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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Giveaway Central!

Hi Everyone!
Just a reminder that my fabulous
Anthropologie / The Find Giveaway
is still going strong, and you really, really 
don't want to miss this one!
In appreciation of all my wonderful bloggy friends and followers,
I'm offering an oh-so-spendable

$25 Gift Card to Anthropologie!


A Personalized Copy of the awesome book:

The Find: The Housing Works Book of Decorating with Thrift Shop Treasures, Flea Market Objects, and Vintage Details
by the Elegant Thrifter himself, Stan Williams.

About "The Find", Barnes and Nobles says....
"Elegantly photographed, filled with practical sidebars about 
refurbishing, styling, and treasure-hunting, 
and replete with the quirky sensibility that has made Housing Works 
one of the most popular destinations for great things, 
The Find is at once a handbook and inspiration for vintage decorating. 
Secondhand does not mean second rate 
when there’s always something special to be found. "

Just sign up as a follower here, or if you're already a follower, you're in!
If you give my giveaway a shout-out on your blog, that's good for three extra chances!
I'll announce the winner October 31.

And I'm hardly the only kid on the block having a fab giveaway this week!
You really owe it to yourself to pop on over to my pal Angélique's great blog
for her 100th follower giveaway!

Angélique is offering one lucky blogger a
$50 Visa Gift Card!
Head on over to Six-n-One to grab the details
on how to win this great prize and to congratulate Ms. M on this blogging milestone.

And don't forget that Theresa of Garden Antqs Vintage
is generously offering a
$50 Gift Certificate to either her online blog shop 
or one of her booths at Winnie and Tululas or Heritage Antiques.

Find out how you can be the lucky winner

A reminder...

I've noticed that a good number of you who have entered my giveaway 
don't have public profiles or any contact info...
when I click on your name, I get this message:

"The Blogger Profile you requested cannot be displayed.
Many Blogger users have not yet elected to publicly share their Profile. 
If you're a Blogger user, we encourage you to enable access to your Profile."

If I draw your name as the lucky winner, I need to be able to contact you,
so while you might be able to find out the good news by checking here regularly,
you also might want to consider enabling public access to your profile.

Just a thought!

Good luck to all and best wishes!

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Most Elegant Giveaway

It's that time again...
As I close in on 200 followers (boggles the mind, mine anyway!),
I'm feeling in a giving mood once again,
and this one's gonna be a doozy.

I just happened to have a spare
 $25 gift card to Anthropologie 
lurking about, so what better use for it 
than to include it in my next giveaway?

But what else?
I wanted to do something special, something....oh, I don't know....


So who better to enlist than the most Elegant Thrifter I happen to know,
Stan "The Man" Williams himself!

The most fabulously frugal fella I know
has generously offered to personally autograph a copy of his incredible book
The Find: The Housing Works Book of Decorating with 
Thrift Shop Treasures, Flea Market Objects, and Vintage Details
as a part of my latest giveaway!

Stan is not only elegant, fabulous and frugal, 
turns out he's ingenious, too...he's designed these way cool personalized plates 
that you can place inside your book, and voila! Instant autographed copy!

I just received mine in the mail today, gracias, Mr. Williams!
When I announce you as the winner, I'll send Stan your name, 
and he'll personalize a plate especially for YOU.

If you don't know Stan, shame on you...

(photo courtesy of Garden Antqs Vintage)

From his bio, Stan is a New York based lifestyle journalist
who has written for Maxim, Latina, and American Express Executive Travel,
among other publications.
A native of Independence, Missouri,
and a graduate of the University of Missouri—Columbia Journalism School,
Williams documents his favorite finds on his blog,

And not only that, he's fabulous!

Fabulous enough to merit a permanent place of high honor in my booth!

To sum up....
I'm giving away one $25 gift card to the bestest store in my hood,


a personally autographed copy of the must-have book of the year,

How does such an elegant windfall become yours?

Just become a follower and leave a comment here.
If you're already a follower, don't sweat it, you're already entered.
If you shamelessly plug my giveaway on YOUR blog, that'll give you 3 extra chances!

