Anne Lorys Photography on Facebook

Monday, August 2, 2010


Well, today was one of THOSE days...

I got a call from the Antique Mall where I have my booth,
and found out that I had one of 
THOSE days, the kind I had only ever heard about. 

I thought they were a myth,
something that only happened to other dealers.
Until it happened to me.

Turns out a dealer from Austin came in, s
aw my booth, fell in love, and pretty much cleaned me out!

I sold as much in ONE DAY today
as I've been averaging in a GOOD month of sales!

Since this picture was taken a couple of months ago,
pretty much everything either white or silver is gone.
Out the door.

And the dealer today grabbed my charming
1910 white iron and wicker baby crib...

Along with about 25 other items.
I danced the happy jig right there in the shop!

Even though it's changed a good bit since these photos were snapped,
I'd love for y'all to head over and take a peek at how my booth
has evolved over the past few months.
Click HERE for the tour!

And just in case you're jonesing for another taste of what was in my last post,
here ya go, ya big bunch of hussies!  ;-)

Have a GREAT week!

Off to watch The Bachelorette Finale now.
{the shame!}


Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Girl, I'm right there watching it with you! This is a good day, doing the happy dance can be addictive you know. Yay for you.

The Smith Hotel said...

Wow! Amazing! It's like a dream come true! Would love for that to happy at my booth! Now you gotta get busy adding new stuff to your space!


CosmoGirl Carla said...

Hey, Anne, that is fantabulous about the big cleanout today! :o) WooHoo!!!
And . . . mmmmm . . . more yummy Gerard ;o) hehe

she dreams big! said...

Oh Anne! I am doing the happy dance FOR you! You must be feeling pretty gosh dern proud of yourself today girl!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I'm watching the Finale right now! What a great thing to have one of THOSE days! Congrats to you!!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Ooh I love that when it happens! I had a dealer come in and buy about $500. out of my booth last month and boy was I happy. So, I know how you feel. Happy dance is good!

Nice pic at the end. Oh yeah!


Viva la Cottage said...

You go girl!! I always hear "they were buying out of the boxes while I was unpacking!!!!!"... and it did happend to me once. Did the jig as well.
You're not watching Pickers?

Michelle Hughes said...

awesome! congrats on the big day! I think they call that housewarming money ;o

Anne said...

Hooray for you!! This is a red letter day indeed. Gerard Butler has been one of my favorites since Phantom of the Opera. He looks even better (in my humble opinion) with a half-mask and deeply v'd, ruffled shirt. And he can really sing!
Enjoy the rest of your week!

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Congratulations on such a fabulous day, my friend. And...thank you for another peek. He's still a dish! I'm unashamed, by the way!

Hill Country House Girl said...

Congrats!!! Guess you will just have to go out and hunt up some more treasure!! Fun!!!

Mel said...

I love you. Hahhhhhahhhhh.... I love those days too.

Gracie's Cottage said...

wooHOOO for you! (I'm not surprised - your finds are amazing!)


Prencie said...

Baaaaah Haaaa haaaa! Nice pic;)

WOW good for you! That's awesome!! Woo hoo!:)

Polly said...

Yay! That is an awesome day alright! Makes it all worth it, huh? We all need one of those days now and again!!

Thanks for your sweet comment earlier today!



Simply Bungalow said...

I love your stuff. So wonderfully shabby chic!

Annesphamily said...

Congrats to you! In this market you are very blessed to have been cleaned out and for a great price too! Anne

stefanie said...

oh, thats great...ok, send some of that great luck to booth is sooooooo full!!

Unknown said...

Oh' Anne, I'm so happy for you!!!! It's wonderful when things just turn around like that. God seems to have his own plan and we just don't even know when it's coming.

Blessing Sweetie....Tracy :)

DustyLu said...

Yummy photos! I mean...lovely photos! lol...congrats I on selling it all! I am doing the happy dance for you too. You deserve it! ~lulu

Mosaic Magpie said...

You just had one of those great I sold it all and I get to go look for more days!!!Happy hunting!

Lara said...

You & me both are having "that kind of day" - I thought it was a myth too when I found out I passed my class today! :) Anyway, that is so wonderful!! Glad to hear it!! What a cute little under the stairs nook you have there~ enjoy your great news!
xoxo, L

Laurie said...

Anne, no wonder your followers increase, with cheesecake like that guy and the previous ones! HA! Here's 3 cheers for making a killing at the booth! You go, girl! (I'll try to get a pic of Maya doing the happy dance for you; that girl has moves!!)
Laurie said...

AWESOME!!!!!I am dancing right along side of you:)
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

Annie Louise said...

