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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

When One Door Closes....

You know how the rest of that phrase goes.

You have NO idea how badly I want to
spill it
about all of the unnecessary drama
surrounding the offer we made on the house.
Drama which, by the way,
has NOTHING to do with us or the offer we made.

But I'm not stupid.
I'm not exactly
The Pioneer Woman,
but I also have more than just a handful of readers;
the last thing I want to do is rant and rage
against someone and have them read it.
Worse yet, have their lawyers read it.

So I'm about ready to move on.

To choice #2
A house we looked at the same day as the so-called "dream house".

Which has me it really  a dream home
if it's giving you nothing but grief this early in the game?


Here's a peek.

Needs a LOT of exterior paint.

But the inside?
Turn-key ready.
Model home perfect, seriously.

It's structurally and electrically sound,
and would sail through an inspection easily.

Come on in.

Updated kitchen.

Those tiles remind me of Cabbages and Roses.  :-)

But it's not just the kitchen which is picture perfect.

Behold, the remodeled loo's...

And the windows?
Notice the transom windows above the bathroom door?

Uh huh. 
That's the master bathroom door!

Have I ever mentioned that transom windows make me weak in the knees?
Mmmm hmmm.

And outbuildings?
Yeppers, got those, too.
Two of 'em and a garage.
Oh, and 2.3 acres, also.

So there ya have it.
It may end up being our new home, it might not.
I'm certainly not getting my hopes up again, that's fer shure.
( Update: It is our new home!!! )

And while the door hasn't closed on House #1, I'm about to close it myself.
'Cuz I don't need the drama.
And I sure as  shoot  don't need to be dragged
into someone else's juvenile melodrama.

I do sort of love this charming little house.
It doesn't have the same initial "wow" factor as the other,
but it's definitely growing on me.
And you?
What do you think?

Oh, and I did a little Photoshop painting,
here's what this charming little cottage will look like once we re-paint...

Did somebody say "wow factor"?
Uh huh.


More Paper Cowgirl posts coming soon!

Happy Thursday!


Privet and Holly said...

I LOVE your outlook...
AND, I love house #2, too!
I always loved that kitchen!
And transoms....well, don't
get me started.....they are
just the bees knees : )
Maybe you could hijack one
of those outbuildings for
your very own space????
I totally believe that when
one door closes, another one
This is just the BEGINNING!
Thanks for sharing your journey.
xx Suzanne

Anonymous said...

OH MY SWEET ANNE~Darlin, that is super wonderful too!!!! I actually woke up this morning thinking about you and the "house hunt"~ I think you hit the nail on the head when you said how could it be a "dream home" if it was causing you so much grief~I know you are frustrated but God will help guide! xoxoxo, Carol~Raised In Cotton

Mel said...

VEry aptly written- You have the right perspective but Im sorry to hear someone/ thing dumped in your puddin. This house is DARLING.
I know a thing or two about peoples "isms" messing with common sense so I do care.
Keep us in the loop.

Brynwood Needleworks said...

I love it 2...I mean, too! Sorry about the drama. When we purchased our first house, it was pretty funny. The people wanted to sell, but they didn't want to MOVE! Finally got them out so we could move in. Sometimes, it can make you sick to your know, the achey kind. Not worth it. Really, so not worth it. Keep us posted!

Diane said...

I love it. And, you just might be where you're supposed to be =)

Bella's Rose Cottage said...

Hi Anne... What a sweet house loaded with charm, Love the too cute porch:-) Good luck on the purchase! I will be checking back later this week for your tag class... they are gorgeous!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

It's a beautiful house, too, Anne! I love all the beadboard! I'm sorry you have had to deal with all the drama! I hope things will settle for you soon!

AuroraSuzette said...

Hey you! I've fallen behind. This house looks pretty all the beaded board, and moldings. It's hard to let go when you had your sights set on something, and all the meant to be plaudits won't fix it. Your own words...if it gives you so much grief..that's what will get you through. I hope it works out just right for you, my bloggy friend.I may finally do a new post busy when I got home. xx

Tonia Lee Smith said...

Ooooo, I like it. Yes, one door closes, but for sure another will open.

Miranda @ Pressing On said...

