Anne Lorys Photography on Facebook

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I'm Featured in Romantic Homes Magazine!

It took all the self-control I possess
to NOT blog about this before now, but it's true!
You can find me in the January 2011 issue, on newsstands now.

I was approached by the wonderful folks at
Romantic Homes magazine the middle of October, 
and the conversation went something like this....

RH:  So, we discovered your blog and think it's fab!
We'd like to feature you in our January issue. You interested?

Me:  ***thunk*** ( picks self up off floor )

RH:  Hello? Hell-ooooo?

Me:  Uh, hmmmm, lemme think about it...

RH:  ( silence )...waiting...( more silence )


That's not exactly how it went, but you get the gist of it. 

They told me that they wanted to feature Fiona and Twig
in the "Setting Your Sites" section of the magazine, 
where each month they select and feature
a handful of blogs or websites that they really love.

What an honor, I am humbled and so very appreciative!

Big thanks to the lovely folks at Romantic Homes,
especially senior editor Justine Lopez.
I am so proud and honored to be featured
by your fabulous magazine, and just hope that
I continue to produce content that you love.

Here's hoping that all of YOUR dreams come true!


This was my secret!
One of them, anyway...

Linking with
My Romantic Home

 Common Ground


Anonymous said...

Congrats Anne! What a well deserved honor. Wonder what took RH so long. We've loved you all along!

Your Friend,

Love the Decor! said...

Hooray for you!!
A well deserved honor!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Anne! I can't wait to go buy the issue! Your blog is so beautiful and it's no wonder they chose you to feature. I'm so proud for you, most cutie pie little one! :)
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;) said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEA YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How exciting for you. I love hearing things like this. Isn't blogging wonderful? It has change so many peoples lives. Just look at the Pioneer Woman. You are soooooo talented and the right people saw it. I am so happy for you!!!!!Congratulations!
~Debra XXX
Capers of the vintage vixens

Tina said...

Oh - that´s so exiting Anne and so good for you. Big congrats. Can´t wait to get my copy.
Yeeaahhhhh for you
xo Tina

Unknown said...

Oh Anne, how fun! Congratulations! I'm going to have to pick up a copy. Hugs!

Joanna said...

Well done you, girl! Well deserved recognition for your gorgeous blog.


Preppy Mama said...

That is awesome! Congrats!!

Theresa said...

Congratulations dear Anne! I am so proud of you! I won a giveaway from Laura at White Spray Paint and that magazine is one that I chose:) Can't wait to get this issue in the mail! Have a blessed evening and don't forget us little folks:) Love you bunches! HUGS!

Erin said...

What a thrill, Anne!! Many congratulations--hope this is the just the first of many magazine features for you. You and Fiona & Twig are so very deserving! :)

Anonymous said...

Of course you're featured! :-) There will be more!
Hugs and congratulations!

Free Art Printables said...

Anne, I am so freaking excited for you! I cannot wait to see it!!!! I hope it comes soon! :)

Jennifer Pearson Vanier said...

Congratulations! Enjoy the glow. You totally deserve it, one hundred per cent! I look forward to picking up an issue next time I am in town. Way to go!!!

Lee Weber said...

Anne- I am really really really proud of you and happy for you!! YAY.

ChiPPy-SHaBBy said...

I received my issue a few days ago ~ my jaw dropped when I saw YOU in PRINT!!! Sooooo well deserved Anne!*!*! CoNgRaTuLaTioNs on the Magazine Article/Pics!!! This is just the start!!!
Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

Angela said...

That is really cool!!

*The Beautiful Life* said...

You are TOO funny, girl. How fun for you!!! Can't wait to see the issue!!! :)


Tricia said...

YIPEE- big congrats to you Anne!!

VS said...

Yeahhhhhhh Friend...Congratulations!!! Your blog is awesome & I'm so glad now the world will find you too. And to think, you were considering pressing delete...are YOU CRAZY!!! We Love You Fiona, Twig & Mr. Twig...House & Doggies too!!
Big Hugs Girl, I can't wait to get the magazine!!!

carla said...