Wow that is wonderful, exciting news. Well deserved--Congratulations!!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

What a great day! And I can see why that dealer cleaned you out - your booth is lovely! Now you need more stuff!!!

Attic Rat said...

How W O N D E R F U L ! !!!! !!

I would be estatic!

Melissa/Piney Rose said...

Oh my, how wonderful!! Love to get a big order, but this would just make my day. Now you have to get busy and restock - LOL!

Anji Johnston said...

Good on you gal! Have a jig for me and by the way - I LOVE being a hussie!

Love the Decor! said...

That is amazing and a great woohoo to you!!!

Theresa said...

Bunch of hogs to buy SO MANY of your goodies:) You can have fun now restocking it! Sounds like fun to me!

Enjoy your day my friend! HUGS!

Char said...

Hold onto that feeling girlfriend, it's a good one!!!! Congratulations, Char

sjmcdowell said...

Wow Anne that is such Great news!! I am so Happy for you...doing little dance right now with you!!
Soooo that means....Shopping time again!!!
Oh wish I could go with you to shop for more
wonderful items for your booth!!

Go Girl!!

Hugs, Smiles and totally Awesome!!


summersundays-jw said...

Oh how I would love to have that happen to me. Maybe I could clean out the garage. Congrats!!! Jan

David said...

Wow! Congratulations! Ka-ching! lol

the old white house said...

Congrats anne! That is over the top fabulous!!! And thanks for sharing your good fortune with that last photo! Oh dear me, I am a hussy! Theresa


How exciting that must have been!! Oh and thanks for throwing in the eye candy eye (;

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Yea... congratulations!! That is an *awesome* day! :)


Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Congratulations Anne on your big sale! What a lovely booth ...I can see why she fell in love with everything. OMG...I especially LOVE your last photo...I missed your last post and had to go and read it. Love that Gerard still my heart ..giggle. Have a wonderful Tuesday....Maura :)

littlethings1 said...

Now that is a fabulous day ! Congrats ! Your shop looks so inviting and adorable , who could not want to get everything !!

Life of Mrs. Peters said...

congrats on selling so much of your stuff! so exciting! and i love the bachelorette...can't wait til it comes on : ) have fun re-filling your area!

Diane Mars said...

Congratulations, I must agree with that dealer everything looked so yummy, how could she resist! I bet she loved the way everything looked so great together. Very good, nice to see your hard work pay off! Now off to do more hunting? Hugs, Miss Diane

Dignified Rubbish said...

Congrats!!! That is awesome!!! I am also watching the Bachelorette....yay she picked Roberto!!!!

Lisa @ Grandma's Briefs said...

Hi Anne!

Congrats on the mega-sale day! Yay for you!

Thank you for stopping by Grandma's Briefs. You're welcome any time. (And I am so with you on the Johnny Depp as a neighbor!)

Thanks for the eye-candy, too!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

What an awesome day...I would do the happy dance, too!!

Shirley said...

Hi Anne, Awesome that you had such a wonderful day. I am so happy for you. I would dance right along with you. Take care Your Missouri Friend.

Sue (Vintage Rescue) said...

AWESOME! When that happens, I can't decide whether it's the money, the relief, or that another dealer sooooo "gets" you! It's a rare day when that happens, so REVEL in it! Congrats!

Dee@FrenchBleuVintage said...

Im doing the Happy Dance for you!!!! That is such great news. What a great excuse to go shopping again ~ Thanks for sharing the wealth with your bloggy pals and sending us all a great big dose of eye candy ~ Mama likey:)

Anonymous said...

hah im still laughing about hussies.Loveeeee love that crib.So cute.Congrats good news for you,hope it ci\ontinues Ann,this maybe a start of something BIG for you.

Happy Tuesday Ahead!

Miss Gracie's House said...

I *LOVE* days like that...then I start to panic:)
Have fun!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

Good for you!! I love days like that. When I first had my furniture in a shop, nothing big was selling and I thought it was not going to work out. Then, all of my pieces sold in one day. It was crazy.

Anonymous said...

hmm how did that happen it was continues I dont know how the slash got in there,lol.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Woo Hoo for you!!

Do you have a better pic of the Southern Belle on the back wall? I'd love to see a closeup. She may be the mate to one I have, or might even be the same!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

ImagiMeri said...

Well Anne, it's kinda' hard to congratulate you when I'm slobbering over Gerard, so I hope you understand. As far as the hussy thingy takes one to know one.....ha ha!


Olive said...

Fab for you Anne. Now go buy vintage for your new house!

hugs a bunches ♦ olive

Trish @TheOldPostRoad said...

