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Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I don't.
And I'll tell you why.

If you'll recall, I posted about the dreamy, little blue farmhouse
that I've been stalking for the past few months right HERE.
Go back and read that post, I'll wait for you.

So anyway, almost 70 of you weighed in on what you thought.
Most of you agreed that it is indeed a gem,
and certainly worthy of further consideration.

Fast forward a week.
I'd spent the day at my booth and a couple of estate sales, just keeping busy.

I come home and see that I have a couple of new posts on my old blue farmhouse post.


 Kay said...I'd say go for it!! The little house out back is a small studio with sink and window AC. One of the upper rooms is a studio. That's my art work on the walls. I'm an artist and do watercolors and oil..and a few mosaics... and some of this and some of that. I should know, it is my house you're in love with!!!;-) I was in Sunrise Antiques today just after you left and casually mentioned my house being for sale. The listing has run out so you may talk directly to us. Jim and Kay (phone # edited out)

Kay said... I will say the wiring has been updated before we bought it but still needs some more. Plumbing is good, we have worked on that. Bunkhouse has its own bathroom that's why there are two septics. Main septic was pumped 18 months ago. Nearly all realestate is overpriced around here and these old houses are hard to come by. The ceilings are 7 1/2 ft. Looks like they started out 8ft when they first built. The paneling up now covers original beaded board just like the upstairs.  


Coincidence? Or as I've heard it called, God-incidence?
As Kay (the homeowner) said, she had popped in to my antique mall
and casually struck up a conversation with mall-owner Vickie.
Kay mentioned that she was selling her farmhouse about 20 miles away.
Vickie asked her where the house was located,
and when Kay told her, a funny look came over Vickie's face.

"Is it a little blue farmhouse?"
When Kay said yes, Vickie immediately told her that she knew 
EXACTLY which house it was, and proceeded to give Kay 
one of my cards with my contact info and blog address.
That's how Kay ended up here on my blog 
to leave those comments on my little blue farmhouse post.
Incredible, right?

So I called Kay, and me and Mr. Twig headed over last night
and spent almost TWO HOURS touring the house and property
and just visiting with this wonderful couple! it as amazing as I had hoped it would be?

Let's just say it's pretty darn amazing!

I didn't take any new pics,
as I thought that might be considered crass with the owners right there.
But I can fill in the dots a bit.

The kitchen?
Has incredible built-in pie-safe type cabinets. LOVE these!

There's a dreamy sun-room that's just off the kitchen...
The original hardware on many of the doors and cabinets
is the sort of stuff we all just eat up.

The upstairs?
Better than I had imagined.

I can't begin to describe how perfect these painted gray wood floors are!

And the outside is just rich with possibilities, too!
All sorts of fruit trees, a grape arbor, pecan trees,
and these 200 year old majesties framing the back of the house...

Remember the unfinished bunkhouse?

It's thissssss close to being finished!
It has a full kitchen, two LARGE rooms,
one of which could be used a living room/game room,
and another that could serve as a bedroom.
And there's a finished bathroom just off the back room, too.
Could easily serve as rental property or even a B&B.

So....what are ya waiting for, you're asking yourself?!?!

This is where real life kicks in and the dream gives way to reality.

Yes, we're still interested.
And yes, we're checking with the bank to see about loan approval.
But we can't carry two mortgages for an extended period
until our current home would sell. This isn't even an option.

And as dreamy as my little blue farmhouse is,
it would still need some updating. Not having a home inspection yet,
it's tough to say just how pricey this might actually turn out to be.

But we're talking. And praying.
And researching just how feasible this whole thing might actually be.
And our lovely hosts told come back and look again anytime.
And so we will.
So that was my big adventure last night!

Please keep us in your prayers, that everything happens just as it's supposed to.
That we don't rush or force anything,
just that we remain open and level-headed to whatever may come to pass.

Thanks for reading this far!
And thanks for being a part of this journey!


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh - never coincidence! I think it was meant to be. How exciting for you. I'll keep my fingers crossed and say prayers for you and Mr. Twig!