That's all!
Heck, this giveaway's so good, I think I'll enter it myself!!!

I'll draw the name of the lucky winner on All Hallow's Eve!
Best of Luck!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Vintage Black Friday and a Blogiversary!

My vintage booth hussy Helga pitched a raging fit
to let me allow her to participate in
Vintage Black Friday
over at Gypsy Brocante, so to keep peace in the family, 
I allowed the old embittered floozy to play dress up just this one time. 
If I don't cater to her every whim, she rearranges my booth vignettes while I'm gone, 
so what choice did I have?

There ya go, you brazen manipulator, you.

You'll recall this is Helga in her more genteel state...

Happy Helga?
You likely grossed out all of blogville 
with your over-the-top, ghoulish frippery.
Ahhh well, at least now my booth finery is safe for yet another day!

To see all the other spooky, elegant, classic vintage black, head on over to

And now for something completely different (Python reference for Tom!)....

One of the absolute sweetest, more talented 
and heroically tireless bloggers I know celebrated her
on October 17! My birthday!


Just look at that pretty young bride and her handsome hubby!

We're all invited to her big
so head on over and get the scoop on how to enter her celebratory giveaway!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friends in Junky Places

You know how you come across those people every so often
who instantly feel like family?
Who have kindred spirit sort of written all over them?
That's how it felt when I spent the better part of an hour today
chatting up a storm with the awesome Angélique of

We have an awful lot in common,
so conversation was hardly lacking.
She's an ER nurse, I'm a Respiratory Therapist,
so we both work in critical care settings.
She started blogging roughly the same time I did.
She loves junk, I love junk!
She's making big plans for her first ever show,
I just opened my first booth.
She's planning to show in Warrenton next Fall,
I'm going to be selling along with my pal Effie in the Spring!
Her husband is her biggest fan and most tireless supporter. Same here!

Love ya, sweetheart!

I'm not sure either of us came up for air, 
but we had a great conversation about our shared passion for junking, 
our big plans for the future, our hopes, dreams, fears. 
Heck, we even made plans for some
Thelma & Louise style junkin' trips!

I've had the pleasure of meeting so many incredible folk 
through this wonderful bloggy world....

Theresa of Garden Antqs Vintage
who was one of my first followers and biggest supporters.

The lovely Mindy of Primitiques 'n Poetry.

The equally lovely Troy (and Rod) of Junk Exchange!

And even though I've only talked to her via e-mails, 
our blog and the phone, I feel a real bond with the 
gracious and sweet beyond belief Ruth of The Beautiful Life.

Silly wabbit doesn't like having her picture taken, 
which is just, well, silly, since she's gorgeous. 
So this is the best I could do photo-wise. 
Go check out her online store, she has genuine drool-worthy wares for sale.

And then there's all my blog-roll buddies. Wanna talk? 
Just mail me, I'm always up for a phone call! 
(yeah, I'm lookin at YOUSue and Adrienne!)

And then there's Effie, and my new buds the Jett's at Fbg. 
Trade Days, and Linda at the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store, 
and Beth my cool booth neighbor at the Antique Mall, 
and Julie from Re-Run's, and Vickie and Bobby 
and the crew at Sunrise Antiques, and my pals at the Comfort Flea....
all folks I never would've met had I not embarked on 
this amazing junkin' journey just a few short months ago.

And it's only just beginning! That's the incredible part! 
Just imagine the laundry list of new friends I'm gonna have after Warrenton in the Spring?

So to all of the above, I thank you from the bottom of my heart 
for your friendship, your support, your inspiration. To friends not yet met, it's only a matter of time!

Edited to add: Apologies to my new BFF Angélique
for inadvertently cribbing this post title from you!
I knew I admired your style, now we know just how much! ;-)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm a White Wednesday Cheater

Confession time:
I have no white photos to share today,
but I don't want to miss White Wednesday.
So I'm cheating. Sort of.

See this banner with the white background?

I won it in the great 100th post giveaway that Cori 
from Starview Sonnet had earlier this month!
She sells these in her etsy shop along with other fab wares, 
here are two more examples of her handiwork up for grabs...