Congratulations! Send some luck my way!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Don't you just love when that's happens girl...I just buy lots and make your dreams come true ha ha!! Hope your having a great week sounds like you are...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

vintagesue said...

i'm lost with that hot foxy man, but i will say congrats to you and the BIG sale!!! i used to have when i had a booth i could actually go to and stock instead of just shipping stuff. it's a great feeling to know you can restock and reshape!!!! awesome. have fun putting more stuff back in. you have a great style. that dealer will come back for more!!!
take care....


AWESOME!!! That is a wonderful day and the $$$ will come in handy for the new house!
Have fun filling up your space!
Keep cool :)

Jane said...

That is fabulous news. I can understand why you were doing the happy dance! Now more shopping to fill that booth up again. Look forward to seeing what you find.

Shabby Vintage Junk said...

For HEAVENS sake Anne....a DISCLAIMER wouldn't have gone astray before you wacked another pic of GB up on your blog all SUDDEN LIKE without WARNING....I'm at work Lovey & almost choked on my coffee....I've got coffee all over my keyboard now....hahahahahaSNORT....!!

WAY TO GO on your sales but please....In future....A little care with the placement of tasty manflesh....!!

Cheers from my 'pesk day job',
Tamarah :o)

June said...

Way to go...Anne girl!!! I am thrilled for you. There is nothing better than knowing folks love your 'stuff'

gretchen said...

congrats on your wonderful (obviously, shared) taste in antiques and vintage goods! now you get to go out hunting for more! double fun news!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

I am doing the Happy Dance with you tonight!!! That is so exciting that you sold most all of your stuff. WOW!!! God knew that you were moving and you needed the extra money right now. What a blessing for you! I am so excited for you. That baby bed was gorgeous!!! My daughter and I watched the Bachelorette too. We loved both Chris and Roberto, but knew that in her heart she was going to pick Roberto. We hope that they pick Chris to be the next Bachelor. He has such a sweet and kind heart! Congratulations again!!! Love & blessings from NC!

Draffin Bears said...

Oh yeah Anne! I am so happy for you and how neat is that, to have someone come and buy most of your merchandise. Congratulations!
Thanks for giving us hussies, a thrill for today.

Happy rest of the week

Charlene said...

Good For YOU!!!!!!! $$$$$$$$ for the house!!!! That is every dealers dream come true. And now she know's that she loves your style... she'll be back so get busy buying & fluffing. I had to DVR The Finale & just finished watching it tonight. I just KNEW she'd choose Roberto didn't you? She had WAY too much chemistry not to. Poor Chris. But, thank goodness Frank is gone what a looser!!!! Have a great week. HUGS!

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Fantastic! Congratulations, Anne!
And thanks for that last photo too ;)

Kate said...


woo hoo darlin CONGRATS on the wipeout!!! youre a doll and I was so happy to share in your moment.

love ya girl

Jaime Haney said...

Ha! at first I got the feeling you were sad that they were gone! then I kept reading about the happy dance... ha ha! that is great news! Now you've got a wad of cash to go by more goodies with!

love the eye candy... yum

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

That's awesome, Anne!!! Congratulations! I'm sure it also will be fun to fill up the empty spaces again. Good luck hunting!

Amy Kinser said...

Hooray for you! Couldn't have happened to a nicer lady.

Tina said...

Anne - That is SO good for you. Big congrats. That´s what everyone could just dream of.
xo Tina


Oooooh, gee, thanks Mrs. Twig! Me likes a lil' Gerard glimpse just before bedtime. And whoa, congrats on the major sell out, just in time to have a little cash to outfit your new abode. Totally amazing. Okie dokie, off to scroll back up for another Gerard fix. ~ Angela

Dorthe said...

My goodness Anne,
congratulations dear, what a fantastic day for you--so great.Could use such a day,too, here the sale is very slow...
Happy new creating, your booth, so much more fun,when lots of stuff has gone!!!
Dending you huhs.

Between Me and You said...

That's fantastic news - well done you.The fun part is going to be searching out some other great stuff to restock your booth with. Good Luck.
I hope you don't mind if I copy that pic,print and enlarge it and paper my bedroom walls with it? Thank You. x

Debra@CommonGround said...

Wow! Wonderful!! I think things are picking up, I had a good month too, selling several pieces of furniture along with a lot of smalls. Now what are you gonna do? Have fun re-stocking!
love ya,

FairfieldHouse said...


I wish you many more of THOSE kind of days! How wonderful. Now you most restock with more treasures. I think it's HIS way of helping you simplify for your move into you beautiful home. (You did say you needed to get rid of things!)

