, nosirreee.

I am disorganization personified these days,
which explains why I'm still posting my Accumulations
show photos that I snapped over two weeks ago.

Sorry, peeps.

But I promise that these are worth the wait!
They are of my good friend Theresa Cano
of Garden Antqs Vintage's space, and she not only fulfilled
but exceeded every expectation.
Theresa is featuring the wonderful creations of Brenda Harding of
Penn River Designs these days,
so pay special attention to Brenda's lovely pillows, 
lampshades and altered birdcages.

You've waited long enough,
so I'll zip it and let the pictures do the talking...


Hey, pretty girl!

Yep, you !
Well done, my talented friend!

Lots more packing and moving this week,
so I hope this post holds ya for a few days!

Have a great week!

Welcome To My Week...

not my house

still not my house

but you get the drift.

***my house***

see ya on the other side!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


So yesterday I began the process of moving stuff out of my booth.

It's bittersweet, but I'm confident that it's the right decision.


I hate feeling like a quitter.
Not a failure, mind you.

But a quitter.

Before buying the new house...and getting ready to move...
and working a good bit more at the hospital...
and about a million other things...
I was able to devote time to keeping my booth fresh, 
and to re-stocking and re-foofing and all that.
And my monthly check from the mall reflected that effort, absolutely.

But since about late July, the booth has been neglected, 
another casualty in my search for creative fulfillment.

In my blogging journey of self-discovery, 
more than a few identities lie by the wayside.

Shop Owner
Booth Owner
Mixed Media Artist...

Tried on and discarded like so many pairs of shoes.

But now?

I realize now where my dreams lie,
and feel not only confident
but invigorated and excited at what lies ahead.

The best part?
You are all coming with me!

Happy, Happy Thursday!

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