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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

On the Sales Front...

I've been doing pretty well with my Etsy Shop, but contrasting that with my with most brick and mortar shops these days, the booth hadn't been doing quite as well. Oh sure, I'd been moving lots of smalls, but I hadn't really moved any big pieces yet.
Until yesterday!

Remember these? My killer vintage theatre seats? Well say goodbye to them, bid them farewell and wish 'em happy trails, 'cuz they're heading to a new home this week! I got a call from the antique mall yesterday saying a gent was really interested in them, but they couldn't find a price tag. I swear, I think gremlins come in during the night and remove all my tags, because I am forever getting these sorts of calls! Anyhoo, this was a pretty large ticket item, so I did a little happy jig around the house.

I'd been struggling with whether to continue with the booth after my initial 3 month lease expires in sales have been steady, but nothing stupendous. Etsy on the otherhand, has been a ginormous moneymaker for me, so I debated whether I should just channel all my efforts that direction.

A good pal in the booth over is throwing in the towel after this month. She isn't even making enough to cover her rent, so after three months, she's outta there. It gave me pause, until the phone call yesterday afternoon announcing my big sale.
So I'm staying put.

Bottom line, I love what I'm doing. Selling stuff and making a bit of money is great, but none of this has ever been about the money. I'd miss the people at the antique mall, I'd miss having my "playhouse" to dress and foof up whenever the urge hits me, I'd miss the chance to move to a first floor booth and test the waters closer to sea level...

I haven't taken any booth photos recently, but here's a reminder of what my little playhouse looks like...

If you're ever in the area, I'd love to meet up with ya at my booth and grab lunch!
Have a great week!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chairs of Welcome...My Christmas Decor, Part Two

I've been following a really wonderful blog party
these past few weeks called
There have been some really gorgeous examples
of warm and welcoming Fall holiday decor, but to be honest,
my front door ain't all that welcoming these days, so I sat this party out!

Sat being the operative word....see how sneaky I am?  ;-)

I just so happen to have a marvelous collection of
vintage-antique-primitive chairs that I like to "do-up" to fit each Season,
so I thought I'd give y'all another quick peek
at four of my dressed-up, scruffy beauties...

If you're in no hurry, sit a spell and I'll whip ya up
some hot cider or hot chocolate. If you're extra good,
I'll even bust into my private stash of Pennsylvania Dutch nog!

Blessings to All!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Just a bit of Christmas...

I'm trying to come out of my shell a bit
when it comes to photographing mine and Mr Twig's home.
Baby steps here, so I snapped a couple of small Christmas vignettes
which are still very much evolving.
Keep in mind that practically anything Christmas-sy in these photos
was purchased at the amazing, incredible Dollar Tree!




More to come in the days the meantime,
stay warm, enjoy family, and remember The Reason for the Season!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Weekend!

Just a quick little hello before bed to wish all of you
a happy and blessed weekend!
My beautiful, brand new, 50¢ reindeer
wanted to make an appearance, too...

Dontcha LOVE him?!?!? And he's really BIG, too!
St. Vincent de Paul kicks A!!!!

Oh, and I redesigned my business cards, tell me whatcha think.



Better? I think so.

I'm working all weekend, so y'all remember pitiful me 
whilst you're out hitting the sales and just living it up in general!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Where THIS Woman Creates...

I'm not overly big on snapping and sharing all sorts of shots inside my home.
We have a very nice, roomy, comfortable dwelling,
but there are  aspects about it I'm dying to change....swap out the carpeted areas for wood floors, finally get moving on some window treatments, etc.
I also cop to feeling a bit intimidated by the absolutely mad decorating skills
of some of you ladies and gents! No need to name names, you know who you are...

There's a really wonderful publication called Where Women Create,
and it's filled with image after image of the workspaces of inspiring, creative ladies.
I'm always fascinated to see where my blog friends whip up their magic,
be it a studio, office, or like me, a desk in the living room
and a workstation in the computer room.

Today I'm going to give you a glimpse of my tiny little creative space
just off the front door in the living room.


Not loving the green carpet, but oh how I love this desk! 
Found at a garage sale about a month and a half ago for....get this...$7.50.  
I recall a tale from  Stan Williams, The Elegant Thrifter himself, 
of a much beloved desk he rescued in the early 80s for $10, which you can read about here
That's exactly how I feel about my utilitarian beauty, 
and I'm not even going to brag that I beat Stan by a whole $2.50! ;-)
This is really an amazing piece of furniture, 
heavy and sturdy and save for some wear on the desktop, in absolutely stellar shape.

