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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Wonderful Husband

I'm not going to mince words here, or sugarcoat it...
My husband has put up with a lot of crap from me in recent weeks,
and I just wanted to publicly thank him for sticking by me and
loving me through it all.
I can be a bear to live with at times, especially lately.

I'm re-posting this from over a year ago, please meet my 
amazing, long-suffering, altogether wonderful better half!


Meet my Handsome Husband...

I felt a bit guilty that I had no photos of my own 
from Warrenton which featured HH, 
but Theresa Cano of Garden Antqs Vintage came to the rescue! 

She was gracious enough to snap this pic 
of HH and myself in her beautiful space, 
and doubly gracious to allow me to use it here on my blog.

Now let me preface this bio on HH with this disclaimer: 
He is not really in any way shape or form into the whole 
antique-vintage-flea markety-junking-Warrenton thing.
Not a bit.

But boy oh boy, is he ever the go-to guy 
when you need someone to either push your 
Wonder Wheeler all stinkin' day long, cart heavy furniture to and fro, 
repair a wonky drawer so's I can sell it in my booth,  
listen patiently while I prattle on endlessly about all my bloggy get the picture.

Heck, he was an avowed lifelong cat hater 
who has grudgingly come around 
to loving my girl, Winnie (although he'd be loathe to admit it *grin*).

So yeah, in many, many significant ways, 
he truly is the man behind Fiona and Twig.
But he is an astonishingly accomplished gent in his own right.

He was a world ranked swimmer in college, 
and made it to the Olympic trials twice. 
At one point, he was ranked 10th in the world!

{swimming a triathlon a few years back}

He is an accomplished thespian, having performed community theatre for years 
(and with the awards to prove it).

He has tirelessly taught High School Chemistry and Physics for many years, 
as well as coached swimming. In fact, 2 years ago 
he was named Coach of the Year for his region.

But his greatest achievement? 
It might just be putting up with me.

Love ya, HH!


Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Anne, your husband sounds like an amazing person. You guys make an incredible team and look cute together too!

It's me said...

Wauwwww so nice of you to do this for your lovely out a million...o no two out a million ...i have that other!! you Ria.....

Natalie @ Blossoming Visions said...

How sweet is that! The man behind Fiona and Twig truly sounds like a gem. How nice of you to give thanks where it is most assuredly due. In fact, I think we all owe our husbands a big hug and kiss, for I am sure we ALL drive them crazy with our bloggy talks...teehee!

Beatnheart said...

I hear ya sista! Sounds just like my man and you sound just like me. bla bla bla do you like these shoes, this necklace, would ya fix this so I can sell it, would ya rewire this lamp for me. the list is long and endless but he comes through everytime. I’m sure your lovely husband would do anything for his “bear”...Come by and visit...I’m having a Giveaway!

Unknown said...

I don't remember this from last year, but even if I did I wouldn't mind reading it again. So nice to see that you covet your husband. Darn cute you two are! :-) (even if I only glean that from your posts).

Theresa said...

He is HANDSOME and sounds like deserving of you, my friend! Have a blessed evening! HUGS!

Olive said...

Thankfulness is endearing Anne. I know he loves you to pieces. This is a charming post.

Diane Mars said...

Sweet, my hubby helps me with everything as well... most things would not come to completion without my dear hubby... just sayin I do know what you mean oxox, Diane

Stitchfork said...

A man of many talents! Including recognizing the gem in you! xo Cathy

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Anne sweetie, an amazing woman like you deserves an amazing man like your husband! Or the other way around if you must! hugs, Linda

Julie Marie said...

Awww shucks, what an adorable couple you make... and how sweet of you to do this special post for him... love your kitty too!... xoxo Julie Marie

Beth Leintz said...

What a sweet tribute- nice to find out a little bit more about the guy I always think of as "the saint that watched our carts". I think you're both pretty lucky!

Ticking and Toile said...

Ahhhhhh, love it!! What a sweet man!! You guys are so perfect together :)

Debra@CommonGround said...

Mr.T IS da bomb!!! Lovin' you AND your cat, now there's a great guy!!
come help me!

summersundays-jw said...

What a nice man. I especially love that he's a teacher & coach -- that, alone, says so much about him -- and it proves what a smart girl you are to have picked him. Take good care of each other. Jan

Alice said...

Awwww, what a sweet photo--you two make a cute couple!

Nice to meet you, Mr. HH. And thanks for taking care of our Miss Anne so well. You're a peach!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Very sweet, Anne! Your man sounds like a great guy. You are lucky to have each other!

psforma said...

he is so stinkin' cute!!! what an adorable pair you two make. loved your post and was glad to read about the man "behind" the woman. I have a good one too!!! we just celebrated our 39th anniversary!! that is a big number and i am only 25!!!!! LOL!!!
have a glorious day
hugs and more

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

You two make a beautiful couple, both inside and out!!!