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

ohhh Anne, I'm all teary eyed! I hope and pray that things work out, as I believe that things always work out the way they are MEANT to be.
I have farmhouse envy for sure, but Oh so happy that your dream may come true.
Good luck!
keep us posted!

Lisa said...

How really cool! I hope it can all work out for you. It really is a great place! I really think that it is meant to be. I know it will work. Now go sell your house silly!! :)
Hugs, Lisa

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

I hope and pray it works out. What a great story!

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh I am so glad you posted this. I have been keeping up with your little farmhouse too. I am praying that if this is indeed God's Ultimate Will that every single thing will begin to fall into place. That it will be LOUD and CLEAR that this is for you to do....that your house will see like a piece of cake and that the way will be made. Only God can move mountains...but Prayer moves God! Be blessed. Cindy

stefanie said...

oh, i bet you can't sleep....all the what if's!!! oh, I do hope your dream comes true!!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

I just *love* how God works!! :)

Michelle Palmer said...

I LOVE when we see God in our lives... such an ADORABLE home~
Wishing you all the best!

Auntie Cake said...

What a miraculous occurance!

I can feel good things are going to come to those who are patient!
Good luck, it's going to be a wonderful journey!!!!

Junk Exchange said...

awesome! those moments when god winks at you .. love them ..sounds like it will be .. stayed focused .. good luck .. that bunkhouse looks perfect for 2 .. ;) .. did i ever mention that rod used to build houses and had a remodeling business when we met? .. lol!


Michelle Hughes said...

Praying for Him to take you in the right direction :) Sure is cute!


House and Garden Boutique said...

Oh...... I hope things work out for you! It's just meant to be. Put a sign up at the antique mall that your house is for sale. Seems to me that the antique mall is bringing you lots of LUCK! Keep us posted....I'll say a prayer & keep my fingers crossed for you. The farmhouse is just beautiful.....I can see why you want it!

Sheila said...

Let me tell you what I see... I see this place being your new business $$$... like a Barn sale type business once a month or quarterly even :) and YES this to me is a GOD thing through and through, is He not the Greatest? :) Enjoy your day.

Smiles and Blessings,

Brynwood Needleworks said...

When things come together like this, I believe it means it's just meant to be! I'll keep you in my thoughts that all turns out as it should. You'd be right at home in the Little Blue Farmhouse! Best Wishes, my friend.

Lululiz said...

Come on, surely this is meant to be! It just has to work out alright for you. Keeping everything crossed for you.

Debra@CommonGround said...

You know I'm with you on this! Asking for God's perfect will for you guys, Oh Honey, the possibilities are endless!
love ya,

Kate said...

Dear Anne
Praying for you and Hubby and your dreams!!!!!! I know that He will make a way clear to see which direction you should go. Love ya lots girl!!!

Kate xoxo

Diane Mars said...

Oh sounds like Farmstyle life heaven. I cannot wait to see if it is meant to be or not.. Please do keep us posted. Hugs, Diane

BellaRosa said...

Ana I am a firm believer in what is meant to be...will be...I saw our old farm house in a Homes 4 Sale magazine...I had never seen a house like that in our area, only in the old Los Angeles part of town, we drove around for over 30 min. missing the house manytimes because it was surrounded by HUGE 80+ yr old trees, I saw the house and fell in love, it needed alot of work but I had always wanted an old home, it was built in 1916, we went through ups and downs, and after a few months it was ours...When I would stress out, my Ita, would remind me, if it is meant to be, it will be yours, if not, you have to know that there was a reason for that too, She, of course as always was right! :) I love it? YES, does it drive me crazy sometimes? YES, Is it done? No, it is a work in process STILL lol But I hope that when I have grandchildren, we are still in our big old cottage farm house with our huge yard, by Los Angeles standards where our grandchildren can play :) and since my oldest is 19, I am hoping that will be some years down the line still :) Enjoy your journey amor, for all you know, you will be celebrating the next holidays there! Have a beautiful week! Besos, Rose

Jan Thomason said...