#2 looks like a dream to me. I love all the little details. It has tons of character. It hardly needs anything to make it charming. The beadboard, the transom, the floors....and really, it had me at the front door. Stunning. Love it. As for the dream house, when you have to try so hard, it's not usually a dream....

June said...

Hey sweetie, I'm wishing yout the best of luck with this one! It is a charming little thing. So cute! What I could do with those out buildings...sigh...

Shabby Vintage Junk said...

Anne there's some good bones in that thar house.... :o) !!

I have my fingers & toes crossed for you lovey....!!!!!

Cheers from Oz,
Tamarah :o)

ImagiMeri said...

Hi Anne,

This house is lovely, and I agree that if you're having so much trouble with the first house......let it go. This second home seems perfect and so ready to be decorated by you.


Beach House Living said...

Sorry to hear house#1 had some much drama but the purchase of our home did and while I wanted close the door my DB didn't here we are...and some days both wish we weren't. Your right I think to close it is best. When it's too hard it's a sign I know that sounds odd but take from one who had the drama

Rose Garden Romantic said...

Oh, this home is sooo charming!!! I love it! I don't think you could go wrong with either one of the houses!!!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Although I know you loved house #1, this one is wonderful. So pretty on the inside. I love all the bead board and it sure has all the great upgrades. You could just move right in. And then concentrate on the outside painting. The inside is perfect. Praying that things work out for you. I am a firm believe that things work out for a reason. For some reason, God wants you to have house #2. Keep us posted. Love & blessings from NC!

Lanette of Cottage Elements said...

Anne, I know first hand about one door closing and another opening. We were set to build our dream house on our dream lot. But there was a lot of chaos in every aspect of it and it just wasn't seeming like the right thing to do. We ended up walking away and losing a good chunk of our 20% down payment. But we felt like it was the right thing to do. Right after that, we found what really was meant to be our dream home, about $100,000 cheaper, with more of the things we wanted in it. Was that God or what? There was a peace through out the entire process. No all. It was what was really meant to be. I would say pray about it, and if it's meant to be, it'll be! Wishing you the best in whatever you decide.


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Anne,

I love house # 2, wonderful kitchen and lovely wooden floors and the gorgeous windows.
Both homes are wonderful, but as you say ... you can do without drama.
I really wish you the best, with getting the house that is going to make you very happy.


Faded Charm said...

I really like the character of House #2. Lots of potential there. It will all work out in the end and you'll find the house of your dreams.

Good luck!


Lili said...

Funny how our intuition kicks in right when we need it! I think the 2nd place is very awesome too. You have a great outlook on it all and I just love a good house hunt too, thanks for taking us along! ~Lili

Kate said...

I'm with Kathleen I love house number #2 due to the character. Praying all will go smooth for you and Mr. Twig.

Love you

Tina said...

Hi Anne:) I loved the pics of house #1....BUT...I adore this house and these pics just radiate goodness. It looks like it would be a happy and lovely home! I admire your ability to put an end to the drama with the first house...what on earth! I just love this house, it reminds me of my own! So much character and such a warmth to it! Good luck, fingers and toes are crossed sweetie! Hugs ~ Tina xx

Prior said...

I love house number two... you know I have a trasom window and door going into my master bath, because it was once the front porch. Good luck! Lezlee

north pal said...

oh no,now i am so confused. i don't know what to say.i love the house with it's corner porch. these older houses have so much to say. and absolutely impressed with the whites and the cream. i have had more fun checking out these homes. Bestest,Denise

Debra@CommonGround said...

Not to be disappointed dear one, God has good things for you. I'm in love with all the kitchen cabinets...oh yeah, and that bathtub!

Anji Johnston said...

Weak at the knees? I nearly keeled over when I say this one!! It puts house number one to shame. You have a great attitude and are so right to close the first door, just not meant to be. If you need someone to fix up the out buildings - I'm your man!! Just waiting for my invite!! Good luck on this one

Anonymous said...

Absolute fantastic home ,with a great interior design.

sliding wardrobe doors

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I think house #2 is wonderful~the right thing will happen. Hang in there. Love the transom windows! Much to admire in this house!

