Anne Lorys Photography on Facebook

Friday, September 7, 2012


Welcome to my home.
Welcome to my world.

Just a few random snippets
of life around the house
to share with you.

 Thank you for spending a little
quiet time in my world.
You are welcome back  anytime.


Farmgirl Paints said...

OH MY WORD. I'm coveting that yellow clock. Shame on me;)

Anne said...

Beautiful photos of your home!Thanks for letting me visit :-)

Unknown said...

Luving all the vintage..
Thanks for letting me stop by.
Cheers, Gee

Low Tide High Style said...

I love that sunshine yellow clock! And we have the same Brownie camera...great minds and all that! ;-)


Pura Vida said...

Thanks for the peek

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne,
I absolutely love these photos!!
That first one is fantastic!!~
Thanks for sharing more snippets of your beautiful home!

Cristina Garay said...

Beautiful pics! I love the vintage scale and that yellow clock!

Anonymous said...

and I love the blue strainer / colander, thats my fav color!

Tricia said...

Looks gorgeous over there Anne!

Kate said...

Hows the most darlin gal in blogland? Love the snippets and love you too!


Julie Marie said...

Hi Anne... my goodness... I am seeing your beautiful photos all over in magazines... how wonderful for you!... love your little "snippets" at your farm... hope all is well with you, miss you, xoxo Julie Marie

NanaDiana said...

You do such a beautiful job with everything you touch, Anne. Blessings to you- xo Diana

Tricia said...

Oh my, I love these photos! What a great clock :)

pballard said...

Love your world and your home.. Thanks for sharing..

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Hi Anne, such lovely pictures... thanks for sharing. Anne I tried to email you today but it wouldn't go through. I'll try again tomorrow.
Hugs~~~ Daphne

Theresa said...

I always enjoy my visit with you:) Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!

Mar said...

Always love to pop over for a visit! What an eye you have for even the tiniest delails. Pure inspiration! xxoo

Anonymous said...

Purdy purdy purdy, Little Ms Anne! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

My Grama's Soul said...

Hey Anne.....I haven't been by in a while....pretty pics as always....I might be comin' your way again this year....not sure yet...but if I do I'll be sure to stop in a visit you little bit o' heaven.



Simply Lokal said...

Luv the colanders. And the Brownie camera brought back fun memories..ah, I'm old! - Revis

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Love the old scale...I just started a little collection of them myself!

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

Beautiful pictures! Love the collanders! Have a great weekend! Hugs, Leena

Sarah said...

Wishing you a fun filled weekend.........Sarah

Heaven's Walk said...


Peace and love to you, sweet Anne!

xoxo laurie

glor said...

Hadn't been by in a while and I just don't know why. Always enjoyed the wonderful pictures and especially your knack of displaying and decorating. Such beauty full of peace. Thanks for such a nice visit. Going to get a cup of tea, will be back.

shaggysheephome said...

Great look, I like how it reminds me of summer, especially since it feels like we are still in summer.

Sisters Treasures said...

I love your snippets! I'm going to hold you to the invitation to one day see your beautiful home!! Fredericksburg is practically becoming my second home!
Have a great weekend.

Laurie said...

Perfect snippets, dear Anne ~ and it is always a delight to see your gorgeous talent and home.I have a Brownie similar to yours, only it is a Six-20 ~ so fun to see the old cameras. The funny thing is, I also have displayed my husband's old Pentax; hard to believe that it is probably considered vintage, too!

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