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Monday, May 9, 2011

Stop. Breathe. Live.

Happy Monday!

And speaking of happy days...
Not too very long ago, I was blessed to spend a very special one
with the beautiful Suzanne of  
and her equally beautiful Mom.

{ the gals in my kitchen}

Turns out the beauteous duo make it an annual event
to meet up somewhere fun for some extra special
mother-daughter-girl time, and this year, they chose
the beautiful State of Texas.

I was one of the beneficiaries of their Southward trajectory,
so when I had the opportunity to meet these two gals, I leapt at the chance!

After meeting up at my little white farmhouse,
we began to whip up our very own recipe for a memorable day...

 No visit to my neck of the woods is complete
without a trip to Homestead right here in
Fredericksburg, Texas.

 Suzanne poses prettily amidst the treasures!

 At Suzanne's suggestion, we even made time to
snap a snazzy self-portrait while shopping at Red...

 Add a little lite lunch,
a lot of great conversation,
and a spontaneous drive to the one and only
Luckenbach, Texas...

 That's the unofficial Luckenbach greeter,
all chillax after a hard day of welcoming guests.
Or imbibing in the brewskies there to the right in the pic,
whichever.  ;-)

Yep, it was a GREAT day.

And this gorgeous cuff?
An oh-so-thoughtful gift, courtesy of Suzanne and the
fabulously talented Becky of Farmgirl Paints.

Both Becky and Suzanne thought "breathe" was apropos,
as I seem to be in a state of perpetual motion these days.
It's a great reminder for me to slow down and just "be".
Something I struggle with, admittedly.

But not only that, it ties in perfectly to my given profession as a respiratory therapist!
Thank you so much ladies, I love it and wear it all the time!
If you'd like a beautiful handmade cuff of your very own,
be sure to check out Becky's shop.

I miss my sweet friend, but feel so blessed to
have shared this time with her.

If you'd like to read Suzanne's take on our little adventure,
be sure to click HERE.

Have a beautiful week, my friends!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


this post is for  

quite simply
the most beautiful mom

inside and out!

Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful mom,
and to all the other mom's out there, too!

To read my thoughts last Mother's Day,
click HERE.


Friday, May 6, 2011

In the Loop

Ever feel like you have nothing to post about?
Yeah, me too.

I usually chalk that up to an alarming lack of imagination on my part,
because, my goodness!!!
There is SO much going on in my world,
in the world at large, and inspiration simply abounds out there in blogland.

I suppose I've fallen victim to the notion that every post
must fit a certain theme or herald some new project.

When in actuality?
The posts that I most like to read are the conversational,
day-to-day type posts that give me a peek
into your  respective worlds.

So...what's new in mine?

Oh yeah...remember that public service announcement
I got all pushy about last month?

Well, I sucked it up when it came to the fear,
kept the appointment, had the test done,
and was given good news...
no more 6 month follow-up's, I get to come back in a year!

So for all of you scaredy cat, fence straddlers,
I'm here to be all obnoxious and in your face again...
make the phone call.
stop avoiding the doctor, the tests, the pesky "what-if''s".

Trust me, not knowing and worrying is the worst part.
Just do it.

/ rant

What else?

Lots of potential photo shoots on the horizon,
just no time to actually get them done.
Not yet, anyway.
I had to pass up a GREAT opportunity just this week,
but I passed it along to a wonderful photog buddy, so it's all good.

Thinking about starting a diet.
My skinny arms in that wedding pic on my sidebar?
Yeah...they ain't that skinny anymore.
I'm tall, so everyone always says incredulously,
"you don't need to lose weight".
Those folks walk away $10 richer.

Weekend plans?
Off to San Antonio for my nieces first communion.
Visit with my sweet mother-in-law from Portland.
Back home to have a girl's day out with my own mom for
Mother's Day.

Haven't turned the page on next week yet, but I'm pretty sure
it'll involve some quality time spent with
Steven Tyler on AI and Maks on DWTS.  ;-)

And you?
What's new in your world?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Handmade White Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!

I wanted to share with all of you two gorgeous gifts from my
super sweet and talented friend,
Lisa from Bilancia Designs.

Lisa is an incredibly gifted artist
who specializes in exquisite handmade paper creations
and more...
cards, invitations, gift tags, and all inspired by
and incorporating natural elements.

She recently gifted me with the "more" in the shape of this
 handmade kissing ball, which I think looks simply amazing
in my dining room.

And the lovely Lisa also sent me this
darling handmade star made
from vintage buttons...

Crazy about these white lovelies,
thank you so much for the housewarming gifts, Lisa!

I'll be featuring more of Lisa's incredible work in an upcoming post,
but please be sure to check out some of her other handcrafted offerings on
her website HERE.

New and improved website coming soon!

Happy White Wednesday!

linking with Kathleen

Monday, May 2, 2011


Just a rainy Monday here in the
Texas Hill Country.

wait just a sec...

what did I just say?

That's right.

For the first time in WEEKS,
we have RAIN!!!

I know that many of you in other areas are suffering through
non-stop rain and flooding,
but here in our part of the world, we've been battling the most severe
drought in over 40 years.

Not to mention devastating wildfires that have destroyed
over one million acres.

It's raining, it's pouring.

And I'm smiling.

all pics taken by my wonderful husband last year
with a simple point & shoot...
and NO photoshopping! Aren't they great?

Friday, April 29, 2011

A Friend Indeed...

Meeting blog friends is always a pleasure...
Meeting someone like Suzanne is that and so much more.

{ the always gorgeous Suzanne in Homestead, Fredericksburg, Texas }

Pop on over to Privet and Holly to read my beautiful friend Suzanne's
account of our wonderful day spent together.

My own version is slow in coming (  it IS coming! ), 
but I don't think I'll be able to improve on hers one bit.

Click HERE to get the scoop!

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

well, hello beautiful...


you see old?


i see beauty
and lives well lived.

hello, beautiful!

just another stroll through 
a photographers dream,

pop on by,
tell tim and the gals
that anne sent ya.


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