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

I LOVE this one! It's adorable and has much to offer. It may not have that "wow" factor YET, but it will once you move in and do your magic on it!!
Patricia :o)

Megan Chamberlain said...

I am sorry you are having so many problems with your house purchase. Nobody needs that sort of drama, it isn't worth it and you will always remember it when you are in the house. I love house #2, it has an undiscovered charm and you will work wonders with it. It looks like a home should.

Seawashed said...

Well the truth is...I like house #2 better. Here I will help you close the door on #1. tee hee! This one is move in ready...I love everything about it...and the newly renovated kitchen and baths have got me sold. You could have alot of fun just working on the outside...painting, and renovating the outbuildings and gardening. I think one of those out-buildings could very well end up being a barn studio someday.

Alicia ~ time worn style said...

well Anne, I will be honest and tell ya that I actually like the second house better. It is just ADORABLE, so many features that I personally would love to have (and I think you do too!). And lots of potential oh yeah, but dont listen to me I am shopping for myself lol! Our old house Greystanes that we live in now we missed out on twice before we nabbed it. The previous owners stuffed everyone around so much they couldnt sell it so when they finally had to (they had bought another house) we swooped in fast. Sometimes things just work out you know?

savvycityfarmer said...

... you could probably lip sync all that I have to say ...

in a word(s) ... it's YOU ...
you could live in that adorable garage and make it home ... or I could ... then we could be partners in crime ... er antiques.

We have transoms on the bedroom windows in my childhood home.
... and tin just like that tops my potting shed. The pieces came from my great grandpa's chicken shed ... and and and

oh BTW, what ARE we doing up so early?

keep us posted ... pun intended

savvycityfarmer said...

p.s. first dibs on the john deere advertising ... if you're so inclined to remove it

It's me said...

This house is also amazing........take care darling !! i am thinking of Ria...

Unknown said...

Hi, newbie to your blog here...just my 2 cents.
I never was much of a drama fan...a little here and there is fun sometimes, but I mostly like peace a whole lot better. Most of the time in my life, the harder I pushed, the more trouble came...nice and peaceful works for me. Now if I can just remember that......

Unknown said...

Things happen for a reason! And all that beadboard! I love it too.
I walk away from drama. Not good for the soul.
Chin up girl.

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Love the front porch! Transom window too! Good luck girl!!

Sweet Woodruff said...

I'm excited about the new house. I don't recognize it so now I'm all curious where you're gonna end up.

I'm thinking about you today. I remember in the early 80's, we had a hurricane come through and the flooding washed out the bridge between Kerrville and Ingram...can't remember the name of that little creek. We had to go a back way through Hunt and Harper (or something like that) to get to Kerrville. Anyway, I hope the flooding isn't too bad. My step dad lives in the river in Ingram. Yikes!

I opened up our etsy store. We've got lots of stuff to upload. Holy Cow is it time consuming. We worked 12 hours straight the other day on cards. We're gonna make other stuff too. Anyway, just wanted to say hi and give you a hug.

Sorry about the house, but it's been my experience that things usually don't work out for a good reason. Maybe God knows the house you wanted is built on a sink hole or something. I love your second choice. Get the guest room ready. I'm coming. LOL

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Ohhh Anne ~ I just love love that house ~ I would die to have an old gingerbread home that has been all updated ~ woowwwzaaa girl, it is beautiful !

*The Beautiful Life* said...

I actually LOVE the outside, first-impression impact of this home. The angled front entry/porch is so unusual and as soon as I saw the picture, for some reason all I could see was CHRISTMAS! That house would be soooo pretty decked out really ANY season, though. :)

I really, really, really love the inside of the house VERY much, too!!!

Can't wait to hear what happens!!


Michele's Treasures, Teacups, and Tumbling Rose Cottage said...

What a treasure! It's beautiful in every way. I hope it works out for you. ; )

ChiPPy-SHaBBy said...

Anne ~ "THIS ONE" is my FaVoRiTe!*!*! I'd move in - in a heart beat... YOU could have FaB SaLes in the semi-outdoor shelter that Mr. Twig was scoping out!!! Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

Polly said...

