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Monday, February 14, 2011

Lavender Love

I know what
smells like now...

It arrives with a California postmark,
and is packaged with the utmost loving care...

 Antique European grain sack pillows, 
filled with the most divine organic lavender
you have ever experienced.
Absolutely dreamy!

 And available exclusively from my sweet friend Maria's
glorious new online shop.

Thank you Maria,
I love my beautiful pillows and sachets!

I'd also like to quickly thank my dear friend Carol Spinski
for the absolutely lovely post she dedicated to me just the other day.

Be sure to pay her a visit at her new site here.

Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!


Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Anne,
I read Carol's post in tribute to you, it was lovely, as is she. I'm happy to call her friend, she's so talented & has a heart of gold.

The pillows and lavande look just lovely from Maria's shop, I'm going to have to purchase something to savor here at My Petite Maison one day soon.

High Street Cottage said...

Isn't Maria's Shop just the most wonderful online shop ever? I also ordered her beautiful French Toile pillow, and it is filled with lavender too.
It's featured on my blog header even. She's wonderful, and your photos look incredible as always Anne. Have a wonderful week, xoxo tami

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

Hi Anne~ How funny I did a post earlier today on my order I just recieved today too!!! Hugs,Rachel

French Farmhouse 425

Itchin' Stitchin' said...

Hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day too!! I love the smell of lavender - and those pillows are wonderful!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

OH I love the smell of lavender! Happy Valentine's Day! XO

Riki Schumacher said...

Beautiful Anne, wish I loved lavender. I might be the only person who doesn't! Ha ha. Lemon, yes. Lovely as always. Take care, Riki

Joanna said...

I wish I could smell those pillows and sachets - although the way you've described them I think I almost can!


Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

When I won Maria's giveaway at the holidays she stuck a little lavender sachet is wonderful! My son loves the smell too!!

Hope you had a great Valentine's Day!

Vintage Gal said...

I absolutely LOVE the smell of lavender! I made lavender sachets myself and keep them near the bed on the table ~ dreamland ahhhhh ~ I'll hop over to Maria's shop now ;-)

Privet and Holly said...

If you've never
visited a lavender
farm, put it at the
top of your list, Anne!
We try to go each
summer in WA State
when we visit my folks ~
The smell and the bees
buzzing, snow-capped
Mt. Hood in the background.....
You'd love it : ) Carol's
new site is great and I
will pop over and see the
well-deserved words that
she has surely written about
you. Happy Tuesday!
xx Suzanne

the old white house said...

Those are gorgeous, I love making things with lavender, it is the best relaxation. Happy Tuesday! theresa xoxo

Theresa said...

Oh Anne, what a wonderful gift! I am going to check out her store! Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!

Alison Agnew said...

lavender is my very favorite scent in the whole wide world....mmm...going to my happy place. but i digress. also...just have to say that i have those same gibson rose plates in my kitchen cupboard. love. them.


stuff and nonsense

Libbie said...

Ooooo I wish I could smell that lavender right now! We still have our houses all closed up to stay warm & we could use a little freshness :) Adorable packaging!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

oh i can smell that sweet lavender from here! those pillows are divine!

Comeca Jones said...

What a sweet package. I can smell the lavender here.

Jem said...

What a beautifully presented little package of treasures!!

Hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day, Anne!

Jem xXx

Anne Marie said...

Hi Anne......they are the best......that smell was beautifully scenting our whole downstairs for at least 3 weeks...and it still smells wonderful when you are near it! enjoy!!

Urban Farmgirl said...

Hi Anne!

Her lavendar sachets are the *best*! I love the one she sent me, too! I could tuck those all over my house!

Hope you had a wonderful {love} day yesterday...


savvycityfarmer said...

i can smell heaven from my back door ...

and I can feel your love ...
I think our ❤'s beat at the same time

Lara said...

Wow Miss Anne! You have Maria's beautiful items photographed ... ahh.. there are no words... beyond beautiful!!! sigh sigh sigh.. love this post!! I haven't ordered yet, but I want too so much.. these pics make me want to order right now! :) Enjoy sweet friend!

Madame Morell said...

Mmmmm, I love lavender!
Lovely pictures as always.

Dorthe said...

What a beautifull packet- I also love lavender----have a little place in my garten with them--
They are so lovely in those old grain sacks-dear Anne- and your photoes are stunning.

Laurie said...

I have a little pillow of lavender right here on my desk where I blog, so, I can smell you wonderful lavender gift!! Have a wonderful, lavender-filled day, dear Anne!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I know, Anne! When God created lavender, He really gave us a special gift! Isn't it wonderful! I love when I'm crafting with it - so soothing!
Hugs, Diane

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Gorgeous, Anne! I love the smell of lavender but unfortunately my body is not so keen on it (my nose gets itchy, I start sneezing...). And, there's a most beautiful lavender farm not too far from our farmhouse in Southern Quebec of all places (they were told it would never work with our harsh, far from Provencal climate, but they've made it work and it's amazing!).

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you...Dried lavander has got to be the best scent. I always sell dried lavender bunches, but unfortunatly never keep any for myself...sad. Although, I do use a good bar of lavender soap everyday.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Mercy, I bet you could smell the fragrance before opening the box. Nothing says old fashion than lavendar. Truly a lovely gift and what a website Maria has.

Hope your day was blessed too.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hi Anne, hope all is well over there in Texas. Those sachets and pillows are absolutely gorgeous and I have no doubt they smell divine. I bought a box of dried lavendar from Pottery Barn, intending to make sachets of some sort, but I am seriously lacking in sewing skills. :/ One day, I'll try, something! Best wishes to you, Tammy

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Anne,
You are making me want to go over to her shop and order some of these! They are just sheer loveliness and I know the smell is devine.


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I can must imagine how fragrant your home is! I love lavender...and I did go visit the shop and I'm still drooling! Hugs! ♥

One Cheap B*tch said...

I can smell that lovely lavender all the way over here in NY!


Anonymous said...


Marie's shop is beautiful. I will hop over to Carol's blog, from all you've said and comments left, I have no doubt I will be adding her to my daily read. Lovely images! Hope you are doing better and are soon in your dream come true home!

Your Friend,

Jane @ Jane's Junk and Treasures said...

That Maria! She just does everything right!
I love her shop!
Guess I better get on it and order me some too!!!

Beatnheart said...

I love lavender herb and color...lucky you for such a glorious package.

Pamela said...

I can smell the lavender from here!
I love the way it came packaged.

the gypsy chick said...

i am so Drooling on my laptop right now... i am having this crazy obsession with lavender right now {i bought some this weekend in houston} & am pretty sure that i am having a questionable relationship with Mrs. Meyers {lavender scent}
can't wait to see what you do with it!!!!

Mandy Saile said...

These look heavenly indeed...Suddenly I am craving summer & missing my teeny tiny little patch of lavender that actually came back for the first time this past summer, ha ha.

Beautiful photos too.

Unknown said...

beautiful! hope all is well!! susan

very merry vintage style said...

Lovely--makes me want some myself! What lovely packaging too. And your photographs, well, they sell it!

Lili said...

Oh that does look heavenly! I always grow a small patch in the summer just to satisfy my craving for that glorious scent. xo ~Lili

Everlasting Blooms said...

Just found your blog and it's lovely! Ahhh...the smell of lavender is one of the best! :)

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