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Monday, June 21, 2010

Looking UP!

My post title today actually has a double meaning.

As promised, here are the pics
of the upstairs of our potential new home.
You can get up to speed on my adventure here and here.

But the phrase looking up
also means that it's all in God's hands now...
we submitted an offer on this magnificent property today,
so now we sit.
And wait.
And pray.

And if you want to pray with me, that would be wonderful!

So here we go, let's poke around
the nooks and crannies of my (maybe) new upstairs!

These are the stairs leading up to the second floor
of the original part of the house.
There's another set of stairs for the loft addition,
we'll head up those later.
And no, the fat cat doesn't come with the house!

And now from the "what were they thinking" files...

Let's head across the hall, mmmkay?

Now that's more like it!


Oh, and each of the upstairs bedrooms have
BIG closets that the current owners had built-in. 
VERY nice feature to find in a hundred year old home.

Now let's mosey over to the newer, two-story loft addition....

That's it there smack dab in the middle,
right between the original house and garage.

The loft stairs.

But in the interest of honesty,
let's just call them the stairs to my studio.  :-)

The loft landing.

Can you imagine creating in this incredible, light-filled space?

But to be perfectly honest, this whole house just inspires me.
It makes my heart sing, plain and simple.

So there you have it!
Thank you so much for taking the time to look at these past three posts,
and most especially for all those encouraging comments.
They really help me to believe that maybe....just maybe...
We'll be calling this stately old gal home before too much longer.

Have a wonderful night, my friends!


Blondie's Journal said...

Many prayers coming your way, Anne! The house is lovely...all that wood, open space and light. It's very cool from outside, too. Best of luck!


Prior said...

I love it and coming from someone who's house is over 100 years old, you are lucky to have the closets. I hope you hear soon! Lezlee

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!! I love this house! I love the stairs, the loft, the two bedrooms (minus the rainbow colors) and everything! I'm soooooo jealous!
Praying - praying - praying. . . And crossing fingers and sending good karma your way. I hope it all turns out wonderful for you.

Mindy said...

The first set of stairs. I like them and I want them. ~Mindy

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Wow Anne, that is one amazing house!

Prencie said...

Gorgeous! And I LOVE that loft!! I'm starting to think that that may be the reason you want this house so much;) I know it would be for me!!:)

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

This is an amazing house and I so hope that you all get it. When you look at it from the front, it is hard to believe that all the addition is on the back side. I loft that workshop!!! You will be in heaven out there for sure! Praying that you and hubs get the house. It would be perfect! Keep us posted. Love & blessings from NC!

Anonymous said...

I know how it is when you get that feeling that you've found your home...

It's amazing ~ I truly hope you get it.

You will be in my prayers tonight. :)

Privet and Holly said...

Oh, Annie, I can already see me visiting you in this lovely, lovely home! And yes, I can also see you in your new studio! I am sending up prayers that IF it is meant to be for you and your hubby, it WILL be. {Of course, your dogs will have to get used to a cat, because a cat DOES belong on those stairs!} Much love to you today! xx Suzanne

DustyLu said...

I will pray you get it! I am so happy for you and the house could not sing to you more. It is beautiful and i am so excited you shared the process with us. Ohh how I long for homes with that much character...Good Luck! My fingers are crossed! ~lulu

Patina said...

Oh I do hope you get it! I sure want to see everything you will be doing with it. This house is wonderful I can see why your mind would be spinning!

Rebecca said...

Oh Anne, it is just wonderful! I so love it and my best thoughts are with you. God bless you as you wait on Him for your home.
Be blessed

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Such a beautiful and unique home! You are exactly right, it is in God's hands now. I know just how you feel, all you can do is pray at this point that things will work out the way God intends! Praying for you! :)

vintage tickled pink said...

i love it! we recently took 4 months to get a foreclosure so i wouldn;'t give up and was very determined, and we got it! i asked all to say prayers and we got it. so i'll pay it forward and pray for you to get it! it looks great! diane

Diane said...