OH!!! That is so exciting!!! Congrats!!! I will have to go get the mag and check it out!!! Although I follow your blog and see why they wanted to feature it!!! hugs

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait to see it! A very much deserved honor!

raggygirlvintage said...

Wow Anne, so exciting, now I gotta go hunt down the magazine so I can say I know someone famous!!

countrycharisma said...

Congratulations Ann! What an honor! I am so happy for you, and can hardly wait to get the new issue! Merry Christmas! carrell

Farmgirl Paints said...

WOW! Soooo have to go hunt down a copy. Congratulations deserved:)

Julie Marie said...

Yaaayyy for you Anne!... you are most deserving... I am heading to Barnes and Noble right this minute to pick up a copy!... so happy for you... xoxo Julie Marie

Unknown said...

CONGRATS! No wonder you were so excited!

red.neck chic said...

I mean... really... are you surprised? I'm not surprised. At all. They know good when they see it.

Tell Mr. Twig to give you a hug from ME! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Oh my gosh - I'm going to buy the mag, will you sign it for me? Pretty Please?


Attic Rat said...

You sooooooooo belong there! Congratulations. I would have probably peed my pants. :D


EnchantedBella said...

WOW! That is so great. Congratulations!!!! You deserve it your blog is beautiful.


Unknown said...

Yeah Anne! Congrats to you. And may I say, I'm NOT surprised one bit to see your blog in a magazine. I'm sure this is just the beginning of lots of good things to come :)
Becky C

Bring Pretty Back said...

OH! Anne! I am so happy for you!!! What an amazing honor! You deserve it!
Have a pretty day!

Annie Louise said...

Congratulations!!!!!! A well deserved honor, it does not surprise me at all that they wanted to feature you---I too love your blog--your blog is beautiful!!! Romantic Homes is my favorite magazine. What a winning combination your blog and Romantic Homes magazine :)

the gypsy chick said...

Congratulations!!!!! i am sooooo excited for you miss anne!!!!!!


One Cheap B*tch said...

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to get my issue and see your mention. Fabulous and well-deserved!


Stitchfork said...

Woot! Woot! Woot! Go Anne!!!
xo Cathy

Lara said...

Anne~ that is so wonderful!! I am very happy for you!! Good karma always returns to you. :) A wonderful credit to your photography/decorating resume!
Lara xo

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Oh Anne, that's fabulous! I'm so excited for you!

It's me said...

O Anne !! congratulations !!! so nice for you....can you send me a issue???....i really like that.......please please you Ria....

ludmil said...

just the first of many dreams to unfold, and become real for you, I am sure! All that talent and drive is sure to manifest into all that you dream of, remember, Thoughts become things! Think the good ones.LOVE Linda

Sue said...

I can't wait for my copy to come in the mail! They are really a nice group of people, seriously. They did my house a couple of summers ago. I was so nervous and almost didn't do it. But they made me feel so comfortable, and I wanted the publicity for the store as well. I want to buy the new Barbra Streisand book, I may just have to go to Borders and take a peek at the magazine!

Take care, Sue

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Yea ~~~ A big CONGRATULATIONS Anne!!! I'm so excited for you, you so deserve this!!!
hugs~~ Daphne

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Anne ~ That is F A B U L O U S ! Congratulations on a Well Deserved Honor....

Janet- OPEN MARKET STYLE said...


Zita said...

Congratulations, dear Anne! How absolutely wonderful - really looking forward to seeing the new RH, now especially because you're featured in it!

Natalie @ Blossoming Visions said...

What great news that is!! I will definitely be snatching one of those magazines up. I'm so excited for you!! As a matter of fact I even showed my husband just now...haha! It couldn't have happened to a nicer person : )

Polly said...

Ohmigosh!! Gasp!! Sigh!! Cartwheels!!