............thanks for being a part of this journey.........

heck, i plan on being your roomate. LOL

Pray and remember to LISTEN and God will let you know what to do.
Personally?? I think He'd be nuts not to tell you to go for it. LOL
(anyone that thinks my last statement was sacrilegious please contact Oprah.

Anne Marie said...

We prayed for a farmhouse, put our bid in....had the bags packed........the day of moving, she decided to go with another offer.....
i was crushed, especially due to the circumstances of the amount of praying and how everything fell from above (so to speak) - but it all happened for a reason! (no such thing as coincidence) and now, we have Na-Da Farm!!

can't wait to see what happens here........

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Wow, this is so amazing! This house must be meant to be yours, Anne! I'll keep my fingers cross that the house will be yours! Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

:) It's not a coincidence. I would not be where I am today (living my dream) if God had not given us a nudge in the right direction.

If this is meant to be your house, then it will all work out in time!


Tina said...

oh - this is so amazing. I´m sure it´s meant to be your house. I hope everything will turn outr right for you, so you will be able to buy it.
~ Tina

glor said...

You are so right ... God-incidence. If you are meant to have this (wonderful, fantastic, homey) little blue farmhouse it will be yours. Can't wait to hear. Blessings to you.

Tanya said...

It looks like it has wonderful potential. But you're very wise to keep your head about it, work the numbers, and wait on God. Remodeling ALWAYS takes longer and costs more than anticipated! Hope it all turns out perfect!

red.neck chic said...

Anne - I am praying and praying and praying for you right now!!! Oh my gosh - I am so excited (I know - I'm jumping the gun - but hello - God-incidence.)

Okay - I just adore you - and I am hopping up and down with all of my fingers and toes crossed and hurtling prayers up!!!

your one-woman moving crew.

Bunnym said...

If it was meant to be than it shall. bunny proverb # 29.

Laurie said...

Oh, Anne, I know it isn't a coincidence, and I am so excited to see what God has planned for you! He will reveal His will to you in His perfect timing. I love the house, bunkhouse and all the rest - and how you met the owners - I can't wait to hear how this all comes out!
Blessings and prayers for you,

judi said...

I am right there with you. We were thisss close to purchasing a very tiny piece of lake property. It would be perfect for us, not too far from home, our boat would be on sight and there was a broken down house (full of junk goodness) on the property. My head was swirling with ideas and plans. I had claimed this little camp as mine. However, I slowly realized that i didn't own it, we prayed that God would clearly let us know if this was to be ours. When our offer was declined, we were disappointed. What we didn't know was that there was many nightmares that God saved us from. That little camp had some property line issues along with other major costs. The buyers didn't close for well over a year, if at all. (I lost track)
All this to say, that I agree with you about not letting your emotions get in the still and listen. This verse came to mind as I was typing. Ephesians 3:20 HE knows what's best for us!
judi ;)

Kim from The Sheep's Nest said...

Anne, if everything falls into place then it was meant to be. If not, your dream is still out there. I hope all your dreams come true!

Karen said...

I believe that if this is what you are supposed to do it will happen. God works in his way, believe me when it was time for us to move I prayed and asked for a sign. Boy did I get one, like he was saying in case you miss it, here is the answer!!! Smack on the forehead. LOL I hope it all works out for you, it looks so wonderful. Sending prayers that whatever is to happen will work out for you!!

Marlene said...

Gee! I got goosebumps just reading this! wow if that's not a big SIGN or what!!! to fall in love with it AND have the owner show up there at your booth and incidentally talk to Vicki AND
have her figure it was the house YOU loved wow!
I say put an offer contingent on you selling your home after you talk to the bank! If it is meant to be yours ..nothing can get int he will find someone who will fall in love and buy yours! don't you think??????

The Smith Hotel said...

Pretty Crazy how these things work out! Keep praying for you and your hubby!


Janet said...

i love small world stuff! but, agree, no accidents in life! everyone is brought into our path for a reason! enjoy finding out the "reason" for the little blue house and its owners!