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

That is so sweet Anne!
Sounds like a wonderful hubby!

the old white house said...

I think you are both blessed! Theresa xoxo

Unknown said...

wow..what a cutie and you two...well...adorable! You exude joy and happiness and love. lucky, lucky you! hug him tight...keep him close..and keep on loving him. he sounds like a keeper!

Unknown said...

sounds like the perfect man! Great catch!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Anne!
You both are adorable! This is so sweet to recognize your husband's many accomplishments and talents. I just love this post. I can tell that you are very much in love.


Itchin' Stitchin' said...

You guys make a cute couple!!! He is as lucky as your are - for you both have each other :)

Maison Douce said...

Ahhhh, what a guy!!! You both make such a cute couple!!

north pal said...

good for you anne. it is truly important that we take the time to give credit,where credit is due. we tend to take spouses for granted. they need to be remembered also. good girl.Bestest,Denise

Farmgirl Paints said...

Girl God knew just what he was doing when he gave us our men. I know I don't deserve mine. Yours sounds the same. He's a cutie too. Lovin' that triathlon pic!

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Anne ~
That is so precious it brings tears
to my eyes ~ yep I am a sap but what
a guy you have!!
He is a keeper for sure :)
You gotta love a man like that who
is there for you even when
it might not be his thing ~

I have one too :)

Burlap Luxe said...

woop eeeh!! what a couple, and a man to love!
Indeed he is your better half :)

You to are cutie pies :)
Love this sweet post.

Unknown said...

Hello Mr. hottie swimmer husband!! :)) This was such a sweet post about your husband Anne, I'm so happy for you that you have someone so special to share your life with...a true gift from God!

Hugs my friend ~

:) T

Shirley said...

Hi Anne, I enjoyed reading your post his evening. You have truly found a gem in your other half. He is doing what we hope all of our other halves will do for us. We all get a little crabby at times, but that is just us. I know mine listen to me let off steam when I have had a bad day. He has been there with me in the good times and bad for our 47 years. Take care. Your Missouri Friend.

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

That's such a cute pic of your honey with your cat. It was my pleasure snapping the picuture of you two. What a great husband you have, you are blessed!

Laurie said...

*SIGH* I love to read about a woman's love for her man, and you, Anne, have a keeper! I also love the part about the cat, as my husband has a strong dislike for the critters but did allow 1 to live with us for 4 months when our daughter and family lived with us. True love, ya can't say no!

You 2 are adorable together!

Privet and Holly said...

I can tell that
he is your rock.
And would lasso
the moon for you,
if that is what
you wanted : )
What a lovely
tribute to HH!
xx Suzanne

Michele said...

It sounds like you are married to a great guy. It's nice to know you'll have a man who'll stick by you and put up with you. I live in Texas and my husband and I are both teachers in a small town. I have a soft spot for fellow teachers and those who are married to them. I just recently started following your blog. If we ever make a trip to the hill country I'd love to see your shop/booth. You're an inspiration.

Blondie's Journal said...

He sounds truly lovable! And he's handsome. You are a lucky girl!


VS said...

The man behind the 2 make perfect poetry my dear! He sounds like a keeper to me, anyone who can teach HS is a saint. So we will call him Saint HH!!! The patron saint of patience.. :)))
Hugs Gal,

time worn interiors said...

awh! how sweet!

Miranda @ Pressing On said...

Lovely tribute. You guys do make a great team and I think it's so cool that he's willing to jump in and help you even when it's not his thing. Awesome!

Jane said...

A sweet tribute to your husband! It's nice when we know that our better halves might not be into what we are but fully support you none the less....that is true love!

trash talk said...

Take away the swimmer's physique, the rugged good looks and about 15-20 years and you could be talking about Cat Daddy! They are the wind beneath our sheets!
Sweet post.

Catlyn Berry (Cizz) said...

Your hubby sounds like one in a million! How awesome that he helps you out and wuvs the kitty too!!! He needs an award for wuv'ing the kitty and that is such an adorable pic now that we know HH hasn't always favored kitties!


Tales From My Empty Nest said...

What a Prince Charming your husband is!!! A wonderful guy and so talented. You are one lucky gal. Anyone who can teach chemistry and physics deserves a star in his crown, as far as I am concerned. Thanks for posting about your sweet hubby. He is a keeper, for sure! Love & blessings from NC!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Such a nice post, Anne...he sounds like a sweetie!

Joanna said...

Sweet sweet post, Anne. It's lovely to read about the man behind the gal, what a great guy. But then you're a great gal, so it figures.

Love the photo of Winnie being a Daddy's girl!


Pearl Maple said...

Sweet post, always nice to celebrate the important folks in our world and too cute the photo of the kitty helping.

Dorthe said...

