Good grief, I have an up and running Etsy Shop now!
It's a sad little shop, with just one little item for sale, but it's a start!
Fiona & Twig on Etsy
Now just go take a peek at how I have things set up,
most especially the shop policies and such.
To those of you superstar Etsy sellers here on my blog roll,
just know that I cribbed this-n-that from your policies
'cause I truly don't know what I'm doing!

Fiona & Twig on Etsy
Now just go take a peek at how I have things set up,
most especially the shop policies and such.
To those of you superstar Etsy sellers here on my blog roll,
just know that I cribbed this-n-that from your policies
'cause I truly don't know what I'm doing!
I'd also love to hear from all of you who do have Etsy shops,
just maybe sharing your experiences and what to watch out for.
Thanks muchly in advance!
Oh, and I'd like to encourage everyone
to head on over to visit Jill at Gypsy Brocante to celebrate

I'm fresh outta black, but I always
want to direct folks over to Jill's fantastic blog!
39 comments: are one step closer than i am. i have a shop and nothing in it. it's under 2 names. it's under my husband's email address. it's jacked up and i have no idea what is goin on either.
you will do awesome!!!!!!! good for you.
woo hoo!!! good for you!! just added you to my favorite sellers! that vase is gorgeous!!
Hi Anne!
I just opened my Etsy shop too & like you I have ONE item!! how embarrassing huh? ha, ha :o} But like you I am trying to get stuff together......I'm making more pillows (shhhh it's a secret....) they are going to be adorable...but I've had a VERY sick girl for the last few days so I'm nurse mommy right now. Sorry to go on & on. I feel like I know all you guys now! ;-)
Take care & great job!
That picture is so cute...I found myself imitating it here alone at my computer :)
Alicia (aka Vintage Modern Girl), I'm so glad you like what you saw, 'cuz you were one of the main ones I stole from, LOL! Please don't be shy about telling me what needs fixing in my shop!
You did good, missy, love your header on Etsy and your new background here. Love the white vase, btw, You'll be loaded up with goodies before you know it!
Congratulations Anne...
I am so thrilled for you sweetie. So you only have one thing in your shop, it is a very fine vase at that. Love it. Believe me everyone has to start somewhere, and all of these ladies have had to start with something too.
Love the little girls face on this post. It is just precious. Thanks for sharing sweetie, and I will be watching. Stop by soon, I love to have you visit. Country hugs, Sherry
One day I'll join you but for now I'll just admire your shop! Congratulations!
congrats, have fun
Congratulations on Etsy, I love it and will be keeping an eye on your goodies:) Have a blessed day... Love the little skater girl!
Awesome.. I'll head over and save you as a favorite or that I 'heart' you!!!!! Yippie skippie doo.. you'll know me my dear
kiss kiss.. love the photo too!
If I had a bottle of the bubbly, I'd smash it on the computer to christen your launch. Good luck!
Congrats on your Etsy shop!!!!!! I stopped by over there...CUTE!!!!
Congratulations on getting your shop opened...I'll drop by for a peek.
Hey Girlie!
I love the shop and your banner. You better put some more stuff in it because I just bought the vase!
Congratulations... looks like you are going to do well... since you already sold your one item!! It took me a lot longer than that to get my first sale (just last week). I haven't had my shop set up on there very long, so I don't have a whole lot of advice... sorry! I think your policies look great! You can find a lot of help and advice in the forums if you need it. Good luck... I'm sure you will do well!
When you figure out what you're doing...would ya hook a sista up???
I'm still sitting at my computer..STARING at it because I don't know what I'm doing.
Hello Anne! Just snooping around your blog for the first time! Lovin' it! You Texas gals got it goin' on! Good luck with your Etsy adventure~!
Every time I come here and leave a comment I leave grinning...the picture of the skater is adorable... I just love that kinda thing. Congrats on Etsy and thank you for your sweet comments darlin...God bless the work of your hands!
I have just spent the best part of 3 weeks getting my website boutique up. I think opening a physical store would have been less complicated.
Good luck to both of us!!!
I'm having my grand opening and give-away on Monday. Hope you will be there!
Love the kid on skates!
Oh Annie, no excuses, go burn some toast and get back over there! ha ha! OK, we forgive you!
Big hugs,
I LOVE LOL LOVE the picture of the cutie on the skates! Oh my gosh hilarious... how i feel like that soooo sooo many times! LOL
pure smiles on the launch of your etsy site!
A big Howdy from Burton Texas. I just found your siter and love it. Glad to here that you have a booth maybe I can visit it someday. I love everything old. Do you do the Warrenton/Round Top Show? My favorite place to be in the fall and spring.
I hope to visit again soon
Congratulations on your shop - what wonderful news! I will go and check it out.
I'm gonna go check out oyur etsy- Congrats! This is the start if something beautiful for you! I can just tell! xoxo
Anne, love your shop - and congrats on your first sale - i took a cue from you - opened one for myself also - still working on it - so open to suggestions - i need a much better headed and avatar - had been thinking about opening one - finally decided to go for it - i think we will enjoy it -
i added you to my favs -
thank you,
Congratulations...looks you better get moving and put a few more things up!!
How funny..Etsy shops are a blast.
In fact I have my Flea market blog and my space at an antique store~WHEW Oh, forgot to mention my day~job..I run my own daycare~lol
I am leaving my space after Thanksgiving time to constantly rearrange and buy BIG items.
I went over to your Etsy and your item already SOLD!!! Good for go list some more things.
I f you are interested...I would love you to join my Black Friday Flea market.....a few of us shop owners are getting together. Jill from Gypsy Brocante was my first vendor to join.
I am doing the promoting and hosting a vendor meet & Greet on my blog...where we are all going to show off our Flea Market aprons :)
This would be a great opportunity to show off your new shop..once you get more items in there~LOL
All the details are on my
^5 to you on your new adventure..etsy is a great thing! I should know, I spent 40.00 there last week! hehe
Happy VBB...
Whaaaat?? And I missed it??!! Your one little thing has flown the coup girl! Congratulations on your new Etsy shop Anne ~ I know you will do amazing, we all LOVE your taste :) hugs and love, Dawn ps. I'm in love with the little girl photo in this post!
Girl you gotta keep me posted on how the etsy thing goes, I set a sellers acct a while back but never listed a darn thing, Congrats! I am sure it will be successful, Hugs, Janna
Good going, Anne......and your sweet little vase sold right away....I've had etsy for a couple of months's like a little ATM :) I enjoy it so much more than Ebay and it's much easier.....keep it up...all it takes is TIME xojana
Yay for you, Anne! Off to look at your etsy shop.
Well, congratulations! It's gone so I suppose someone has purchased your lovely item. So wonderful for you :)
Thank you all so much! I just added four new items, so go take a peek if you get a minute!
Buona Notte, I am going to follow you on etsy now, good luck...Ciao Rita mammabellarte
that picture is hysterical!! Good luck with the shop. I need to up my inventory too.
You have a great blog. I am sure etsy will be a winner for you. Can't wait to spend more time reading your posts.
Having a wonderful time visiting here!
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