Dorthe said...

Ann, it is the most dear,and wonderfull little house, and it seems, that it is welcoming you to live there, I so hope you will be able to , and that everything will fall into right place.
Hugs, Dorthe

alice said...

Gosh! Don't know what to say except it all works out like it is suppose to. I will keep you in my prayers for what is best to happen will happen.
smiles, alice

Anonymous said...

How amazing!!! Definitely a God-thing!
I'm so excited about the possibilities and nervous about the what-if's for you! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying for you guys!!!

Cynthia K. said...

Hi dear Anne ~ Chill bumps!! Sounds to me like a divine appointment that you've had. This house looks so much like what I can envision you loving and living in - just look's like Anne's house to me! I'd be surprised if you got much sleep last night!!!

Do ask the Lord for His wisdom - knowledge is what you have with all this info now, but wisdom is knowing how to use that knowledge.

When someone is selling a wonderful place, I think it is very important to find out why they are wanting to move out.

They do sound like lovely people...

Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

Amy Kinser said...

God is awesome, isn't He? No matter what happens, He is in control.

summersundays-jw said...

What a great place -- really looks like TX hill country. I was thinkin' a shop would be great in the guest house. Just opened 2 days a month then you could still use it for a guesthouse just have everything for sale. OK, so I may be putting too much thought into this. Good luck!!!! Jan

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Anne,
I will say a little prayer for you that your dream to own a farm house comes true.
I just know you are excited but at the same time you are being sensible about it. Good thinking.

Best of luck.



Linda @ A La Carte said...

Wow is all I can say. That is amazing. I hope it works out.

V I N T A G E O L O G I E said...

I'm praying, Anne ... I want you to have what you are dreaming of ... and I want to visit and sleep in the bunkhouse.

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed things turn out as they should!!


Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Never stop dreaming...all the best of luck to you!

WinnibriggsHouse said...

What will be will be! If you are meant to live there you will. I know this because when my daughter was 7 years old we used to pass a house on the way to her dance class. We had to walk almost 2 miles as I dont drive and we rented because at the time we couldn't afford to buy. I always used to say 'one day we will live here'. Not a chance way over our budget. Fast forward several years and guess where we live? Its true. It was meant for us. We love it and feel so at home here. Good luck. I hope the outcome is a happy one.

Theresa said...

Wow what a story! I remember the first post and said "go for it"! I love it so much and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the bunkhouse/studio:) You have to weigh all of the options and see if it all comes together! If it does, then it was meant to be! Hugs and happy dreaming and praying!

Mindy said...

Wow! God has a hand in it, for sure. Just a matter of what His goal is, huh? Congrats on the God moment. Sometimes, those are even better than what we had hoped for. Glad you got to experience the house and the owners. Sweet! ~Mindy said...

OOOHHH I have the goosebumps reading this!!! I believe in fate. If it is meant to be it will. Only God knows. I am so excited for you. Keep us posted:)
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

trash talk said...

I don't believe in co-winkydinks,statistics or chance. No such thing...only God's direction should we choose to follow it. Keep plowing your fields and when He is ready to start sowing the seeds to make your dream come true, you will be too.

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

How amazing & So True, If it is Meant to Be, you'll be Moving In ~ Soon..... Let's see What God has in Store~
Have a Fabulous Week

north pal said...

i will pray that you make the right choices and let it be God's will. i feel your excitement, truly i do,but we must trust what will be will be. the farm house is so charming and i would be up a tree with excitement. it will turn out the best way it should be. Bestest,Denise

Unknown said...

Oh, wow! This is exciting! I do believe all things happen according to God's will and if this is meant to be for you, then it will happen. I will pray God's will be done in your life regarding this.


vintage tickled pink said...

love this story- i always say "it's a sign" and i definately think you had 5 signs on this one, it will be yours one day i'm sure of it. also consider renting your current house until the market changes at least you would cover the payment! see 1 problem solved that easy. smooches and prayers diane

Claudia said...