Anne,dear- just one word to say: LOVE
That is what it is all about, :)
Hugs, Dorthe

Lisa said...

Oh Mr. Twig, Bug Bitch, my personal Mr. Shoe (sorry for the glee reference) no matter what he's called he's a rock star like you. The man behind the twig. Love it. Yes, it would be hard to make it in this creative world without a partner. He's a keeper. Next time I'll bring Kevin so Mr. Shoe will have someone to gripe with while we spend all the money! Lisa

the gypsy chick said...

annie, this is so sweet. i met your sweet hubby in warrenton this fall {in mindy's booth}, he intoduced himself as "mr. twig". i thought that it was the cutest thing!
hope you are staying warm!

Lululiz said...

And there was me thinking I had the bestest ever husband in the whole wide world *grin*! My beloved puts up with so much, a houseful of ( whate he calls ) junk ( treasures really ), traipsing round boot fairs and vide greniers, me spending more time on the computer than getting the house in order...... Pperhaps yours and mine can share top spot, ok?

Tricia said...

Here here for the supportive men in our lives! Great post Anne.
T said...

You two are just such an adorable couple! That is an amazing tribute to your husband. He sounds like the perfect guy. I am sure you stand by him too when he needs it the most. That is what relationships are all about, isn't it? And isn't it wonderful when it works out that way. I married my best friend too, 31 years this Nov. and am greatful that God put us together through thick and thin. We have both been patient with each other over all of these years at one time or another, but that is what makes life interesting, don't you think? :)Something wonderful always comes out of these experiences.
Hugs and happiness to you both:)
~Debra XXX
Capers of the vintage vixens

Attic Rat said...

Such a lovely tribute to your sweetie. It is so wonderful when you have found your match. I married my sweetie almost 30 years ago. This April will be our 30th anniversary. There is nothing like it. :D


savvycityfarmer said...

oh yeah ... he's a suitor

you, a crab, naaaah

Anne Marie said...

a great post on your husband Anne...I feel the same way about mine :)

Anne Marie said...

What a sweet post about your better half. He sounds like a keeper. Thanks for posting because I too have a husband I don't deserve and reading this makes me realize I don't appreciate him enough.

Libbie said...

Don't you just LOVe love :) I do! It is fu to learn more about him! I am the snoopy type :) I knew he would be a pretty cool guy... I mean YOU fell in love with him right :) & that is pretty cool about his swimming! Good to know so I never race him across the pool (my nephews laugh very hard when i do laps at my sister's pool, "Are you moving?....or drowning?" :) so good tip :) & I bet it is really fun to watch him perform!!!! A jock & a actor!!! Wow!! Now don't post too much more about him because with that repetoire...all the girls will be falling in love!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you and me are on the same boat, i think mine would happily sleep in the dog house without me asking this week! :) Isn't it grand to know you can throw yourself around, have a hard week knowing they are still loving you (maybe not liking you so much) but loving you nontheless! What a wonderful hubbie! xo

Anonymous said...

Aw....lucky lady, lucky man! :-)
Hugs and love,

Kelley said...

Lucky girl! He is definitely a sweetheart and I think we all get a bit much for our hubbies, and probably just about every one else in our are soooo not alone here!

Love your photos BTW...xx Kelley

Heaven's Walk said...

So you're a teacher's wife, too, huh, Anne? lol! AMAZING!!!! My hubby taught Industrial Arts/Drafting for a high school for 31 years before retiring about 8 years ago. In fact, we met while working in the same school. :)

I think you better hang on to that hunky guy you've got there, sister! Not only is he good looking, is talented, has a kind heart, is a hard worker, but a cat lover, too!? lol! That's about as close to a perfect hubby as you can get!!! (well....mine can cook, too.....) hahaha!

xoxo laurie

Junk Fairy said...

sounds like you have someone special!! and you deserve him! You make such a niiiiiice couple!
Cheers! for your man!!
Wishes and Kisses,

Dear Lillie said...

Your husband sounds like an amazing man and you guys make a beautiful couple! I love your blog!

The Green Pea said...

Anne, you are blessed with your HH. You are a sweet looking couple. May you have many years together. sandi

Rebecca said...

Hey Anne
Such a sweet post about your hubby, sounds like a keeper!
Bless you two

Vicki said...

This is such a sweet post. It is amazing how much they put up with us. I'm so glad you have an amazing man behind you that loves you and supports you. Amen!

Unknown said...

this is so sweet Anne, it's wonderful you have someone great to lean on! xo Susan

Lili said...

Oh that is so cool to learn all that about your HH. And oh my gosh, that is the sweetest picture of your Winnie with him. My Henri doesn't like to admit he likes my Simon (parrot) either! xo ~Lili

janet said...

hate to think where we'd be without those sweet men in our lives! he sounds like a keeper!

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