I LOVE house number 2!! That porch is dreamy! And what a fab kitchen and bathrooms!

Just remember, whatever is meant to be will be.

Happened to us our first time buying a house. House number 2 (err, actually, number 32!!) ended up being wonderful!!

Hang in there!!



Theresa said...

WOW, I love this one too:) Pray, my Sister, Pray! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

Lisa said...

My Paper Lurd,
Okay, you posted this 3 minutes ago & already have 45 comments. What the ??? LOL Okay, I said it before but now after seeing all these pics I'll say one more thing.
WERE YOU CRAZY??? This should have been #1 from the beginning. I am in love with every single feature. The bead board, the door with the beautiful carving, transom windows...weak, yes! The kitchen with that whole wall of cabinets, AWESOME! The whole thing is charming from top to bottom. That's just the inside. What you could do with those out buildings. I'm so jealous I could cry. You could open your own shop in one. I think you should invite all your blog buddies to a paint party, I'll come. Lisa

COTTAG3 said...

First, I love the "sure as shoot" phrase. How sweet Texan it is. Every house you've shown us is so special and wonderful and it's been fun looking at them. I think you will end up in the house that is meant to be and you will make it a beautiful home. Hang in there.

*Ulrike* said...

You know, I think I like this one better! All the outbuildings for storage, 2.3 acres that you can do a lot with. Inside of house looks great, sure outside needs paint, but whats paint?! Doesn't take that long! If I was looking for one this would be tops on my list!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Anne,
Looks like this house is a perfect one for you too. I really like it better.
I'm sure that the stars will align and you will get the right one.


Michelle Hughes said...

well, you had me at transoms. Looks like you have a good back up house... hopefully you will find out soon enough to make an offer on this one. I really, really, really, like this one. Just as much or maybe a touch better. Again, those transoms... *swoon*

she dreams big! said...

I can picture you in this house Anne. But I know that wherever you live, you will make your house a home. Full of your quirky finds and using your fantastic creative talents! I'd pitch a tent if I could live in that area!

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Anne My Sweet...

I'm all for NO DRAMA so do what's in your heart and soul.

This little house is also charming...
Two big plusses for me are the transom windows and the fabulous front door :)

*just make sure whatever house you choose has a bedroom for ME!

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

OOOOHHHH I LOVE house #2~ That front door!! FAB-O!! The kitchen? LOVE IT! Those loo's! LOVE LOVE!! Transoms? Oh yeah!! AND land AND buildings for your stuff!!! I am a big fan of house #2!!

I have to say though....I want you to spill it about the drama!! I love hearing about a good drama!! lol

Good luck!

Lou Cinda :)

Blue Creek Home said...

Some things are just not meant to be and you may not understand it, but you will make a home out of any house you choose, and it will be a wonderful adventure.

I do love this house. I definitely can see you here doin' your thang!!!

I really am sorry that the first house has been so hard.


lisaroy said...

Oh my gosh this house is so charming!! the kitchen and bathroom have been updated so well and the transom windows alone just make me want it!
House hunting can be so exhausting and being in the middle of drama right from the get go can turn you sour on the whole house. Go with your heart. But at least you know that house #2 is a GREAT option too! : )

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Anne this is a beautiful house... I just love it!!! I hope you get the home of your dreams... hugs~~~Daphne

Martha Carolyn said...

Well I must say, your #2 option is not a shabby option at all (the bad kind of shabby). I love it a lot!!!!! I, too, love transom windows.. Ok, so I really love this house and you would be blessed to live in either option!

Junk Exchange said...

anne, this house suits you so much better .. sometimes we have to be shown what we think we want to realize what we really want ... my favorite phrase these days - let go and let God .. love you and thinking about you .. angel that you are .. seriously, this house with it's corner entrance .. so feng shway (texas style shui) ..

tara said...

oh Anne, I do believe whole heartedly that some things are not meant to be, and even though you loved the 1st house, the drama keeping you away is just a sign that perhaps that house is not meant to be! but I do have to tell you, that I am loving, with a dramatic undertone when I say that...this house, something about updated loo's and all that crazy amazing wood work...and well I just know when you step in and put your touch to it, it will be fabulous and what is a little bit of paint on the house in the grand scheme of things? LOVing the porch too!! **swoon**

Terrell said...