I like it too Anne...especially your studio (loft =) I am sending prayers UP for you tonight too.

Junebug Furniture and Design said...

Beautiful!! We will be praying that this home is just what God wants for you and if it is his will, then it will be! xo Glad & Celia/Junebug Design

Laurie said...

Oh, wow! She's beautiful, and such a sweet young thing. (She's 2 years younger than our house.) Now, I have never been to Fredericksburg, but I have seen homes from there in magazines, and this beauty looks like a perfect Fredericksburg house! So, Anne girl, I will join you in looking up in prayer, for I know He desires to give us the desires of our hearts when they follow His will. If He says no, He is saving something better for you, but hey, I think this pretty lady is adorable. I think I saw your name carved somewhere in the rafters of the loft!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I will say a little prayer for you, Anne! The studio would be awesome...such great light and views...

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Anne you have found a beautiful old home and it sounds like it is meant to be. I am praying for you to get this house! Blessings!!

Debra@CommonGround said...

Whaaat? You don't like the rainbow room? C' could go there when you need to wake up! te he
pray for you everyday, dear one,

Jaime Haney said...

oh wow! sending prayers your way right now! that house looks beautiful and has an amazing feel to it even through the pictures. what light! Can't wait to hear some good news!

Malisa said...

That house makes my heart sing! I can't wait til you have a big party and invite us all over!


Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness! That house is so amazing! Ok, I'll I have to say about that upstairs room is WHAT!... And yes that is the perfect room to create! I'll keep praying!

Brynwood Needleworks said...

So beautiful, Anne! I can see you all settled in to a perfect place for you and Mr. Twig! I'll say a prayer that your wish to live here is granted.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Anne,

I love this house, the views and that there is plenty of room for all your creating.
The light coming through the big windows is wonderful.
My prayers continue for you being able to move in and make this house your home.

Hugs & have a great week

Catherine @ van Breugel Design said...

I really love this home too! The last photo looks like it's a shot from the "Walton's". I absolutely love the porch swing - I always thought I could solve the problems of the world if I only had a porch swing!

I'm praying this home is yours! It's too nice not to go to someone as nice as you!

Seawashed said...

Oooooh I am so excited for you!!!!! That light filled loft is an amazing studio space. I love both sets of stairs and the wood floors and even the tangerine walls(and I am not an orange person at all!)...they look summery.

Keep looking UP...there is no better place to gaze:)

Seawashed said...

One more thing...I really really like new blog header!

Michelle Hughes said...

Oh Anne, it is fabulous.... I did laugh when I saw the rainbow room, but it is nothing a little paint and ALOT of primer can't fix. I really do pray that you get your dream house. Fred'burg is one of those places that was on a quiz "where you should live" that the Mr and I took. I have told you how he feels about TX. Stupid Dallas ;) anyhow, I just know this pretty lady will be yours!

Elaine said...

So cozy! Why can people not clean up their junk when their house is on the market? Good thing you can look past it, because most people can not.

Polly said...

Great house! I hope you get it, rainbow room and all!!

Saying a little prayer for you....



COTTAG3 said...

Amazing potential, even in the crazy striped room. It will be a beautiful transformation with just paint alone. I see why you love it. Best of luck!

time worn interiors said...

Fingers crossed and prayer said! Good luck girl! I can wait to see it after you get your hands on it!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Sending prayers that this wonderful place will be yours! Of course I will have total studio envy! It's fantastic!!!! Love all the light that flows into that space.
Best wishes!!!!

Susie~From My Home To Yours said...

Oh Anne, it's just an amazing house...I love it! It's just so odd when you see the lovely WHITE house, and then the extreme colors inside! Well, paint is cheap! I've been to Fredericksburg once many years ago, and this house is a perfect example of the charm and style of the local homes.