I am sooooo happy for you!!

Congratulations! You soooo deserve it!!



blossoms vintage chic said...

Oh Anne!! What a wonderful gift...your blog is absolutely lovely and so deserving of this beautiful acknowledgement. On my way to get my copy of Romantic Homes! Have a beautiful Holiday!
Hugs and Congratulations,

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Anne you so deserve this! Your blog is wonderful! Congrats!

summersundays-jw said...

Isn't it nice to be recognized for all your hard work & talent??? You go girl! You deserve it. Jan

Ticking and Toile said...

You are amazing girl! Can't wait to see it!!!


LuLu Kellogg said...

YIPPEE!!! Congrats Dear One!!! I can't wait to get my copy!


Junk Exchange said...

i really hope you are raking in the big dough now - time to think about charging for advertising on your blog .. i would pay to advertise my site on your blog .. i am so proud of you and so very jealous in the same breath, but you work very hard at doing this .. Congrats Anne .. you are an amazing person and i am honored to know you ..

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Anne! I'm very excited and happy for you!


The Green Pea said...

Oh Anne! how wonderful, it must have been hard to keep that a secret. You are so deserving of the honor. I can't wait to get my copy. Hugs, sandi

Alice said...

What an honor girl! I'm so happy for you, but I'm not surprised that you were chosen. You're so inspiring us blog readers, why not spread it around to magazine readers too!

Rebecca Nelson said...

EEEEK! YOU ROCK girly and there is noone MORE deserving that you!

We all just love you! God is good!



Splendid! And well deserved. Love Romantic Homes and your blog. Congrats!!! ~ Angela

Char said...

Your blog is so lovely, I would say it's about time girlfriend. Congratulations and I will be looking for you, Char

Sarah said...

Bravo! They selected a charming blog to feature whose blogmistress is one creative genius and a sweetheart of a person. Congratulations, sweet friend! I'll be eager o get a copy of this issue. ~ Sarah

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Congratulations! That's soooo awesome.

Warm blessings,

sjmcdowell said...


I am Soooooo thrilled for YOU!! Congratulations!!
You deserve this honor my friend!!

Warm Hugs and Merry Christmas!!


The Flying Bee said...

yippee!!! i am beyond thrilled for you! it is well deserved! xoxo

Journal Swag said...

HURRAY!!!!!! I'm so happy for you Anne! I can't wait to get my copy. Good things DO come to good people!

Warm Hug,

DustyLu said...

YAAAAY! Well deserved! I am so excited for you! HAPPY DANCE IAM DOING! Lulu

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Gosh Ann, I'm so happy for you! But of course I'm not surprised that Romantic Homes found your blog as wonderful as we do.

I am going out to get my copy tomorrow!


Journal Swag said...

I was looking at your favorites, and I loved Latin Mass too! I was just talking about them at coffee with a good friend on Saturday! (Great minds)!


north pal said...

well,you little shit. :) GOOD FOR YOU. I am so happy and proud for you. what an honor. you are very deserving of it. what better news could we hear? what a good christmas gift. you enjoy girl and try not to pop all your buttons. oh well, if you do, it's just another show for us. tee hee. Bestest,Denise

Irene ~ RE~VINTAGED said...

That is so exiting!! We love you already ;)

Tricia said...

Wow! Congratulations Anne! That is so exciting...I'm sooo happy for you :)

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

That is GREAT!!! Can't wait to see it!!! Congrats!

glor said...

My goodness, how exciting. Congratulations ... I have to say well deserved!

Blue Creek Home said...

Hooray for Fiona and's because you totally deserve it. You really have a way with words and making us all feel special, not to mention your killer photography! Not everyone can do that you know. Congratulations!!!

Itchin' Stitchin' said...

CONGRATS!!! That is fantastic news! I don't know how you kept such a great secret for so long .. it would have killed me.

Lili said...