Hang in there...the perfect home and perfect moment will be there! I just know it! This house is ADORABLE with all it's little old charms! LOVE it!! Hugs!
~Terrell @ FrouFrouDecor~

Sue said...

Personally, I would SLAM to door! I love your second choice, especially the porch. Here in Southern Calif we have no land, live on post stamped size lots. So, all the land would be awesome. I noticed in the the Mr.Twig photo on the left there is an old radiator car frame. My son had a frame like that and made a mirror out of it for me. I guess once you are in the junk business, your eyes are always on the look out. Good luck, and sorry people are being so difficult.
Take care, Sue

stefanie said...

no 2 is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better, it looks like the perfect place for you, the front porch is pure LOVE...just say goodbye to no 1, I think this house loves you and needs you!!!!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear house #1 has caused you grief. But seriously, I love this house so much more! It's so stinkin cute! That porch! The inside being perfect and ready to move into...ahhhh! I want it!

Have a good 4th!


My Grama's Soul said...

As you know, I'm always a woman of few, I pick Door #2.

I love the second house!!



Susan Freeman said...

I think that it is perfectly charming! I'll say a little praye for you.

Susan and Bentley

Susan Freeman said...

Whoops ... I meant to say a little prayer for you. Now I'll say more than one.

Susan and Bentley

Unknown said...

Oh Anne!

I've been following the house hunting journey, bur just seem so bus with the kids home from school and all my gardening chores to leave you a note.

I LOVE THIS HOUSE...everything about it just says "YOU". Perfect! I am just so excited for you. I can't wait to see your touches all around this lovely dwelling.

love to you,

Starview Sonnet

Lisalulu said...

just found your blog and...I think I'm going to -stayawhile- SO many good things

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Works for me!
Actually it is everything about it! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Tricia said...

I agree with Suzanne~ your outlook on this highly stressful thing is fabulous.
House #2 is incredible, I love love love it! And yay on the transoms, never had any of my own but wish I did.

trash talk said...

I'm thinking in this case one door closed and a transom window opened. I think it's charming...much less work, giving you more time for playing house...and the major overhauls are already in place. That kitchen is wonderful and they did a good job making it keep with age of the home.
Think of it this way...with that much acreage you could add on forever!
Love the outbuildings especially the haydock one. That would make a great studio/guest house.
Whatcha waiting for?

Lauren B said...

Mmmm... I admire your strength and outlook on the situation {at least what you're putting on!} Kitchen is wonderful and I too adore transom windows. We have them in our house {well, Grandpa's house that we're renting}! Good luck... I'll be praying for you!

Barbara said...

You are soooo right to take the "High Road"...
And as for the #2. I love the transom windows, they have so much character.
Best wishes!

Unknown said...

Anne I think that wherever you end up will be absolutely the right place for you. I can just picture the porch being so comfy and beautiful after the house is painted. The front door is beautiful. You though, will make whatever house you move into beautiful. Hugs!

Claudia said...

Sorry to hear about all the drama. Why is it that trying to buy a house can get so difficult?

I really like the second house - I'm sort of drawn to smaller, charming houses and this one fits the bill. And if its turnkey...what could be better? Slap some paint on the outside and there you go!


Anonymous said...

i dont know but did I miss something,lol.I thought the other house was small as well.I mean cute and small.For me I love the other one.I guess im the only one who does.I havent known you for long so I cant say this one is YOU.I hope you have the best of luck choosing.I know it can be fun along with a few aggrevating nerves as well,Ha.Nice to meet Mr. twig as well.LOL@ Mr. Twig.Ugh I hope that isnt his real last name lol.Just sounds funny.

Happy Thursday Anne!

Little Emma English Home said...

Hi Anne, I'm so sorry that things were wrong with your favourite house. I can imagine how much you must feel disappointed. But remember, things happen for a reason, so maybe that was not the right house for you ;) I hope everything goes okay with this very one, which I really prefer....the kitchen is great!

Keep positive, my girl!! xx

Janet said...

i could love this house, i really could! but you've shown us so many darling houses i'm feeling a little shy about committing! and 2.3 acres gives a girl lots of room to do some serious wing spreading! hmmm....

glor said...