The gorgeous chair was purchased from my bestest guy-pal junkin' buddy 
Troy of Junk Exchange, and I can't imagine 
another chair fitting quite so perfectly, can you?

My antique mail sorter, and I know for a fact that it is 
fo shizzle a true antique, this baby is OLD!
I use it to store craft glue, paper clips, stamp pads, glitter, and the odd tchotchke.







That's a bird's eye view of just one of the areas I like to spread my creative wings.
Hope you've enjoyed the tour!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

The big move to the new and improved booth downstairs?
The one I talked about HERE not even a week ago?
Not gonna happen, at least not yet.

It's a long and circuitous story, but basically,
the gal whose booth I was going to take over downstairs was going to move
to a larger booth (which I don't want).
Her deal fell through, so basically, she's staying put in the booth I was going to move into.
The antique mall owners were very apologetic and said they'll let me know
the minute something else opens up.
No biggie, there's actually a part of me that's sorta relieved.
As much as I'm all for boosting sales,
I wasn't looking forward to transferring what amounts to the contents
of a small apartment downstairs in less than a month.
I think I'd rather wait until after Warrenton, if at all possible.

Ahhh yes, Warrenton.
Which brings me to part deux of what's been on my mind of late.

For those not in the know, twice a year, Spring and Fall,
these sleepy little (and I do mean LITTLE!) farming communities
become home to what is known as Antique Weekend.

This is an event of truly biblical is a huge gathering of antique and collectible vendors from across the USA and even abroad. Tens upon tens of thousands of folks descend upon about a half-dozen tiny Texas towns at a point roughtly halfway betwixt Austin and Houston. Most of the shows are to be found along Hwy 237 in the towns of Round Top, Warrenton and Carmine, but there's much to be seen in the surrounding areas as well.

I think that there's a misconception that I'm a much bigger whoop than I actually am,
and maximus mea culpa for contributing to or perpetuating that notion.
Yes, I will be in Warrenton in the Spring. Yes, I will be selling.
But this ain't my rodeo. I'm hitchin' my wagon to the inimitable Effie,
who is a seasoned vet of the Big Show and hardly needs the likes of me to boost her sales.

That's me and Effie on the left, one of the absolute sweetest, 
most generous ladies I have the privilege of knowing. 
She is graciously allowing me to meet up with her in Warrenton, 
help her set up, sell some of my wares with hers, and BONUS, 
I get to stay with her at her Mom's! 
All that for a rookie seller who doesn't even merit a first floor antique mall booth.  ;-)

(Hi Debra!)

So while I will be thrilled to see all my bloggy friends in Bar W Field, 
come primarily just to say hi to me, but to BUY from Effie. 
She'll be the big dog there, I'll just be the wet nosed pup hoping to learn a trick or two. 
Come Fall, God willing, maybe I'll break out on my own 
and set up my own tent during Antiques Week. 
Who knows, by that time I may have even been deemed worthy 
of that first floor space!

Toodles for tonight!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's Poll Time Again, Kiddies!

I had such a fun time learning more about y'all during my last POLL
that I wanted to do it again.
Take a peek to your right ----------->>> and cast your vote!

So I was strolling through the local mall with a friend the other day,
as he wanted to buy a scarf for a gal pal.
I casually mentioned to him that I didn't really enjoy shopping retail anymore.
He gave me a quizzical look and said "Oh, so you're above it, eh"?
Ha! I had to laugh as I quickly corrected him, actually, I'm beneath it!

I explained that I take no joy in perusing aisle after aisle of
mass-manufactured, cookie-cutter wares these days.
My greatest treasures are unearthed in far less lofty surroundings....
other people's garages and driveways, out in a muddy cow pasture at the crack of dawn,
underneath a pile of moth eaten old textbooks in thrift stores...

So once again, it got me to thinkin' (uh oh).
Where do YOU find your heart's desire?
Is it at a retail outlet? Heaven knows I love me some Anthropologie
but given my druthers, I'll choose an estate sale every time!

Are you more of a crack-a-dawn garage sale maven, 
or are crowded thrift stores more your speed?
Or maybe you eschew paying altogether and fancy yourself a curbside pirate of sorts.
Do tell!

Anything and everything you've seen pictured in this post
was lovingly liberated from someone else's home and/or garage this past weekend
and is offered to you via Fiona and Twig on Etsy.

Have a great Tuesday!

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