Your Friend,

Unknown said...

Yaa Hooo for your! I'm opening my first booth soon. I'm scared and excited. You are an inspiration to me for this. I have never done anything like this before.
Wish me luck!
Now you probably need to go junkin to fill that space up!
Enjoy your day,

Unknown said...

Congrats! What a great day for you! Oh yes....i am a bachlorette fan too! I thought she was going to pick Chris but she is so happy with Roberto!

Alice said...

Your booth is lovely, and I could see why someone was smitten with your offerings! I'm so happy that you had a great day for sales, and wish you many, many more in the future!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

How exciting!!! I have been witness to the dealer cleaning out a booth only it wasn't mine. Hopefully soon though! Have a great day!

LuLu Kellogg said...

That is wonderful!! More money to spend on your new house!

I was so sure that Allie was going to choose Chris. I liked Roberto but thought Chris was better suited for her. Oh well....we shall see how long it lasts.


Jamie said...

I scrolled al the way through the post and once I saw Gerald I forgot what the post was about! LOL!!! I am so proud of you Anne! Now you get to go shopping to restock:) Love, Jamie

Kathy said...

Anne - Congrats on your big sales!!! I'd say the buyer just has absolutely fabulous taste, because your booth space looks awesome. Love your style!

Take care, Kathy

Unknown said...

Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!! Good for you Anne!!! Seems we're not the only ones that recognize your talent!!

Happy August ~


:) T

Itchin' Stitchin' said...

Congrats on getting everything in your booth sold!!! Your booth is beautiful - it's not surprising that someone would come in and want everything!
Thanks for Gerard - if you tilt your head it's like your laying down with him :)

Unknown said...

woo hoo! good for you! that's awesome! i'm taking the tour!

Tricia said...

YAHOO~ congrats! Let the re~stocking begin. ;)

It's me said...

How many comments !! that your shop?????? please let me know???? it looks great !!!!! ...happy day Ria....

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Lucky You! That is great news!~Hugs, Patti

Sue@MyArtsDesire said...

It's no wonder someone wiped you out! I linked to your post on the "think globally, start locally" {loved that humor!} and your prices are so fair! Yummy, yummy stuff. Come and peddle your wares in the Atlanta area...second thought, I'd never leave the beautiful Hill Country for this rat race. never mind. Xo, Sue

Preppy Mama said...

That is wonderful news!! Yay for you, I love hearing about "those" days!!! xo xo

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

I'm so happy for you!!!! I'm doing the happy dance for you :)
How did you like the ending last night? I was so thrilled. I had been reading reality steve who said Ali leaves with no one! I went to bed with a big smile on my face!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful day!!! Doin' the happy dance with ya' girlfriend!!!! What a great thing. I hope the buyer got your info and hopefully passes on your info to a few of his friends. :)

The Flying Bee said...

Hey girlie!

I have been missing ya...I have been popping in every now and then, but I have totally become a lurker! LOL

I am soooo happy for you about the house and about your rockin sales! I guess we will be doing some serious junkin in Warrenton this Fall!

I need to call you so we can catch up. :)


Little Emma English Home said...

Gerard in that photo....I jump off the chair!!!!!! Thank you, I had few seconds of perfect happiness..... sigh :O

Carole said...

Of course she bought you out...she has good taste!!! Thanks for the eye candy. Just heard that Gerard was chosen to be in the American version of "The girl with the Dragon Tattoo" YAY!!!! love Brad Pitt but he was all wrong for this role.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, what a wonderful day you had. I love your blog it is so lovely, and your new home is gorgeous.....Kathy

Kendra@Creative Ambitions said...

Awesome! So Happy for you!!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! And now, Anne, the hunt for more STUFF goes on! Have fun!!!
Hugs, Diane

Privet and Holly said...

Annie: CONGRATS ON 300!!
I have a feeling that I am
going to be saying CONGRATS
to you a lot from here on out,
my dear sweet bloggy friend.
Call it intuition....karma....
whatever....But no matter the
name, it couldn't happen to
a more adorable and kind girl!
xx Suzanne
PS: How did you know that I
LOVE Gerry B???

Lisa said...

LOL!! Thanks for the pic! Congrats!!! HOW awesome to sell it all. Now you get to redo the WHOLE thing!! Woo-Hoo!! Enjoy!!!
Hugs, Lisa

Ms. Bake-it said...

Congratulations on having one of THOSE days Anne! I am doin' the happy dance with ya! I somehow missed your last post because the last picture came as a shock! But a really nice shock!

~ Tracy

Janet said...

dandy, that's just dandy! now get busy shoppin'!