Aren't these great?
Head on over and tell her Anne sent ya!

In other non-white related news, I recently purchased 
this wonderful vintage 1950s pie server from Adrienne at The Flying Bee.

Get a load of the blinding white background I photographed it against!


Of course I had to have this, see the monogrammed "A"?

And so prettily packaged, too...

Hey, Adrienne's a rock star blogger, so why wouldn't she be a rock star etsy seller too, hmm?

Truthfully, if you want to see
the most absolute glorious whites
this side of Heaven rush over and see Shelley at Sweet Pea,
I think she pretty much wins this one hands down.
And for all the other White Wednesday (TRUE Whites!) 
participants, head over to visit Kathleen at

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Genie in a Bottle

The talented Michelle of  Vintage Junky is throwing a bash
over on her blog, and it's all about what's on our wish lists.
This post should pretty much write itself, as it's no trouble whatsoever
for me to rattle off about a dozen things in record speed that I'm jonesing for!

Now this might be a surprise to some,
but surely not to those that know me well.
Number one on my wish list is to be a published author....

Okay, a bit grandiose, I'll admit. 
And actually, I had a series of articles published many moons ago 
for a South Texas newspaper, but I'm talking about really being a published author. 
Ya know, on the scale of New York Times Bestseller List, 
Oprah's Book Club get the picture.
So all you bloggers out there with literary or publishing connections, 
if you like what you're reading here even a smidge, 
pitch me to your peeps and let's get me a book deal!

Next up....

My own brick and mortar store.
Filled with all the wonderful things we all know and my tag-line goes, 
"antiques, retro, industrial and whimsy for the home and garden." 
Perhaps I'm inching closer to attaining this particular wish. 
I opened my first booth in an antique mall. 
I'm going to Warrenton as a dealer in the Spring. 
I keep threatening to start up an Etsy shop. 
I suppose this will be the next logical progression, God and the economy willing.

And finally, because it's getting late and I'm tired, 
I'm going to hold to the traditional three wishes per customer paradigm.
Last up?

A beautiful 19th century stone house in Fredericksburg, Texas.
I've coveted these beauties for years now, 
and ruefully drive past them every time I head to the 'burg for some shopping. 
They may be drafty and plagued with all sorts of renovation issues, 
but to me, it has dreamhouse written all over it.

And you? What's on your wish list?
Head on over to
and join the party!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Aaarrgghh Matey, I'm a Flea Marketeer!

How fun!
The awesome folks at Flea Market Style
are hosting their first ever blog's the "I'm a Flea Marketeer Party"!
and I'm linking up with Matthew, Ki and all the fine folk over there
to show all my swell loot, booty and swag.
C'mon ya scalliwags, sneak a peek into my treasure chest!

Regular readers of my blog know that I just opened my first
antique mall booth two weeks ago, and I'm proud to say
that the bulk of what I'm selling was scored from.....where else? Flea Markets!
So without further ado, in no particular order,
feast your eyes upon my most prized flea market acquisitions!

So yeah, this is half a door. Big and chunky and altogether awesome. 
Not a bit clean yet, but give a girl time, I'll get to it! Picked this up at 
Trade Days in Fredericksburg this past weekend for $20. 
My husband wasn't with me at the time, my junkin' accomplice Effie was. 
When my husband started to unload my SUV, he asked what I wanted him to do with the mantle. 
I gently corrected him that it wasn't a mantle, it was half a door.
Jigga, whaa?
You shoulda seen the look on his face! "Which half?" he queried.



I have big plans for this piece, gonna add a window up top, 
it's gonna rock hard by the time
I get through with it.

Also found on the same expedition....

Headed to my booth as we speak.

This beauty will replace the sweet chippy white chair I sold last week.


Old cabinet doors soon to be repurposed
as canvases for mixed media art.
I'm big-time in love with the faded rose shade of the one on the left.

And for those just visiting Fiona and Twig for the first time via Flea Market Style,
here are some random shots of my two-week old antique mall booth,
chock full 'o flea markety goodness. My baby!


Head on over to Flea Market Style
to see all the other participants!

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