Oh Anne I have a feeling this is just the beginning for you! It's SO exciting and I can't wait to pick up a copy. See, you're already boosting up the readership of RH Magazine! Congrats dear, very well deserved! xoxo ~Lili

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

You go girl!!! WOOHOO!!!!
You are a rockin chick!

Maggey and Jim said...

TOTALLY FLIPPIN' AWESOME.. Congrats and you should be there.. your blog is super.

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Oh Anne....How exciting for you!!! I just bought the December issue the other day. This must have just come out on the newstands. Can't wait to see it! ~Hugs, Patti

Unknown said...

CONGRATS!! I just got my copy in the mail 5 minutes ago and had to look at the real thing first happy for you!!!

The Feathered Nest said...

Hey sweetie!!!! I'm SO, SO HAPPY FOR YOU GIRL!!! You are wonderful Anne and I can't wait to get my issue!!!! Congratulations my dear!!!! hugs and love, Dawn

Mystica said...

Congrats and this is something you are entitled to brag about!

I have posted my first giveaway on my blog - it is a gift card giveaway and I would really like if you and your followers could come enter!

Blondie's Journal said...

Hooray for you, Anne! What an honor, although I am not surprised!! :-)


cindy said...

Very well deserved! I can't wait to see it :)

Congrats Anne!

Sanctuary Home said...

Congratulations! That is sooooo awesome! I'm going to pick up a copy, can't wait!

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

OMG I'm so excited for you I"m jumping up and down!
You are awesome!!!!!!!!!Now, I just need to find a copy to buy and say yes, I know her :)

Prior said...

How totally awesome! I know you were looking for some encouragement and I'd sure say this sure is! Lezlee

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Yippee! How exciting!
Well deserved!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

That is absolutely wonderful news!!!! And it's about time!!!

I bet this is just the beginning!

How's the view from cloud nine?!!!!!!


gail@My Repurposed Life said...

Oh my gosh! I can say I knew you when... :)
so deserved! wow! fabulous! soooo incredibly happy for you!

AuroraSuzette said...

Congrats! I'm so happy for you, your news is my current post! Cannot wait to get my hands on a copy, sweetie.

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

I know how excited you are about this. Congrats and so happy for you!!

Debra@CommonGround said...

I'm really proud of you!
Love ya, Sweetie!

Anji Johnston said...

(fanfare going off in the background - just trying to set the scene!) Hip Hip Hooray!!! And about time too. I was wondering when something like this would happen to yo - it should have been sooner me thinks but all good things come to those who wait. I'm so glad RH picked up on your formidable style and taste. You are a treasure! Now, whats the next secret? It can't be much bigger than this can it?!

Unknown said...

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats my friend! That is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course they wanted to feature you!

Big hugs ~

:) T

savvycityfarmer said...

me thinks you deserve the front cover!
I'm headed out to pick up a copy tomorrow

wow is right!

"thunk" ... I just love ya
your blog rocks my little world

Anonymous said...

Congrats Anne, so well deserved!!!!!! Enjoy the fame girl!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

CONGRATULATIONS ANNE!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you! That is awesome. What a great early Christmas present for you. I have always loved your blog and it's beautiful pictures, so it is no wonder that they found you to be in their magazine. That is wonderful! I am just so happy for you!! I can't wait to go get a copy of the magazine. Have you started giving out autographs yet? I am proud to say I knew you from your blog before you became famous!! Who knows, you might be another pioneer woman. How exciting!!! I know you feel so blessed and you certainly deserve it. Love & blessings from NC!

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

~*~*I am sooo happy for you Anne!!!! HUGS~Rachel~*~*~*~*~*

*French Farmhouse 425*

Olive said...

You. Rock. The. Casba.

Dear Lillie said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Congratulations, congratlations, congratulations!!!!!!!!!

Lisa said...

Awesome!! I cannot wait to get my copy! So cool to see my friends in my fav mags!!

Amy Kinser said...

So proud for you and of you! You deserve great things, my friend.