My Grama's Soul said...

Oh Anne.....I knew I should of bought more "STUFF" when I stopped by earlier this year. (O:(O: GOOD FOR YOU!!!


Lisa said...

That is so funny, I just said to you 'where you doing the happy dance'. I didn't know you actually said that~ I'm not one bit surprised you got wiped out, you have outstanding taste my friend. Love that wicker crib, I'll bet the buyer did her own happy dance. And speaking for us hussies, of course this post goes viral with the porn shot. LOL Now Kevin is saying 'sure you guys talk about art & antiques'. Your fan & friend, Lisa

Ticking and Toile said...

Wow!! Congrats Anne! That is amazing :) More money for decorating woo-hoo!!

And the man above ..... oh my goodness....;)


Elizabeth said...

Wow! How cool is that!!!!!
Love your 300th post! Just watched Bounty Hunter with him :]

Marianne said...

Good on you for making those amazing sales. In fact it is amazing that all that great stuff had been in your boot for so long.
I don't know if you got wind of it but I tweeted your 'enough' post and it got picked up by some other people too. Your really should get on twitter too :-)

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

It's a little to early in the morning for that!
I've got the vapors now my dear!!!

Wanted to let you know, you made my "Comment of the week" and your lovely blog and your comment are on the sidebar.

Congrats on that and the pilaging of your antique booth! Ye-Haw!

awal.ny said...

I am so happy for you. A dealers dream to sell out. Shopping, shopping to get more pretties for your booth. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I hope next month has you doing the happy dance too.

Beatnheart said...

That’s the way to roll! and look at all these comments...You are a rock Goddess!!

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

My gosh...
If that is one of THOSE days, I'd really hate to hear about one of T-H-O-S-E days!!!! hahahaha
Good for you girl. I say quit the hospital and stock that booth up again so ya'll can pay the new house off immediately!!!
I miss you girl...
Sorry I haven't been visiting.
(head down in shame)
please forgive me...i beg of you st. anne

Rustydiva said...

Yay for you!!! Oo la la on the picture baby!

Sue said...

Congrats on the fabulous sale!!!! I hope you were able to get contact info about the buyer - she obviously has really great taste :) How's the new house coming?


tara said...

That is utterly fantastic Anne,love hearing news like this!! And well the last photo, swoon!! xoxo

Unknown said...

Anne! I am so proud of you and happy about the great lot of sales! You must be beside yourself with giddiness : ) I have loved watching your space evolve and have learned a lot from you as I am about 3 months into my journey now. I love doing the space and want it to be just a little bit more lucrative over the next several months. So many things to learn.

Yes, you do need to restock and I happen to LOVE the Rustoleum 2x coverage spray paint in Heirloon White matte finish. I've probably used 50 cans of it over the last several months. It covers so well, is a perfect shad of off-white and goes on so smoothly. I've never had a can get "gummed up" on me. I use one of those little attachments to spray easier and that works wonderfully. I buy mine at Home Depot. It is the best line of spray paint EVER.

I'm about to paint a bench that we made from an old double headboard and footboard. Now that one won't be going to the shop. It will be staying her at Starview Sonnet with me. I really think it's going to be fantastic in my gallery/hallway. Can't wait to pile it up with seasonal pillows.

Although many of my handmade items have begun selling, I DO LOVE giving those long forgotten smaller furniture pieces a whole new life. It is truly amazing the details that can "out" when you paint something off-white.

I've also started attending some auctions....Now isn't that just a blast? An all-day event, but so worth it!

Do you ever run across these little telephone stands? I think it is from the late 50's or early 60's. Don't see them too often.

So good to hear from you : )


Unknown said...

good for you! how exciting! now you can fill it up again!! i missed your last post, i watched ps. i love you for the first time recently, he is cute! have a super day!! susan

Kim from The Sheep's Nest said...

Oh Miss Anne, So much has happened in your life these past few months that I have neglected blogland! Congrats on your sucessful day at the shop. And, your new home!!!!! How wonderful I can't wait to see how you decorate it. My cottage/shoppe has finally begun come and check it out. hugs,Kim

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know who Mr. Hunky is, but congratulations on the success of your booth. Successful stories are always inspiring.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Wow I bet you did do the Happy Dance. I can just see you. lol
Isn't it great when you have a shopper like that one.
Enjoyed all your pictures and my visit over here today.
Hope you entered my giveaway that ends Friday

Sadie Lou said...

I love this post so much! It's so exciting to read about other people's success stories and my goodness, your booth is fabulous! Yum!
(yum to the end of your post as well)

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