By the way, do you happen to know if the B&B, called..I think...Common something, is still there. It was owned by Jim Lord and his partner Bobby? I haven't kept up with Jim for a long time...just wondering!

Sure hope this works out for you...if not, there's something better 'round the corner!


red.neck chic said...

Okay - I'll just say it... please save the striped room for me when I come to visit. LOL I LOVE THAT!!! Maybe with some more design - a whole lotta flair - that room could be a BLAST!!!

Now that that's off my chest... Anne, I have my fingers, toes and eyeballs crossed for you - the house is a beauty!!!!!! Yeah - even the horizontal stripes! Duct tape... there just needs to be some duct tape in there...

:-D xoxo

Christie said...

Oh it's beautiful...I'm hoping and praying y'all get this house!
Big Hugs,

Beatnheart said...


Brenda Pruitt said...

I think you shall be creating in that studio very soon...

Sarah said...

Anne, I'm sending my prayers up for you! This house NEEDS you. I can visualize your fantastic touch spreading across these rooms in an instant. Oh, I'm so hopeful and excited for you! ~ Sarah

Tara said...

so darling, all of it, and that cat, well she is pretty darling too!! My fingers are crossed for you my sweet friend, I would love for you to call this beauty yours! ...don't keep us in suspence for too long now ya here...

Wildflowerhouse said...

First picture of the kitty. Is that a designer kitty? Kitty matches the colors in the house. I bet she comes with....LOL What a neat home inside and out. Some of the colors have to go but the bones are fantastic. Let me know when I can uncross my fingers... it's a little hard to type.


I've been one of those "silent bloggers" of late...but know that I have been right along side of you on this great ride! I think this house is terrific...a real charming feel.It's definately HOME..Can I move in soon? Grin! Take care and I hold such great thoughts for you and your hubby (and poohs too!)

Joanna said...

Keeping everything crossed for you girl! x

It's me said...

Great house! I hope you get .....

Saying a little prayer for you....

Always..........hugs from me Ria....

Lara said...

This house is just GORGEOUS!!
I hope it will be yours..
Fingers crossed for you.
What a dreamy place!!!
And your new header.. omgoodness,
it's so creative!! And perfect for you..
vintage living.. absolutely perfect!! Love!
Have a joyfilled day Anne ~ xo lara

stefanie said...

oh, I think the loft was the clencher for you!!!!

Kendra@Creative Ambitions said...

Anne... this is gorgeous! I love the porch and then there's the loft!! WOW! Hope you get it!!

Kendra @ Creative Ambitions

Beach House Living said...

What no cat comes with the house? I would want that house for the loft. The steps to the studio do it for me. Hope your wish comes true and the key to the front door is in your hands very soon.

Lululiz said...

Keeping everything crossed for you, it is such a beautiful place.

Tarnished Rose said...

Oh to live in a house like that!

I'm fingers, toes, knees, and elbows crossed for you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Anne! Oh, I'm praying with you! You could make this house look so wonderful and the house would thank you too! The studio part looks so beautiful! Now God is in control, He loves you and He knows your heart! I'm praying. ;)
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)

Judy said...

Must say . . . WOW!!! Love this house!! How cool!!!

Lots of painting to do however! That multicolored bedroom and the red one were a bit much!! And the window coverings need a lot of help. I can see lace tablecloths draped over the rods instead of dark fabric.

Lucky you! I hope you get the house!

faith said...

Very nice!! Love the old stairs and the upstairs. And, I'm sure that loft would be a lovely place to create.

Praying for God's will...

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Anne, I'm sending up prayers that you get your dream house! It's such a beautiful place... Blessings~~~Daphne

Rustydiva said...

Awesome house! I can't believe the owners didn't do more "staging" for appeal. I mean that's what all those HGTV shows are about, right? Lucky for them you are looking at the bones and envisioning your own style. Good karma and prayers for everything to end up exactly how it's suppose to be!

Olive said...