What an amazing story! It does indeed seem like this is meant to be - but only if you feel in your heart it is the right thing to do.

Best of luck!


Chickens in the Basement said...

Put your house on the market and HAVE A LITTLE FAITH!

Debby said...

I knew it, I knew that was where you were headed off to last night. I am so happy and excited for you, fingers crossed it all works out. This is such an amazing story.

Sylvia (at) Lily's Pad and Petals said...

Oh oh I see a new blue farm house in your immediate future -

The Feathered Nest said...

ANNE!!!! How wonderful IS THIS??!! Girl, it is fate and truly God's sweet hand....but you're right, if it's meant to be everything will fall into place, won't it? Oh, I hope it's meant to be!!!! Hugs and love honey, Dawn

The French Bear said...

This is wonderful!!! I can really picture you here! I am praying that it all turns out the way it is meant to be!!!
Margaret B

Hearts Turned said...

Oh, how exciting, Anne! There ARE no coincidences, my dear! Just the thought of all those old trees gives me's hoping!

Have sweet dreams of your dream house!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

You never know where life takes you...I can't wait to hear your next chapter!

Laura said...

That is amazing Anne.
Isn't it funny how blog land gets smaller (the owner contacting you on your blog), and everyone thinks it is so big.

On another note, I emailed you a question. I am going crazy with my new layout.


Rebecca said...

Hi Anne
Just love hearing the work of God in your life, things will come together by His hand one way or another. Patience - God is never in a hurry but always seems to be there in the nick of time. Praying you keep your eyes on Him

julie miller said...

Hello Anne, I know it is hard to be patient when you want something so badly!! Know that you have LOTS of friends out here rooting for you and Mr. Twig to realize your dream! Sending you my many prayers and lots of love, Julie

Miss Gracie's House said...

Oh...I can just feel your wonder and excitement...this is not to big for God...keep prayin'

clustres said...

Very neat story and I will be looking forward to reading about the outcome. I love how God works!

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

I love this story! I really hope that it will be yours, and hopefully in the near future!!! hugs~~~ Daphne

Unknown said...

Seems like it was meant to be Anne! It's an adorable house with sooooooooooo much possibility!!! Good luck sweetie!

Hugs ~

:) T

Anonymous said...


God works in mysterious ways His wonders to preform! In Proverbs, it reads... a good man's footsteps are ordered of the Lord! Also, it reads, the Lord will give you the desires of your heart! The Lord sent the property owner to the mall to shop and her footsteps were clearly ordered by the Lord.... and thus He gave you the desired of your heart to visit this home... your prayer was granted! Everything now is in God's hands and it is in the best hands possible!

Vickie Love - Sunrise Antique Mall

Dixie said...

can hardly wait to hear what happens next! I hope your dreams come true.. whatever those dreams may be... hugs. Dixie said...

As the owner of an old farmhouse, I have to say they are much more expensive than you think they will be. And can be inconvenient at times. But worth it!! I love ours. Good luck.

Beatnheart said...

Yes what will be will be but you still have to do the legwork yourself. Do all your homework with comps in the area etc. Then when you do buy it you know it will be a great deal...Is the market not down in that area?? Must be one of the only few in this country that isn't ..hang in there and thanks for always taking the time out to comment on my blog..

The Flying Bee said...

I LOVE this story Anne! It is such a God-incidence! I will be praying right along with you and everyone else that things will work out according to His plan and will.


Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, I'm so glad you did~ I'm loving your blog and your wonderful farmhouse story! I am a truely believe that if it's meant to be it will happen! It's so perfect, If you don't get it I might just have to move to Texas and scoop it up :) Enjoy your day! I'm a new follower.
Take care

Maria | Vintage Simple said...

How funny that we are living similar journeys, dear..! I hope nothing but good things come your way. I truly do believe that things happen for a reason and that this is all lining up just so for you guys... Can't wait to hear more.

Sending good thoughts your way - and really hoping this dream of yours come true!


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