Anne, Congratulations! I can't wait to get the magazine and read your page. That is awesome! A dream come true.
~ Julie

Laurie said...

Considering you got. like, a gazillian comments, I'll just add...YOU ROCK, ANNE!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Anne, Congrats...You go girl!

time worn interiors said...

Thats great girl! Congrats! I can't wait to get my copy!

MJ said...

Congrats to you Anne. You do have a very beautiful and romantic home. I will definately pick up a copy for my favorites collection.
Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Jane said...

Congratulations! That is such exciting news.

Patina said...

Congratulations Anne! What an exciting time for you!

Privet and Holly said...

What a lovely
honor for an
even lovelier
YOU and your
pretty new home.
for the next
Big 'ol hugs to you!
xx Suzanne

Tammy said...

I'm going out tomorrow 1st thing and get a copy! WOW!! Congrats! But I'm not a bit surprised...just uber happy for you!!
Tammy :-)

Heaven's Walk said...

WAAAAAA HOOOOO!!!!!! KUDOS to you, sweetie!!!!! I am SOOOOO excited for you! You so deserve this, you know. You shouldn't have been so surprised. WE all knew it was coming. lol! I can hardly wait to get to the store and grab a copy!!!!! HUGE hug to you, Anne!!

xoxo laurie

Debbie~ said...

OMGoodness, how long did you keep this secret?!! What fun, congrats to you!!! I'll pick up a copy for sure! xo Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

jninecostumes said...

Congratulations!! How exciting. Now I need to run out and get this issue ASAP I enjoy checking out new blogs that RH suggests

Cassie said...

Yay for You! How very exciting! Congratz!

Low Tide High Style said...

Woohoo, congrats on this well deserved recognition! You go girl!

Kat :)

Michelle Hughes said...

Awesome! Congrats!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

OH Anne!!! HOW EXCITING! Can't wait until my copy arrives!!

Myrna said...

Oh Anne! I am THRILLED for you! I don't subscribe to Romantic Homes (on a tight budget) ;-)..but I WILL buy the January copy. How exciting for you! Congratulations!!
BTW~your house is just darling!!
Blessings to you!!

Little Emma English Home said...

uhuhuuhhuu brava Anne! congrats!!!!!

Megan Chamberlain said...

This is such fabulous news, so exciting for you. The article looks amazing.

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

What wonderful and exciting new! I will pick up a copy, as I do every month. Glad to see they picked another winner to highlight!
BRAVO!!!!!! I share you joy!

trash talk said...

No more writing your URL on bathroom're in print babycakes!
Nothing like a well kept secret for the WOW effect!

Mosaic Magpie said...

This is a BIG deal! I will have to purchase the magazine just so I can say, "I knew her when...."

traci said...

congrats to you anne. i am so excited for you. can't wait to get the magazine!!!! you deserve it. i just love your style and blog.

Claudia said...

Congratulations! I was featured a few months back and I was beside myself with excitement. Go celebrate - my husband and I did! It is an honor to be featured in RH and you deserve it!


krys kirkpatrick said...

That is wonderful for you. Lovely pictures and congratulations. I felt the excitement. Happy Jolly Winter to you.

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Congratulations, Anne! Couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

Unknown said...

I'm not surprised, I'm not surprised at all! You so deserve this. Enjoy the lime light girl! I'm just proud to say I know you(kind of).

Danielle Muller said...

so exciting! congrats!

i have a feature in this issue also...although i haven't gotten my copy yet! i went to 2 bookstores last night...and nothing! i am about to jump out of my skin!! LOL

love your blog BTW :)

danielle muller

Judy said...

OH my!!! Congratulations!!! I subscribe to Romantic Homes and now I can't wait to get this issue!!! WOW!!! Absolutely fabulous!!

Lululiz said...

Oh Anne, thats flipping fantastic news, I am so happy for you. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hug to you.

My Arts Desire said...