Okay now...a/c and closets. Game over Anne. That is the honey pot of features not usually found in old houses. I speak sitting in an old house without both. Praying my friend.


Janet said...

okay, just so you know, i'm gonna be so disappointed if you don't end up with this house as i've completely fallen in love with it! prays headed to heaven!

Lori said...

that home is really special Anne...and it sounds like you belong there...i will say a prayer that it will be yours:)

Cindy said...

Oh my, I hope you get that house!!! You would make it absolutely SING! You can see the potential everywhere and that gorgeous!

Mary Ann said...

What a beautiful, charming, old lady. I would give anything, well almost, to have a house like this to decorate, a challenge but oh so fun. Can't wait to see if it's yours and what you do with it. Such fun!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Anne,
Sending up some prayers for you. Hope you are sitting up there in that new studio before long.


Sherry said...

Beautiful house, thanks for sharing it with us. If is is meant for you I know you will know just what to do to it.

Farmgirl Paints said...

Wow! That house is a much character. I love what would be your studio space. I can see myself creating there;) So excited for you!

Beth A. @ Songbird Hill said...

Anne, I soooo hope you get this! The loft would make an awesome studio! Your touch on this house is just what it needs.

Annesphamily said...

Oh Anne! That house is a keeper! I am praying for you and I hope you will soon be creating in that lovely new studio filled with light! I appreciate your prayers for my phamily too. Hugs Anne

Shirley said...

I like the house with it's inviting front porch. The first set of steps you showed and I wouldn't get a long because they are to narrow. I love the addition and the studio would be ideal for there where you can look out the window and create. I will say a prayer for you and hope that you get the house. I like the older homes better then the newer ones. Your Missouri Friend.

Bring Pretty Back said...

I love how you said this home makes your heart sing! I pray this becomes your home.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Yowza! The room of many colors. What were they thinking? The loft is fantastic! Hope things are working out for you. Wishing all the best and whispering a little prayer. Tammy :)

Kate said...

Oh Anne

How exciting for you!!! I will be praying and waiting alongside waiting to here the outcome. I know the best will happen for you my sweet friend. Have a terrific week ahead.

Love ya

Tina said...

WOW!!! I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you Anne:) It is a beautiful home my friend!! So excited for you! Hugs ~ Tina xx

Hearts Turned said...

It looks WONDERFUL, Anne! I just look at those photos and imagine all the beautiful things you'll do to those rooms!!! That house needs you!

Praying for you...


Dorthe said...

Dear Anne,
I sooo understand your singing heart, this house is realy a beautifull place, and to live there will be so wonderfull. I dearly hope for you ,your offer will be accepted.
Every room looks so cosy, and the maybe studio, is a pearl. Cross my fingers, sweetie.
Hugs, and love Dorthe

Kym said...

What a stunning house...I hope you are successful with your offer and will look up for your blog Kym X

Mr. Flannery said...

It is a beautiful home. The cat blends right into the stairs. Wish you motivated sellers and understanding bankers.

Libbie said...

Anne! This house just screams you! I can totally see you living there...what a beauty! I can hardly wait to find out what happens!!!!! Seriously, how can you take the waiting!!!! :) GORGEOUS!

Hill Country House Girl said...

Anne - thanks so much for your visit to hill country house. Wow - have I been out of the loop! So excited that you are moving to Fredericksburg. I hope you get your house - it is charming and I think I know exactly where it is! I would love to meet you and maybe some of your blogging energy will rub off on me. Can't wait to know more details - like, will you keep your business in Kerrville or move to one of our shops over here? Are you serious about working at Homestead? Nosy me - I will save some questions for when we meet for coffee! Praying for the right outcome for you and yours.

Debby said...

EEK!!!! I am so far behind but here we go!!!! I love, love this house and it looks absolutely perfect for you. Fingers crossed everything works out. Off to see how you made out with the PAper Cowgirls, so jealous!!

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