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Friday, November 15, 2013

Thank You, Carol Hicks Bolton!

In the mid 1990's,
I made a pilgrimage as often as I could,
a journey only a handful of miles away
but a million miles away 
in every other sense.

Homestead, Room No. 5, Idle Hours,
American Higgledy Piggledy...

I would walk the aisles of their many
stores on Main St., Fredericksburg, Texas
and dream.

My creative aesthetic was being shaped
and formed, and I was being influenced
by a woman I would, at that time, 
only ever meet briefly, once....
a long, long time ago.

The past few years,
I've had the remarkable good fortune
to not only get to know
and her family, but to love them, too.

The fact that I've found myself
being her website photographer
and have actually collaborated creatively
multiple times with this design genius 
is just too freaky-amazing for me 
to even wrap my head around.

Here is the new ad...

{ double click to enlarge }

I owe you so many debts
I can never repay, sweet Carol.

Thank you. 

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