Congratulations, Anne! It is always so wonderful to see good things happen to good people! You are an inspiration {and breath of fresh, humble, sweet air} to so many. May this be just the beginning...cheering for you! Xo, Sue

very merry vintage style said...

Woo hoo! Can't wait for my copy to arrive in the mail. Congratulations--you deserve it, especially because whatever I read on your blog, or the comments you have made on other blogs... you are always so sweet. : )

Dixie said...

oh Anne that's great! it couldn't have happened to a more romantic girl!! can't wait for my copy to arrive... okay... I look forward to my copy arriving every month... this this month will be extra special because of you! hugs & blessings. Dixie

Nora said...

Oh, Anne, I'm so happy for you....adding my congrats to all the rest. I really don't think ANY of us are surprised that you're featured - your photos are lovely & speak to so many.
BIG ♥hugs♥

paige said...

oh yay you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hill Country House Girl said...

FUN FUN FUN!!!!!! So happy for you, but not surprised. You are a very talented gal and I look forward to knowing you better. Can't wait to pick up a copy at HEB later today!! xo


I got my magazine on Saturday and SAW YOU!!! I thought that may have been the "secret"...
deb :)

RobinBirdsNest said...

Congratulations! how exciting!

Wildflowerhouse said...

Standing on my head yelling CONGRATS TO YOU MISS ANNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Burlap Luxe said...

Is that not the best feeling!
I was over the top when they asked my to be in there OCTOBER 2010 Issue of ROMANTIC HOMES.

You really so deserve it :)
Great things coming girl!

Dee@FrenchBleuVintage said...

HI Anne, I just saw it!!!!! OMG ~ how exciting for you - Congrats dear Anne, you so totally deserve it.

stefanie said...

eeekkkk, thats soooooo great!!! congrats!!!

Ms. Bake-it said...

Hello Anne,

Finally got caught up on your blog today! Wow, you sure have been busy! Congratulations on your beautiful home being featured in Romantic Homes. What a well deserved honor! I am also loving all the peeks into your new home.

~ Tracy

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Congratulations Anne! {Much Deserved!!}

Unknown said...

How wonderful! Congratulations, Anne. No one could deserve it more ... you do have beautiful presentations ...

Have a lovely Christmas week ~
TTFN ~ Marydon

gail said...

Hi Anne-Congratulations....I am so getting this magazine, and I'm loving your pictures of your house....haven't had much time to visit and post lately. A lot going on but I'm very happy for you!

Heather Foust said...

What a dream come true! I love those kinds of stories. Congratulations!!!


So exciting!!! What a great Christmas present!

Simply Bungalow said...

Congratulations! Your blog is amazing.

Michele said...

That's so awesome! Congratulations! I know you are beyond ecstatic! It's a really nice feeling to be validated by your peers. What an honor.

Jill said...

Mega Huge Congrats to you!!!!

vintagesue said...

how romantic!!!!!!! hahaha. congrats your blog will inspire even more folks!!!! well done...well deserved!!!!!
and you are so funny with your commentary about when then called you. hee hee.
i'm going to look for RH on newstands next time i go to the store.
take care!!!

Createology said...

Super Congratulations on your feature in RH. It is easy to see why they wanted beautiful you and your blog in their beautiful magazine...a match made in heaven. Enjoy your well deserved fame...

Lisa said...

I got my RH in the mail yesterday and was thrilled to see you in it! What a beautiful milestone! Congrats! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Anne congrats!! that is fantastic and hard to keep a secret! you should be so proud!! xo susan

paperbird said...

Happy Holidays dear Anne and congratulations. I can't wait to see you there I know it will make me smile!

Rebecca said...

Aawww no one deserves that more than you do! Congratulations Sweetie.
Can't wait to go out and get it!

Dorthe said...

Anne, dear sweet, you should be there, I`m so happy for you,--Congratulations, I wish I could buy it here,-I guess I have to do find their webside.
Big hug,Dorthe

Libbie said...