Oh, sorry about house #1, but ya know what ... this one speaks a little different ... its pancakes on a Sunday morning, quiet evening on the porch and rainy days cuddled with book and tea. It says home, quiet and simple. I love it!

Faded Plains said...

I have to tell ya...I adore house's so quaint and charming.

Cottage Panache said...

Anne, it's toot~saweet! Love all the beadboard and those windows are TDF! Look at that detail carving on the front door and the wonderful porch. I can just picture you swinging on that porch swing. I think that the American pickers would love that John Deere Sign!!! Imagine the antique sales you could put on in those out buildings. It was a pleasure meeting you at Paper Cowgirl Vendor Night and my daughter and I totally forgot to pull even one of our camera!

Rustydiva said...

I feel for ya Anne - I had a contract on my dream house and right before closing I was contacted by the Texas Rangers about all kinds of drama surrounding my little piece of heaven and the sellers. I quickly got out of that mess and my realtor found my current house 3 days later! It's not my "dream" but it worked out so much better and you know what Garth says, "Thank God for unanswered prayers". Love the porch on house #2! It'll all work out - Believe!

Unknown said...

well i REALLY love this one. got lots of potential on the outside and the inside is really terrific! i'd steer clear of the drama myself, good luck my friend! xo susan

Sarah said...

Wow, with 83 previous opinions you probably don't need another one. LOL
But have to say, absolutely love the shape of the entry and front porch. The fact that it has updated baths and kitchen is a real plus. Lost of available land to add on a studio or bring in some wonderful old structure that you might come across. Remember that you and Mr. Twig will make the home out of what ever structure you two decide on. :-)
Happy 4th of July! ~ Sarah

Laurie said...

Oh, Anne, I just got back after a trip to the midwest, and I can't add much more to what 84 other people said, but I do, do, do love this house! The kitchen, the transoms, the loos....aaahhh, I heart them! So I am praying for you and Mr. Twig to get the house that is meant for you, the one that is your home, not just a house. If you don't buy this one, send it to me! :)
Jeremiah 29:11-13

Nedine Says said...

I am a big believer in signs. If you are having problems with House #1 already and haven't purchased it then I would say that is the sign that it isn't meant to be yours. The second h ouse in my opinion is head and shoulders above the first house. It has charm and it speaks to me. Clean,cozy and ready to move in. I would grab it in a minute.

Jan Thomason said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jan Thomason said...

I'm so glad I checked your blog this afternoon!
I could almost throw my head back and laugh out loud because what you're doing right now, right this minute is what i was dying to say to you all weekend.....that there was a reason that you were having such difficulties getting into your "dream" house - God was talkin' to you AND protecting you....
this house screams you in a way the first house never could - you see, i've never seen pictures of the inside of this house until now and, anne, really, it screams your name. it's simply wonderful and i can visualize you in it, honey!
you are going to LOVE the acreage that you have and remember how i adored your outbuildings when we drove by it last thursday??
seeing them close-up in this post gives me the chills - WHOOP!!

I know that you are breathing easier, that your headache is gone, that your stomach doesn't hurt, that you're no longer anxious over a house that was causing you nothing but pain as you tried to achieve it.
does that make sense?

i can't wait to get the personal tour after you call me and tell me that the house with the *sigh* transom windows is all yours:)

love you, keep praying and keep listening,

p.s. deleted my first post because i spelled a word wrong and didn't catch it. (no wonder i never get anything done! LOL)

Jane said...

House #2 is #1 in my book. It has such character and charm! And I'm with you and transom windows....they make me weak in the knees too. This looks like an awesome house. Good luck with your decision!

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Anne, I think this place is just gorgeous! You could give it that wow factor, but I think it's already got it. You may never know why God has closed the door on one property, in the end it may not have been his best for you?

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Gag with the drama! Oh I hate that kind of crapola!
This house is just as charming and the transom windows above all the die for!!
Yep, out with the drama in with the ahhhhh. :)

Anonymous said...

