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Thursday, October 17, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life

If someone had told me five years ago 
that I would be living the life I am now,
I never would have believed them.

Since my very young adulthood,
I had dreamed of a place not too far away.
Just 22 miles down the road, to be exact.

In my youth, I visited Fredericksburg, Texas
as often as I could.
Oh, how I delighted in spending an afternoon
taking in all the beautiful
Homestead family of shops...

Idle Hours, Room No. 5, American Higgedy Piggledy...
and of course, the Grande Dame herself,
the flagship store where dreams came true
and beautiful couches such as my Babette were birthed.
The original Homestead.

I adored the quiet little neighborhoods,
row after row of historic Sunday houses,
a place where time had seemingly stood still,
held her collective breath and said,
"this is good. this is right. this  we shall save and preserve."

And then three years ago,
as though it were foretold, and without question  my
Hill Country birthright, we did it.
I did it.
My dream came true, and I moved to
Fredericksburg, Texas.

I brought my love of all things vintage,
and of course, my love of photography with me.

I began to make many new friends,
many of them amazingly gifted shopkeepers and artists,
kindred spirits who allowed me into their shops,
their homes and their lives.
They allowed me to capture the loveliness
of what they have painstakingly created 
and document it in the pages of magazines,
and here on my blog.

And they have, almost without exception,
become very, very good friends.
How blessed am I, I ask you?

One new friend inviting me into her shop and her life
is the proprietor of the darling new Farmhouse Boutique
here in the 'burg. I'm doing a photo shoot at her fantastic shop
this week, and I am thrilled to once again share the riches of
my new hometown with the world at large.

"Gilded Girl."
Oh, how I love this necklace!
Purchased at a dreamy local shop, Timeless Menagerie.

The shop owner has become a good friend,
and has been kind enough to hire me several times now
to photograph her store for print ads and her website.

Yep, I'm pretty lucky.

Being a Texan predisposes one to sometimes
obnoxious displays of boasting,
but I really do feel that I'm living in God's country.
But more importantly, in His will.
I'm right where I'm supposed to be, doing just what
He would have me doing.

I get to see beauty such as this  every single day!
I've truly hit the geographical jackpot
and the location lottery.

And all these many years later,
I still turn into a geeky fangirl when I open up
a local magazine and see this....

A print ad for Carol Bolton's store,
which I have photographed countless times,
and there's my photo of darling Carol right there,
dead center.
Once my idol, now my sister. I love that lady so much.

I love my life.
My home.
The gifts and opportunities I've been given.
I am grateful.

It really is a wonderful life.

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

every photo in this post taken
with an iPhone 4S

and thank you to Ivy and Elephants
for selecting me to be featured last week
for their "What's It Wednesday" Feature!

Ivy and Elephants

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french country cottage
common ground
savvy southern style
ivy and elephants
the brambleberry cottage
my uncommon slice of suburbia

Friday, October 11, 2013

B&B....and Beautiful!

Thank you to Savvy Southern Style
for selecting this post 
as one of the best links in last week's

Well, hello there!

Just coming up for air long enough to share
my latest photo shoot with you.

As many of you might know,
Fredericksburg, Texas is pretty much
the bed and breakfast capitol of the known world.

There are hundreds of cozy cottages to choose from 
when planning your visit to Fritztown,
but I'd like to offer an extra special plug
to my friend Melissa Mabery's
darling B&B, Cotton Haus.

Located in one of Fredericksburg's many
historic neighborhoods, this adorable abode
could not  be any stinkin' cuter.....

Wow, pretty much sums it up!

Are you dying yet?
I don't know about you,
but I'm now scouring local fleas
for car doors of my very own!
Fab wall art!

Be still, my vintage lovin' heart.

Don't forget to sign the guest book!

And if YOU would like to book a stay
at this quaint little locale,
here's what you need to know:

Cotton Haus B&B in Fredericksburg, Texas

501 E Creek St. 


Please feel free to pin any or all
of these photos to Pinterest,
and please visit and "like" my Facebook biz page...

Have a wonderful week and weekend!
I'll be back sharing details
about my next magazine feature
coming out in just a couple of weeks!

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Back To My Roots

There's no place like home.
Is there?
After taking a two month break from blogging
to focus on other pursuits
( and to take a much needed break ),
I'm happy and excited to be returning to this little ole blog.
I've missed you!
Coming up soon, a magazine feature that I wrote and photographed
on a local boutque owner, Jill Elliott.
And for the holidays, a big shop feature
that I photographed for Binky Morgan's shop in Llano, Texas.
Two features, two different publications.
I'll be sure and share all the deets as the time draws near.
I hope you've all had a rockin' Summer.
Happy to be back!

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer Break

Taking a late Summer break 
from blogging.

{ my "child", Winnie }

See you here in the Fall,
or on my Facebook, page,
Be safe!

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

Friday, July 19, 2013

New French Goodies at Timeless Menagerie

I made a quick stop into one of my favorite
shops in Fredericksburg, Texas,
Timeless Menagerie,
and was delighted to find that the crew
had pretty much totally re-set the store
and it's now filled to the brim
with treasures from Lori's recent
shopping excursion to France.

Quick disclaimer: this was not one
of our regular photo shoots, I just happened by
with only my iPhone. So please forgive the phone pics!

Loved these French postcard bundles.
So many to choose from!

These fantastic, HUGE, to-die-for urns.

To me, the crown jewel from the whole
trip, this enormous wedding portrait.

Whimsical children's books.

Stacks of vintage drawers,
perfect for crafting supplies, letters, anything!

Of course, I grabbed several bundles
of these charming French postcards.

Always plenty of nature-based items
to feather your nest.

Hope you enjoyed the tour!

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

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