Now how on earth did you keep your mouth closed for so long! That is awesome Anne!!! SOOOO happy & excited for you! & LOVE the layout! Your pages look so great they are making me smile!!!

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Congratulations, dear Anne! Now everyone will be able to enjoy your lovely blog, just as I've been doing for oh so long now!!

BTW, I'm sooo loving how your sweet new home is coming together!!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Carole said...

Congratulations ....I can't image anyone else that deserve it more!


All That Jazz said...

Congrats Anne, SOOOO exciting!! I will have to check it out!!!!

Chris said...

That is fantastic!! Good for you!!

Vicki said...

How did I miss this post?! This is fantastic! I'm emailing you too. Your blog, eye for decorating and photography are so worthy. I"m glad you have received this recognition!!!!

foreverdecorating said...

Congrats on your feature in the Romantic Homes. Terry

Beatnheart said...

My mouse practically ran outta juice on the way down here...all those comments.! YOu are loved for a reason. You make everyone feel special, you uplight and motivate...congratulations for such an honor...imagine, being in a mag.

Missy @ Chateau Chic Boutique said...

WOW Anne! This is sooooo fabulous! I am truly, truly happy for you! You seriously deserve this recognition girl. I just got my issue in the mail yesterday and left it in the car, I'm so running out to grab it right now.
Sincere blessings to you dear!

Between Me and You said...

You deserve a magazine all to fact I was thinking you could do a book too! Have a great weekend Lovely Lady and many congratulations.x

ps can`t wait for the next surprise!

Draffin Bears said...

Oh huge congratulations, dear friend ~ I am so happy for you and will see if I can get a copy of the magazine.

May you have a happy and safe weekend

Lori Lynn said...


Sandy said...

Congrats on the publication, I love that magazine! I bet this is the icing on the cake to your Christmas.

The Smith Hotel said...

Amazing! Congrats! I really need to get that magazine! You are Famous!!!!!!


The Tablescaper said...

Congratulations! You seserve to be excited. I can't wait to see the issue.

- The Tablescaper

Charlene said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! Oh I am so happy for you. Just read that this morning with my first cup of coffee! WOW!!! A friend is published... what a great way to wake up. I am thrilled for you & know you are over the moon! YOU GO GIRL! HUGS! Charlene

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

Good Night Nurse!
177, make that 178 comments! And don't you deserve them! I am SOOOO thrilled for you! Do you just stare at it and think... "Me? A little ole blog?" Women like you deserve recognition for your lovely ideas and inspiring photos! Frame girl! Frame it!

And, I have to say... you comments humble me... your words mean so much and encourage me as I fight every day to do things a bit "different" for my family. Merci.

PS - Wait a minute... aren't you a nurse? lol.

Sherry said...

Wow! I have had that magazine in my home for two days now, I am a subscriber. I did not know until now that you were featured in it. I have not yet had a chance to even open it. I am going to do so right now! Congratulations!
It is easy to see why they chose your blog.

Sunny said...

I don't know how you could keep such secrets! First, with your awesome lens and now this. This is just the beginning of so many more good things in store for you. Thanks for spreading your holiday cheer with us.

Joanna Jenkins said...

I'm comment # 181 - YEAH FOR YOU!!!! Congratulations on this well deserve feature. I'm thrilled for you.
Cheers, jj

Shabby Vintage Junk said...

Oh Anne that's Fabalos Fabalos FABALOS (I'm channelling Mamma Clump here....hahahahahaha)....How WONDERFUL for you....CONGRATULATIONS Lovey....Well deserved I say....So can't wait to see the article....!!!

Cheers from Oz,
Tamarah :o)

My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

I knew it - inevitable! Congrats!


Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio

Riki Schumacher said...

Why am I not surprised Anne! Fabulous, good for you. I'll look for the issue, way to go sweet thing. Riki

AnthonyRose'sShabHome said...

How exciting congrats!!

Gretchen said... deserving and so totally not surprised. What a fun privilege this truly is.

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