I must say, this is my favorite so far. So much potential. I'm loving the out buildings too.
Come see me in F'burg next month, I moved into Barn #4 near the back. Looks pretty cute if I don't say so myself! Susan

Libbie said...

Just fimally took the tour! LOVE it!!! YEAH for you guys!!!! It is PERFECt...absolutely perfect :) Couldn't be happier for you!

Shell said...


I just know where ever you "Hang your Cowgirl Hat," it's going to be homey and sensational! Somethings are meant to be........You'll end up where you NEED to be!!

Honey Girl, I'd kill to have TWO bathrooms in this old house! LOL and the kitchen is awesome!
And,,,,the outbuildings!

Relax and it will fall into place!

Hugs and love you to pieces!

Sylvia said...

Your new home is beautiful...the header is beautiful...happy moving...


Judy said...

Oh my!! How lucky you are! Love this old house!! Can't wait for the pics after you move in!

Annesphamily said...

I am praying for your perfect house. I hope you get the one that you want although both of these are quite lovely. Anne

Melissa/Piney Rose said...

The whole house makes me weak in the knees!!! And that John Deere sign alone would have gotten my hubby hooked!

V I N T A G E O L O G I E said...

THIS is the one that makes my heart sing ... saying prayers for you!


Debby said...

I love house #2! It is full of so much beauty and charm! The best part is that it would be drama-less, who needs it.

Diane said...

Oh Anne I am so darn jealous! I would say to heck with house #1! This home has so much character and then with your personal touches well it just gives me goose bumps!

FHCS said...

Well I am a new follower to this cute blog of yours....Farmhouse lover here....I don't know you from Adam or your likes dislikes, but that house #2 is so stinkin' cute inside and outside, I wouldn't want to see another. I checked out house #1 and I love the outside....but I am not a fan of older homes all mixed up and confused over styles....I am a firm believer that new homes should be new homes and old homes should be old home style.....unless they were built new to reflect a certain period in history. Love the property on house #1....I hope it is meant to be for you. Looking forward to reading more of your posts now. Happy summer to you.
Dee aka...

Annesphamily said...

Charming! Absolutely perfect for you! You need a charming, peaceful place to create. This is an excellent choice. You need to take a breathe and get ready for this move! I am so glad I know you sweet lady. Take care and enjoy! Life moves quickly! Anne

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Found this post by way of your giveaway post, Anne, and just wanted to say that although it may need prettying up on the outside, this house is amazing. I love that front door! In fact, we had something similar on our first house and got purchased the new door unfinished {same style/design as yours here}. We lovingly stained it and used marine poly on it for protection from the elements. Seeing your interior pics, I also love the interior doors. Good luck to you and Mr. Twig!

The Rustic Victorian said...

It is so perfect!!! I love it!!! Such Character!!!
I'm sooooo happy for you!!!

Wendy said... is beautiful and I think I understand all that you are we just sold our home to move into our "dream" home. Inside is perfect, outside needs work (alot)!! We are in the middle of home owners inspections! So glad to have found your site today and excited to follow along with you on your wonderful and exciting journey!

Simple Home said...

They are both beautiful, but I don't like drama either. I love that much of this house is already redone, one more job I wouldn't have to do/might not get to, you know what I mean.
Best wishes on making your move.

Jai Kishan said...

Thanks for sharing such useful information with us. All homes are looking beautiful and interior designing is also looking cool.

With regards
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Life on the Edge said...

I'm just new to your blog and this is the first time reading about your new home. I have to say that it sure does have that "wow" factor to me! I'm thoroughly loving all that beadboard and those hardwood floors! You're going to have an amazing new home!

Life on the Edge

nannykim said...

Oh yes, lots of personality! love it. The kitchen is so cool. The house reminds me of one I saw in Wilmington , NC in only yours is smaller--but just as cute!

Ms. Bake-it said...

Your new house as well as the property is awesome! It has a lot of character. I love it! I know I could certainly be quite at home there.

~ Tracy

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hi Anne, I'm the original photo of this house from the Realtor was there a garbage can on the left side of the house? I'm asking because this house looks very much like one I saw in a real estate magazine a while ago. I loved the house then and I know I'm going to love it more when you're done with it. Good luck and relax and enjoy!

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